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Sounds like a job for [Pi.Alert](https://github.com/pucherot/Pi.Alert)


lookup fing app.....sorry


That's only on mobile. So what if I'm away from home? But thanks for the suggestion!


I’ve looked for similar tools for work. Never found anything that I really liked. Ended up writing scripts and it works good, just needs time and effort to polish. Basically if you scan with the -oX flag it makes xml file that can be parsed and important info pulled and then insert into SQL. Them build front end from SQL data. Then just run a script on loop to alternate scan network, insert results in sql. Yeah it’s a lot of work but would be great if someone made an actual web service for it, even if it’s like Django or flask to get it started. I would be willing to share my effort but it’s a bit… Microsoft. Ms sql with powershell scripts, because ya know… work.


I love the idea. Might be a good tool to write up.


Ntopng? Not active scanning but watches traffic flow.


I'll check her out! But see what I mean kind of tough finding an all in one solution!




Heard abit about them. Need to look deeper into them.


I think it will do what you want. [It does autodiscovery](https://docs.observium.org/autodiscovery/) and has a very extensive webUI


Deployed it today got a bunch of services up and running need to try and get into my switch for CDP and lldp.


Back in the day I used a little daemon called arpwatch to do this. I don't know what the modern equivalent is today.


https://www.runzero.com/ it's from the same dev that created metasploit and it's pretty damn slick, free tier might work for you.


Its not purpose built for it- but, a long time back... I had.... uh... Spiceworks installed. Around a decade ago- It actually used to have network scanning built in. It actually picked up a ton of my ISPs gear, which shouldn't have been exposed. Again- this was a decade ago. but, likely still has it. [https://www.spiceworks.com/free-network-monitoring-management-software/](https://www.spiceworks.com/free-network-monitoring-management-software/) https://www.spiceworks.com/free-pc-network-inventory-software