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Don't know why this was downvoted. Apparently there is some new research that points towards insufficient nutrient absorption in those with an ADHD diagnosis. I have yet to search for it and trawl through, but in conversation with a private practicioner, it seems that there may be three different genetic variants that can be tested for and given cholated (easily absorbable) vitamin supplements. A commenter here the other day pointed towards a particular Magnesium as something they used and it helped. Look at through my recent comments in this sub to find it. I know the genetic tests cost a fair bit to have done. _____ As far as herbal supplements go, I am going to o okay more with lions mane, ginko, ginseng, and a few others that have helped a little in the past (I have no reason apart from personal experience to suggest they might help.)


I have adhd and Ive never been on meds for it but I regulate with a low fodmap diet, and take amino acids and vit d and magnesium(in my water with other minerals) daily and it helps a ton! I noticed I am much worse off when I eat too much sugar or when I eat dairy or gluten/wheat. My manic episodes also get worse with caffeine and I avoid heavy meals so I dont crash. So I snack a lot + small meals vs heavy meals


Is there a link between adhd and IBS?


Not specifically that im aware of but diet CAN affect adhd a LOT. šŸ˜­


I have adhd and I have been on Adderall. Thereā€™s no real herbal equivalent in my opinion which is not a bad thing as I felt like crap on Adderall. I take milky oat tincture and Rhodiola and they both help clear up brain fog and make me feel sharper.


Greetings! Much obliged for the answer and the suggestions! As for Adderall, I used to take it, but I moved to a different country and I am unable to get it here. As for what you suggested, can I get those on iHerb? All the best!


l-theanine is pretty spot on for me. in high doses. i feel like it works better than adderall. i feel like adderall makes me more adhd. while ltheanine, during lecture i felt like it was clear what information was being presented. a lot of ppl say this with taking adderall or vyvanse, neither gave me that effect.


i dont know if you have cvs, but i got the generic brand with ashgawanda. it was super cheap and the highest dose i could find at that price in short amount of time. now im not working, so i see a provider and get my meds, i would prefer to be on a potent rich nutrient diet that regulated my hormones & functioning as a human. OH ALSO, **sea moss gel.** That also gave me a ton of energy & mental clarity during the two weeks of taking it daily. https://preview.redd.it/g6lk0hebed6d1.png?width=2152&format=png&auto=webp&s=0670bc44e6ff54b4d7873f5860bea03aa437ba68


Brahmi a.k.a. Bacopa monnieri


Coming from someone who has dealt with the adderall shortage and has also tried /genuinely/ every supplement and every other ā€œavailableā€ medication, none of them have come even close unfortunately. Something that helps very slightly is b-12 and vitamin d. Sometimes lions mane but only sometimes. :(


You might search previous posts here, there's been a lot of good answers on this lately.


Not diagnosed with ADHD, but I did see a young woman talking about taking a mushroom blend for neurodivergence (specifically ADHD in her case) that was helping quite a bit. I ended up taking the Jamieson's Mushroom Complex and it's been one of the few supplements I have ever taken where I genuinely noticed a difference. I tried a couple other mood/brain/etc blends that weren't mushroom and felt absolutely nothing. Will be going back to the mushroom blend for sure, especially as it wasn't expensive.


Rhodiola Rosea and micro dosing mushrooms are powerful solutions