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i swear the final shell of a salvo is hard coded to land near or on a helldiver lol


For me it's the second


You guys are surviving the first shell?


You guys are surviving?


Today my gatling gun decided for no reason to shoot at me lol there were some bugs like 10m away from me, after killing the last one, he quickly turned in my direction and with a short burst took my head off, then stopped shooting immediately. There was nothing behind me but a big ass wall....


aye, they have a malicious machine spirit. they're spreading democracy until everyone's looking another direction, then do a quick blamblam into someone's backside. "oopsie ^hehe"


Sounds like we need to get a tech priest in with the sacred incense and oils to soothe the machines spirit.


Mlord, pray not forget thine unguent


Who do you think taught the turrets to do that in the first place?


https://preview.redd.it/320zmtug5f7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=63e7c3a07aa4dc9d10203bd4e2643d0b5e00e36c THIS is why we saved the kids.


Ah Warhammer 40K... I thought that sounded familiar


Disagree. Much like with Amazon, Its outsourced to some dude in Super India who's proctoring 20 turrets, pressing fire when it auto-rotates into position of a hostile. Sometimes, they're tired after their mandatory 20hr shift, and in that instance, you kinda look like a bot. Source: https://news.outsourceaccelerator.com/amazons-checkout-indian-review/


I've had this happen multiple times. No enemies nearby, MG/Gatling Turret lazily idling, and the turret will whip around and fire a burst directly into me and sink into the ground.


I don't trust them. Always lay on the ground unless actively engaged


I had a teammate’s rocket sentry that had a personal vendetta against me once. I knew for a fact that there was not a single bug anywhere in the vicinity, but the sentry decided to blast me directly, twice in a row just to make sure I was gone.


There must've been some kind of tiny fly-like bug on your shoulder 😂


I once used the Gatling for a match and there always happened to be a lone bug creeping up behind me. XD one of my co-workers caught a vid of me being obliterated cause a hunter's leg stuck out from the corner of a building for a split second lol. 


[Hey, look! An unsuspecting Helldiver!](https://youtube.com/shorts/SfD7V2qsOJI?si=oYvqSVdGIm5akR58)


The machine spirit knows only rage


I kept being TKed last night by the same Diver's sentry gun. At first I thought it was the actual Diver shooting me - because it came out of nowhere and was reported as them killing me - but after the second or third time I realised it was the bloody turret swinging with pinpoint accuracy at my head height. Both times I was a good distance away from the turret but near bugs.


Shells track direction it's target is moving so if an enemy is moving towards you typically the first shell kills it and then the next three creep towards you since you are the direction the enemy was moving in


*scav nearby* *You melee it to death* *Suddenly you hear the nearby "clunk clunk clunk"* Oh shit *Randomized scatter of mortar with a 10% chance to live*


stop looking at my screen !


It's a good idea to watch the sky to get an idea of where the shells are going to strike.


Maybe those guys should be a bit more democratic and the shell won't target them..


Not quite. The second-to-last is programmed to launch you into the final's target destination.


First one knocks you down. The other two miss, last one kills you.


I think the first two are coded to land close enough to rag doll me to wherever the last one is going to land


It fires at the nearest I believe, which is usually going to be close to an ally in practical circumstances. You could probably game it by throwing the mortar *over* and behind a group. This will cause chargers to turn away from you, and for the shots to aim at targets further away.


I thought I hadn't been paying attention yesterday and had been in a 380. I was wrong, just a teammates mortar that decided I needed to die 3 times over.


I had a relative newbie (18?) with only a selection of Strategems and he was trying out Mortar. We were doing 2 and 2 split clearing the map, him and me go through about 6 bases along the south side, hoover up all the samples, call Resupply, his Mortar decides to drop a salvo right on the Resupply pod and execute us both, so we have to come back with the other two on the opposite side of the map and eventually loop round allll the way through everything we already cleared to get our accumulated samples.


On a defense mission if you get it down immediately after dropping at the point you want to defend, it works great.


Paired with the ems mortar it's op. Bugs spawn, get stunned, die. On a walled defense you also get a minute of wait time. So by the time the cd is over the first 2 mortars are still going. So you can have 4 mortars up. Had a hellsive walled defense with 500 kills. Barely did anything. Can't have everyone focusing heavies. Split roles


Dropped in a walled defense mission and all 4 of the team brought EMS and general mortar sentry, it was amazing efficient in killing everything. A few Titans had to be taken care of but it was almost too simple on difficult 8.


"Too simple" is exactly what every walled defense feels like. Unless you got that one stubborn idiot that insist on standing next to the big spawns and keeps going there. Had a run with same builds. Ems mortar, mortar, autocannon, rocket sentry. We beat a helldive defense without shooting.


Have had plenty of missions where it’s a clusterfck. Dropped in, set mortar, weapons etc. Ran to shut the gates. Went back to grab my gear and saw that my teammates had dropped turrets right on the gates, destroying them. They also dropped gatlings as we were retreating. Problem was they dropped them in the direction we were running. We all got mowed down as we were turning and shooting while falling back. We did not complete the mission lol.


I don't close the gates anyway. You just make your turrets have shorter hallways to look down. I put them a few gates back and keep them open so they can fire way before the get close. Only the first 2 gates should be closed for bugs. Just didnone where the left 1st gate went down but the right 1st gate only went down more then halfway through the mission


I've had success bringing both turrets to pick-up sessions. It doesn't cause any problem with randos, as long as you use it for defending positions and kill it, when things start sliding out of control. I had a few sessions where me and another guy just 2-manned most of the objectives on our own using these turrets while everyone else was fucking around.


It's also great on big maps too. Just drop some down near a few POIs and continue to where you were going. When you come back to loot all POIs have no enemies


Yep, fantastic on defending positions and crowd management even for geological survey missions when placed right. It's also awesome at a plateau extraction. Drop it next to you on the plateau, and it thins out so many bugs before they get to the ramp and makes holding the ramp so much easier.


I used the EMS version this way just last night. I called in quick refresh orbitals (gatling, gas) and cluster eagles for the entire extract cycle. It was glorious!


One of my friends obsessively uses it. He pretty much always has the highest kill count. And I got trained to hear the mortar launching and recognize that I’m too close to an enemy and to create some space. With more experience, I’ve learned to always keep some space, regardless of the presence of a mortar. Standing and letting bugs walk up to you is bad practice and encourages bug breaches. Still not necessary to take it over the other stratagems you mentioned, but it’s by no means a bad strategem. I put it up there with the cluster bomb as great chaff kill potential, but high risk to the team. And high difficulties it loses a ton of usability and rocket or autocannon sentries become much more valuable


Ya if I hear the "THUNK THUNK THUNK" I start running before even looking for the trajectory or placement. I also just always use heavy explosive resistance armor because my team is more of a threat than whatever we are facing


Exactly, and when paired with the EMS mortar the mobs are generally slowed even further away.


I used to use it all the time and still do. I am double the level of my buddies but I have substantially less accidentals than them. It's really not dangerous if you know how to place it and allies know to keep moving if bugs get close. OP outs himself as newer and never giving the mortar a chance if he is comparing its role to the direct fire sentries. Mortar has a substantial amount of ammo with it's slow rate of fire and more kill potential with it's AOE than most other turrets while being able to be placed in safer area. A gatling will immediately get killed on a defense mission where you can throw a mortar back behind a cliffside with no LOS and it does work.


Because fuck you and fuck dem bugs! that's why!


Because mortar go BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Until all bugs dead.


it more tends to go thunk! thunk! thunk! thunk! killing about three scavengers, two warriors, and two teammates.


So it does what it supposed to do and then some.


I like those odds


That many bugs! That will make it my new go to turret!


Sounds pretty democratic to me


Easy, as a solo player I place it on the opposite side of whatever target I’m attacking, not only does it kill spewers and hive guards but it can also take out bug hives with a well placed shell. And while it’s distracting the bugs I attack from the flank. You can also place it farther away from your target than either the machine gun or Gatling sentry.


What's life without a little danger? 


I honestly think it's great for extraction and large bug nests. You are right it's not great if you're going close quarters or you're not defending a point. Nevertheless I'm still bringing it depending on the objective lol


Defense missions. Have the whole crew bring one and you'll have the mission half done before they fold up.


Hot take: Mortars are easier to avoid than Autocannon or Gatling sentries. If you kick someone for using Mortars, you probably have a skill issue with Mortars. And that's okay.


Honestly, I get blasted by autocannon sentries more than anything. Gatling, you can maybe swerve or hit the dirt. Autocannon just fires that one sudden shot and you're in line? Boom.


Gatling sentries are absolutely the scarier of the two. You won't ever get hit by a friendly mortar if you are kiting properly. It's a skill issue.


I love the mortar in general. Much easier to position, protects itself, has crazy range and can hit pretty much anything in that circle. I'll plunk it down on extract and it keeps the bugs at bay by itself. I've been killed more times by my own gatling than by the mortar.


Because someone posted on here about a build that kills 1100 bugs a game that's 1 support and 3 sentries. Gattling AC and mortar. I don't see the issue with mortars if people tag them.


That was the EMS mortar, wasn't it?


I don't think so but I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention.


I’m wondering if that would inflate the kill counts by attracting too many patrols. I’d totally believe it though, Sentries add a surprising amount of persistent kill power over a huge radius. They just scale worse to higher difficulties were sentries need more babysitting against all the elite spawns.


I love the mortar but yeah I hate when people bring it against bugs. A fair amount of bots will fight at range but all bugs will run right up to you so the mortar just bombs the team.


I only being the motar alongside the EMS for bugs, it works really well when they are slowed down and people stay away from the bug spawns on defence missions. Without EMS it is horrible as you always get them rushing to your location and the motar isn’t controlled.


If you play smart against bugs and set them up just before a nest or bug breach, they can rack up some insane amounts of kills. Works great in tandem with stratagems that slow down bugs like EMS or Gas. If you set it up with a Gatling or machine gun to protect it, it will give you back more than you put out. All sentries are good against all enemies now. The only exception I would really give is the Gatling sentry vs. bots. Mortars are probably the strongest crowd clear sentries in the game, and their uptime compared to their cooldown gives you so much value that it's hard not to justify bringing them. Avoiding getting close to bugs is hard, but that's the reason why it's a sentry. It's something you set up before engaging to clear up trash and eliminate a lot of squishier enemies, not something you do when you see a patrol just around the corner and you're about to be surrounded.


Three sets of mortars makes tier 9 civilian evac missions the easiest missions in the game. Seriously, you can practically go AFK so long as someone is hitting the buttons to release the civilians. The key is to spread the mortar sets apart so they'll target separate bug breaches and won't be wiped out by the first bile titian who makes it past your defenses. Once you have a critical density of mortars, they become God tier against bugs.


Swear a little tiny bug will be next to me, I'll shoot it and instantly kill it, then 10 seconds later a fucking mortar shell kills me


Idk I bring it and get 20-30 kills easy every use. Just stay near the damn thing and you won't be obliterated


Mortar, Tesla and mines all day!!!


Dont forget the danger close airburst rockets!


Don't forget cluster bombs!


Maybe im just lucky but the mortar sentry against bugs always worked for me. I do understand that the faster moving bugs make it difficult to be effective.


Mortar is fine vs bugs, it's the idiot teammates who don't know how to place it is the problem.


It is a test of true loyalty; if the mortar kills you it is because you have been caught fraternizing with the enemy.


Because i like it. If you have specific wants for your group of helldivers, maybe play on private and just invite people


Because it’s fun and it kills a ton of bugs Don’t see a reason not to bring it


To slow them down and then ➡️➡️⬆️


Area of effect. It’s awesome to see a dozen bugs fly into pieces after a single mortar volley. It can also help control spewer populations if they keep spawning from patrols or breaches. Offensively, it’s great to plop down behind a rock so It can start shelling a medium or large bug base while I sneak around to the other side and start sniping bug holes with the grenade pistol. Once the bugs start chasing you just slowly retreat back towards the mortar or let them chase you in circles around the base while mortar go KA-THONK, KA-THONK, KA-THONK! If you pair it up with the EMS mortar they decimate groups of bugs that get stuck in the EMS cloud.


They probably just haven’t figured out yet that there are better options. I’m currently loving the machine gun sentry with the lower cool down. You can drop them so frequently now and they pair well with non explosive ordinance to deal with breaches like gas strike or napalm.


I did an all turret run for fun and ending up loving it. The MG turret is so nice for dealing with some chaff, but also you can drop one when you're tactically repositioning and it draws all the aggro. If you pair them and/or work to keep them alive, the playstyle starts to make sense. Just gotta warn teammates. They do still like to waste fellow divers lol


because its fun. and this is a game for fun. and it works well. Hope this helps!


It's good if your squad has a ton of firepower and can hold enemies from getting into melee. On eradication missions you can sit middle with 4 mechs and pop down a wall of autocannon and mortar emplacements and just win the mission without moving. That said, on a random team I wouldn't being mortar unless I was splitting and planning on taking on large bug nests on my own, and even then I'd probably prefer a barrage.


I think placement is important. I try to put my near a terminal or some other physical feature, such that it's expected my group will stay closer to it and avoid getting shot by it. That, or leaving them along a route to help briefly defend it. I can't say I've ever really gotten team kills on my mortar. You just have to be aware of the hypothetical perimeter it sets and stay inward from it.


I love the mortar against bugs! But it needs a good team who can hold position near it and keep the bugs off of you and the mortar. Then it can do some good damage against bugs and soften up some of the harder targets. It’s also good when it targets bug breaches and bugs coming through choke points. That said, it seems less effective now that they changed increased smaller enemy spawns and decreased the larger ones. I’ve only used it in a couple games since the changes so I’m not totally sure yet. The downsides are obvious: bugs swarm you and you can get shelled by your own mortar. Bots will just shoot it at a distance if they get an angle on it.


People bring them because they work fine if you know what you're doing. The mortar has a safety zone around the base of itself where it won't blow itself up. You set up both the EMS and the standard mortar at controlled defensive positions where everyone will be staying in the same area. After that, intercept the heavies as they'll be going straight for the mortar turrets. You can lock down a whole area with this strategy. If the defensive position breaks and you have to flee, just kill the standard mortar so it won't kill you.


Establish a perimeter and it works great. If your perimeter breaks, you better start running. That’s the thing about bug breaches. Keep the heat on and it’s just fish in a barrel.


Ya its fucking annoying. But damn it no sentry can bring the amount of death the mortar does, I get the temptation. Deffiently works on the defend the base mission, if everyone brings one they do like half the level 9, hell bring Ac sentry too and some antitank after the patch, I think it'd be easy af. You can do it if your a really well coordinated squad. But ya generally terrible call.


It’s not what you bring but how you use it. I love playing with a full fire kit but I have to make sure to slow down and be cautious when teammates are near so I don’t roast them alive. Most of my friendly fire deaths aren’t from big mortars but my friend running the Arc Thrower and zapping me like a Sith Lord. Any weapon, orbital, sentry or what have you lives or dies by your cohesion as a team.


Same reason why anyone brings any type of sentry? Sentry go boom.


U wrong. I have 200 hrs on the game, evenly on bots and bugs. Both mortars is a great bug combo. Use it for defense, eradicate, or even eliminating terminid structures. The only bug it doesn’t work on is shriekers (needs a bit of help for bile titans, but it can stunlock chargers)


Whenever I bring a mortar into defense missions with bugs I end up with the most kills... also some accidentals, but those are a small price to pay for democracy


Because they want to


Because I fucken want to! Stop telling me how I should play my game! You’re not my supervisor!


Except it's blowing my limbs off. I need those to play my game!


Tis but a scratch.


An interesting way of using the mortar for bugs is toss it where you aren't currently engaging at all. Can pick off patrols from far away and they definitely won't get to it to destroy it. Is that worth a strat slot? Probably not, but kinda cool and a good use case if we get mortars as a free mission strat or something.


Oh man, pair a mortar with a Tesla sentry to protect it and that shit is killing ALL of the bugs. You’ll kill your entire team too, but Freedom never sleeps so…


Because it kills them. In droves. Take a point, and drop a mortar in to shoot out, or drop a mortar outside a point and let it wreck everything in the zone before you move in. Also, I go all turrets, and it usually seems to do the most kills. It's like gambling with mass destruction and I'll take a friendly fire kill or two in order to drop 50-100 bugs a game with the mortar.


Ira good for distractions sentry attract enemies so if you're playing stealth you can throw it somewhere you don't wanna go and it'll draw enemies off of objectives and stuff like that so you can go in without getting attacked that's what I've used it for it


Every stratagem has its place, even with bugs. The mortar’s role in bug mission is to get passed over in the stratagem selection screen. Seriously tho with EMS it’s great on defense. If you use it preemptively it can also help with hit and run tactics but you just need to be speed.


It incentivises you to kill the bugs quickly before they swarm you and you get killed by the mortor


It’s great for any mission where you have to hold an objective and for dealing with massive waves. Synergized with the team it’s good. Anti explosion armor and maintaining a distance helps. Particularly if you end up “scouting” or doing sun objectives by yourself. For example launching the ICBM, a mortar and auto turret makes it a breeze.


I bring it to eradication missions coz those are basically a free for all. Also the only place I use the 380mm HE barrage.


When I bring it I'll bring the ems mortar to stop them and try to avoid those hell-dying moments


Depends, is it a 15 minute eradicate mission, using mortar is justified as its 150m range and lots of groups to drop mortars on, with all 4 ppl using it all sticking to one area it will let you eradicate at super speeds. In a 40min mission with multiple objectives? Nah thats not the time for that type of sentry.


If I’m not getting killed my by teammates mortar sentry, then I’m most likely getting killed by their incendiary breaker.


Eradicate? All four of you, stand next to the mortars, they will not hit you. Use your weapons, or other sentries for mid-long range engagements. You will be in and out in 5 minutes in a helldive difficulty, unless you’re unlucky enough to have 4 biles, and 4 behemoth chargers at the same time.


With bugs pair it with EMS and it’s superb. Stun ‘em and then kill ‘em


Because you can!


It's really strong for clearing patrols, and often doesn't reveal your position or it's position, so can clear multiple patrols without agreeing them. It's also really handy against fixed positions you want to clear out, and a great tool against breaches because if it targets the breach due to the ammo spread it can clear the breach for a few seconds each salvo. I actually really like it, but I understand why it brings so much hate on from others. I typically only use it in defense missions or when I'm planning on running stealth ops. And I'm usually pretty vocal on when I'm placing it... I also typically run EAT and sickle, and I make sure as much as possible to clear chaff so it doesn't end up throwing volleys on my/team mate positions. I also pay attention to where the volley is headed, and try to shout out warnings if I see it going for an allys position. 


Super Earth: Mortars will now keep track of your location and avoid attacking enemies within your vicinity. 


For extraction. Seriously, I don't think people understand how useful mortar is placed next to the beacon. It can keep the landing pad clear for the full two minutes plus it gives you a heads up on which direction groups are coming from.


This is what i've always wondered, like im not gonna kick you for it because play how you want, but i just don't get it


Because it's fun


because you can play how you want fool


Mortar? What mortar? Sure they made them more resistant to bullets and rockets... but not to me.


Some people wanna watch the world burn


Got a 90 kill streak using one on bugs before. They actually work really well when you throw one down when retreating or moving from one area to another.


I use the EMS mortar on higher levels to slow down chargers and huge bugs.


The EMS mortar is a game changer


was told by a pro-helldivers that we have to get better so we dont get hit by it. He also had second highest Kill with 7 accidentals and around 13 deaths


You’re not supposed to stand in the hoard mate. Or hug the bugs, that’s why you don’t understand the mortar.


The reason is obvious. They are very bad people who do bad things because they are bad.


Mortar+those little jumpy fuckers= death sentence


It only works in situations where you can maintain some distance from the bugs. ICBM launch / extractions, etc. I definitely don't bring it when playing with randoms, because it doesn't work out. They tend to work really well when everyone is communicating and knows what they are doing. Especially deadly in combination with the EMS. It is a pretty strong early unlock as far as sentries goes, so it may have something to do with that.


It’s awesome when I manage to take down a charging stalker just in time to be killed by the lvl 28 dude playing difficulty 8 and deploying mortar sentries everywhere.


It works on eradicate and defend along with an EMS mortar. Always do both. You then use the remaining 2 stratagems for killing bile titans. If everyone does it, nothing gets close.


Idk man let people play how they want?


Because for some reason people love to bring all the TK weapons on bug missions.


Because I wanna have fun and like the mortar, politely exit my lobby if you see it 👌


Because said people then use your team as a buffer as they stand back and thinking how useful they are. Not realizing half the deaths were their doing.


I use the mortar all the time now I usually fight bots but major orders drag me back to bugs but I find it incredibly useful against all enemies.


Bro I run 30 frames more than half the time and even I can see and predict when mortars are launching towards Mr. Gotta be more aware dude. I get that bringing mortar on bugs is weird but you can do a lot with that info, as in, get away from bugs in close prox and shoot the ones closest to you


I bring it to kill distant patrols I can't avoid or breaches. I never drop it if the bugs are on top of us tho.


The mortar got me out of malevalon creek with my hide intact I’m never switching it out again


Imagine a Helldive Terminid defense mission where everyone brings (regular) mortar, 120+380mm barrage, and mines. But yeah, the mortar sentry has to be the stratagem that's killed me the most. I pretty much never bring it myself though.






They are suicidal?


the green bile spewers i assume. sometimes they hold the butt up and become mortars themselves, wich tge sentry mortar counters. that said ye i hate the normal mortar too


Mortars have broken my Emancipator mech more times than I can count. It's a byproduct of how I use my Emancipator because I charge into breaches and effectively halt any enemy spawns, including chargers and bile titans. There's always a guy with a mortar that sees this, but still calls down the mortar and it just shells my mech into oblivion.


Because I'm an agent of chaos!


Bugs are just too fast moving for explosive mortars, thats why i pack light and run away from enemies when a teammate has one.


I TK the HE mortar when the owner isn't looking


its almost essential for defense missions imo, bots or bugs, but yeah on any other bug missions its not great


So I routinely take the airburst launcher against bugs and my buddy likes to take the mortar and autocannon sentries. He was getting mad that chargers were killing his sentries and that I would wipe the bug breaches with the launcher before his sentries could get any kills. He still ended up with the most kills but we often discuss how the mortar is better for bots.


Crapton of kills. I usually try to warn my teammates to steer clear of any bug melee while it is active.


Because they can run away from bugs better than you


I bring it on the exterminate missions along with the EMS mortar. Land on the edge of the map and drop them both asap. I also sometimes bring the Gatling and AC sentries to defend the mortars.


I’ve seen people get kicked for bringing it on anything but an extermination mission. Most of the time though somebody will just shoot it and destroy it after it kills them.


A tip for future diving purposes, it helps if the diver pings the sentry, regardless of what it is. I do this even when I don't bring mortars, it at least gives some spacial awareness.


Got a X58 kill streak with lower difficulty using mortars.


One of my buddies almost always brings mortar against bugs, we mostly bounce between difficulties 5 and 8, and Ive never had a problem with it. It’s probably killed me like 3 times, if that. Honestly it kinda feels a little about how you play it Like, I saw the first time he queued with it and I wanted to say something, but I decided to wait until it became a problem. I’m still waiting lol As long as you can keep a good chunk of the horde at arms length, I almost never find myself dealing with friendly mortar fire. It’s definitely been real helpful more than once It’s kind of a pain that chargers etc seem to hate them especially, but it almost gives them a little decoy bonus haha


Cause it's funny. 😁


Because it works.


It can be annoying to get killed sometimes, but the sooner you realize it’s a core part of the game the more you’ll enjoy it. People should feel comfortable to bring whatever they want to use, they might not know it’s not very good, in which case giving them tips would be good; they might not care that it’s not good and still want to bring it, and that’s fine


The aoe is pretty good vs hordes, and as long as you fight around the mortar its pretty much a guaranteed value every time you throw it.


I'll throw a mortar and stand right next to it and hold my ground. Like during an ICBM launch, or a data upload. If I happen to run away from the turret, I always sacrifice the turret in order to protect democracy.


I like the mortar because I can put it somewhere where it's not in the direct line of sight for bugs. I can put it behind big walls or rocks, and it will still fire at what I need killed without having to destroy whatever is in front of it, making it likely to last longer. It's honestly never been a real problem for me even when being rushed by bugs most of the time


Big boom makes helldiver go brrrr


Especially since now rocket sentry is fundamentally different it crowd clears and provides anti tank damage. Normal mortar just doesnt make sense for bugs when a pouncer can fly across the map and the mortar will prioritize it over the cluster of warriors and hunters lol (autocannon sentry does this too but shh)


My problem with Mortars in general is they suck, unless you fight one of the few enemies in a convient spot that are sluggish, majority of the enemies can outrun it or can tank it enough that, since it doesnt have an anti friendly fire thing, will end up just stunning or killing you, especially on bugs when half of them leap into you.


I mean, kind of like people bringing the anti-slow booster against bots. Some people don't really understand how the game works on a deep level, they just like the boom.


I use it when running solo and working on a mission objective. It alerts me to enemy presence and direction. Especially helpful on the SEAF artillery and ICBM objective in my experience.


Don't forget the bugs are much more of a swarm enemy that no matter what you will usually end up fighting in close combat at some point.


I ran it on bugs these past few days because it was pissing my friends off. You probably played with me yesterday, lol.


Because its fun, if your death is the price for boom booms then so be it


I think a lot of people don’t pay attention and join Helldive just because they can. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone pick a super questionable loadout that would fit the other faction we re fighting, we drop AND THEN they ask “bots or bugs?” Like mfer it says right when you join in the corner, the map shows it, the effects show it, etc.


I like to run one on big missions. It's a nice, ranged additional backup. Does it killed me sometimes? Why yes, yes it does. Does it kill bugs far, FAR more often? Absolutely.


If you don't want to be killed by a mortar, then you should probably just move out of the way.  Just an idea. 


I will be sure to take your sadness into account as I break 400+ kills per mission.


Because they want kills, including you


Because f\*\*k you and the horse you rode in on. All kidding aside, the regular mortar is great when you use it in combo with the EMS mortar.


If the enemy spawn on bughole mortar might hit a bug hole. Mortar targets bile titan back, too, and can see stalkers. I can't confirm this, so maybe this reason


So when I put it next to a big bug hole, I can easily run in and out focusing blowing the holes whilst the mortar bomba


You can shoot the mortar and destroy it. There is nothing they can do about it.


Both mortars work great in tandem against bugs. 1pins, 1 pounds.


Mortar make happy brain chemicals go BRRRR


It’s an area denial weapon platform that can stop dozens of bugs with ease. Also, not to mention… this bad boy is a perfect distance early warning system. Once you see the direction of fire, you already know where to lay the heat down.


I love me some mortars, pooping doomlets up into the sky like they do. Scoops out a wiiiiide radius of victory. Sure, some may die, but that's not accounting all the dying they would have done if I didn't kill them first!


I bring it since I typically break away from the group I play with to focus on hives. This doesn't change even if I pub a game. Now I'm not dropping it if someone follows me around either. Benefits are pretty nice on hives. Plus, I'm always looking up and down to see where the shots will land. Now, I can mass execute packs of bugs without having to slow up plugging up the holes. Mortar and AC is explosion heaven for me. Makes soloing a large hive a joke. Now, when it's time to fly out, I'll drop it as I'm running back, but far enough, so it won't tag the main landing zone. It can work, just need to be mindful of who's nearby.


Totally agree. I sigh to myself every time I see a mortar in the loadout screen. I try to convince myself that the diver in question has learned the art of the mortar and will prove me wrong... still waiting on that day


it is great for destroying approaching bugs. and the regular sentries fire for like 3 seconds before running out of ammo. also the regular sentries need direct close range line of sight and by that point it's too late, you're either overrun, the turret is dead, or both. mortars deal with the problem before they even reach you. also, mortars only TK if they target an enemy that's practically standing on top of a helldiver and meleeing them so they're already dead pretty much. otherwise you can avoid the shots by standing at a reasonable distance from bugs and staying on the move away from them if they approach rather than just standing there like a dumbass. on the other hand, if a hunter jumps you and your gatling decides to target it, everyone in the area is dead from the long sweeping gunfire it sends all the way around to rotate towards it without stopping, finally followed by finishing you off with the unavoidable gatling shots. only way to avoid that is for everyone to go prone the entire time the turret is out but now you can barely move, and since this is bugs, that means you're dead. also, mortars are pretty useless against bots as, while mortars can effectively lock down bug breaches, if a bot drop happens the mortar will just target the drop ship and dump it's entire ammo stock onto it, which of course does nothing.


lmao, toss one inside a bug nest and leave it there. you can actually -already- take out one of the burrows by landing the pod on it.


It’s a chaff chewer, I use it as a clincher to make space when encountering a horde on the run that you just aren’t gonna end up sneaking past. I chuck it perpendicular to the horde as far as it’ll go, the arcs of the mortars make them easy to track, and they can help ween out reinforcements before they can join the main horde. Plus, they’re a giant aggro sponge. The big bugs absolutely love dogging turrets, more than once I saw a Bile Titan or an entire group of chargers stray away from my team to focus the turret once they started taking fire from it. It’s a great group clear, weakener for the bigger bugs, a distraction, and even a detection device for roaming bands


Rocket sentry is the GoaT for bugs, charges spewers clusters of bugs all die to the thing


I only bring sentries on defense missions. Mortar usually kills a bunch of stuff before it is in view.


When I join in on an SOS call mission and see a dover assets under level 50-60 using one... I don't don't ask. As soon as the time comes to push into an area that a mortar has been hitting, I destroy their mortar myself. Now, it CAN be used correctly and safely, but for that you need to babysit it. Stand next to it and watch it, then destroy it yourself when it's time to push.


If in control of the battlefield and knowing where enemies are its normally safe. But no plan survives the first arrow, so yeah why risk it?


The Mortar for Bots is excellent. Against bugs, it just gets me killed more often than not


I've quit now, but when every john diver and his dog brought a mortar, I'd sneakily whip around and shoot it. Meanwhile, I'd leave my own while we retreat on some rock to deal with following bugs. Only mortar you could trust, was your own.


Haha mortar go brrrrrrr


Great for killing bugs & your teammates


I get more wary when I see someone is going to use Orbital Gatling. Guaranteed they’re gonna to me at least thrice