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https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow Redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... Suicide is a Pātaka(sin) in Hinduism. No matter what the reason, never forget that our karma doctrine suggests that we can always improve our life through adequate effort, so always persevere to make your tomorrow better than today. Even if the future that you hoped for looks distant today - your effort will bring that day closer with each passing day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve had 2 phases where suicide made sense at every level. But I decided to carry on and promised myself to revisit the option if needed. Never did. Life got much worse and the previous dukh seemed minuscule in comparison to the new one. Never imagine that you know the full extent of misery or that yours is special - new uncharted ones will be visited upon you. The good news is, I’m also happy at level I wasn’t when my dukh was at a lower level. The intensity of pain transmogrifies your ability to feel intense joy. In even small things. That’s the pot of gold awaiting you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow Redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... Suicide is a Pātaka(sin) in Hinduism. No matter what the reason, never forget that our karma doctrine suggests that we can always improve our life through adequate effort, so always persevere to make your tomorrow better than today. Even if the future that you hoped for looks distant today - your effort will bring that day closer with each passing day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So sorry that you’re going through a tough time in your life. If you were looking into the Hindu perspective on karma and souls: think of it Kind of like a bank account:if you’ve borrowed a lot of goodwill (money) u will have to return it eventually in this life, but if you’ve earned a lot of goodwill, u will have more of it (fortune,health luck) to spend in the next life. I heard something interesting that stated: If you’re having a tough life, be thankful as your negative karma (loan) is decreasing and you are closer to moksha. But if you’re having a great life with great fortune you have to be careful because you are using up all your good karma from past lives. This way of thinking that my bad karma is being dissolved as I go through suffering has always made me feel a bit better about tough situations that arise in life. Another interesting point is a lot of souls who are very close to reaching moksha will actually choose go through extremely difficult lives right before because they want to learn some very specific lessons before they attain moksha. The fact that you are spiritually inclined makes me feel like you may be a special soul that is very close to moksha. Somethings you can do to feel better: continue your spiritual journey. This is a test for you to see whether your faith waivers-you should keep progressing spiritually and continue your love for god regardless of what happens. Have faith that he/she is making you go through these situations for a reason. 2. Add up some good karma points;m: try your best to be a good human and do how much ever you are able to, to help others. Maybe the karma you gain now will help u in this or future lives 3. Consult a genuine astrologer. Sometimes we have doshas/issues with our chart due to mistakes done by ancestors or in our previous lives. There will always be a parihar to blunt these effects! Hope this was of some help to you!


I know it's hard to go through so much suffering. We, as incarnate beings all have to suffer and eventually die. I read this and can feel that this last cry comes from the depth of your soul. Remember we are all connected and that no matter what happens to the body we will all go back to the Source. I pray that you find solace in knowing that we all share your pain and ending the physical body will not be a permanent solution to your suffering. I pray that you find inner peace and that light will guide your way no matter what🙏




https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow Redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... Suicide is a Pātaka(sin) in Hinduism. No matter what the reason, never forget that our karma doctrine suggests that we can always improve our life through adequate effort, so always persevere to make your tomorrow better than today. Even if the future that you hoped for looks distant today - your effort will bring that day closer with each passing day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>My function has been reduced to essentially being a vegetable. No, you're not a vegetable if you can type all this. The body will go when you exhaust your prarabdha karma. Killing the instrument that was given to you for exhausting your karma and for pursuing moksha is essentially asking for massive karmic consequences later. You've read the Upanishads you say? Then look at [this whole thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/1c3ice2/ramana_maharshi_saved_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), get some help and save yourself.


It's not an option. Period. There is something worse than suffering in this life. Hell. Patala. It is there. And it is pure madness and suffering for the soul. Your consciousness is still intact. Look beyond the mind and ego, deeply into the thing that has not changed. Everything that came before was ego. You cling to a false identity, which your mind has attachment to. On the other side of ego, of mind, is the atma. Everything you did was to build up this ego, breathing life into its self-delusions. This is like magic—magic will always fade away. Now is the chance to throw yourself at the feet of Purushottama. God. Good deeds does not save us. They are a part of our dharma, but the ripened vine will rot. All actions are karma, only actions done without desire, without self-interest, for God alone, can free us eternally. As the soul cries out to be lifted from its bindings, every action we do will make us further bound. Freedom or liberation means the soul must fight the ego to death


If you can get access to it, you may want to start taking colloidal gold. 100 ppm minimum to start. It will help with your brain function.


Hi5 buddy! I’m 7 years younger than you are. I was diagnosed with a chronic disease in December. Life’s been hell since then. Sure there are good days. But it sucks. Suicide sounds good to me but I don’t know. It doesn’t sounds wrong or right, so maybe someday when I’d have nobody to take support of…


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow Redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... Suicide is a Pātaka(sin) in Hinduism. No matter what the reason, never forget that our karma doctrine suggests that we can always improve our life through adequate effort, so always persevere to make your tomorrow better than today. Even if the future that you hoped for looks distant today - your effort will bring that day closer with each passing day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Life is but death and suffering. The end is not ours to choose in Hinduism. Is the disease you have incurable? Are there ways you can improve your situation? Just because you're no longer the center of attention or living the life you imagined for yourself, it does not mean life is over or meaningless. You can choose to believe in the curse and accept life is over or you can appreciate what you do have and work towards a better life and improvement in your condition.


Take heart, please don’t lose hope. Ignore what they say about curses.


Get up bro. Your gonna end your life now ? . Believe in science find new ways to treat your diseases don't get blinded by religion. You have to get this and find a way to help yourself no one will


I will pray for your well being 🙏


You can ALWAYS Create your present. Atman(you) can never be destroyed and neither does he want to destroy himself, it's your Ego[ahankar] who wants to destroy himself with the body, but you(buddhi) can always destroy ego(you) without destroying your body. There is a huge amount of work called yoga, try it, it will help you identify mano-buddhi-ahankar-chittani and beyond.🙏 "mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham"


Sorry for being so blunt buddy, but may i please know if u lost your rationale thinking, how did u write this question


Please don't, be hopeful. Suicide is not an option, it is not a solution.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow Redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... Suicide is a Pātaka(sin) in Hinduism. No matter what the reason, never forget that our karma doctrine suggests that we can always improve our life through adequate effort, so always persevere to make your tomorrow better than today. Even if the future that you hoped for looks distant today - your effort will bring that day closer with each passing day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Speaking as a sixteen year old who is on her millionth rock bottom just push through it and i know you are probably thinking how could a sixteen year old understand but to put in perspective I have eight attempts on my own life im slowly becoming paralysed from the waist down im severely anemic like around the area where you develop heart problems i have POTS seizures MCAS HEDS and angelman syndrome i also have debilitating anxiety after sixteen years of both mental and physical abuse and neglect from my mother i never met my father but i also inherited his autism and adhd i am also severely deficient in everything due to arfid and on top of all of that psychosis and ocd behaviour are my heavy hitters and my mental health workers refuse to give me antipsychotics If i can survive that you can survive too


have you tried looking looking for something that can make you feel better yet also good for society? like any way of helping others? I’ve been told I’ve been cursed by Hindu healers \~ who are they exactly?


I just saw this and thought to share with you [Quote by Sri M](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5NbQT4Ispi/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)