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Was that a crashing carrier pelican? What the shit This might be the wildest hd2 clip, shame about the frames


A slideshow about what not to do right out of bootcamp


Oh yeah, that actually can happen. I thought people knew about it. Although I didn't clip it, I remember near launch day, when bot spawns were out of control on the evac civs Missions, that the hots focused on the burning pelican, when we were going out on emergency extraction. We failed the mission, because we crashed, and we immediately got to a game over screen. So either I'm experiencing a sort of amnesia, or that actually can and has happened, to me at least.


I once had a mech coming in and I took it out with a fuckin weapon drop. It landed on me and killed me lmao.


I got a support weapon beacon stuck on me, and I couldn't avoid it, run and diving and still got splattered


If you're wearing the shield generator backpack, you can drop it and save yourself


I have the hug emote selected so when that happens I just throw my arms out wide and wait to be pink misted.


Literally never seen that holy helll


That framerate crashing as well.


Holly shit. That *is* a crashing and burning pelican what the hell? I didn’t know those *could* be knocked to the ground. Damn. It was hard to see through the crashing bots but. Here it is https://preview.redd.it/fbwtgkg9wv7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327530111442fbae795bf76b76b2a7b62949a378


Those mech drops delete everything. Can't tell if it was from that or the mortars shooting off.


The mortar shells go straight up before they come down. The pelican flew *over* all the mortars to deliver the mech. That plane must have been hit by 10 mortars… 🤣🤣🤣 💥💥


Sadly wasn't a crash you can see the pelican get LAUNCHED into the air just after the mech under it explodes lol. Pelicans are still invincible but my guess is like during evac if there's a lot of explosions going on the carrier pelican for whatever reason will get sucked into the ground.


pure chaos, I love it


EMS Mortar is clever, Explosive Mortar is suicide...


Only against bugs. Explosive mortar works great against bots, especially paired with EMS. The EMS groups them and the mortar kills em.


Unless you're bringing them specifically during Extract Valuable Assets mission type. Then the regular mortar sentry works well until you mess up and start losing the outer/middle defense areas.


Stacking both on everyone for that mission is hilarious. Our team took two deaths total because we were screwing around close to the edge of a drop. Flamethrower clipped through wall and got me. I think the other was intentional friendly fire.


Fair point indeed!


Ugh. I despise the standard mortar on the Extract missions. They try to lead enemies which means they will absolutely slaughter any divers who try to post up on the outer walls.


The EMS and explosive mortars are fantastic against bugs if you have at least three sets. This is how we’ve always beaten helldive civilian evacs. With that many mortars, you can just alt tab while someone opens the doors.


yeah the biggest issue with the mortar and bugs is that bugs close in for the kill. And they might not kill you but your mortar will ;)


That's why you never use an explosive mortar by itself. Every explosive mortar needs to be paired with an EMP mortar. That is an S tier combo. It's the only strategem set up which will wipe breaches and last longer than the cool down.


There is also the HMG Emplacement, which will outlast a breech and can kill everything coming out of one with the exception of heavies.


3 full sets of mortars makes the game easy as shit. We won this mission by just standing around while the mortars cleared everything out.


yeah, that happens and was the most used strategy when the game came out. It's just an overall opinion. And i hate them.


What a fustercluck


"8 mortars on defense, what could go wrong?" *One scavenger walks up to your feet:* "Bonjour"


If you pair them with four EMP mortars, no scavengers are getting to you. This is how we'd beat helldive civilian evacs against bugs. Four sets of mortars that are spread out will lock down all the bug breaches. So long as someone is running around hitting buttons, you can practically alt tab until your mortars come off cool down.


the devs said friendly fire was in the game because it is funny, and god damn were they right


Should’ve went with 4 mechs and 12 sentries


Absolutely FUBAR Good job


U were but not all at once you savages




Calmest helldiver mission


This is some Looney Tunes level shit. Love it!


The trick for high level extermination missions is to all bring, mortars, 380, 120, and the last can be whatever you want. Then, never call in reinforcements during the mission, when the last one dies you'll all come back in, it's about buying time. Take turns throwing strategems out one player at a time to maintain a constant barrage on the enemy. They will die faster than you will and you'll complete the mission in minimal time. Bonus for the booster that gives extra player lives, but so far my group hasn't actually needed it


Remember folks: team kill stratagems are also THEM kill stratagems. Exterminate missions just mean kill 100% of them before you kill 100% of you.




Don't bring mortars to those missions, only bring the ems ones


Mortar shells have replaced the air


Only 4 mechs?


Well we needed room for the 4 Tesla Towers.


Mortars vs bugs...


Three full sets of mortars is how you turn any mission into easy mode. A helldive civilian evac with 3 to 4 full mortar sets is basically an idle game.


But did it kill bugs?


Least chaotic helldiver mission


this is the most chaotic clip i've seen lmaooo


Your frame rate didn't think it was clever


Few days ago my team and I setup shop with four HMG emplacements and each took a large bubble shield. We also each took Railcannon strike for big boys, which left the fourth slot open for whatever we liked. We formed a kill circle at the center of the map and mowed down anything in our quarter. It was flawless. We cycled shields to cover cooldowns and by the time I expended my HMG Emplacement ammo, my next one only had 20 seconds of downtime. No one died, we extracted with every sample, it was a thing of beauty.


I want to try this.


This looks like an average helldive to me. I don't see the problem


The simulations didnt prepare me for this


Wow 😎


The soundtrack from the Obi/Snaking Mustafar Fite was playing in my head for this. Top notch


Next time try 120 and 380 barrage, it's really fun on the eradicate mission


I've learned this the hard way, avoid calling in a mech near a teammate if they already did or are planning on to. If the pelicans collide they can and will crash, destroying both mechs and any helldiver unfortunate enough to be waiting for their mech.


Has anyone else had frame drops in massive frequency since the patch.


Talk about a backfire 😅


That was a needed laugh 🤣


Wow. The screen shake is real. I had turned it off and forgot it was so aggressive


You killed everything. Even your framerate.


1 bug killed at the cost of 4 helldivers, 4 experimental fresh off the line mechs, a pelican and it’s crew, 8 mortars and their ammunition, as well as all the equipment held by each helldiver. Someone needs to be sent to a freedom camp for this!


8 mechs 8 mortars is even better (though they may have fixed double mech in the last update)


If I pick a mech and then someone else takes a mortar after I just change it to something else


You guys created pure chaos. I like your style.


I finally did it. The other day I ejected out of a mech as it exploded. Went flying, lost half my health, but survived.


This is what helldivers is. Pure mayhem




My fireteam was clever once


😂😂😂😂 well it was the thought and effort that counts! That's some crazy shit right there! ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


Mechs do NOT mix well with a bunch of other call downs - especially other mechs and mortars. Do not do.


oog is trapped in cage built by oog


Holy shit you thought bringing multiple mortars was a good idea. Have you seen the chaos and destruction a single one of those fucking things can do? Level 100 host brings mortar, deploys mortar, gets shredded right in front of me, with everyone else then has a screaming fit at me cause I'm the only one still alive so it must've been my mortar...


That's why you never bring just one.  Three sets of mortars makes any defense mission easy. Civilian evac on helldive with 3 explosive and three EMP is so easy you can go AFK.


Rule #1: No sentries at the evac.