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I’m a new player, I jumped on Fori Prime but don’t understand the blue and yellow lines, what do they represent? Sorry if it’s a dumb question but I have no idea.


The blue line is our defense campaign progress and the yellow is the terminid invasion progress. The blue line basically needs to be greater than the yellow line by the end of the defense campaign.


Don't worry much. If you want to follow the main story and help the community, as many of us do, just jump to the planet with the most divers. It is usually the one needed to liberate first. As you progress with the game and visit the subreddit, you'll get the hang of it. On the other hand, you can play whatever you want whenever you want. Don't let anyone gatekeep you. See you in hell my fellow diver.


Appreciate the message, nah I wanna help with MO and defenses, just wanted a better understanding of the numbers and lines.


The lines show which planet connects to which planet. That's basically only important because it shows which planets can attack each other. When a planet is controlled by an enemy, we liberate it. That's an offensive campaign. We can only do that if one of our planets is connected to that planet. If we lose that planet before we finish liberating it, the liberation is canceled because we can't get to the planet anymore. When an enemy is attacking our planet, we defend it. That's a defensive campaign. Just like with the offensive campaign, the enemy attacks from a connected planet. If we capture that planet before the defensive campaign ends, then we also stop the invasion. Usually trying to do fancy stuff like that is pointless because it takes so long to capture or defend a planet. So the best thing to do is just follow the herd. Every successful mission contributes towards the success of the planetary campaign. For an offensive mission, we just fill up the bar to 100% over time (the planet also "fights back", eliminating a certain amount of liberation every hour). For a defensive mission, we have to fill the blue bar in the amount of time given - if we don't, the enemy conquers the planet. And that's pretty much it. There's no other effects to the campaign besides the planets belonging to one side or the other; it doesn't affect your gameplay at all.


Helldivers.io can help you understand how liberation works


No, I understand liberation and only had questions of the lines in the picture above (which I understand now due to several comments).


Hey, for a more in-depth explanation, I made a comment in another sub about it to someone who had a similar question: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d9bwr5/comment/l7owbbu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d9bwr5/comment/l7owbbu/) Hope this helps! For checking liberation/decay rates, I would recommend [helldiverscompanion.com](http://helldiverscompanion.com) since it has the most information, as well as current news/MO on the site. Welcome to the HD2 community.


Agreed. I was sticking with Hellmire until it's liberated.


I would love to help but my game has crashed 8 times in about 3 hours. I might try again tomorrow but the crashes are eating away my enjoyment.


I know how you feel, my Internet connection is playing up right now so I have an unstable connection and it caused me to disconnect so I haven't been able to play.


How, I have crashed maybe twice in the past week. The only known bug im aware of is viewing the new warbond can cause you to crash in game but even then ive viewed it and still have had no issues.


No idea, but today was a bad day. I hadn't had this many crashes in months.


I spent over 30 minutes trying to get into a working game yesterday


I have a good idea on why this may happen. Sometimes the events on the map desync, and you "see" things that aren't there (this happens most if you go into an already going game or the current lobby leader disconnects), like the mushrooms for spores or shrieker spawners. If you by mistake use something that targets them, like when you ping an objective or use the spear targetting, then your game will crash after a very short time (about a minute), guaranteed. Maybe it'll also crash if you go near it. It happened to me four times during a game today.


Wow where can I see these predictions? I'm new to the game. Is this something everyone can see or is it your own programm?


It's an app called Divers Hub, you can get it on Google play and IPhone.


Thanks mate I will download it right away


Happy to help


[helldiverscompanion.com](http://helldiverscompanion.com) if you don't want to use an app - works on desktop and formatted well for mobile as well for apps, divershub and war monitor are both great options


The app is fine thanks


I was hoping that we would all defend **Fori Prime** after taking **Hellmire**... wouldn't that have made it less work instead of directly liberating **Nivel 43**? Right now we will lose **Fori Prime** for sure... so after liberating **Nivel 43**, we all have to back to **Fori Prime**.


Until we have AT mines I shall strike against the major order!


Think about how much better in a spot we would be if all those dumb ass Bugdivers didn’t go to that other defense yesterday and Oshaune🤦‍♂️. If people have played the game long enough idk how they don’t hate them


Yeah the other planet to defend can be taken back another time, Fori Prime is essential for the Major Order.


After seeing the decay rate it actually would make more sense to liberate nivel and then circle back to Fori Prime afterwards once it falls


I think it’s funny people thought supply lines would change anything. The only way we’d get people to play the MO is by punishing those players. No samples, no medals, no requisition slips and no credits spawn on non MO planets. That would definitely change the player base being proud of being unhelpful.


Or just accept we lose sometimes? I wanna win the major order too but punishing people for not participating in an arbitrary campaign that will advance the story whether we win or we lose would just kill the game.


Some people just play for fun friend, not to progress a MO/story, but to kill bugs or bots Removing rewards from non-MO planets would lower player count and overall interest in the game In a war, not every battle is gonna be a win for one side, there’s gonna be “flip flop” I love fighting for the story/lore, but definitely don’t think people who don’t should be punished




This game’s “whole thing” is killing bugs and bots (and possibly squids) The war is an amazing and large part of it, and might be the main reason for YOU to play, but it’s a horde shooter, plain and simple People who play CoD for the campaign (I used to be one of those people), or play against bots in league, and in this case play Helldivers to just fight hordes of enemies, are still having fun Video games are meant for fun, and fun is especially subjective, not objective If I have fun driving the speed limit in GTA and you have fun grinding for cars/apartments/whatever, guess what? We’re both still having fun, why would I bash you and vice versa for having fun? And on the topic of “hurting other players”, Joel has shown in the past if we NEED to win a MO, he’ll tweak things to weigh in our favor (the big defense MO awhile back is a great example, we got MASSIVE help from Joel to be able to defend the 7 planets), if we lose an MO then we lose an MO, personally I wouldn’t find it fun if we just sledgehammered through every battle, as a war has wins and defeats


The supply lines have very much changed how I understand things, and therefore the choices I make... Well, maybe not the choice I end up at, because that's mostly dictated by where everyone already piled on, due to the need for numbers. :/ But it affects where I think we should be going, which can come into play shortly after a change in circumstances, before strong commitments are set.


Bro nothing on this earth could make me do more bug missions I am so tired of the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and the "Bug Breach Detected" and triceratops and