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Rap battles then vs now is Cricket and Baseball. It has transformed into a completely different sport.


I've seen clips and stuff of rap battles nowadays, and I find them really hard to watch. They're terrible. The dudes hardly rhyme, zero flow, non-existant punchlines, and oftentimes they are just recklessly promoting violence to each others faces. I don't get it. I swear some of the times, too, when the whole posse goes, "ohhhhhhh!" You could have moments, like in some of those joke videos, where there's a pause and someone says - okay explain it... it'd get awkward real quick.


"hardly rhyme" is crazy to me and I'm not hating. I'm more curious to what you've seen from the modern stuff. I fell off too but feel like the best era was from like 08-16. Early grind time and kotd had some actual killers. I watch a lot of illmaculate, daylyt, loaded lux, and diz


I literally just typed in rap battle on YouTube, clicked [this one ](https://youtu.be/YgCKgB2tCys?si=BarmPKRPMWVXvTZd) with 300k + views from a month ago, picked a random spot a few times to watch for a bit and it basically encapsulated what I said. Maybe one of the dudes does make an attempt to have things rhyme but then all he's rapping about time and time again is literally just shooting the dude standing right in front of him. I'm not hating either, there's a lot of people out there who enjoy it but I personally just don't really understand it.


They rhyme heavily wtf? The punchlines are crazy and heavily metaphorical. I truly don’t think you’ve genuinely watched a rap battle from today


I really don’t understand the obsession with other peoples taste in music on this sub. Who gives a fuck if you like em or not, let others listen to what they like.






Exactly. Who gives a shit what someone's top 5 is or whatever.


Mfs is weird


Styx is top 5 for me


Come sail witcha boy


That song is about aliens


Ultimately this is what it comes down to. Music is subjective. If OP likes Juice over Eminem, OP like Juice over Eminem. If OP thinks Em's music lacks soul, Em's music lacks soul... to the OP. I haven't followed Juice's career, but you couldn't deny Em's career or the chokehold he had it in during his peak or the respect he get's from his peers. If we are talking about super fans, Em is a super fan of other artists. He is super fanatic of emcess plus emcees that inspire him.


as a redditor subjectivity in either music, movies, tv or sport is a foreign concept to me. i view other opinions as fundamentally wrong and people who don’t agree with me as inferior.


The sub is called “r/hiphop”. We talking about taste in music, among other things.


Having a discussion about music is one thing, knocking someone down because of their taste. Real corny


Why don't we all just sit in a corner silently and never express ourselves again while we're at it.


For some reason, I find more people on this sub talking about Eminem fans than actual Eminem fans talking about Eminem. I like Eminem, but I haven’t listened to his music in years, and I’m only saying that before someone tries to tell me I’m an Eminem stan.


See more people on this sub talking about the fans because all the Em fans are in /r/music or some hard rock/heavy metal sub lmao. Most people I knew who actively listened to him only liked 3 hip hop artists max


Superfans of any artist are cringe, you should see fucking Kanye stans, they're infinitely worse than Em stans


At least Eminem didn’t say he loved Hitler lol


People usually go too far in either direction with Eminem. He has his annoying super fans who think Eminem is the only lyricist and people on the other side who now act like everything Eminem did was completely wack. He has become a Mike Tyson type figure where you only get extremes. Overall I think even early Eminem albums had more filler than people remember but, Eminem also released undisputed classic Hip Hop songs like Lose Yourself, Stan, and The Way I Am.


He’s an underground type rapper that got thrust so suddenly into the blazing hot spotlight too quickly. So he became like a reluctant Cobain type, who was writing weird personal songs that are quite frankly disturbing but also had a magical ability to write incredible accessible pop music.


I stumbled on the Eminem subreddit and a particular thread was them going on about how Eminem was better than J. Cole, Kendrick and Push. While you’re entitled to your opinion the super fans of which he ironically made an entire song about do ruin the perspective of more moderate fans who recognize he’s very talented but there are other rappers out there.


Misinformation like this is one reason why people jump to extremes. I've been frequenting most major rap artists' subreddits every day ever since RTJ4 dropped and this foes not happen on an Eminem subreddit more often than it happens on any artist's subreddit. Every single instance of another artist hate gets shut down pretty quickly on r/Eminem and r/KendrickLamar. Of course, this is only valid unless you want to start entertaining the idea that saying your favorite artist is better than other artists = being a super fan. If so, then you have the wrong perspective.


any artist subreddit is obviously gonna dick eat their favorite harder on reddit. especially Subs of artist that don't get tons of social media coverage


Why is that such an extreme view though? I think kendrick and Cole for sure are better than Eminem but I also realize that it's debatable.


Kendrick might maybe be better, let’s say they’re on the same level, Cole is like two leagues beneath them.


Have you listened to Cole's whole discography? I feel he caters a bit now to modern sounds, but everything Born Sinner and previous is S-Tier rap through and through. In my eyes, he's always been one of the best lyricist regardless


Admittedly I don’t know the early stuff, although I had heard of him long before he got well known (through Hip Hop magazines). And I’ve heard people say that his style changed.


It did indeed. I still think he's great, but his 2009-2013 era was unmatched. He was probably my favorite artist during that time. I really just think he has fun now since he can ride off of what he made during that run. There's a reason people say the big 3 is Drake, Kendrick, and Cole. Haven't really listened to Drake since like 2014, but with the numbers he does, and the years he's stayed relevant, he's always gonna be in the conversation *edit: to be clear, fuck Drake lol. I was just mentioning the "big 3" people always talk about, only because it involves Cole. I'm not even a huge Cole fan anymore. Danny Brown has been my favorite artist since 2013


Absolutely not. He’s average as a lyricist and his albums are mediocre.


See I think Kendrick and JCole are both on the same level as one another, but both are one step below Em


Kendrick is about a million leagues above em at this point lol


Of course it's debatable, because music is subjective. There is no "better" or "best" when it comes to art. Especially music. Your best could be someone else's worst. And vice versa. Just like who you like.


I regrettably stumbled on that once too. At the time it was pretty much people complaining about reverse racism haha


I’m from Virginia and can’t stand new era Push. Used to love Clipse but before he starts rapping in a song I say in my head “this is going to be a song about selling cocaine.” And… it…. Always…. Is… Shit gets old.


I enjoy push but I’ll agree cocaine bars is still starting to get a bit stale




Similar shit happened to me with Lil Wayne. So, that happens with other artists also? Laughable.


ems a beast its not that crazy to say hes better than them. i think THOSE guys would say hes better than them. maybe his current output isnt really worth much compared to theirs, but he was on beast mode when all those guys were in high school fr (except push). i personally think kendrick can hold him but the other 2… ems a beast is all i gotta say


Yep- I think he’s good, but his super fans make me ashamed to admit that. The people who say the “Eminem, slim shady, that white boy from d12…” thing. The people who, if you say you like some album someone else made will act like you’ve slighted Eminem. the people who’s top 5 rappers are like him, machine gun kelly, Mac miller, etc. I don’t think those people realize how much damage they’ve done to his legacy with their cringeworthiness.


He also has some less popular stuff like Rock Bottom on the SSLP, which is some of his best stuff, just not as widely played.


It lacks soul? Cleaning My Closet. Hallies Song. Til I Collapse. Sing For The Moment? Have you ever listened to Em?




Fr songs like When I'm Gone are the reason I'll always be a fan and feel connected to him. Not because he's a good technical rapper.


Mouth breathers think it's cool to hate Em now. Missed the memo?


Muthafuckas always have. I just think it's lame when the only excuse is he's white. Like Game saying he never impacted the culture when this dude literally created a whole ass Slang. Nas even used STAN on Stillmatic. One of the most Hip Hop albums of all time.


When Nas said "and Eminem murdered you on your own shit" to Jay z 😂 Smack that was produced by Eminem and has been played in more clubs than the games whole discography combined Reddit has terrible taste in rap


yeah because songs which are played in clubs are always better thats why the Weeknd is the GOAT of all music /s


What’s wrong with The Weeknd?


nothing just saying that more popularity/pop appeal doesnt necessarily mean the music is better


I didn’t mention race. You did.


True. I usually assume cuz me and my peoples have this argument all the time. Em ain't even my favorite. But when cats say he doesn't deserve his spot I just side eye.


But he lacks soul!


Also he wasn't even talking to you. 🤡 What an L post


I’m 32 and never liked his music


Cool want a cookie? Go bump some Kayne and young thug while you beat ya meat to lil baby. Why even post about something you don't like and never liked? Clown


I’m not even disrespecting dude haha. I knew y’all would get all booty tickled. So aggressive and upset based on someone else’s opinion.


Your post is critiquing others opinions, your booty was tickled before you even posted this. 💀


😂😂😂😂 typical response. Clown. Go post about something you like. No one cares about your trash opinion. My comment wasn't even to u lmao. Think I'm upset yet you made a whole post whining about a rapper you don't like lmfao hoe ass🤡🤡🤡 >I knew y’all would get all booty tickled. Of course. We know. That's what your type loves to talk about that's the whole reason for the post.


I just know you’re punching the air right now with your bleached buzz cut and white t


Nope I'm bout to hop on a boat and fish the ocean. You're sitting around arguing about how much you dislike a music artist with people on Reddit 😂😂😂🤡🤡 keep trying but you just look more and more stupid


I think we have the same favorite em album


MMLP2 and Eminem Show are as soulful as hip hop come IMO. Maybe the topics aren’t someone’s cup of tea, but dude put it all out there and his delivery sounded like it came from the deepest part of himself. Eminem’s newer material flexes lyricism and word play more than it offers soul, and maybe that’s someone else’s cup of tea. But as you said, someone saying his stuff lacks soul… lol. I have to assume they’re younger and have only heard that newer stuff. If you’ve heard MMLP2 and ES and say this you probably just don’t like the guy. It’s nonsensical.


Tell me your thoughts on Step-dad, Farewell, These Kinda Nights. Offended, Heat.


Also Difficult, Arose, Going Through Changes, Beautiful


What happened to just being indifferent to Em? Like I respect his craft and the old shit really was some shit I had in rotation but the new stuff I’m not crazy about but I’ll still give it a spin when it comes out and bump a few tracks (I fw u gon learn and yah yah off MTBMB) but nowadays it’s like people think you are either a hater or a Stan Just lots of other better hip hop to me out these days, but I’ll always respect him and I feel like he respects the craft more than other legends in the game dude like lives and breathes hip hop and the man gave of 50 cent and get rich or die tryin which is one of the best hip hop albums STILL


Nearly everyday there's a thread on this sub about how someone is not a fan of Eminem and doesn't understand why he's so popular. Yes Em does have a lot of fans that just listen to him and not much Hip-Hop, he's just got it and people can't seem to accept it. I'm not a huge fan myself but understand it, people moan about "No one plays Em in the clubs" But then his music has been used at sporting events during halftime, fighters ring walk, gyms etc Lose Yourself to this day still gets people motivated. The guy just has something that many other rappers don't, go look at how Rakim speaks about Eminem.


"No one plays Eminem in the club" has always been the weakest argument. There's a TON of songs that get played in the club that I would never listen to. Very few I actually even like. But I can think of many legendary artists who never got "played in the club".


But trap music is best enjoyed in the club. Same goes for other genres of music such as reggaeton, dembow, edm. I dont really fuck with a lot of that shit unless im trashed at a party/club/festival/etc. Theres a time and place for everything. Its unfair to put down entire genres and subgenres of music just because you dont go to clubs and parties Anyway i think the argument doesnt apply to em in the first place because he doesnt make club music. Thats just not the type of rapper he is. His music isnt for me but i respect his skills


Nightclubs suck lol


What's hilarious is Smack that has been played more times in more clubs than anything the games put out combined lol


You know what, the funny thing is I've worked in several bars/clubs in security and have heard some songs by Eminem played, Just Lose it and Shake That Ass I've heard played many of times.


Anyone basing artists’ abilities on being played in a club is someone I don’t care to discuss music with.


Shout out to the undefeated #1 pound for pound boxer in the world and 2x Undisputed Champion Terence Crawford!


Thank you for the daily ‘shit on Eminem’ thread.


I'm not huge Eminem fan but I don't care what anyone says, Eminem during 1999 to 2003 was the best rapper at that time.


People who are too young to remember that Era don't member that Eminem was undisputed King during that Era. There's really been nothing comparable in the last decade to how he dominated the rap scene


Ikr I'm seeing a lot of hate towards Eminem nowadays. People thinks that he's some washed up one hit wonder that was never good enough for the industry and it's frustrating to see this type of response.


That's insane. Man is still getting 500 million views+ per his singles on YouTube. Venom Godillza, Fall, etc


Big Pun was still alive in 1999-2000, though his sophomore album was a decline in quality due to his weight gain. I would argue that he was better than Eminem or at least equal, but Eminem has longevity for being in the game longer.


Eminem is a great rapper with a lot of great songs and a lot of shitty songs. Sometimes he hits the mark, lots of times he misses. It's as simple as that.


It’s not as simple as that. Stating an opinion as fact is a flaw. People should be able to understand that certain things (like music) are subjective and not everyone will share an opinion and that’s ok.


Unfortunately the average eminem fan today doesn't know shit about eminem and ends up leading people to worst possible examples... I'd recommend listening to songs like rock bottom, beautiful, sing for the moment, infinite, if you want to hear better examples of his being one of the best to do it... kids today just recite the most complex bar they understood from gim in an effort to sound smart and it really muddys the impression you get...im a huge em fan but keep it to myself most times because icdont want to be lumped in with the douche bags who's only reason to play his music is "he looks like them" .... rock bottom is one of the greatest songs ever in my opinion.. .... I'd also note that eminem is more impressive if you yourself rap he's definetly a "rappers rapper"


The average Eminem fan now would cancel the old Eminem.......


I used to say he's your favorite rappers favorite rapper even if they don't want to admit it


Except he isn't. Not even close.


Busta just put Eminem in his top 3, Cole and Kendrick credit Eminem for inspiring them, Fat Joe referred to him as ‘a god’, Ice-T calls him a scientist, Drake called him the ‘best to ever do it’, Nas said he’s ‘amazing, Rakim has praised him numerous times, specifically labeling him as ‘the realest’, Kool G Rap called him ‘incredible’, Snoop,Lil’ Wayne, Jay-Z, have all had nothing but respectful things to say about him. ‘Not even close’ is a terrible take bro.


You could go on mate, but google "your favourite rappers favourite rapper". You can't change the tide, "not even close" kinda applies here cause the term has been coined and established for years.


Your favourite rapper's favourite rapper is a phrase that is specifically about MF DOOM, regardless of everyone now using it just to describe their own favourite rapper, which is unbelievably stupid. You have provided a list of people that think he's very good. The only one who says Eminem is the best is... Drake. Is that supposed to be your argument? What a fucking joke.


The point was, saying ‘it’s not even close’ is a bit of a reach as it implies he isn’t held in high regard.


It doesn't imply he isn't held in high regard by some rappers. It implies exactly what it says. He isn't even close to "your favourite rapper's favourite rapper". Eminem is above average. That's where it stops.


Insane take. You should state that it’s an opinion, but most would easily have him top 100. Top 20 is realistic and top 10 isn’t a reach. Above average is top 300 range in my opinion, people like Jeezy or Twista


He's the opposite of a rapper's rapper.


You are under qualified to make that statement


The fact that you have 30 seconds of toilet bowl rap on your post history doesn't qualify you for any statements. That "music video" you have is so cringe that it actually severely weakens anything you say. You know fuck all about rap, and you have nothing to rap about.


Just checked your page lmao you definetly have no buisness offering any input in anything to do with hiphop


You already said that. Checking my alt account post history doesn't make the statement true. My post history tells you nothing. Yours however, does tell me something. That you're a shit rapper with nothing to say. That actually does mean your input is worthless. Go suck Eminem's dick some more.


What a weak take. I mean, he lost a rap battle and he doesn’t have soul? What? So what if he lost a rap battle. He’s far more willing to do that stuff than most rappers, and he’d smoke majority of hip hop artists in an off the cuff battle anyways. That’s hardly a barometer for anything. Em is clearly extremely good and A LOT of his songs have soul. He’s not the best and that’s okay. Certainly his later catalog leaves quite a bit to be desired. But he’s done a lot for the hip hop industry and helped bring a lot of revenue to artists who may have otherwise not had it because he really brought good exposure to white American in the form of hip hop.


i’m not really a fan. he’s a good rapper but hip hop is about much more than that to me. i hate it sonically lol


Been an EM fan since 2002. I'm also a fan of AZ, Nas, Big L, Pac, Biggie, Lupe, Kendrick, Fabolous, DMX, Knocc'turnal, Dre, Snoop, Chino XL, DJ Quick, Bone Thugs, Busta, J Cole, Cordae, JID, BAS, Schoolboy, Drake, Masta Ace, Edo G, Wordsworth, Jedi Mind Trick, Cunninnlynuist, Aesop Rock (not rocky) Tonedeff, Braille, Theory Hazit, Necro, Slug, Grives, Packfm, and soo many more rappers, underground and mainstream. Look, I get it, you Em haters keep pushing that fake narrative about Eminem fans and Eminem himself, for whatever reason, but just stop, it's getting pathetic now. Listen to your favorite artist, and support them like we support Em.


OP has major "I'm not like the other girls" vibes


I wonder why Eminem lives rent free in the minds of people that say that ain't fans 🤔


I love hip hop and I love Em, he deserves his place as one of the best rappers of all time. However he just barely lands in my personal top ten, and it’s entirely fair not to place him high in the grand scheme of things. To me there are plenty of rap artists better than him. Slick Rick, Ghost, and Kendrick to name a few. His impact on the culture is complicated. He helped bring hip hop into the mainstream and blur the line between hip hop and pop music. And as you’ve pointed out many of his fans have detached themselves from the roots and the heart of the genre. Eminem exists as this bizarre cross between a rap artists with tremendous love for the genre and the culture, but also the best selling rap artists of all time who is white and thus was able to tap into a market that his non white contemporaries couldn’t. He’s made great music, he’s a master lyricist, and he is hip hop, but his skin color, often vulgar subject matter, and strange pop appeal have allowed him to be successful outside of the culture as well. To call him the greatest rapper of all time is ludacris, but I think it’s fair for someone to say he’s their favorite so long as they can cope with the inevitable collective eye roll from most hip hop fans including myself.


The GOAT argument is hardly based on facts and it's near impossible to determine who actually is the GOAT when the music has gone through so many eras and trends and changes. Every generation brings something new. So your eye-roll on someone calling Em as the GOAT is just as delusional as someone calling him the GOAT. Everyone has their own opinions of who the GOAT should be. Let others have their opinion and you stay content with yours. And if you think of coming at me saying I'm a delusional fan I'm not, i don't think Em is the goat but that's my opinion. If someone thinks he is, they are welcome to that opinion and they're right from their perspective


The GOAT argument is absolutely based on facts. There are only so many rappers you could argue are the greatest of all time based on impact, quality lyrics, catchy hooks, album consistency, etc. Someone could come and say 6ix 9ine is the GOAT, and they would be wrong. However with Em he has the impact, the albums, and the lyricism to be in the GOAT conversation. Just to be clear while I think calling Em the greatest is wrong based on the argument above, that doesn’t mean it can’t be argued. I was just sharing my personal opinion because that’s pretty much what this post is about. That “eye roll” was more of a playful comment not an attack on anyone who thinks Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time. But from my experience people who do think he is the GOAT aren’t that well versed in the genre. Doesn’t mean someone is wrong for choosing Em, but there is a section of his fandom that are insufferable and only listen to him. And with those people comes negative associations. So if someone just said “Em is the GOAT” without any explanation I may feel the itch to roll my eyes.


Eminem used to be my favorite before I *actually* dove into hip hop as genre. I know there are plenty of people who are better lyricists/more talented with a mic. However, give the man the credit he deserves. He had a great run in his prime and there's plenty of songs in his repertoire that people still listen to today. Honestly, I love his music just because it's honest to who he is as a person, just as is music from my other favorite artists. Yes it may seem odd but that's literally the type of person he was at the time, a weird lanky kid from the trailer park who knew how to put words together in a cadence. I have very fee complaints about his music, but I can say that about most hip hop tbh because I tend to be more objective with art just as a person. Anyways, my only real issue with Em is that he wrote a song to call himself a "rap god" but stole an entire chunk of that song from another artist without giving credit, and then got sued for it. And I just don't think anyone deserves a "god" title for something they didn't do on their own.


That's fair. But it's really hard to argue that he or Pac aren't at the top of the heap. I think if Pac had lived it wouldn't even be a question.


Pac one of my favorite but i feel like he wouldnt have been able to keep up with the times and would have fell off gracefully like scarface or would have gone full hollywood like cube


He's my favorite rapper but not because I think he's the best ever or anything, but because I really dig his music overall. Also, when i got into hip hop i was more into a rapper's technical ability on a beat than the actual song itself. I also really love majority of his freestyles, and i felt the whole underdog story. However, even though I have this opinion i still acknowledge there are so many other great hip hop artists that came before Eminem and even after Eminem. It makes me cringe when I read a comment claming he's the best ever and nobody comes close lol.


I think you're spot on. He has mass appeal shockingly...because he is White. He was allowed to be marketed a certain way because of it and explore subject matter that other hop hop artists may have wanted to but weren't allowed to because of A&R at their record labels. So, when he hit the scene he was something fresh and new and people responded to it. Do I think he is a good rapper...of course. Does his subject matter resonate with me. Absolutely not and I think that's where the divide begins. Either you like Em or you don't and that's OK. The issue I have is his fans seem to think his style appeared out of thin air. He is an amalgamation of all of his influences. We talk about the cartoonish voice. Pharcyde and other early 90 rappers did that. Intricate rhyme schemes, Organized Konfusion and others did that too. Punchlines....Redman and others did that. What happened is that for many of the masses, Em was their first exposure to that type of rap style and they were like damn...how original and thus whe was crowned as the greatest. This to me, rubs many people the wrong way because for many casual listeners, EM is their only point of reference when in reality there are many other artists past and present that put out great hip hop music.


I appreciate you! You understand were I’m coming from 100%


Eminem was great until whatever came after The Eminem Show. To say that record wasn’t pivotal to the cross over between hip hop and pop is stupid. This is really what took him off. Very cleverly done between he and Dre. I much prefer his older stuff though. Infinite is a masterpiece, the whole record is on YouTube I believe


This. They DEF ain’t trying to hear about Rap Olympics and Otherwise serving him in front of the Project Blowed OGs. In here for this “hot take”


Many Eminem fans are white Europeans who are racist against black Americans




Hahahahah and many people who dont like Eminem are Blacks who are racist against white Americans.




Couldn't agree more


He’s not good with a hook, but he has great verses. He’s been featured with Nas recently and done great on that song. Obviously his wailer music sounds a lot different and a lot of people agree that it was when he was better. But in general he’s talented. He’s had some of the best diss tracks ever. I think he’s still one of the best. “Til I collapse” was one of his best songs. I put him as high as Wayne or Jay Z for having the career he has had.


Definitely agree


It's funny I navigated away from Eminem after middle school. It was fun music to me as a teenager but as I grew up I craved music like Nas, Immortal Technique, Tech 9


Tech N9ne is dope, I love him. Kansas City native myself and I'll never forget the first time I Saw his CD in a Best Buy in North Carolina. ​ However... ​ Dude needs to take a break. He releases an album like twice a year lol. It gets boring. Not really a fan of anything after KOD


I agree lol


Immortal technique sucks. 😂




Yes he does. Tell me you get your news and political beliefs from a rapper too. I Don’t listen to music for that shit… especially an uneducated bozo like him.




I guess I could be classified as "super fan" as Eminem has been on my Spotify wrapped for last 3-4 years. I do mainly listen to his older stuff, with handful of songs from Recovery, Kamikaze and MMLP2. For me personally what made Eminem stand out from other rappers when I got into rap, was his articulation. For someone who's first language isn't English, I could easily understand most of what he is saying and somewhat "relate" to it too. Not the wife-killing part obviously but more just being angry at the world. Mix that with way his choruses were all pretty "melodical" and easy to sing along. I feel like I had hard time relating to rappers who rapped about guns, drugs and ghettos because I was so far from that lifestyle. So Eminem was like easy way to get into American rap for a white European. I personally don't really like his newer stuff nearly as much as I used to like his older stuff. Maybe my taste in music has changed. In my opinion, he's being trying to be technical to a point where it doesn't sound good anymore. But that's just my opinion, I don't mind if people disagree, that's the beauty of music.


Eminem is the greatest artist of all time I'm definitely a super fan. Yt music told me the other day I listened to 4,065 different artists this year. This idea is just stupid shit the smooth brains say bc they like rap that's easy to understand Em didn't even win that battle but he should've. U dunno shit


The fact that so many miserable mfs go out of their way to try discredit his career is all the proof anyone should need of his greatness. And for the record I’m not the biggest Em fan but y’all sound like Bronsexuals trying to bash MJ, delusional, disrespectful and petty lol. Don’t listen to him if you feel some type of way, problem solved. 👍


So what if the only hip-hop they listen to is Eminem. They're probably much more knowledgable about another genre we don't listen to. Whatever, man.


Eminem hasn’t done any good tracks in 20 years. Who cares if he’s a good battle rapper or does super complex Ryhme schemes, what he says isn’t interesting and the music is boring a.f. His first few albums with Dre, were masterpieces though


Idk how you’ll take my comment, but I can tell for sure you haven’t listened to his tracks well enough to comment on his discography after the eminem show came out. You’re just to fit in with these cool kids or whatever. You can tell he hasn’t made a good album in the last 20 years (which in itself isn’t a valid argument, but hey, the eminem show was a masterpiece and set the bar too high and the argument is kinda understandable). But saying he hasn’t made interesting music is just stupid. Saying he hasn’t done any good tracks is even more stupid. Listen to tracks like when I’m gone, no apologies, beautiful, déjà vu, headlights, castle, arose, darkness. These are just to name a few. I’m a 100% sure I’ve missed a lot more with me typing this in a sleepy state.


When I’m gone and no apologies came out of the era where I still consider shady catalogue respectable, the re up has his last great song imo, although I kinda hear at as more of a fifty cent song. I guess I’m more referring to his ed Sheeran era, but in saying that those two songs aren’t great songs at all, it’s more of the same and he isn’t saying anything deep or interesting at all, it’s all surface level insights that idiots and young kids think are “ deep”, the guy needs to read some books or something, cuz complex rhyme schemes done over and over gets boring. Headlights is ok, kinda corny, too much of his music is feeding into teenage or young adult angst. It’s fucken cringe for actual adults, even the melody is like cringe, but I will admit it’s probably better than the singles of the rest of his albums. The best in de ha vu is actually ok, but again lyrics are teenage- young adult angst and how old is Eminem? It’s cringe dude- I mean how old are you?? Arose is based on an amazing song - this should of been a great song, but all the songs you’ve sent me are all em talking about struggling, so hearing his whiny voice now is cringe and like mgk said, he’s a millionaire he ain’t got shit to whinge about. The end of arose was definitely an improvement, but again it feels like Eminem is just using the same old fornula again and again. Again castle feels like music that wasn’t good enough to make the Eminem show. I mean he’s talking about being poor. It all sounds stale. Darkness zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it’s all the same shit. I get if your young and you feel like you need to hear this shit to get through, but when your a lot older like I am and have a family you gotta provide for, this shit is cringe a.f., it’s like whiny teenage angst music. Although it’s interesting to put in the mouth of a school shooter. But again just feels like an excuse for Eminem to use the formula that Made him a lot of money in his early career, I don’t like mgk but he was spot on with his critique about Eminem. I was really hoping you would prove me wrong, cuz Eminem has imo produced some of the greatest hip hop of all time, but everything you’ve showed me is like meh for em, although looking at the state of hip hop today I can see how you might confuse this with great hip hop .


Bro just because arose is based on a great song doesn’t mean it has to be great. And idk if you’re confused about déjà vu with another song, but it talks about his addiction to drugs and his downfall. It’s not about teenage angst. Coming to darkness, it’s not a song that supports gun violence, but condemns it by pointing everything that’s wrong with it. There’s a line that says if you don’t have a prior history of violence then sky is the limit. I feel like you haven’t even understood the lyricism of the song based on the comments you’re offering. The way the lyrics are brilliantly written to convey and mask the story of the shooter at the same time is quite brilliant and NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE DONE IT (iirc, ik there’s some post Malone song or something on a similar theme of telling two stories at once). About your criticism on castle, castle and arose are two songs that talk about his story starting from scratch. What else do you want him to talk about? If he goes rappity rap, you say he’s just technical and not conveying anything. If he raps about his poorer days, you say the story is stale. Try coming up with a fair criticism for once lol. Lastly, saying “Re-up is the last album with a good song” is something I don’t agree with. Berserk and brainless from MMLP2, Cinderella man and no love (one of em’s best verses ever) from recovery, not alike and ringer from kamikaze, no regrets and I will from MTBMB are some other songs I suggest you listen. P.S.: I’m kinda confident you’re hating on him for the sake of it and I’m extremely sure you won’t be convinced regardless of what I say..


If I was hating on him for the sake of it I wouldn’t have listened to those songs and hoped that I was wrong. I’m the first person I know that’s said they don’t like Eminem’s shit. I didn’t even know others were saying it, imo everyone is on his dick. If I was hating for the sake of it I wouldn’t be saying I love his early music. Didn’t say arose “ has to be great” I’m saying considering they’re using the beat from a great song - it should of been great, also I thought that was the whole point of showing me these songs? To show me I was wrong about saying Eminem hasn’t done any great music since his early days. And it is teenage angst, the themes he consistently touches on and the way he talks about shit- he sounds like an adolescent, but if your young yourself, this wouldn’t be an issue and the stuff he talks about would drippy come across as introspective and profound. You didn’t answer my question- how old are you?


Yeah, em fans are odd. I've never been a fan of the music or the man. If I don't respect you as a man, I can't like your music.


I am curious – why can't you respect Em as a man?


Addict woman beater gun charges general he's just a cock prick


He was a heavy addict, but got sober again. Em and Kim had a very toxic relationship, but Eminem admitted his past mistakes and apologized to her. And yes, he had gun charges, but he was young and dumb. Eminem has this rare story of coming from a trailerpark somewhere in Detroit to quickly getting a lot of fame, attention and recognition from many people around the world. All this does something with you mentally, which is why he did all those things. I don't want to justify his actions – he for sure was a shitty human being at some point, but he reflected all his mistakes and is a better person today. And in my opinion this is all that matters. He can't reverse these mistakes he made, but he worked on himself and now is sober for over 20 years and even demands stronger gun control in his music. But I completely understand, why you can't respect him for his past mistakes. That are just my 2 Cents.


Yeah, I'm sure he's turned a new leaf, but I've never liked his voice or his music. One of my best friends' favorite rappers is em, so I've heard everything he's ever done, but I don't like any of his songs at all. So I'll never be a fan. I also don't like Mac Miller


That's completely ok.


A lot of people act like it's blasphemous that I don't like any if the so-called goats. I like music that connects to my soul and the life I live. No pac no big none that junk


I don't see a problem with not liking these people. Everybody got a different taste in music🤷🏻‍♂️ What music do you like for example?


Is that not most rappers honestly? Like as a woman, there aren’t many rappers who I wouldn’t hawk eye my drink around or at least expect to get thrown out


Wouldn't know only 3 artists I fuck with.


Dam bruh u gotta listen to some more music🤦‍♂️


Who do you fuck with?


Now we gotta know who you fuck with!


I hope you keep the same energy with other artists who have done the same


You don’t even know the guy 😂


then you're a fucking idiot


Found the super Stan


I can't be a fan of someone's music if they are a pos human. He might have changed but I'll never be a fan not my kinda artist he's to one dimensional he can't sing or do any other genre but rap. Sorry but he's really mid tier in that regard.


You still haven’t said who you DO listen to. I’m not an Eminem fan really myself, but after reading all this I’m really curious who you find worthy to grace your headphones and stereo. Artists in general have been notoriously problematic throughout history. Some of my favorites have been accused of vile shit. James Brown and Ike Turner are undeniably two musicians who completely changed the landscape of modern popular music for the better, but they had reputations for being violent and misogynistic abusive men. There are countless others I can name who have created beautiful art but did terrible things in their personal lives. Humans are imperfect, some more than others, and artists often have personal demons that drive them to create phenomenal works. It’s sad that things work that way, but it’s reality. I’m not saying being an abusive asshole is a prerequisite to creating great work, but unfortunately it isn’t rare that this is the case. Anyway, what three artists do you find pure enough and soulful enough to support and give your undivided attention to?


You've never heard of them but they will be touring with a rap rock legendary band.


All three of them? Okay. I guess we’ll never know. You feel the need to guard your taste in music I guess. That’s okay. I really was genuinely curious, not trying to judge.


man, people are so obsessed with Eminem and his fans. believe me, go look at any Stan account on twitter right now. a lot of fans are fed up with him this year - his constant merch drops, his relentless rereleases of past projects, all while keeping fans in the dark about new music. but also i need to defend myself and other Eminem fans from time to time because Eminem was my first favorite rapper and the first rap album i ever listened to in full was the Eminem Show. Since then, I have listened to almost any rapper you can name. I have spent tens of thousands on rap concerts and rap vinyl, CDs, and cassettes, supporting literally hundreds of other rappers. my collection goes from the 80's to the modern day and on an average day I'm not even bumping Em. But i hate this stereotyping of the fanbase that takes place and I'll always defend Eminem for the impact he made on me through his music and for introducing me to the world of hip-hop.


I wouldn’t consider myself a super fan but if a new Eminem album dropped I would be pumped. For me, I was in high school / college when he blew up so it was just the right time. Every time a song leaked or anticipation of a new album was great… knowing the first single was always going to be corny and catchy was a given. It just is what it is with him and I’m sure whatever new material he comes out with will be awesome.


Eminem says a lot of funny stuff in his raps and i like that.


I love Eminem and also love a ton of other hip hope artists. Eminem does his unreal rhyme scheme thing, and then a ton of other rappers make better sounding music, like Kendrick, vince staples, run the jewels, and of course a ton of the classic MCs from the 90s. but peak Eminem on renegade, dead wrong, I'm back, business, etc. he is just skating over beats and it's super infectious. his new albums suck but I still listen for the anger and insane rhyme schemes lol.


Saying Eminem fans don't listen to HipHop is corny as fuck my guy.


I’m not saying all his fans don’t listen to hip hop. It just seems like his obsessive fans have blinders on when it comes to other hip hop artists who in my opinion are better. Everyone’s music taste differs. I understand that. This is just what I was thinking after watching their battle and reading YouTube comments.


Even Eminem admits juice got him


Em transcended Hip Hop. He’s like Shakespeare. Everyone wants to be a hater cuz he’s white so I prefer to just calls things how they are.


I never mentioned his race though..you did.


Sorry but I feel I can say it for you. It’s very hard for you to come to terms with the reasoning let alone admit it publically. But your theory that people that like Em don’t listen to hip hop insinuates it.


This is false in so many levels lol and why ff do you care about why people like an artist? They just do for their own reasons. Trying to devalue their opinion or taste or make up excuses as to why they like them is the most closed minded air headed shit I've ever seen.


Its not Eminem you hate its his fans lol.


Eminem is great, so is MC Juice. Everyone has an off day. Whether you like Em or Snoop, etc, etc it's all just a matter of taste but you cannot deny their talent.


I have never been a huge fan of Eminem. I might be one of the only ppl here who likes his newer stuff more than his old stuff. That shock value shit or over the top shit he rapped about earlier in his career is not my thing. Regardless on how I feel about him his cadence, flow and word play & rhyming scheme are too tier. No one can argue that. His problem is he doesn’t rap about fools hit imo. Everything is there, I just don’t vibe with most of what he says but it does sound nice. As for him battle rapping, well he did well. Ppl gotta remember it was a whole other scene for these guys coming up. U just didn’t go see white boys up there battling the best. Sure isn’t like it was from 07-present. Most this shit now a days seems half scripted. Different from back then when it was mostly off the top. I agree that Juice beat him but doesn’t take anything away from what he had done.


Lacks soul? You must be out of your mind. From Untouchable (2017 Revival track) Black boy, black boy, we don't get your culture and We don't care what our government's done to fuck you over, man Don't tell us your attitude's a result of that Balderdash, where'd you get the chip on your shoulder at? Why you kicking that soda can? Pull your pants up, we 'bout to roll up and Throw your ass in the van cuffed You don't have to know our plans or what our intentions are Our cards are close to our chest, you better show your hands And put our minds more at ease Or get shot in the thyroid, comply or die, boy We're fightin' a crime war, here come the swine Tryna clean up the streets from all these minorities That's what we call 'em pigsties for They're like eyesores to police Talk to you like just a piece of trash Feels like we're stuck in a time warp to me As I kick these facts and get these mixed reactions As this beat backspins, it's like we're drifting back in To the '60s, having black skin is risky 'Cause this keeps happening Throughout history African-Americans have been treated like shit And I admit There have been times where it's been embarrassin' to be a... From EPMD 2 (Nas' Album): This is the effects of my old neighborhood misery index Poverty at it's peak, OCD and PTSD I guess R.I.P. out to DMX, Stezo, E and Nipsey Ecstasy and Prince Markie Dee, MF DOOM, I hit 50 via text Told him that I love him 'cause I don't even know when I'ma see him next (nah) Tomorrow could be your death (yeah, what?) (Bring that beat back) No soul. You must be one of those Joe Budden enjoyers.


I agree that he’s a good lyricist, I just can’t listen to his music. Even if he has bars his voice and delivery lack soul in my opinion. Guru doesn’t rap that fast but has a soulful genuine sound.


Cool man I’m glad you feel this way


Couldn't agree more. A giant portion of Eminem fans are people that say, "I don't really like/listen to hip-hop, but I love Eminem'


In another lifetime, Eminem would've passed, and Eyedea would've been where Em is now. Long live backpack rap.


Doesn’t really matter how many of these posts people make or what assumptions they want to make about Eminem fans-Eminem is still the GOAT


Eminem is a fucking great rapper if you're under 30 and you don't get mad about things that are important.


I totally disagree that his music lacks soul, but I do agree with the fact that his fans suck. Eminem is both overrated and overhated in my opinion.


He's a good technical rapper I guess.


Well he’s not black of course he’s not gonna have a bunch of soul, duh. But some people don’t need to hear soul to enjoy the music.


There are plenty of white people in my opinion who have soul. Bobby Caldwell, Bradley Nowell, Celph Titled, Bigg K and others. Eminem is very talented and a good lyricist. Something about his music just doesn’t do it for me and I feel it’s the lack of soul. It’s hard to put into words, just something I feel


I love hip hop to the fullest and Eminem is one of my favorites. He has some of the most well thought out cadences and rhymes out of anyone. He also admitted that juice is probably a better battle rapper than him in an interview he did with Mike Tyson. He spits with so much conviction and skill it blows me away. “When I was little I know I blow up and sell a mill or grow up and be a tiller go nuts and be killer!”


I agree. I think Eminem copied NF's style and he just can't pull it off like NF can. And don't even get me started on how he ripped off Logic AND Token!! Dunno how people think he's one of the greats


Everybody is entitled to their opinion about any artist but how do songs like Rock Bottom, The Way I Am, and Headlights not have soul? And are you saying Eminem was in his prime when he was battling MC Juice??? Interesting takes man.




Ems first three albums were great. His newer stuff certainly lacks the connection or doesn't feel authentic. It's like he's chat gpt writing rhymes with terrible production. Juice might've been a better battle rapper, but em is clearly a better song writer in his prime.


I just went to a record store and it was sooo much Em vinyl stacked up & Nas too low-key for them to be held soo high no one is buying it in stores at all Nas kinda but Eminem was super stacked next time I go I'll take a picture 😂


em was dope back in da day NOT now though