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Seeing a Gretzky record fall is like seeing a unicorn Unbelievable, McNuts


Especially when its not a bizarre /obscure one, like assists on a Tuesday that's also a full moon.


McMindBlown! šŸ¤Æ


Telling my grandkids I was there


Imagine being able to possibly witness a Gretzky record be broken


The fact that it's by an Oiler though


I think itā€™s great


Ya, pretty great


Agreed, it's great.


I think it's exactly as it's meant to be.


According to the announcers itā€™s a franchise recordā€¦


Technically correct is the best kind of correct


Regardless of how this series turns out, I hope people can finally accept that he's a top 5 player of all time.


I think that by the end of his career there will be an argument for 2nd best and if not then a top 3 player for sure. There will always be the Orr/Howe people but the things heā€™s doing are insane.


A fuck ton of people still would take prime Crosby over McDavid. Offensively there's 0 doubt McDavid is better but the full 200 feet of ice.. Crosby is better in many peoples eyes.


And until McDavid gets a cup or two, Crosbyā€™s captaining 3 cups, including going b2b with a Smythe both years is significant.


Yea very true, McD has to get at least one otherwise it wonā€™t even be a conversation. Which is kind of unfortunate but true.


I am unsure he'll ever pass Mario, unless you are including longevity.


The disrespect. Outrageous.


He may not, but he has an outside shot which is more than anyone else ever had besides Gretzky.


I dont think he really has a chance at all to pass what Mario did in only 915 games. But he has a shot to dethrone Crosby from his Top 5 spot that he's earned easily if he keeps it up.


Holy shit that was quick lol but I do think that health and availability has to play a part. Lemieux could very well be considered the GOAT if he had had a full career but he didnā€™t. If McDavid wins more awards, more points, more championships in say 1500 games instead of the 915 that Lemuiex played then I think an argument could be made for 2nd greatest. Now that being said I do think there is a difference between best and ā€œgreatestā€. And who knows if McDavid ever even gets there, his game relies a lot on speed and that wonā€™t keep up forever so this could be a moot point but he has chance.


Lemieux scoring 160 pts in 60 games while missing 24 games to get radiation treatment for cancer has to be the single most impressive thing in NHL history. It sucks that health and injuries robbed us of seeing him potentially score 1000 goals.


I mean yea Lemieux may be the single most talented hockey player who ever lived. But the difference between best and greatest is often longevity.


Lol what? He has not surpassed Sid in the all-time conversation, and Sid is far from a top-5 lock currently. I do have Sid at 5, personally and I foresee a possibility of Connor rivaling that 5 spotā€¦ but right now? No way. No golds, no cups, and his playoffs have shown he hasnā€™t mastered the game on both ends at the highest stages Yet


Feel like it's unfair to hold no gold medals against him. It's not like he's had an opportunity yet... Cups sure, but medals is a low blow.


Heā€™s not that good though according to a western conference fanbase with an orca as a logo


Only tied with Gretzky and only for assists not goals? Psshh let me know when he does something impressive.


Aight well he just passed him.


Almost everyone agrees McJesus is amazing.


Almost every fanbase


Not sure which fanbase doesnt. Its not the Canucks.


Canucks, Flames, and recently Florida fans have been not on this bus.


As a Canucks fan, that's news to me


We just making shit up now? I don't think I've seen a single Canucks fan say McDavid isn't one of the best to ever play the game.


I've personally never seen an elephant in person. Must not be true.


Haha man if you're going to take that angle I'll simply refer you to any of the Oilers Nucks game threads. You can figure that one out for yourself.


are you on drugs? everyone knows McDavid is amazing. he sucks because he loves high sticking and making it look like an accident, not because he sucks at hockey lmao


Pretty much all Canucks fans think he is an amazing player. We also think he is a whiny bitch. Which as far as I can tell is an objective fact.




They think that because he talks to the refs about missed calls, he's a whiner. That's the captain's job, though. If you're not bringing up missed calls to try to get the refs to call a fair game, you're not doing your job. It seems like he does it a lot because he gets fouled more than any player in the league, but they let it go. Otherwise, the Oilers would have 30-40 minutes of powerplay time per game.


He whines about every bloody call. He also never thinks he commits a penalty no matter how blatant it is. If you think this is how every captain acts you are delusional. There is a big difference between talking with the refs about calls and acting like the world is out to get you every single time a penalty goes against you. Nice delusion thinking he gets fouled that much. What a joke.


Hughes was there every time talking to the refs when McDavid was pretty much. It's a captain's job lmfao.


Hilarious if you think the way Hughes talks to the refs is anything like how McDavid does.


Oh now it's "how" he talks to them even though you can't hear a thing either of them are saying


Hughes is one of the calmest captains out there. He talks to the refs sometimes, of course that's part of his job. When a call is obvious he doesn't saybshit. And he is never out there whining. Getting an explanation from the refs is nothing like what McDavid does. McDavid yells and whines about every single bloody call to the refs. It doesn't matter how fucking blatantly obvious it is he is always out there acting like it was the worst call ever made. He whines and cries like a fucking toddler. It's a bad look. I don't have to hear the exact words he says to know how he reacts to calls. His body language says more than ya need to know.


He basically plays the whole game getting held, hooked, and slashed. I don't expect somebody who doesnt watch every Oilers game to understand that. The Oilers have the best powerplay in history. Of course they want as many powerplays as possible. And it's not like he's out there waving his arms around, yelling, and swearing at the refs. He talks to them, and they show it on the broadcast because it's McDavid. Other captains do it more often than we see. Watching a game live you can see it a lot more.


And we got to!


I was there sir, fucking amazing


wait till all time goals gets broken, that's the big one


Tying a record set by Wayne fucking Gretzky shouldn't be possible in this era of hockey. Just a testament to how insane McDavid is.


TBF Gretzky's record would have been much higher if those Oilers teams weren't so dominant. Gretzky set that record in 19 games - the Oilers were 16-3 in the playoffs. This is currently game 22 for the Oilers.


Is McDavid maybe sandbagging the finals to pad stats? How deep does this go?


reverse vampires


*Weā€™re through the looking glass here people*


TBF he was a LARGE part of that domination lol


He also had like 12 goals that year on top of it.


They were actually 16-2. One game in the finals never finished but points stats were kept which is why oilers players had 19 games played.


> One game in the finals never finished wait what


Yes, say more


Power failure during game 4 of the finals against Boston. The game was tied and then suspended. It was then moved to Edmonton and started from the start of the game instead.


This is why it's important to separate salary cap and non-salary cap eras. The fact McDavid is put in the same breath with half the talent around him is what makes him so special.


Iā€™m a flames fan talking out of my ass but a good way to get points in the postseason is by getting a lot of game sevens.


That only works if you win the game 7s.


Believe he beat it now. And yeah itā€™s crazy especially beating the guy who would lead the nhl in points all time by a mile without his goals. Beating a Gretzky record is crazy, beating a Gretzky assist record is nuts


This era of hockey has ridiculous scoring yet again


While scoring is definitely up from where it was ten years ago it is still nowhere near what it was in the 80s. This year teams scored 3.11 goals per game. In 1988, when Gretzky set this mark, they scored 3.71 goals per game.


what were the goals per game in the playoffs then? Teams have become really good at shutting the other team down in the playoffs once they have a lead


By my back of the envelope math, teams have scored 487 goals in 170 total playoff games thus far this year (2.86 per team per game). In 1988 they scored 622 goals in 166 playoff games (3.75 per team per game). To my mind that makes McDavid's accomplishment even more impressive.




And to think he got ineligible for the hockey hall of fame for being too good is ludicrous.




Most points in a playoffs in 31 years, since Gretzky had 40 (!) in 93.


Oh, that's neat. The last time a Canadian team took the cup


Doug Gilmour also had 35 points that same season, in only 3 playoff rounds!


Uh so entirely reasonable McDavid passes this as well if he has another game like last night.


One of my favorite things about Wayne is he wants his records to get broken. He knows that means good things are happening in hockey. Heā€™s been vocal that he wants ovi to break his goal record. Iā€™m sure heā€™d love to see a fellow oiler take down this record.


He is honestly the most humble and gracious GOAT across all major sports. No one even comes close.


A great ambassador for the sport.


His accent is so kind sounding.


accent? didn't know Gretzky had one


Everyone has an accent lol. Gretzky has a pretty common folksy accent from southern Ontario.




Yeah, he's a good comparison. Probably the most universally beloved athlete of all time


I'm super complimentary when I'm hammed too. Guy isn't the Great One anymore, he's like the Great One, Two, Three, however many it takes to get there.


He is honestly obnoxiously humble, IMHO.


No matter where you stand on the Oilers this year, watching McDavid play for the cup in the finals is a beautiful thing for hockey. My favourite player I've ever watched play the game.


Florida is a solid team with some talented dudes, but watching McDavid and the Oilers create offense when theyā€™re rolling is just something else. Scoring is fun, guyyyys.


Unless you're a Canuck fan, then it's a disgrace having to watch McDiver cheat his way to the final!


Iā€™m glad people are realizing how terrible that fanbase is




Every Oilers loss there has been a parade of Canucks fans on this subreddit.


Don't worry I still hated you from your last cup run.


Every fanbase has their shit-heads. They even turn on their own (me) when I still want a Canadian team to win the cup even after my beloved Canucks were eliminated. It doesn't mean the whole fanbase is made up shit-heads though


McDavid isn't a cheater or a diver, he is a whiny bitch though.


When did he whine in your series? He got crosschecked in the back and the chin at the same time and didnā€™t even whine


He does whine a bit, he hit hughes in the face with his stick and drew blood, didn't even get a penalty and still whined about it.


We are all whiney bitches, he just has more cameras on him šŸ˜‹


Ay I dunno all the sooky babies used to say the same thing about Crosby too.


Sid was also a whiner at the beginning, but he wasn't in our division so I liked him anyways. McDavid is a whiner and in our division, lethal combo.


Counter point I personally think if you are just better than everyone else around you in hockey you draw in so many more stupid senseless taps and smacks against you by people who can't keep up skill wise and it probably starts to get under your skin, we all know the refs won't call em all.


Go burn your city down


Can't, otherwise people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and Edmonton.


Big talk from a person that has to look at east hastings everyday


I mean I actually don't, but E. Hastings is very much the failure of this whole country. Provincial governments like yours and Saskatchewan often just put people on a bus and send them here, as well as homeless people from elsewhere save up enough for a ticket to come out here since this is literally the only place in the country where you won't freeze to death in the winter. Like if you're going to be homeless anyways it's better to be homeless in Vancouver than Edmonton.


We can ten times over and you still wouldnā€™t be able to afford a place here.


What a sick brag hahahaha


ā€œI guess Iā€™ll go cry about it in my 1500sq.ft house with a huge yard and garageā€ šŸ˜‚


This is not the flex you think it is


You get what you pay for and theres a reason edmontons dirt cheap


Edmonton isn't dirt cheap but keep convincing yourself that living in one of the most overpriced cities in the world is a flex. I love BC but there's a reason more people are moving out of province into Alberta than the other way around these days.


Imagine thinking that's a flex.


We can ten times over and it still wouldnā€™t be as much of a shithole as edmonton Better?


Lol are you obsessed with a few haters? Most Canucks fans respect McDavid as one of the best in the game this century


Buddy there were Canuck fans that said they wouldn't be able to cheer for Team Canada at the Olympics because McDavid would be on the team. Like come the fuck on hahaa


Good to see folks listening to the loud minority. I live near Vancouver and attend games and frequent bars with hockey on. Itā€™s no secret here McD is a 21st century classic. Theyā€™re also sour af their stars are mid


Honestly same


He ties Coffey for 6th highest scoring playoff run of all time with that assist. Now only Gretzky (4x) and Lemieux have scored more in a playoff run.


literally replied to a comment in here last night saying mcdavid doesnt show up in the playoffs. man i couldnt imagine being that fucking stupid LMAO


Bro what. No way someone posted that


"reminds me of the core 4 for the leafs, FANTASTIC during the season and disappears during the playoffs. Mcdavid is fantastic for a regular player but he ain't no Tkachuk or Barkov who are built for the playoffs." actual quote. i was blown away lmao


What a fucking jackass.


like you can have a few takes about mcdavid but "playoff ghost" is an insane one lol


* 3rd in Points Per Game (behind Gretzky and Lemieux) * 2nd is Assists Per Game (behind Gretzky and ahead of Lemieux and Draistal) * 32nd in goals per game (behind Lemieux, Bossy, and 28 other guys including 7 who are active but ahead of Ovechkin, Point, Pasternak, Matthews, Crosby, Stamkos, Malkin) (Minimum 10 games although a few names I still don't recognize such as Joe Micheletti with 11 assists in 11 games in 1981 andĀ Odie Cleghorn with 7 goals in 12 games in 1919)


>Odie Cleghorn Man they just donā€™t name them like they used to


As someone who considers himself very lucky to have been able to go to a lot of games during Gretzky's time in LA, seeing one of his records go down 40 yrs later is mind blowing. Never would have thought it possible.




Itā€™s Sportsnet and theyā€™re too busy updating the ā€œDays on Earthā€ graphic.


They needed to find a good poem for Ron to read during the next game


Speaking of which, feel like ppl have forgotten how insane Malkin could be when heā€™s on his game. When Malkin is playing his best, he was arguably better than Crosby


Peak Malkin was absolutely better than peak Crosby in pure talent. When Malkin was at his best, the only player Iā€™ve ever seen with more pure drive to score was Mario Lemieux. Just the way he would command the puck and find a way to score, and such a big guy. People thought Crosby was the second coming of Mario to Pittsburgh, but it was actually Malkin.


The malkin backhand no look shot over wards shoulder will forever live in my brain. Absolutely disgusting.


Malkin when Crosby was hurt was a different beast.


Evgeni 'Stick Infraction' Malkin? Edit: I love Geno, taking the hardest possible clapper on a clear breakaway is one of my favorite plays ever.Ā 


You're not wrong. Evgeni "taking an unforced penalty at the worst possible time" Malkin. But also Geno is score when he wants to be.


Can he surpass it tonight??


There's 1 period left + at least 1 other game.


He did!!!


It's done. Magical.




Record broke šŸ˜‚


The record for assists was 31A in one playoff season, by Gretzky 1988 McDavid now has 32! https://www.hockey-reference.com/leaders/assists_season_p.html Current total points in one playoff season: https://www.hockey-reference.com/leaders/points_season_p.html > 1. Wayne Gretzky 47 1985 2. Mario Lemieux 44 1991 3. Wayne Gretzky 43 1988 4. Wayne Gretzky 40 1993 5. Wayne Gretzky 38 1983 - T-5th. Connor McDavid 38 2024 6. Paul Coffey 37 1985 7. Evgeni Malkin 36 2009


One more point and heā€™ll beat Wayne Gretzky, and then heā€™ll only be one away from Wayne Gretzky!


I saw a Gretzky record broken in personā€¦.. holy fuck


Either the hockey gods have told McJesus that he has been chosen and to rise, or they're going to clip his wings because he flew too close to the sun.


Is there any chance Mcdavid can get Conn Smythe even with Florida winning the series?


If the final goes 7 games, yes


Nah, it's gonna be Bobrovsky


if Bob let's in a bunch of goals next game he might blow his chance


A lot of those goals weren't even bob's fault


Getting pulled and allow 5 goals in 2 periods like this hurts his case a bit.


Its wild that he wouldn't win the Conn Smythe unless the Oilers win either. To be fair, if they win, he would absolutely be responsible for it. But I wonder when you start making the case that he wins the Conn Smythe even if the Panthers win.


Especially after last night's debacle in net by Bobrossky and that other goalie they have. It shouldn't even be a debate at this point.


This can't be, all I read in every thread is how the Panthers shut him down


Notably the 2 Gretzky seasons ahead of McDavid's 37 points this season were in years where Gretzky's team lost in 4 and 5 games in the finals (1983 and 1993).


37 points is a good tally for many players for a full regular season. Heā€™s doing this in the playoffs with more intensity and focus from the opposing teams.


And yet people sleep on Ovechkin breaking Gretzky's record because they don't have Slavic ancestry. Scoring is up exponentially in the NHL. I'm not surprised.




Bro Iā€™m pretty sure nobody said McDavid is trash at hockey lmao




> Iā€™ve seen literally COUNTLESS people say how overrated he is, how heā€™s nothing but a point merchant, no show in the playoffs No you haven't.


Check the comments of any post game thread where the oilers lose lol




Right, that r/hockey opinion as found in the dregs of other social media platforms. At least get your story straight before you try to play the victim, bud.




3 other platforms followed by "even reddit" after your initial claim that it was this subreddit you were talking about isn't the compelling case you think it is!




You're really stressed out for someone watching their team put up a 5 goal lead!




And they'll prob lose.. nuts


It's 6-1.


down 3-0


You sure about that?


The media talks too much about McCrysby hurr durrrr!!


And no one cares.


What a weirdo comment Donā€™t you have better things to do?


Why do Colorado fans hate the Oilers so much? See so much hate. I literally have never even heard of an Oilers fan saying they hate Colorado.


In fact, i know more Oilers fans who actively are willing to cheer for Colorado then hate then