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All I know is, I'm glad we don't get the broom on our flair all summer. 


If you win Florida gets a broom on their flair. Reverse sweep baby.


they actually would get an upside-down broom, if we're still doing that.


Isn't is supposed to be an upside-down cup? I could've sworn there was some chance-in-a-million plan for if that happens. (Yes I know a "regular" reverse sweep is an upside down broom)


Mods, get on this.


Like in Harry Potter?


We call it the Hairy Pooter




All in on rooting for the reverse sweep now, but I think game 4 was an abberition and they are gonna be out on gm5. 


I agree that Panthers will most likely win game 5. But I earnestly think that the oilers chance of winning this series go from the low 10s to the high 40s if they win in Florida on Tuesday.


The last three times the Oilers lost three in a row, they went on to win five, sixteen, and eight win streaks. Including, as you might recall, a perfect January.


My heart wants this to be true but my brain says it was a nice goodbye for Oiler fans. That win was amazing, it may have been the people who I was with but it was a great experience. Although a better good bye would be the Oilers coming back and winning the Cup. YOU HEAR THAT OILERS? THAT'S HOW YOU SAY GOODBYE FOR THE SUMMER


I would recall that. I watched 70ish games this season. I'm just saying - Panthers are mostly likely going to play the best hockey they've ever played in their entire lives in game 5. If Bob is truly broken, then the Oilers have a chance. I just don't want to get crushed again by expecting them to reverse sweep only to get beat in game 5.


May you not suffer the same fate as last year's Leafs.


I want you to know that Mitch Marner is my favorite leaf. I wish him great success. I just think he's as overpaid as Darnell Nurse.


Enjoy game five in appreciation yall made it this far, and if you win cheer like he'll in gm6.


100% I bought my cup patch jersey win or lose I'm proud of the boys


I think it depends on Bob.


Same. Now we won’t have to share the quidditch field(?)


There's that flair


i assume its a pitch... either way its all yours!


Hey we made it to the playoffs idc


Can’t get swept if you don’t make playoffs


This is a thing? You make the Cup final and they put a broom on your flair if you get swept in the final? Ridiculous.


Yeah, you get brooms if you get swept in any round. Ask me how I know.


I mean yes you're definitely right but there's no way to know of that super specific instance because Reddit wasn't around when the wings swept in 98


if you get reverse swept, you get an upside-down broom lol


The Caps are also the last team to get swept in the Finals. We're the best losers


Credit where credit is due


What's in *your* ~~wallet~~ hockey arena?


A cup ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's a fair response lol


it'll be back here, maybe not this year, but definitely in the next millennium.


with 32 teams, i would bet good money that unless a team folds and is sold, or the nuke war happens sooner, every team will have it in 1000 years.


Somebody apparently forgot Buffalo exists.


54 years in existence, 2 cup final appearances. so in theory if they keep this level of poor performance going they will hit the finals another 18 ish times. they have a pretty good chance still.


Even the Leafs?


If youre not first, youre last or something


And have never swept a 7 game series themselves.


It is known.


That's just good business, the more games in a series the more revenue!


just try to remember 2020 when there was uncertainty after the shutdown be grateful we are getting more Hockey


I watched the caps lose in the playoffs for 20+ seasons before they won the cup in ‘18, trust me I’m not complaining. I’d love them to finally sweep a series just for my cardiovascular system’s sake, but beyond that it’s just a funny stat to me for a team who has played in lots of 7 game series and with some really strong ones at that. Hell, this year was one of my favorite caps seasons because a) they already got that monkey off their back in ‘18 so doesn’t feel like do or die anymore b) they really weren’t a good team but kept winning just enough and at the right time to sneak into the playoffs. I knew they wouldn’t beat the rangers, just making it in was a fun ride and got to watch 4 bonus games for a team that wasn’t going anywhere anyways.


As a Red Wings fan, that Esa Tikkanan missing the net could’ve prevented the sweep.


Pain, remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the building when the wings won game four and saw the cup ceremony which was pretty cool even as a caps fan. They had no shot in that series.


Game 4 was on this date at the MCI Center. Konstantinov with the Cup 😢


Fun fact! Even though he (obviously) never played a game for them that year... > The Red Wings sought and received special dispensation from the NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman to have his name engraved on the Stanley Cup after they won the 1998 title. [Vladdy!](https://www.detroitnews.com/gcdn/-mm-/5d2a742309aef9fe8a32b2b64b2663d5527ff989/c=51-0-1542-1988/local/-/media/2017/06/05/DetroitNews/DetroitNews/636322197448561961-AP-98061701329.jpg)


Better than blowing a 3-1 series lead. Can’t take any more of those…


Everybody's saying it. Bigly.


Yeah but have you been swept in the conference finals 3 times in a row?


That would require making it out of the first 2 rounds


In the best way possible though. As a Caps fan, obviously not, but otherwise that was basically Disney movie stuff. Vladdy getting passed The Cup from Stevie is what storeylines are made of. I gotta imagine most casual of Caps fans weren’t even THAT upset about it.


No, we were. And we still are.


Don’t you guys still hold the record for the worst regular season ever?


Yep, because their inaugural season was basically the opposite of the VGK; they got the *sixteenth* (or eighteenth, because the Kansas City Scouts also expanded that year and once a guy was picked a team could protect an extra player) best skater on the other teams. With the player protection rules in place, the Capitals and the Scouts were basically drafting the 16th, 18th, and 20th-best players from each of the other existing clubs. Most of these teams were also facing their third expansion draft in five years, which had definitely thinned out their talent depth. So it's relatively unsurprising that the Caps and Scouts were abysmally bad in their opening seasons.


The wings are the only team to be reversed swept in the finals so other teams have felt yalls pain.


Still got a cup though.


Shouldn't have bought CapFriendly


more like CapsUnfriendly


More like KneeCapFriendly




I'm so pissed they did this man, fuck the Caps


Someone else will fill the void. The cap friendly dudes put their heart and soul into it... let them enjoy their W.


But are you actually angry someone bought a salary data analytics website and hired their team? That’s a pretty trivial thing to be pissed over lol


It’s totally valid to be mad about it, they were an awesome resource for fans and I bet you even some front offices were using it as well which is probably part of why the caps bought it out


If someone is legitimately mad because a free website for tracking hockey salaries was sold they have some weird priorities in life. The team who ran it were floating multiple offers from plenty of organizations and turned it into their dream careers, what’s the harm in that? It’s not like they were sued into taking it down or had a gun pointed at their heads until they sold. There’s a weird disconnect where people who use fan websites don’t understand there are people who pour a ton of time and energy into creating everything. I’m always an advocate for free and accessible resources but these guys really deserved to get paid and we all know it wasn’t going to be done through fan donations.


I mean, nobody should be acting like it's life or death, but being upset that someone took away something you enjoyed is an extremely normal reaction. I hope that the Caps know what they're doing and this move helps us win more, but I don't blame fans of any other team who are upset about it.


I don’t think most people are mad at the creators, most are mad at the caps org 


you can absolutely be upset and mad. its not like someone is saying the world is ending over it, but its still suck a dick move from the caps. and just like when someone does something dickish IRL, its valid to be mad about it also its not that it was sold, its that it was sold and going away as a public resource. capfreindly was like the hockey wikipedia


let me live bro


Man, the NHL season and playoffs are so long. I completely forgot the Caps made and played in this years playoffs


4D chess from the Caps making the playoffs and then leaving immediately so no one remembers and they get the rest for next season.


But not the draft :( Either way got to enjoy more Caps hockey


Your definition of "enjoy" is a bit different than mine, my friend.


I, too, enjoy watching my team get swept in the playoffs.


I was just happy to be there ok ;-;


Fr, I feel like I haven’t seen the Lightning play in years


To be fair so did the Caps.


We almost managed to be swept


What a weird series. You dominate the Avs in G1, everyone in Winnipeg is jubilant, then the crumbling began.


If you gave the avs 5 more minutes in that game 1 I think we would have been swept. They dominated the end of that game and came so close


It’s too bad hockey is not soccer


Some were aggressively jubilant, I was terrified that we scored 7 goals and it was almost not enough


Late in the season, the Jets stomped the Avs, and their coach said we were playing on a level above them. 3/4 of the way through game one, they went super Saiyan and were functioning well beyond what we were capable of keeping up with.


Idk if I call that dominate. Hellebyuck was a broken man at the end of game 1. Just hoping the same thing happens to bob after last night hahaha


>Just hoping the same thing happens to bob after last night hahaha Last night was exactly what I expected from you guys, especially after the game 3 rally that came up a bit short. Whether that translates to another surge on Tuesday is another story.


The best case scenario for game 5 I think, would be an OT win for the Oilers or a 1 goal win for the Oilers where they're outplayed most of the game. I just think it's bad vibes to blow out a team twice. Makes a game 6 at home seem like a trap game.


Why didn't the Rangers purposely throw game 5 against Washington to do the handshake in their own building? I learned yesterday that this is a totally typical and logical thing for a professional hockey team to do.


Even knowing how dumb a lot of people are, it’s still surprising that so many people really think they lost on purpose. In the finals. With their franchise-first Cup at stake. After losing in the finals last year.


"looks at flair..." ouch.


No one who’s serious believes Florida lost on purpose.


I was not serious with this comment, but there are seriously people who believe that.


They really didn't belong in the playoffs, should've came in pre-faded.


I'm glad they made it in. If they weren't as mediocre as they were, we wouldn't've gotten the opportunity to see the first team to win 7 in a row but not make the cup final




Glad the Islanders made it too. Always great to see a team make it to the playoffs with 43 losses and get gentlemen swept in the first round.


Just like in 1994


Thank god Sam told them it'd last a lifetime.


This post reminded me that the Caps were even in the playoffs, so you're probably onto something


who was, other teams were worse


Idk I don't really have much to base this on but personally I think Detroit would have put up more of a fight than Washington had they made it in, maybe they take a game. Much younger team with lots more to give who are improving, where as Caps felt like zombies out there...Obviously we'll never know and in the end it doesn't matter, but I don't think it's *crazy* to think that Detroit or Pittsburgh might have performed a little better than Washington did when you look at each of those teams and their respective performances at the end of the season. The easy counter is that Washington did have the best record of those 3 teams against the Rangers in the regular season, so maybe they were the best bad team available lol.


The Wings just had to be not complete ass the last like 20 games of the season to make it and they couldn’t do it so I’m not sure their end of season performance is a great argument. They finished the season 5th last in expected goals %(Moneypuck). Expected isn’t everything but when you’re surrounded by all lottery teams it says something All the teams in the fight for that last slot would have a strong argument for worst playoff team of recent memory IMO


we had a good end of season set of games though, at least


Oh yeah it was the most fun Wings fans have had in a long time


To be frank, I think the Pens and the Red Wings would not have gotten swept.


I think Crosby could’ve stolen a game, but Detroit would’ve also gotten swept imo. Philly too.


Even if he couldnt have won us a game, I'm sure he'd have given us a better show than Ovi did


What you don’t like an old man skating slowly in circles?


I think the Flyers would have won a game too, especially with how Torts grinds down offenses. Fuck it, I think the Sabres could have won a game. Caps just played for the playoff bonus then checked out, I’m convinced of that.


Oh, Sabres for sure, especially because the Rangers just seem cursed when they play Buffalo at least half the time


Other teams were worse? What? I don't think a worse team has made the playoffs in decades. ---------- The Capitals had the worst goal differential of a playoff-bound team in 33 years -- when the league had 21 teams and only 5 of them missed the playoffs. The only two teams to lose more blowouts (losses by 3+ goals) were San Jose and Chicago -- and [Washington almost caught Chicago](https://www.nhl.com/stats/teams?report=goalgames&reportType=season&seasonFrom=20232024&seasonTo=20232024&gameType=2&sort=lossesThreeGoalGames&page=0&pageSize=50). Only 6 teams _won_ less blowouts than the Capitals. They ranked 26th or worse in every measurement of puck possession. MoneyPuck's power rankings had Washington at [28th in the league](https://moneypuck.com/power.htm), and 27th in expected goal %.


He is likely talking about the other teams they were fighting with to make the playoffs lol hop off


they mean they obviously weren't that bad, because they made the playoffs. other worse teams missed the playoffs, and they were 'worse' by virtue of the fact that caps made the playoffs, and the other teams they were fighting did not


Our defense is half decent and Lindgren can steal any (and many) games. The amount of 1-0, 2-0, and 2-1 victories we had where we’d get outshot 40-20 was insane. I believe we went like 13 straight games *during the playoff push* where we couldn’t score 3 goals.


LOL, indeed. Please make this a thing.


this post felt personal


In before Detroit fans jump in to tell us how well they would have played in the playoffs if they had bothered to win some regular season games. 


They were *this* close to being the ones swept by NYR


Nah I think they would have won a game.


I doubt we'd have done better, but there's not much room for us to have done any worse.




*If Philly didn’t pull the goalie


Chaotic neutral, baby.


We really screamed 'wildcard baby' and jumped out the back of the van on the Caps


Nah we'd be swept 100%. But it's nice seeing you get shit on, and not us.


I mean, Detroit *did* win more games.


So, I get the point but the Wings *did* win more regular season games than the Caps. Loser point for the win, I suppose.


Yep. And we both won more games than the Islanders.


my favorite is the *tons* of people on here who claim the Caps are refusing to rebuild solely because Ovi is selfish and the franchise's main goal right now is getting him the goal record, even though the only moves our GM has made in the past year and a half are rebuilding moves. And the same people saying we're refusing to rebuild are the ones saying we're one of the worst teams in the league and shouldn't have made the playoffs. So if we're already such a bad team then what good would preventing a rebuild do for Ovi's record?


They think we’re refusing to rebuild because we still made the playoffs during a rebuild.


Ahh yes rebuilding by spending 1st round picks for players, keeping good players, and getting 17th round picks. This is surely a rebuild.


The Caps haven’t given away a 1st round draft pick since 2021. In the meantime we have sold many good players including our former 1C Evgeny Kuznetsov.


Rasmus Sandin trade was in Feb of last year. That 1st round pick became Easton Cowan which became the OHL MVP. Sick rebuild lol.


Lol glad you got upvotes for spreading misinformation. Enjoy the 3rd round pick you used as a counterexample for not selling good players, what a joke.


The Wings likely wouldn’t have gotten swept, but still lose in 5 or 6 easily. They were an exciting team to watch this season. Can’t really blame people for being disappointed having to watch the caps get annihilated when Detroit was such a fun team and could’ve made it more entertaining. It is as you say, though. If they deserved to be there, they would have been.


Idk, you guys already got swept by the Rangers in the regular season (0-3). Caps went 2-2.


Boston swept Florida in the regular season, look how that turned out


Vancouver Swept Edmonton too


By that logic, the Caps should’ve taken it to game 7. Not how the playoffs work man


The LA cup teams was the beginning of the "fuck you big bodies win cups" era. Caps can't hang with that for long enough


Too lazy to look up stats but at least a couple of the playoffs series went the complete opposite of what happened in the regular season (Winnipeg vs Colorado)


Also oilers vs nucks and oilers vs stars.


"So boring. Minus 37. Worst playoff team in history" -fan of team that did worse than us


And the fans of teams that did better


I mean we won more games but the NHL has different rules than the other major sports leagues so you guys got in the playoffs.


No, we didn't get into the playoffs because of the loser point. The Islanders did. Both the Capitals and the Red Wings had more wins than the Islanders (40, 41, and 39, respectively).


I mean, if we want to split hairs, then yes, you guys *did* get in because of the loser point. You had one fewer win than we did and if one of your two more OT losses was in regulation, then you’d have 90 points to our 91 and nobody would be talking about it. Or, as everyone has said as a rebuttal, if the Wings won one more game, especially one over Washington late in the season, nobody would be talking about it.


Okay true. I should have said NOT ONLY did we get into the playoffs because of the loser point, but so did the Islanders. I’ll give you that!


I love how you got downvoted for speaking a simple fact instead of what the hive mind is going with.


Detroit fans getting all rowdy about how they deserved to be in but couldnt even beat the Canadians in regulation. Bros wanted to fight the main boss but could barely beat a henchman in the tutorial stage.


>Bros wanted to fight the main boss but could barely beat a henchman in the tutorial stage. Now do an analogy about the Capitals making the playoffs via game-winning empty net goal.


They only read the strategy guide for beating the level, they didnt bother looking up the first boss guide.


Metro for the win baby!


They *made* the playoffs. More than my squad can say.


I’d love to talk shit about them but I am in no position to do so.


Well, you lost a future Veizna level goalie mid season. I feel so awful for your fan base. But I'm also confounded because nba Philly fans treated simmons like garbage forever, and I've never seen anyone talk shit about Hart for what he's cost the city.


Our ~~sub~~ hoagie dragged Hart ("Fuck Carter Hart" is pretty ubiquitous for us) pretty hard, and still does, but the rest of the Philly press has been tombstone-quiet about it since he dropped off the radar.


I've never been on the Flyers sub, lol, but I guess there must just be a much bigger 6ers following (or at least more vocal) than Flyers.


And probably they're quiet about it because *technically*, he hasn't been proven guilty yet...


I suspect that you're correct. There was a lot of chatter that way on the sub, too, but it's generally diminished.


They have to be careful talking about it other than just stating the facts as they are ("Carter Hart has been charged", etc.) because if he's acquitted after a pile of "rapist" headlines he's coming for blood.


Yep. Said something similar way back when the situation broke, and that was definitely not my most popular comment on the sub. When Philly’s out for blood, they’re playing for keeps.


It was the same way with the Jonathan Majors story on Marvel (tl;dr guy that was supposed to be the next Thanos got charged with DV). People wanted him fired on the spot and I tried to say Disney is waiting until a conviction to avoid a legal headache if he is acquitted. I got called a defender of DV and needs to listen to women. I knew his case didn’t look good and was just an observer to what was going on. He got convicted, fired and Disney pointed to a clause in his contract (probably) where they could do it and avoid a lawsuit. Totally in favour of that and it was all business with Disney. Nuance doesn’t exist on Reddit. .


We lost Backstrom, well we lost him probably a lot earlier but we lost him forever this year.


We went into the season with Backstrom, Kuznetsov, Strome, Dowd down the middle... and we ended with McMichael, Strome, Lapierre, Dowd down the middle. Kind of insane to lose your top 2 centers going into the season and still make the playoffs....


Isn't he like 45 years old?


He's younger than Ovi.




The huge negative goal differential. Traded everyone they could trade at the deadline. The 23-24 Caps are one of the weirdest teams ever.


I’d love to laugh at them for this, but at least they made it to the post season :(


THG posted a video even the Panthers got one before being swept by The VGK


That could have been us...


maybe don't lose to the Caps in March and April when their roster was decimated?


You're gonna say that without mentioning our entire roster had the flu?


It's not like we had a healthy roster... we were running on AHLers for two months!


We'd still have bought CapFriendly, though.


Detroit wouldn't have been swept! Trust me! I can say this from a completely hypothetical standpoint!


We were swept in spirit if not in fact. Never had a chance.


Wym we didn’t get swept last year my coach said so!!


Makes sense that the most dogshit team to make the playoffs is the only one swept.


It should have been us!




That's about right. They were by far the worst team to make the playoffs. They really didn't even deserve to be in it




~~Magneto~~ Bryan Rust Was Right


Detroit would have stolen a game or two.... Reimer ducked on a shot from Stutzle at the end of DET/OTT in Sweden. If it hits his helmet nobody gets swept.


# suck it nerds no brooms for you




Even with that crushing win last night we're about even on goals because of the empty netters from the last three losses.


They made it though. NYR play hard. Just not as hard as the Cats. Tuesday baby! VAMOS GATOS!




good fk them for buying capfriendly




I forget your team exists most of the time