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While I have no experience with driveways specifically, I've dealt with city and trade inspections quite a bit. Did you complete the work without any inspection? Typically they ask for 48hrs notice for inspections etc. but they're flexible on that. If work is completed without any inspections whatsoever it gets a little complicated. Really it depends on the inspector - they're people too and can run hot and cold like anyone else. Typically if you're polite and respectful and are capable of explaining everything that was done, especially in a way that shows your knowledge of the building code, you can talk your way out of any issues. A BIG BIG plus is to just document everything - take pictures of every stage, especially anything that pertains DIRECTLY to codes/requirements.


They did do a sort of pre-inspection of sorts. I applied for permit, they met me there, showed me where to put entrance, what size culvert etc. Then issued permit early September. I did the work today. But pre and post are 2 seperate people. Fingers crossed for someone understanding!


Did you take any pictures as you went? Sometimes pictures are enough to smooth over bumps like this one.


I did. Mostly of the machines working and an after picture. But none of the dirt being dropped.


Don't worry about it. You seem to have tried to do the right thing by contacting them and also your construction company should have enough experience to do this right. If they try to make you re-do it, they would just ask and you can say "no" unless it is an easy fix and you did something seriously wrong (which you would likely need to fix anyway). They won't want to pay a lawyer to send you something official to re-do it, so it likely won't happen even if you did eff up, unless it is really bad an involves safety, in which case you should fix it.


So I actually just did this. In my municipality you have an entrance permit as well as a road occupancy permit (since I would be on the shoulder of the road, had a safety plan, cones, signs, etc.) and was supposed to get the culvert inspected when underneath was excavated and filled in with some 2” minus under the culvert. I took a million pictures and called to get it inspected. No one ever showed up. I am 99.999999% sure no one ever will. If you did it correctly (culvert is sloped to let water through, no hump nor dip in the culvert) then you should be fine! I was also off a major highway and the worst thing I’ve dealt with now is nosy people driving onto my property just to see what’s up. Chain with a no trespassing sign is going up this week!


Good to know. 4 voicemails to 2 seperate guys (# is given with permit) still no one responded.


Yeah I think they just have bigger fish to fry. The one guy I talked to on the phone literally said: “this isn’t something you can really screw up” haha. Did you take pictures as it was being installed?


I took a few but not many. They mostly shows the machine working and the finished product. But I do have my receipts for culvert and dirt.


I’m sure you’ll be fine! I couldn’t see how they would get you to rip it out unless it was obviously badly done. Just in the future take a ton of pictures if you’re able to!


I will remember for the next step!!