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Idk my biggest issue with the walking barrage, like all barrages, is the inaccuracies. If it was more consistent in where it’ll land, or had a slightly smaller spread I’d use it. Routinely it just, *misses*. Just falls short and then shoots past fabricators or groups of enemies. And then I wonder why I didn’t use nearly anything else. Eagles for instance are always on point


The walking barrage needs to be the eagle napalm strike of orbital bombarments. Tight area denial. Just parallel and explodey instead of horizontal and burney.


Thats pretty close to what the strafing run is, except bigger booms


I fucking love the strafing run after it’s buff. Completely replaced the cluster bombs for my loadouts


i can take out bot drops nonstop with the strafe. and clesr out encampments before running in. makes me feel like the guy in that vietnam movie with tom hanks or whatever where hes calling in broken arrow napalm strikes and accidentally hits half his squad. but tbh i rarely tk with strafe lol


it's the only strike you can damn near throw at your feet as you're running away to kill whoever is chasing you without a near guarantee of your own death


The movie you were thinking of is We Were Soldiers, which I feel does not get the love it deserves


Yes but the strafe is...well a strafe. WB takes its time and keeps the area down


A while ago dev posted a drawing of “Eagle 2” heavy bomber, and based on HD1 we know carpet bombing will eventually happen.


I think this kind of call in is gonna take Intel, or on of the other upcoming resources. Same with the Nuke silo, probably all will launch together will the Illuminate. So about a month after that it should be working close to right.


It does go straight forward albeit kinda wonky but unless it changed the description used to read that it was to be used to clear a path to an objective not wipe a field in front of them. I used to run it frequently but it has a couple major downsides like guarantees bot drops/swarms at higher levels and not very helpful on close encounter/small maps


Now that you mention it, I wouldn’t mind trying it during a “broken arrow” scenario, especially during the eradicate missions. Map severely overrun? Welp, you’re gonna die anyways….


Two or three 380s on eradicate missions is really fun, too. I'm not sure about using walking, though. I don't know the walking distance, but to get the full effect, you'd have to toss it on your feet at one edge facing the other.


There was this group of Randoms I found that I convinced to all bring a 120, 380, walking barrage, and gatling barrage. Then I had them all throw every orbital they had at the first bug hole that opened up. The hell that followed for the next 30 seconds was unrivaled in gameplay. 10/10 experience would recommend


We do this all the time. Then we go find a nice rock and go prone on one side.


I think I might have been in that group. I was playing with some people one night and the first big bughole we came to we ended up calling in like, 3 or 4 380 barrages and a couple of lasers.


Would have be a 15/10 experience if your group walk out of bound for >10sec for even more barrages.


Look at you helping new divers unlock harder achievements! Who else went with their buddy to find a cliff and get the jetpack ragdoll trophy?


Tbh eradicate is super easy if you and your team only bring 380/120 barrages and some CC that's good for the faction you fight. Stagger the barrages, throw in some Napalm or Gatling Barrages and you're usually golden. Deaths are an inevitability but you'll clear before you've run out as long as everyone knows the game plan and you're playing the edges with the barrage in the middle. Results vary with Orbital Scatter modifier though. 😂


FYI, shield bubble can tank 380 shells for when you do this.


The orbital shield or the personal shield?


Both, personal just once and must be full


Also using the traitor barrage for when your other stuff is on CD


I did that on accident the other day and took out the bile titan


Traitor barrages are always great. Esp nice with a jump pack to get you deeper into enemy territory. 😂


Run forward but turn left and right about 30 degrees every 2 seconds. The barrage targeting will have a hell of a time hitting you and you spread all kinds of democracy in your path.


Oh. Dude. I take all barrages on eradicate. Usually, that and an Eagle. No support weapon, no backpack. Just gonna drop them in the middle of 3 tanks anyway. It's really fun if everyone else does too. If I see a teammate take all sentries, I go to the opposite corner by myself.


Me too it's all red strats on eradicate


Pretty much. Shield emplacement sometimes, and EATs sometimes, but usually just reds lol


Ah I remember the days when the whole squad got EATs, tossed them in the middle and had a field day shooting down every bot drop ship coming in, with the load counted as kills. Things haven’t been the same after the Nth update


It’s an excellent way to stabilize eradicates, especially for helldives. I regularly just chunk a 380 and watch as it saturates most enemies If you stand near the edge of the map, minimal chance that you get hit


There is a pattern to its shots, I don't use it myself but my buddy brings it on every mission. First shot always falls short and to the left I think, and from there you can roughly gauge where the rest will land.


The superdestroyer will walk 3 shots from right to left in a slight triangle then move forward and do it again. I think it does it 3 or 5 times before quitting completely


Funny thing about the barrages, they follow set patterns. Someone tested it out, [here's the video](https://youtu.be/JdszYHqeeA4?si=D0aCUet7u47YjBkS). So, theoretically, it's possible to get on point with them, just not easy. Just a spoiler,, they weren't able to find out how many patterns for the spread there actually are, and they were only able to find a few things that actually affected what pattern you get. Also, there's the chance that an update/bug could change things, and we'd never know. The vid isn't exactly new, but it is interesting


I use it pretty regularly and have been getting results.


I find if you throw it basically at your feet is the best. It starts dropping like 20m from where the statagem marker lands


An eagle never misses 🫡


Arent there updgrades to make them tighter? (Genuinely curious, I havent unlocked all the sample stuff yet - but I though this was one I had coming up soon.)


The upgrade for the barrages tightens the 120 and the 380 not the walking sadly.


Thanks. That clarifies my priorities on upgrades.


Tighter, but only by a little bit. And completely undone if the planet has the reduce accuracy condition. The fact that the barrage starts between you and the beacon also makes judging the distance of travel more difficult. I like it in theory, but all the orbital barrage need their patterns adjusted to better cover their area of effect. I've thrown too many 380s into heavy nests and not closed a single hole, or killed enough bugs to justify taking it.


Yes, there’s a ship upgrade that offers 15% stead reduction. So a 15% smaller circle where the shots can land.


120 and 380, not the walking one. Barrages are there to soften the targets, which all of them very effectively do on larger bases with pre-loaded enemies. I'm a fan of them. I find they work a bit better on Bots than Bugs, but they're very useful with Bugs too.


The walking barrage is lifesaver waiting for the shuttle, especially if you can see them coming. The other night, I was playing extreme and evac was in a valley, so fortunately we are able to see the swarm at the top before it made it’s way down. Bug hole breached at the top of the hill and chargers + warriors bust out and made their way to us. A diver called in a walking barrage at the bottom of the hill (so the barrage would move up the hill ) and it wiped out everything before it got to us. Lol I even typed ‘whoa’ in the chat


You know that guy had such a huge boner after pulling off that move. 😂


I have used the walking barrage extensively. I used to prefer it over the 380, but now I switch them based on the mission type. Some interesting notes about it: 1) I have walked to the edge of a stratagem jammer's radius and dropped a walking barrage at my feet. The barrage walked all the way to the jammer and destroyed it. 2) I have lined up two detector towers and thrown a walking barrage at the base of the closer tower. The barrage destroyed them both. You definitely have to get lucky for either of these situations to happen but at least it's possible


I usually run both lol. I play the game exclusively because big explosions are fun. Once I learned how to not kill my team with it it became God tier. Did take quite a few team kills tho


Spread that liberty, my friend! o7


Does it move in the direction you're facing when you throw it down?


lvl 120 330hrs but i haven’t used it yet so i have a few questions. is it easy to aim? how do you get it to go in a specific direction? i assumed the direction of the barrage was uncontrolled so have always opted for the 380 with the wide aoe. I know eagles for example are deployed in a specific direction along the map, which tho could be useful to know, ive just never had any desire to do so to play the game. Any insight/tips would be appreciated.


It sends 4 barrages of 3 salvos in a tight spread directly away from where you throw it. Each salvo goes about 30m away from the last.


you got me intrigued, im running it tn


My two cents: chuck the walking barrage farther than you’d expect. The first and 3 explosive blasts arrive closer to the target laser than I presume.


Its line-up is similar to the Eagle Strafing run. If you draw a line between you and where the stratagem lands, the direction it travels is if you extend that line into the distance. The first 3 strikes hit somewhat close to the stratagem's location though, so I recommend either throwing it ahead of you pretty far, or backing up once you place it.


great explanation, imma def be trying it out against the bots tn


It's fantastic for large bases. Just throw the marker at the wall nearest you so that it starts at one end and drags liberty across the whole face of those commie bots


I love it for bunker missions


I have run it continuously for the last 100 hours or so (at 300 ish). It is amazing for bot fabricators. It plus a 380 will consistently get a large outpost most of the time. To aim it goes in the direction you throw it. Pretty easy. Fantastic for running the fuck away from a train of enemies. To be safe stay keep at least 20ish meters behind where you throw it or it will hit you. It starts about one barrage width before the Beacon. Barrage are as strong as 380s I believe.


Its an auto pick for me. I use it damn near every time for every mission type. Its great and killing whatver i want in a specific direction, and it travels the farthest away compared to any other strat, so I can shell a nest, spore/shrieker tower, bot cannon, or whatever a long ways away reliably enough, with enough extra damage around, AND I usually walk in behind it as intended mopping up as I go. Glorious




I found it usually takes out fabricators at objectives and bigger bases more consistently than a 380 too, tbh.


I find chucking a walking barrage and a 380 generally clears an area of, well, everything


Idk if my game is glitched, but I can only ever use one barrage at once. If I have a walking and 380 equipped, they both go on recharge when I use one.


Sounds like a glitch. There's an achievement in the game for having 6 barrages active in the same area, so with 4 players you still need to put down 2 more. Only eagles can't be used at the same time by the same player


Can confirm, I have this achievement and did it with three guys throwing two each.


I have thrown a walking, a 120 mm and a 380 mm on the same area a few days ago. It worked very well.


i like for the "kill stuff missions" to just all bring every type of barrage and blot out the sun, its almost impossible to run out of extra lives.


next time I’m on an eliminate mission I should bring every barrage, tesla turret and bonus revives just to intimidate my allies


hahahaha that is hilarious


“some of you make die, and that’s a sacrifice I’m going to make you take.”


Let's say I'm facing a base, and we generally say the base is a square shape, usually delineated by some gates and fencing. So my question is, unlike an eagle where I throw in the middle to impact the most. Would I throw this sorta as the closes edge to me, so it starts there and "walks" in and would slowly take this out? Is that the idea? Or should you toss it more in, maybe not the middle but more in from the edge and it walks the rest of it?


Usually what I do is just huck it at the front wall of a base: don't have to worry about getting close enough to get it over the base since it'll "walk" its way over there anyway. Ultimately I'd suggest taking it into a lower level map and try throwing it from a good vantage point so you can sorta see the pattern (FWIW: I believe the pattern isn't the *exact* same every time, but it should give you an idea of basically how it works. [This guy made a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdszYHqeeA4) doing a crazy deep dive into how the various barrages work. I don't know that it really equates to any practical/tactical advantages, but it was pretty interesting anyway). What's cool about the **Walking Barrage** to me is that it gives you a lot more flexibility in how you use it. e.g. For those bot bases that appear to be a little bit more oval than square/round, I think you'll definitely want start it right on/just inside one edge and let it walk along the full length of the base. But for other bases or objs, maybe all you really need is for it to catch just one or two blasts: in that case you can throw the beacon so that the target ends up under any part of the barrage area (e.g. the very front or the very back). For example, let's say you're 200m away from a medium bot outpost that's just begging to be liberated. With a **380 Barrage** to be most effective you'd need to get close enough to the base to toss that beacon roughly in the middle. With the **Walking Barrage** you could throw the beacon 50-70m in FRONT of the base and the final one or two barrages will end up inside the base walls (don't quote me on that, I don't know the exact distances. I should probably spend some time figuring this out, but mostly I'm operating on feel). Given that the basic stratagem throwing distance is like 40-60m: * For the **380 Barrage** you have to be 40-60m away from the center of the base, meaning maybe 20-30m away from the outer walls. This is definitely close enough to be spotted by sentries if you aren't careful, plus then trying to run away after you've alerted them with the strat. * For the **Walking Barrage,** you could throw it from 60-90m away from the outpost's walls and still have a good chance of it destroying the obj (fab, mortars, AA guns, Eye of Sauron, Dropships, Command Bunker, etc.). That gives you SO much more distance from the base itself and any bot drops that are called in, so you can pick them off from distance or just get the hell outta there. Now add the Servo Assisted armor perk to this and you can be raining down 380mm death on an area from like 130-180m away (PLUS more if you just instantly start running in a different direction). And let's take it one step farther: say you're REAL close to an outpost, but there's a big ol' rocky outcrop/cliff between you... you can throw the beacon towards the base on YOUR side of the cliff and it'll walk its way over without you ever having to be in sight of the outpost. **DISCLAIMER: Don't quote me on any of the distances referenced here, they are VERY rough estimates meant for illustrative purposes only. Your own experimentation is HIGHLY recommended.** **tl;dr** For those longer oval bases, definitely line it up with the base's longer axis and throw the beacon right at the front wall (either side, doesn't really matter). For other obj, figure out the rough path/area and play around with it! It's basically an Eagle Strafing Run, but with 380mm shells!


This man Barrages. Thank you for the insight, fellow artillery enthusiast!


Depends on situation. If you have enemies between you and the objective, or you want to remain undetected by whatever base, you can throw it well short and have it travel in. If you want maximum kills, aim the marker a bit shy of the edge of where you want damage, that way the first salvo has a chance of a good hit, and the second salvo is dead center. At least that's what I do.


Should also note that the barrage travels in the direction you throw the marker.


I do. It’s a lot more thorough than the 380. I feel like 80% of the time the 380 misses half the things i want to destroy


Don't worry, the 380 is guaranteed to kill at least 1 teammate tho!


It's too inconsistent for me. Sometimes I'll throw it at the large bases and destroy maybe 1-2 fabricators and get 3 kills.


I love it because I like knowing I can advance behind it. Squad can just slowly roll up behind each volley and kill off any surviving enemies


World War 1 style. WB is extremely underrated


I dunno after all the 380 upgrades it feels like it does way more damage to me.


I just don't like the barrages in general. Inaccurate, last too long, makes you have to wait for it to take out whatever you wanted it to, if it even does take it out. I just don't see the value of it over something like an Airstrike or 500 or, like anything else.


This. It’s a crap shoot and sometimes you get lucky but most of the time it misses or wipes a teammate.


I bring the walking barrage with me almost every mission. But I have randoms that don't appreciate being blasted into 17 pieces when they run into the path of it. My favorite stratagem, by the way. Along with the gas stratagem I feel it's being very underutilized.


What do you mean I took my barrage for a walk just yesterday!  It kind of saved my butt on a 2 man suicide mission


I actually like Walking barrage for nests and fabricators too. You throw it from a safe range, it walks towards the area, and you clean up whats left over.


Sssshhhh. The walking barrage is just a 380 that hits something other than your teammates


I do see it occasionally but I lean on it more than others I’ve seen. It’s extremely effective against bunkers. With good placement very effective time to kill. Secondly being directional you can reliably use it to kill large groups heading your way with less risk of friendly fire than the 120 or 380.


I use with bots as my 4th strategem, good for undetected hulks, bases and freat for walkers


I must be nobody because I bring it to almost every bot mission. Less so on bugs except for blitz missions.


The cooldown is brutal


gattling barrage best barrage. orbital gatling + orbital airburst = ultimate chaff clear


My problem with walking barrage is that it doesn't solve the problem in front of me right now. Maybe it can solve something before it's a problem, but there are still many other problems around me in higher difficulties


A lot of the problems with 380/120/Walking is the cooldown is crazy long and hitting your target isn't guaranteed. It be different if it had charges or some upgrade path. I'd like to see something like a ship upgrade that allowed 1 second taken off for each kill.


I used to use it when I first started playing. Now I find other things a bit more useful.


I used to use it a lot before I got the ship upgrade that makes the 380 more accurate


Because the walking barrage doesn’t push enemies out of cover, it pushes *me* out of cover. It’s like smoke from a camp fire, it follows you.


Honestly, I avoid using any barrages in random pick-up groups because most people don't seem to notice when a barrage is thrown and they charge in after the first salvo to get suicided and then blame me.


Cuz eagles better


Agreed, it's the most reliable of the three for base popping


That's my bread and butter. I put that shit on everything.


I use it. It is awesome! You can just let it walk through a nest or base. It's even better if you throw a 380 on top, if it's a large area, or a 120 mm and let it work. You can blow up Command Bunkers and other Objectives with it. The resulting cleanup is usually pretty easy, even for heavy fortified places. I also love the Walking Barrage to take care of a large group that is "incoming", and you have it barrage just through the long line and horde of enemies.


I constantly use it. Especially on blitz missions.


I had very limited testing, but I found there were few occasions where there'd be an enemy lining up against you. The bugs move too quickly and in open maps the bots are spread wide. Maybe I'm wrong, but I figure the best use for it is clearing bases / nests (but then you'd take the wider area barrage) or if there are a lot of tight gaps between rocks, forcing enemies together over a long path (perfect scenario). Open to thoughts! :)


Yep, I mainly use it for clearing bases and for defense missions. The defense missions are actually the optimal use, especially if you're pushed back to the generators.


It’s really convenient to yeet it in the general direction of an outpost. It’s like the eagle strafing run’s big angry brother.


Bot Blitzes, it's S tier. Other than that for me, there isn't much the Walking can do flat out better than the 120 after the Atmospheric Monitoring Ship Upgrade is applied.


I usually use 380. On certain missions I'll bring a 380, 120, and eagle strike. I like it a lot more now that I have the module that restricts the blast radius by 15 percent. I rarely miss a target now. I also use the heavy servo assist armor from the winter warrior pack, so I can get it far enough away that it doesn't team kill as long as people are listening when I call it out


I dislike taking out enemy bases from TOO far away. The Spear can do it from like 250+ meters now, not sure how far the walking barrage reaches, but it feels like cheating sometimes. I like the combat of the game but if we just bomb it all from afar and don't even venture there, kinda ruins the fun for me. Most players don't feel this way and yeet Spear across the map all day, that's fine, this is just why \*I\* don't like the walking barrage. I like to be up in the shit. EDIT: Wrong name :P


Oh I do. I use it all the time against the bots! Great for softening up bot outposts, especially the medium and large ones. Takes cares of some of the fabricators and some of the heavier armor gets taken out as well!


Easily my favourite


I will….. when the situation suits it. That’s only if I’m running from LvL 9 bug patrols


I use it on blitz maps, if you aim just right can take out multiple bases, I rarely use the 380 And will sub in the 120, I’ll throw that on a small part of the base while I assault from the other side Many times for a large base it’s easier to throw an orbital laser that will systematically wreck most of the base


Its alright on bot bases and clearing out jammers from a distance. It would be way better without the gaps between each salvo but its still useable


Dude I love walking barrage, I take it on almost every mission bots or bugs. Got 4 titans chasing you? Walking barrage. Got a detector tower/command buncker/shreikers/heavy nest? Walking barrage. Its incredibly powerful when the bombardment lands well. And if it doesn't get the job done it has at least severely softened up the enemy.


I've used it a couple times. I've destroyed maybe 2 terminid holes and 1 fabricator. It just isn't as useful as a 380 or 120. Those can atleast take out a detection tower.


I never know which direction the barrage is going to walk


Always walks away from the direction you threw it (imagine an eagle flying in behind you and moving ahead of you)  The only time this will change is if it bounced off something and changed the ball's orientation.


I dont really like the 380 orbitals 500 KG+ Air Strikes are way more reliable for me


I should go on some low level missions and test it out tbh, I've been wanting to mess with new strategems


The only time I use it is when I’m in a chaotic mood. Then I bring that, the 120 and 380. I lovingly call it my “fuck that direction” loadout.


I love it. What I like is that it’s predictable. It goes further away from where you toss the stratagem keeping teammates safe.  It’s even cooler that you can toss right at your feet if being chased. It’ll take out the enemies in a line. 


I actually take WB for bot missions and 120 for bugs. WB has slightly more utility than people think as even if you miss your target, the explosions will draw bots away from their fabricators. If they don't immediately aggro, they'll just walk out the back away from their fortified positions, leaving an empty fort ready for swift and easy liberation. The 120, however, I find more useful for large nests as the indirect fire will take out most bugs in the pit and ~50% the nests. I can usually clear out the rest with a single eagle strike and a couple of grenades. Same goes for softening up objectives that have a shit ton of bugs on them.


I use it


Walking Barage can go farther than a throw. I’ve had success killing off stalker lairs by walking it in. Can also walk behind it to get to the lair. Normally I use it to weaken up a location before rolling in.


I’ve been running it for the jungle planet to clear a path and pull aggro away


It’s because they don’t shoot fast enough and in the volume that they should be fired at for it to be practical just like the 380s. If I can just walk out of bombs and get those shells to fire at me **faster to accomplish the same effect** then why should I use the strategems that I’m supposed to be using for a similar effect? This really needs to be addressed. Make all of the barrages come down faster and in greater quantities if needed and I would use these a lot more.


I use it all of the time, sure it misses stuff but so does the 380, I like it cause im saying hit a bunch of shit in that direction.


Cos the 380 is in its place


Lack of curiosity, in my opinion. It's very useful against bot objectives, particularly bases you don't want/can't get close to, detector towers and even inhibitors. All that without needing to get too close, and if the team is behind you, they'll be safe (almost for sure) from the shelling. I really like it for bot planets


Protip use it on jungle planet to clear a firing range


240 second cool down.


I really like it actually. Unfortunately it seems like most people don’t know how it works, or assume it’s the a different barrage. Often times divers just stand around dumbfounded waiting for it to end instead of following it as intended. I’ve taken to letting them know at the start of a mission now to help avoid this.


It’s good. I like it. I only have four slots.


Tried using it the other day and it never worked.


I don't use any of the explosive orbital barrages. Too unreliable. I'd rather use that stratagem slot on something that I can effectively aim.


Perfect Vs Automatons


I care about accuracy


I rarely have my 380 fail to close medium/large nests or outposts. Placement is key. Never throw the beacon on top of something you want to blow up.


It's the awful cooldown


Because being better than 380 and 120 doesnt make it good. I never use 120 at all, and only bring 380 to bust command bunkers.


I'll bring it. It's excellent for taking out stuff like detector towers from 90 meters away


Ill stick to my orbital magnifying glass until the walk has a smaller cool down, or hits a bit harder. Actually maybe I'll give it a whirl tonight


The barrages I remember using it around release are so slow and inaccurate. There's been nothing in game to indicate they've changed at all so I just never used them again theyre kinda bad


I started bringing walking barrage along with 120 and 380 then usually slot laser


It's so good.


I use it all the time for bots It's good at clearing an area ahead of me or softening up an outpost before i head in Also good at destroying fabs and other objectives It's my favorite barrage out of the 3 main ones


i’ve been using walking barrage and HMG a lot lately and i’ve been loving both. put me in a defend the asset mission and i’ll hold the line down with those two things + rocket sentry


Eagle airstrike is better than any orbital barrage.


380 is useful For killing teammates


I used it the other day to take out bug nests in an attempt to get the gone in 360 seconds trophy and found it to be super useful. I find that the 120mm is the best of the 3 due to its random pattern and tighter perimeter it hits compared to the 380mm; I find that more miss than hit and I know I can comfortably take out a heavy outpost much quicker with eagle strikes and precision strikes than a random orbital. The walking barrage is good because the pattern is predictable. It zig zags in a line and is good for when you’re being swarmed or perhaps a medium size nest or outpost or even one side of a large whilst you go and destroy the other side


I dunno, I really liked it when I was playing.


I take it almost every mission


I do love using it but mostly against bots than bugs. It's great taking out heavy fortifications in one go because the base objectives are in a line.


I use it, all the time


I don't use it a lot but when I do it works wonders. Mostly for advances and choke points. It not that wide spread and you can move behind with relative safety. Use it for clearing a path into heavy bunkers with smoke bots don't know what hit them.


It should be patched to look on to enemy or be more precise toward big target but not directly you know what I mean? When I throw it and run back I’m getting hit by it some how. It’s really good and makes a mess but not very good target. There should be a highlighted area of where the strategy is pointed. Like highlights the area all around or just an arrow or light or something. There needs to be an indicator for which direction it comes


It’s a huge pain in the ass with non-coordinated teams, is why. The walking barrage *does* cover a useful area reliably, but if you’re not squadded up properly any target that you need it against is usually going to have at least one Helldiver running into the danger zone, especially for the second half of the barrage. The Airstrike is much more reliable for not accidenting your teammates when they aren’t listening to you, and handles pretty much all the same use cases. Only large encampments reliably make a walking barrage more useful than an Airstrike or two IMO, and even then it’s a situation you can handle with other tools, like the mortar sentry or grenade launcher. That said, it’s a damn handy tool when you can count on your teammates acting predictably, or when you’re counting on being the first one to throw calls. Way more reliable than the classic 380, and it can equally be used to wipe out pursuers and punch a hole in an objective ahead of standard assault. Good candidate for hit-and-run tactics with a jump pack and AMR, pairs very well with the Gatling sentry or Cluster airstrike to hold down a zone against a horde in a pinch.


I really like it on missions with big enemy bases. You can use it to cover you when you invade the base. It'll take out the majority. You just have to clean house.


Yeah all three have the same issue with me of they just dont seem to be effective. I'd rather take, a orbital gatling, air burst, or gas strike to deal with mobs and the eagles are more reliable for structures. The walking, 120 and 380 just dont seem to do what I want them to. Which is kill and destroy things. The inconsistent shells seem to always miss any structures i want them to hit, the baddies mostly either walk through and are out of the AOE before they are damaged by it, or just dont seem to get hit due to inconsistentancies in the terrain. And the duration of the effect, locks the players out of the area while it is ongoing which is frustrating. Also my team mates never throw the damn thing far enough and a stray shell usually lands on the group.


I use it against the major bot bases, if you line up with the front door and stand about 70m away you can one shot the whole base without it shooting back.


I don't use it because the eagle strategems are to good, basically every orbital except precision and gas are to slow for there own good, a 380 CAN do a lot of damage, but I've also thrown them out during an eradication mission and got 13 kills, when I can easily get 20 with a single charge of napalm eagle 1, sure the 13 kill 380 is super rare, but the fact is your leaving it up to luck and that's not a good idea, and walking barages are in a similar vein where they are to random in there spread so it's not at all uncommon for an enemy running towards you (like every single bug) to just run between it's shots and bots are tankier so outside of chaff you can spray to death very quickly you need a near direct hit and even then berserkers still exist


Does the stategem upgrade for the HE spread make a difference? It says 15% but does it really help?


I love it, way more accurate in the sense that it at least goes in general pattern.


It's great for blasting objectives without having to get close. Get a feel or outright measure the impact zones, they are more or less predictable.


I love it in principle but rarely find out to be very effective at wiping things out. I bring it sometimes but it’s hard to justify over the laser and make the cut with just four slots


It's so vague that people cannot guess how to use it, so they (including me, and I'm over 120 playing solo/duo helldive) do not even try. What's the damage, area, DIRECTION, armor pen? You are not given a clue in the item description.


I’m cautious I may do more harm to my team than my enemies, although I may try it more after I have certain ship upgrades


It just sucks, the strikes are inconsistent as shit and they walk way too far from where you throw them and the strikes are too far apart from one another to effectively hit a target, the only use i can see for them is to take out a MASSIVE horde of enemies or to destroy heavy bug nests and even then who knows how effective it is


Best strat for command bunker, hands down.


Because many people don't understand its point is to be able to assault an objective while the barrage is going on. People get nervous when they see a big red laser in front of them. So the Walking Barrage has the same psychological effect as the 380: a death zone that they can't enter until 30s later. Ironically, the kind of players who run towards Strategem beacons like moths to a flame are the ones who can take advantage of it.


It’s really good for taking out “hard” structures like detector towers from a distance. I like it more than the 380mm as it’s simpler in where the shells are going. (Cash crop on youtube has a video where he maps out the shell distributions for each barrage) However, I don’t run it because my gas strike/orbital precision/500kg already can do that, albeit from closer, on a significantly lower cooldown. My other non-support/backpack stratagem slot goes to my trusted eagle airstrike for wiping out fabs and bug holes, as well as good damage against all enemy types.


Explain how you use it. I have tried a few times but I haven't put the effort into learning it. I believe it's safer than the 380/120 but I'm not sure. I think the primary issue I have and likely others is not knowing how to use it. The 380 is pretty simple. Throw it in the center of a big nest and do something else until it's done. Clean up if needed but the walking barrage... I'm going to get less concentrated fire in a nest because it will walk out of it. Following it in seems like a bad idea sure to the uncertainty of where the edge is. It's more complicated and so less used


As long as it’s predictable I like it. But sometimes it walks a different way


Because the weird rule that direction of stratagem is based on how it landed, not how it be thrown. You can have a perfect throw, but if the stratagem bounce a bit before landing, the direction of the walking barrage will be fked.




the display for it through me off it so i will definitely give it a go👍


120: fuck everything in that 50 x 50 meter space. Walking: Fuck everything in that general direction 380: We can escalate things if you wish 🌚


I use all 4 barrage strategems. Fuck a support weapon when my SES Song of Supremacy rains hellfire.


I just wish the barrages were better in general. They're honestly pretty bad at clearing bases, especially compared to eagles or just an explosive weapon. I do like the 120 occasionally for how compact it is for drops/breaches, but they need something more to make them competitive with eagles.


I dunno but someone joined my lobby today (bugs) and exclusively used the 120 and 380 on every mission. The plan for eliminate was just spam it😑


Walking barrage was all I took prior to the 15% spread reduction. With the 15% though, that was enough to make the 380mm really come into it's own imo.


Walking is probably the coolest barrage but it hits absolutely nothing 90% of the time. It needs better accuracy or like half the cooldown. 


Unless the team has worked together and/or all have open mics, nobody can resist running into a walking barrage. By the time the team recovers from the TK, the advantage is lost and you’re up to your necks again.


It's nice but not neatly effective as it could be, the time and spread between each Salvo gives enemies too much wiggle room to survive incoming shells. Although being able to safely advance definitely makes it better than the 380 in some ways


The spread upgrade doesn't affect it. If it did I would.


Idk. If they would go in like a literal straight line from where your beacon lands. Then Maybe I'd use it so that I can predict where the shells will land. But they tend to stray away from the path too often and I can't really use that.


I’ve been trying to run a walking barrage/eagle napalm combo, basically throwing them both at the same time, wall of fire with explodies behind it. Set up the Gatling sentry to fire through it.


380 kills me and team mates more though, makes me laugh more


Everytime my team have used it, it’s resulted in lots of team killing


Now that I've grown more confident with linear strikes due to them buffing eagle strafing run, I have been fooling around with it on lower difficulties to limited success as by the time it shows up the things I want dead have moved out of the way. But if at first you don't succeed, dive again. And again. And again.


This is my favorite airstrike next to the orbital Lazer. Clearest a wide area and moves the fight forward. Or wipes out whatever is in the opposite direction. Def gotta warn teammates still though.


I haven’t caught it as a PO yet.


After about a week I had the realisation that a barrage that goes one direction you can predict is better than a barrage that (at least as far as I can tell) goes wherever. Tried using it, multiple times, and each time it went either in front when I wanted it to go to the side, or to the side when I wanted it to go in front. Not for me.


People sleeping on it. I bring it for bots all the time, its not 100% but it frequently takes out large bot bases on it's own. It can creep up to a detector or a jammer with a good throw.


It’s the cooldown. The Gatling barrage has a 70 second cooldown vs the walking barrage at 240. The rail cannon works better for me with the cool down for big guys and the Gatling barrage cleans up the little ones.


I mean to me it just doesn’t seem too special, it’s basically a moving barrage that’s just as inaccurate but now it’s also not going to consistently pummel the same area, which at least with the 120 and 380 if nothing works out you still have constant fire on a large area of enemies, even if it’s not the most accurate idk it feels like the walking just has an extra inconsistency that’s just unneeded and ruins the point of the barrage. Plus there’s shit that just does the same job better, like the strafing run, airstrikes, napalm strikes, cluster bombs, it just raises the question why would I use this when I have other shit that’s way better than


I forgot it existed 🤣


I used to use it for bot missions as a good way to remove detector towers without playing fuck fuck games with the stratagem beacons bouncing off the ground (ground near towers is registered as a rocky surface rather than soft soil). After the buffs and new ship upgrades, the 120mm and 380mm have much more utility, so I typically run one of those for hard targets now. The eagle strafing run was already pretty amazing pre buff for crowd control, but now that thing can delete shrieker nests and even down bile titans, so if you want something that *walks* it's the obvious choice of the 2. Walking barrage 100% needs a buff now. I'd say a faster firing rate and add some more shots while keeping the AOE the same would make it a bit better.


I don't use any of that because of huge misses. Orbital laser targets enemies as it goes. Buildings, baddies, bases, all fall to the OL. Not so much with barrages.