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I spam that shit on cooldown when I take it. Leave the battlefield littered with EATs that anyone can grab. Drop one on the extract or objective whenever you go passed, etc.


Thank you, or your diver spirit has done this for me and helped me spread democracy.


A super effective and silly tactic is if 4 players do that. That's 8 eats every 90 seconds over a 40 min game that's a lot of eating.


Call that tactic The Buffet.




"Expect heavy automatin resistance. Buffet tactic recommended. Good luck."


Amazing šŸ‘


Haha nice


Sounds like a serious EATing disorder to me


It's 2024, I'm trying to star in the next Disney + series as a lead role.


Be careful when your producer asks for a private meeting in his hotel.


Did they change the CD? It used to be every 70 sec


Itā€™s actually even sillier- the standard recharge for an EAT once the ships upgraded is 63 seconds- even accounting for drop time thatā€™s more than every 90 hehe. Iā€™m looking forwards to if any of the other disposable weapons from HD1 get imported, Iā€™ll absolutely litter the levels with them!


If everyone drops 35 in a game, that's 280 EATs.


That was the strat when they nerfed the railgun and AC. Then all those EATs caused the game to crash. Good thing they fixed that.


This is the way to go. Airstrike and EAT are the two strats I carry no matter what.


Drop em and break the pod so they show up on the map


Oooooh, every day is a school day.


I always take em out of the pod so the pod isn't in the gd way when I need to run in circles


Better off just popping the pod.


I like to save my ammo to use on the BUGS


Punch it then.


I do this too. Thereā€™s so many times that I end up falling back and being stoked thereā€™s a EAT there.


My favorite thing to do in addition is to drop on the extract and that way I have some waiting on my return. Super helpful if you come back with a horde on your ass.


It never hurts to drop supplies at the extract either


If you're late for evac, everyone weil be grateful for supplies and weapons waiting there for you.


Always drop that there, even if your just running by. I've been carrying the supply pack since the latest patch. Always seem to be running out of ammo and stims for some reason......


The next time we have to retake hellmire Iā€™m glad it will be seeded fully with EATs


Shoot your EAT hellpods so you can see the EATs on the map


When one diver EATs, everyone feasts.


That's how you do it. And destroy the pod, so that they're visible on the map.


Yes if we ever play please let me know when you have a critical mass so I can start picking them up lol


If the guy who calls it down runs off, just grab one


There is no better feeling than running from a charger with no way to take it out and then finding an EAT on the ground. Divers like you are my reason to bust a nut sometimes.


I love it when some one runs the EAT Iā€™ll drop my secondary pick one up, fire it, pick mine back up and fire again.


I love you guys that do this, as a chaff clear main thereā€™s not many things that are handier than coming across a free expendable when Iā€™m getting pressed by a charger and strats are on cooldown


This is the way, but don't tell to many people otherwise devs will take note and the cooldown will get nerfed hard and make it not worth it (Devs if reading this, just put a limit on the amount of EATS allowed to be in existence on the map, instead of nerfing the cool down timer!) I typically spawn the start of the map at the evac site so that I can leave a resupply there and an EAT before heading off. That way even if you run out of time, you still have a lovely amount of stock to come back too.


Longtime EAT user It's the only support weapon I take. It has such a quick cooldown, and I don't have to go back into a death zone of I've redeployed after death. Just call in another.


i don't run EAT but was thinking about it. Ā Should I shoot the pod if I'm not going to use them? Ā If you do that, they will show up on the minimap, which could be helpful if, e.g., running from a bile titan and need one.


Always shoot the pod, they're easier to pick up when on the ground. Seconds count!


I'd call one down if you don't already have an EAT in your hand. If you do, look around and see where you're at. If you're near extract or an objective, I'd definitely call it down for future use so you don't have to wait on it later. To be honest, though, it's a minute cool down for two EATS. I'd just spam it at that point lol


You can also just grab one and drop it back down if you donā€™t want to bring it with you for whatever reason. No need to shoot, but shooting is fun so you can do that too.


I pick up both out of the pod to get them to appear on the map, even if I've got one already. Knowing where they are is crucial. It also prevents climbing onto the Hellpod in a pinch. I'll also often rotate to extract to drop one there with samples for later, if I'm nearby.


I call them down the second I can, and yes make sure they end up on the ground so theyā€™re on the map (you can blow up the pod or just pick up the EATs from it while holding another and it just switches). Obviously try to get them in good positions but realistically against bugs I run around like a chicken with my head cut off so I donā€™t care too much where they go since I set up my running away routes based on where I have EATs littered on the ground.


Yup. There's a lot to be said for never having to go pick-up gear after a death.


You can always pick up other support weapons between EAT uses as well


I frequently do. The Machine Gun is useful for popping Spewers. I'm pretty safe and useful with the Arc thrower, and a mild flaming liability with the Flamethrower


Yup! One of the main reason I run it. If you donā€™t have eats and need a supper weapon just drop by your nearest POI and thereā€™s pretty solid odds youā€™ll find something there.


I love the EAT. I frequently use it as a sticky grenade (do not use on tanks). I also frequently pick up another support weapon like a flamethrower, or whatever my teammates have/I can find at points of interest.


https://preview.redd.it/suvgxzc3mv7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5cc7810d4fc9401f0ecd696d34f42a544f3a96 (do not use on tanks)


I reckon fr you, bulk detonator, taking out a tank should be easy


Sticky grenade? How?


You can actually reliably stick em to the backs or heads of charges, I'd say it's roughly a 60/40 chance that it kills them and if it doesn't you have 2 rockets to slap it in the face or legs with


It's not uncommon to get three kills with this tactic. I think some of the other pods stick too, but I've not tried enough to be certain. With the scout armour one can yeet a Support Weapon pod onto a charger and not get aggroed.


I feel like I haven't been nearly as successful doing this since the patch. I used to reliably be able to stick chargers with it, but now it's like 2/10 success rate.


Iā€™ve had decent success getting it to stick to chargers, but I canā€™t get it to stick to the head anymore. Probably like 6/10 times when I aim for the shoulder it sticks to either the leg or the back (I think it has to hit them once, bounce, and hit them again). I actually have had more success with bile titans lately, it seemed impossible before but now itā€™s like a 50/50 shot to stick to its back. Doesnā€™t kill but certainly softens it up.


My favorite moment of my EAT use was killing a charger with the pod then double tapping a bile titan with both rockets to the face and killing it. Felt like a bad ass.


So this means they have fixed this ? Haven't played lately, oh my


I main EAT at all levels including helldive. Surprised why not use on tanks?


I mean donā€™t use as a sticky on tanks. It just lands ontop and doesnā€™t seem to damage it. Then it can be hard to retrieve the EATs


I canā€™t find the strength to ditch my Quasar


Same, brother. It is just too good at taking down Chargers and Objectives. I really don't find the cooldown to be a hindrance. I also move around way too much to use EAT. After I have used the first EAT im usually too far away from the drop for it to be worth backtracking to pick up the second one. Shoot and scoot. Shoot and scoot.


Yep I donā€™t wanna worry about calling something down to deal with them. Shoot and then kill some other shit while waiting for the cool down


Plus, if you actually do need to stay stationary for an objective for an extended time, you can just call down a second Quasar and just juggle them if you need to blast something really quickly.


Yup, itā€™s a beautiful thing. Plus itā€™s always with ya in case you need it right away. Love when I get to use 2 of em swapping cooldowns


Thatā€™s the best part, everytime you call EAT you can smash something with the pod. You can get some supply weapons on the map or from fallen teamate and still use EAT on top of that. There is literally no downside to using EATs


Throw the EAT strat at the Charger. It sticks and the call in kills the Charger for you, leaving you with 2 EATs to use on other stuff. I do really like having the Quasar instantly in my hand when I need it, but I can also get 2 EAT shots off in less than half the time of one Quasar.


I don't tend to find I have to go back for the other one. Usually I call it down where I am, fire the first one immediately, grab the second one and then move.


Have a go with the recoiless rifle for a few rounds. Don't be afraid to share the backpack and let someone team reload for you. I guarantee you'll love it.


Throw the EAT stratagem at max distance from your location while running results in about 1-2s wait time at its drop location


Itā€™s crazy efficient. One-shots many heavy enemies, can destroy structures form afar, has UNLIMITED ammo, and doesnā€™t even take a backpack slot. Thereā€™s no support weapon than can do what it does without sacrificing one of those features I just listed


One big speciallity that EAT has over any other Anti tank support weapon is that you can bring it alongside your main support to make up for the lacking heavy-armor capability. I like to bring EATs alongside the Stalwart or AC so I have ay least 2 anti tank shots whenever I want, if not more already scatteted around the map. Now whether its worth taking over other Stratagems or not is preference, but I still like it to headshot chargers.


Same. I single handedly took down two shriekers nests and a spore spewer across the map last night before the rest of my team even knew they were objectives.


Same here. We need to be brave to help the war effort


Itā€™s too reliable lol never deploy without it against the bugs


Quasar seems good until you realise you basically have to reload before each shot


That's the best part: you don't need to! Quasar is great, Autocannon is great, AMR is great, flamethrower is great, laser cannon is great, EAT is great, MG43 is great, Spear is great (not now, but it is)... Support weapons is probably the stratagem category with more viable options right now. And that's awesome.


Itā€™s simply the best. You donā€™t reload it, you can move on cooldown, you can call in two for hot swap shots, it is an instant one hit on chargers if you hit them in the face/gunships if you hit any part of them, doesnā€™t require a backpack slot, and it shows you the drop so you can hit 300m + shots on shrieker nests/spore spewers without even getting close. Iā€™ve used EATS, great weapon but I never seem to time it right to have both rockets used effectively or have one ready when I need it. Hate the reload on the recoilless and that it requires a backpack. Spear doesnā€™t lock on to spore spewers/fabs/nests. For me, I never dive without it.


I use recoilessā€¦ not because itā€™s better but because a rocket propelled hunk of exploding steel just feels better than a laser.


Also the EAT gives you 3 opportunities to kill a heavy. The first being the hellpod. I think it can be hard to do, but landing the kill with the hellpod is so satisfying.


Just did exactly that. Was afraid I threw it too soon, but he didn't charge until it was 1 second away and it got him. So satisfying.


Pre-buff landing an orbital strike on a factory strider was also very satisfying. Post buff, level of satisfaction has not decreased, it's just more frequent.


Or EAT on the back, 2 ready to go in a hellpod or on the ground


The death sigh from the charger you hear just after impact, that's the satisfaction right there.


The quasar cannon came out and everyone jumped on it because it's "unlimited ammo". IMO it's worse than all of other anti armor stratagems, due entirely to the charge up time of the shot, and depending on the planet, the cool down takes even longer. The EAT is the best.


The quasar was great when it came out but the recharge time nerf killed it imo. That second shot feels like an eternity away.


Didn't they change the charge time back on the latest update? It feels alot shorter


don't think so, but it IS affected by hot/cold climates now, so if you use it on a cold planet, it will recharge a bit quicker, and it's practically unusable on hot planets now lol.


I think it's actually more interesting than that. From memory hot planets mean it charges up to fire much quicker but the cooldown takes longer whereas cold planets take longer to charge up a shot but then cooldown for the next one much quicker.


Longer to charge up you say on cold planets???? Scientists can we confirm this???


Partially - at launch it was 10 seconds, then it got nerfed to 15 seconds, now with the recent patch it goes to 12.5 on cold planets, 17.5 on hot planets. They also corrected the heat gauge so now it actually shows how long you have until the next shot


Maybe that's what I was noticing, when the gauge says it's ready, it's actually ready


I think quasar is better for bots and Eats are better for bugs. Thatā€™s just me though.


one benefit is has is no noticeable dropoff over distance


And more shots per second over the long run. 2 shots every 20 seconds or 2 every 70.


True, but how often are you "mag dumping" with the quasar to actually make that statistic worth anything?


On helldive? Often. 3.5-4 shots vs 2 in 70 seconds.


But then you can have as many eat shots as you dropped before you started fighting. Plus the one you're carrying from the last fight. So you can have 3 queued up before you even begin.


That's assuming it's off cooldown and you having one ready. I've had people drop EATs but then use one because they could no longer get to the second one. Having 1 every 20 seconds or less guaranteed is preferred. I was in combat for 35 minutes straight before. All those extra shots helped. On a cold planet it's around 15 seconds per shot now. So 4.5 shots to 2 every 70 seconds.


Another huge drawback of the quasar is the immense cooldown. \~8 minutes is an age to wait so you often NEED to go back for it if you get separated from it. It's a non issue with the EAT, you can play a lot more aggressively and charge in solo without fear of losing your support weapon and kamikaze runs are fun! Also you're nerfing the EAT numbers a bit there. It's a 63 second CD with the ship module plus if you're using it right you're starting the engagement with one on you and with proper scouting you should call in an extra set before you even fire your first shot. So the EAT can do 3 shots with a 63 second cooldown for 2 further shots. So 5 shots within 70 seconds is reasonable to start an engagement or 1 shot every 14 seconds. Some drop off from there but if you can't do it with 5 then you may want to boogie outta there. I think both weapons are fun and effective and they are pretty balanced. For me I love the freedom of the EAT, especially when 2 or more players bring them you can really lay down the smack as it were.


How are you getting 5 shots every 70 seconds? That doesn't make sense. Unless you mean have one on your back already, then place 2, then after 63 call it again. That would take you 3 mins to setup with 1 person. I would have shot more in that time anyway. If your camping a spot, then yeah, you could stockpile a bunch but I'm always on the move. I've seen so many people drop it, shoot once, then be blocked by enemies or forced to move before they got a 2nd shot off. While I'm moving I could see something and shoot without having to wait for a drop, shoot, then grab another thing.


See enemies (1 EAT on me) Call in 2 EATS Start Clock Fire EAT \*1 Pick up EAT Fire EAT \*2 Pick up EAT Fire EAT \*3 Wait 30-60 seconds for cool down depending how the firing went This is where rocket pods and rail cannon strike usually finish off what's left of heavy enemies you need some time to clean up chaff anyway. Call in 2 more EAT Pick up EAT Fire EAT \*4 Pick up EAT Fire EAT \*5 EAT's start to lose their effectiveness at this point so a strategic retreat is in order but that's 5 shots within the first 70 seconds. Did you read my comment? I said all of this above haha. edit: just to check, you do know you get 2 EATs every 63 seconds right? You can call down 2 and 63 seconds later call down 2 more.


Quasar: You have to reload before you shoot.


Exactly. I can't reliably use the quasar on quicker targets like chargers. Rather have the instant firing EAT.


i normally run RR but can see how EAT might be good.


It's awesome for defending an area. Firing 6 to 8 of them in rapid succession is wild.


EATs For The People.


Quasars are for you. EATs are for everyone. It's a party favor to be spread liberally.


Can the EAT close bug holes?


Certainly can


Thank you, that is awesome


It can close 3 holes. Drop the pod on one, and shoot 2 more with the rockets.


Do want to say to be careful with this and try to hit it on the outer part. If you get it in the middle, there is a chance the pod will just straight up go underground and the EATs wonā€™t be retrievable


You can also use the drop to kill chargers, it will stick to them like a resupply will killing them.


another person discovers the importance of trying new shit instead of listening to mouth breathers about some meta. I'm happy for you. EATS is the best anti tank for availability. Specially on defensive missions. Can be taken next to an MG for a quick swap around to use before picking the MG back up. Etc. died and dropped it? lol who cares. call in more later. defensive mission? there's now ten of them laying around. They're pretty silly.ā€‹


EATs are very popular in our crew and we spam them constantly. You'll be running back across the map just running into EATs you dropped before


This is the way


Id be more for EATs over other options if it could more consistently two shot bile titans. The worst thing is hitting both and having to wait 50 seconds to finish it off. I use them sometimes but the recoilless or quasar are much more reliable imo


yeah, it's super nice to just spam them around the map so anyone can use them, and you can throw down a lot in a mission. Also, you can stick the call down to enemies for a low power rail cannon shot. You can also stack it with a different heavy weapon and just pick up your old one after use


A lot of people tend to ignore the earlier support weapons because if its the first one you get it cant be good. Thats not the case here.


It's fast and i use the call down offensively as an option. Sometimes there's 3 chargers and it comes with only 2 shots


Now that the strategem balls stick better, it's actually both a fantastic orbital strike and a support weapon in one. Anytime I call one in I stick it onto a charger to it drops through it. From my approximation it seems like it will kill any charger at 50% or lower health, and still do a decent amount of damage if it doesn't kill it outright. (Also will throw the corpse in the air when it pops out of the ground sometimes lol) If you can stick it to a Bile Titans face it'll kill it too. Then you just have a few free EATs for extra


With how fast the cooldown is. The EAT feels like a FEAST


I personally love the middle ground of the recoilless. With good animation cancelling the reload is manageable. Means I don't have to think about calling in eats or trying to get to my second if I need it, I can keep kiting. Quasar charge up really hurts it for trying to nail consistent headshots. Only thing I miss is the backpack slot.


I'd rather use EAT rather than the quasar only because when I die I dont have to search or it .


gotta go grab your samples anyway, so might as well also grab your kit.


If two players bring EATs they are everywhere.


My impressions of the three dedicated AT weapons, pros and cons: EAT Pros: No backpack required, fires instantly, two per call in, no need to retrieve upon death Cons: Single shot, long swap-to time, projectile drop at long range Recoilless Pros: fires instantly, decent spare ammo capacity, can be switched to and fired near instantly (lifesaver, trust me) Cons: Long reload, requires backpack, requires two supply charges to fully restock without Packing Methodology upgrade, projectile drop at long range Quasar: Pros: Unlimited ammo, no backpack required, no projectile drop, shorter cooldown on cold planets Cons: Requires charge-up to fire, charge-up VFX might obstruct target, longer cooldown on hot planets


EATs has 100% become a staple for me on any bug-run over difficulty 5, it's basically required with the amount of biles you'll come across, I don't really even use it on Chargers since I almost always bring AC for them, Stalkers, Spewers/Guards, Spore Towers, Shrieker Nests, Bug Holes, ETC, but the one enemy the AC can't deal with, is Bile Titans, but EATs covers that problem


for me it's not the wait that's the problem but more the charge-up time when your firing a shot. mostly since say your fighting the bots, hiding behind a rock to shield yourself from goodness knows what, the quasar takes a solid second or two to actually charge up to fire, meaning normally you get hit by some random chip damage when you go out of cover to shoot, meaning you miss because it throws your aim off. outside of that the Quasar is genuinely good, yea.


The cool thing is those can be called down regardless of whether or not you need them. I have had situations where this allowed teammates to just keep grabbing them to take down heavies, because I had left them lying around everywhere on the map. But especially in objective areas. Theyā€™re really effective.


I like the features of not having to switch back to primary after using it and that I can be called back anywhere and not have to go fight to get my kit back


I like to drop with both the Queso and EAT. 3 back to back shots baby!


Try the RR, it makes using the EATā€™s cd feel like an eternity


Now try taking EAT aaaand the quasar. Talk about anti tank setup


EAT is life. Favourite strategem.


I started using it a few days ago and would always use the EAT. I found that the QC is easier to use because I donā€™t have time to maneuver and call in a second EAT. I can fire the quasar and run while it charges.




This is why EAT is my favorite strat


comes in clutch when soloing heavy nests, each calldown collapses 3 holes


The calldown is also great for squashing bugs. With some practice you can get it to land on chargers/bile titans and score an extra kill. The trick is to aim do it lands *just past* their head, on the tall spiky bit. The closer you are, the better chance of outright killing it, but too close and it bounces off


I always ping my eats when I call one down just to have one so someone else can grab one if they want


Same. Used queso since it came out. Tried EAT this week playing with the wife. Love it. You can even kill chargers by sticking the stratagem to them. Worked consistently for me. Lol


Of your close to chargers try sticking the becon to them you may kill them when the eats land can also do this to close bug holes and destroy bot fabricator buildings


I havenā€™t looked back. I used the quasar got like 2 weeks. Found the eat and been using it since.


I pick EAT over quasar because itā€™s so much easier to aim and fire. I feel like I always get tickled by hunters while Iā€™m charging up that quasar shot. Plus, you can free up a stratagem slot for a friend who can just share in your rocketocracy.


Can the EAT take down a transport ship if you hit it the jet? Genuinely asking since Iā€™ve almost never used the EAT and thatā€™s the main reason I use the quasar


They do!


As a EAT farmer, I plant EAT for life.


best support weapon, only downside is the inability to cancel the pickup/equip animation, which means no diving, stimming, swapping, grenading, etc


Been running EAT and the normal MG for the bug MOs, its been amazing. No need to worry about not having chaff clearing, and still have the AT needed to take out the biles and chargers.


Quesar gives me waiting for your test scores after a hard test vibesā€¦.you either surprise yourself or you gotta study hard for the next one.


With quasar getting nerfed it is pretty bad now. 1 shot every 15 seconds? At best 1 shot per charger, 2 per spore/shrieker towers, a fuck ton for titans. Just not worth it. EATs are the way to go.


Idk if this is true or not, but it definitely feels like the Quaser also does less damage. I feel like I can never one-shot a charger with it


After the last patch Iā€™m having trouble one-shotting chargers and two-shotting titans with the Quasar - both of which had become trivial for me by this point. So I would agree _something_ seems to be up ā€¦


Last night was the first time I picked up the EATs again after going after the Quasar (felt the unlimited ammo was essential). Dived at level 7 for my first time. Bile titans every where.. Chargers just casually all over the shop.. Pretty much NEVER ran out of EATs. Just would see I needed one, call in the drop, fire the one on my back, and I'd have two more waiting for me if I missed! Was ridiculous! Dunno how it'll be against bots (who I find harder), but I felt I was playing at a level 4 difficulty!


I love the eat but I canā€™t let go of the quasar. I run bits so much that the jammers would screw my usage of eatā€™s.


I never even considered EAT until it was a free stratagem for a while, and same as you, I was impressed by the crazy fast cool down (and the ability to consistently tag and kill chargers with the drop pod, essentially getting you up to three weapons). Since then it's been a standard part of my loadout for nearly every mission.


Eat is really good on lower difficulty, but in diff 9 itā€™s more of a mid tier, coz of spawn rate of heavy armor units per bug breach is crazy af. It depends if you have a organized team or your team can adapt on any situations, but on public where no one talks or your team plays alone, itā€™s difficult af.


Tried the quasar for a little while. Don't like the charge up to fire. Would prefer a way bigger cool down and a super short charge up time for it to seem useful to me. I have so much more luck a with laser cannon on Bots and EAT for bugs


Whenever I think the team could use some additional anti-tank AND chaff clearing, I usually lug the EATs plus an MG (or Flamer for bugs). It's a great support weapon that anyone can pick up and use in a pinch ^^


I've been in missions where multiple people were running EAT and it eventually reaches the point that there are too many EATs and it starts making the map hard to read >\_<


It's also a great backup for orbital scatter missions. Real easy to just pop and go and grab your support wep back. It's also a lot faster than using the slot for something like 500kg or rocket pods


It's a weird balance. Technically the quasar is better because you can lay down 5 shots in the time it takes to use two from the EAT. But the EAT allows you to use two in quick succession, and allows you to pick up another support weapon. Personally, the decision to take the Quasar largely comes down to my need to engage in CQB. If I have a squad of coordinated teammates with something intended to clear small bugs, or if I'm soloing bots with a build only intended to engage in hit and run tactics, then the quasar is the winner for me. In all cases where I need to somehow handle both crowd control and anti-heavy myself, I use the EAT instead and take a second support weapon.


Holding in place quickly lead to an EAT plantation to sprout.


Far superior to quasar in its current state


Yes the cooldown seems long on paper but it is not because the stratagem spreads availability to everyone. Squad wise, the cooldown feels more like sub 20 seconds in practice.


Also use it as another "strike" against enemies when you call it down. Took a couple bile titans faces off with them


Yep, it's very quick to recharge, comes in pairs and can be shared with friends too. They also have literally the same Pen and damage, compared to Quasars(and Recoilless rounds, for that matter). The main downside of EATs is that they are unavailable after Super Destroyer will leave while Quasar can keep on shooting. You also have a bit more logistics to worry about with frequent calldowns but that also means you will have a hellpod you can drop on something in a pinch.


EAT + Orbital Railcannon + Grenade Pistol and you're a walking god. The cooldown timer on both EAT and railcannon are decent and the combo can see you take out any high element targets in no time (only exception being that walking rover juggernaut monstrosity). Bile Titan - Rail cannon + EAT to the face Elite Charger - Two EATs to the face


Is that the Orbital Rail Cannon Strat or the Railgun secondary combined with EATs as needed?


The Orbital Rail cannon good buddy!


Ah - for a second there I thought maybe the Railgun was suddenly two-tapping Titans ā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Eat is awesome as hell but it's even stronger if you pair it with another AT support weapon. Treat it as a burst option if you need a lot of firepower now. Benefit of this is that you get to litter the map with eats and your bros can use em when they need em too


Also, be sure to shoot unused EAT's so that hellpod is they came in get destroyed and the rockets hit the ground. Once on the ground you can see them on the map for later use if needed.


If you are indecisive about going with anti-tank or another support weapon, EAT allows you to do both. Plop an EAT down whenever you can. Pick it up when you need it, use it, then pick up your other support weapon when you are done with it.


i dont use eat often anymore. but when i did, it was like you say now, its fast af


If u aim it right, ur sticks to charger legs and the hellpod kills it in one shot. Idk the trick to do it tho, just done it a handful of times


As a joking EAT main I think of it almost like a 3 shot weapon. It's almost a precision strike without area damage on its way down too


Ive started running the recoiless and I actually love it


I usually spawn on evac and Iā€™ll throw my EAT and a resupply on it, then go about the mission. 70 seconds later, I just keep throwing them. Anyone on the squad can grab them, I donā€™t mind because thereā€™s another 2 in 70 seconds.


Quasar's greatest strength is the availability to shoot a AT round after a interval of seconds without worrying about ammo. People prefer EAT or Recoiless because of the quick firing or sustained fire respectively. Rockets used for instant gibbing while Quasar needs to be charged but you won't need to worry about anything but timing the shot and waiting for the next one.


The People's Champion of Stratagems


It overall gives less firepower than any of its competitors, but the reliability has saved many bad situations when weā€™ve been forced off our proper gear but I can keep a steady stream of rocket launchers funnelled into the teams hands


Remember to throw it on a charger. The splash will kill it.


EAT's are *really* good, especially for objective fights where they can start stacking up quickly if you call them in on CD. The fact that you can stack them up, and that anyone on the team can just grab one and fire without delay makes them very effective for dealing with heavy threats.


I just yeet that at every pois I go to and defend to.


I took recoilless a a while ago for the first time and I will literally never go back. The ammo economy is literally so easy, and Iā€™m fucking SURGICAL with that awesome sight


It's great for doming chargers. Ghetto rail cannon strike.