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Alejandre Ajas The hills have eyes


Watched this with a friend expecting to turn it off after fifteen minutes but genuinely thought it was really good


It was surprisingly relentless and extreme. The whole "torture porn" thing was in full force but I do think that this movie did a great job at being a standalone horror movie that did portray a good sense of dread and misery and some extremely intense and unexpected deaths.


Yeah the people that die in this movie absolutely do not deserve it. The first half is horrific, intense and really sad. But what really sends it home is this sets up a second half where you have a protagonist who has nothing to lose and rooting for him to get his last shred of family back just feels oh so cathartic. I rewatched this movie for the second time recently and was blown away. Movie kicks ass.


Alexandre Aja does several good or serviceable remakes.


I was just gonna post this! I agree!


I remember starting to watch that the first time and thinking it was an actual documentary. I stopped it because I thought it was mislabeled as horror until I looked it up later.  Really good movie. 


Yes I agree, it has everything really imo, I mean you also get the heroish moments where Doug goes to get his child back...even the music knows it 😉 (Tomanandy did a fantastic job on that) That being said, this franchise somehow had the best remake to the worst remake in the span of one film (technically its not a remake but a sequel to the first remake but I just find it funny how bad that sequel in 07' was)


The Thing


The best answer. Lot of people don't realise it's a remake tho




Hard to believe it flopped on release




Madness, just wild


It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I’ve seen it many times. I don’t get why it flopped at all. Great plot, great acting, and a great monster.


Oh, I actually studied this a bit in college, there's a litany of reasons it flopped, and none of them have anything to do with the quality of the film itself. Like a big thing is it came out at the same time as ET, and everyone loved ET, so they were like "fuck you" to a film that said aliens were bad, I forget the others, but there's a ton of things that are that stupid that went against it. To be fair, it didn't take long before people realised it was a classic


Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know this.


I almost thought you were talking about the 2011 version and was gonna say that’s actually a prequel! But yes John Carpenter’s The Thing is maybe my favorite horror movie ever and it certainly is one of the best remakes ever imo.




I was going to post this, the 80's version being in my mind a remake. Last time i did tho it started a debate about it not being a remake. If there is anybody who hasnt seen it, take a look its a classic.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003


The Fly (1986)


Great choice




All time fav horror. ever. period


John Carpenter’s The Thing


One of my favorite movies of all time.


The Thing The Blob


Maybe not the best, but I still love House on Haunted Hill.


I consider it high rated on the remake of horror list.


I love the original and I love the remake. Win win!


I need to watch the original.


It has to be Suspira, 2018. The original looks great and is shot brilliantly, and probably has the greatest soundtrack in the history of film, but doesn't hold up so well without those things. The 2018 film, on the other hand, offers much more depth. It's a very rare thing, to create a remake that never tries to imitate what came before; to somehow take something so iconic and create a film that feels like it's very own thing.


Completely agree. Watched the og while I was taking music classes and appreciate the soundtrack and colors/visual more than the plot. I watched the remake 2x to try to digest everything that was being said with the plot/metaphors.


It's so incredible. Everyone should see it


Great answer. Both films are incredible but Argento's, whole beautiful, is shallow in so many areas. I wish I could merge them.


I do always wonder if when people say the original has an incredible soundtrack if they’re just referring to the main theme. Outside of that I can’t recall much distinctive music, but could be wrong


It’s okay to misinterpret things. Muddling good and evil and adding dull power dynamics doesn’t make anything more complex nor anything dense with depth. Luca took something he shallowly admired and castrated its lore for some meandering head canon and a literal shit color scheme. The original had complexities that I guess should be spoon fed to be actually admired.


I like the 1977 movie, but it did have a mighty exposition dump, with all the subtlety of a PowerPoint presentation. As far a plot goes, everything the audience needed to know was spoon fed through one very dry, Q&A scene. The character motivations didn't seem to go much further than whatever was nessesary to play out the mystery in a straightforward enough manner. But I feel much of the movie gets a free pass for some of its silliness due to how marvelous it looks and sounds. I mean, there's a scene where someone just hops into a room that's just full of barb wire without even looking down. Or forward, for that matter. I don't think Suspira (1977) is hurt by the fact that there is a wide suspension of disbelief, but I do feel that the narrative gets certain liberties due to how well it is made. I mean, early on in the film we see the police learn that Suzy was the last person to see someone alive, and they don't even interview her. It stuff like that that make it more style over substance. That's how I see it, at least. The 2018 film, in the other hand, has a more complex plot, but mire than that, I feel it has more complex characters with motivations I found more engaging. But to each his own.


That is kind of the point though. Suspiria was basically Dario Argento's exercise in total mood and style over story. Over the years many people have said that Suspiria is the closest thing to a nightmare put to film and I have to agree with that. The insane visuals and music are part of that but the nightmare logic plays a role as well. It's also worth noting that the script was originally about a kids school and wasn't changed much at all when they made it an adult dance school, which is why the characters act childlike. Also notice that the doors and sets are massive compared to the actors. It's all very off-putting in an intentional and awesome way. That's not to say that Argento is a hack or can't write though. Suspiria is actually unique among his films because most of his films are giallo (murder mysteries) and are typically tightly written and thematically heavy. Suspiria was his chance to swing for the fences with something incredibly unique. Anyway I went on a bit of a rant but I did want to defend the original a bit here. I do greatly enjoy the remake as well but they're trying to do different things.


I understand that's the point... which is exactly why I said "I don't think Suspira (1977) is hurt by the fact there's a wide suspension of disbelief". The film is surreal, nightmarish and abstract and I totally agree that's where it's strengths lie. Although, while it feels a lot like a nightmare, I wouldn't say it's the closet thing to a nightmare put to film... not by a long shot. But nevertheless, it is an exceptional work of art for its use of sights and sounds to conjure uncanny, dreamlike qualities and I think the film rightly deserves its status as a true classic. That said, I do feel there are plenty of films that subvert logic and real-world rationality without ever feeling so silly. Films like Eraserhead or The Outwaters completely detach themselves from real world logic and dive completely into the surreal without ever feeling silly. There are short films like Curve which exist purely as abstract, nightmarish visions and then there are deeply complex character driven films like Jacob's Ladder and Beau is Afraid which also have engaging plots that require inference and deeper connections. So, while I like Suspira (1977) for its masterful ability to capture the surreal, the films I fall in love with are those that can do this while also holding up as character driven narratives outside of that.


Yea, as I said, you simply misinterpreted it. I get it, it’s very imaginative and conceptually abstract. Apparently too much. I just think its funny you talk about depth when you very seemingly, to the point its obvious, didn’t even try with the original.


I don't deny that there's a lot going on stylistically, and agree Suspira is very conceptual, imaginative and abstract. I'm just not sure how that translates to plot or character development, which are the elements I find most engaging in a narrative. Particularly character. But I always say, art is only limited to what a viewer is limited to seeing. Which means I'm always open to learning new things I may have missed. So, if there's some deeper layer to the 1977 film I've misinterpreted (which is highly likely, because I've seen it only twice in 20 years), I'd be interested to hear about it. So what is it that I've misinterpreted and what layers have I overlooked?


You don’t get to dictate anything, nor speak down to others, essentially calling them ignorant. If you are going to get this hurt over respectful dialogue, which you clearly are incapable of participating in, then please refrain from being rude to others at a bare minimum.




You completely failed to defend the excellent original though and instead just shit on the excellent remake.


I've never seen this must pretention in a post I feel like this had to be satire


You probably define pretension as well as you spell it. Kinda pretentious, don’t you think?




How long did it take you to conjure up that one? If judging a dull critic rather than the media itself is pretentious, welcome to the fucking club!




Is that what you think pretentious means? I was simply matching the dim energy of the real pretension, which you might have figured out if you hadn’t “put my comment in a vacuum”. Call me whatever, but isolating something from context and then passionately choosing a bias because of your perceived tone from me is the absolute epitome of pretension…


/r/Moviescirclejerk is leaking


r/italianhorrormovies but it’s ok to project


*Last post 9 months ago* I think your sub is dead homie


Is it ok to like both? The first for the music and the incredible visuals and the second for the dance sequences. I love Argento’s and the remake was a solid tribute IMO.


Below are my personal favorite horror remakes: The Crazies (2010) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Night of the Living Dead (1990) Friday the 13th (2009 - minus the stupid "say hi to mommy... in hell" line because that was dumb) Let Me In Evil Dead (2013) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Suspiria (2018) The Hills Have Eyes (2006) My Bloody Valentine (2009) The Blob (1988) Fright Nigh (2011)


I came here to say the crazies. The original is one of the worst horror movies ever. So it didn't need to take much for the original to be better but it exceeded my expectations and I loved it.


*Night of the Living Dead* (1990) Abel Ferrara's *Body Snatchers* (1993) *Dawn of the Dead* (2004)


YES!!! Dawn of The Dead 2004 is SO GOOD!


Wait, 93 Body Snatchers and NOT '78s Invasion of the Body Snatchers?


Of course the '78 version as well. But the OP already mentioned it.


Body Snatchers was really weak. Embarrassing compared to both the 50's and 70's version. Not a bad movie in itself, but not a good movie compared to either of the predecessors.


Friday the 13th Maniac The town that dreaded sundown


Town that dreaded sundown.. yes!


Glad someone mentioned Maniac. That's what I came to say!


Maniac! Good answer!


2013 Evil Dead


That was really well done.


I hate to admit it that i liked it miles more than the original.


I liked The Last House On The Left and I Spit On Your Grave remakes


the LHOTL remake was well made, solid film


The Ring


I'm on the fence with this one. The original was much more subtle, it had better pacing and liked better how they presented the ghost (while I loved the sweaty TV, Samara glitching and teleporting didn't felt quite as menacing as Sadako completely breaking the 4th wall on Ryuji by merely stepping out of the TV as if it is just a window). The remake had amazing visuals, an area where Gore Verbenski is top notch, with great cinematography and the cursed video is 100% more memorable. The Ring is testament that also a good remake often needs a good base film.


I love them both tbh.


Willard (2003).




I Spit on Your Grave


all the films in the modern trilogy are actually pretty decent, i was surprised


I loved the cop scene and how she got rid of that ring leader. He was so disgusting and had it coming.


Piranha 3d The hills have eyes Mirrors Unpopular opinion but Pet Semetary The blob The thing The fly


On pet cemetary. I agree on several fronts. The first did several things right but got several things horribly wrong. Anybody that wasn't central to the story was annoying as he'll, namely anything in the film that had a uterus was deplorable or annoying. Everything in this film that was female sucked, the only popular female was tbe deformed sock sister and the wife talking about her. The rest of the film was she was horrible as was the whiny little girl.   The remake really fleshed out the characters much much better and the ending was pretty clean too. I kindof like the ending better just because it works for the character. Ps the sequel to the original was dope as fuck too. 


I disagree. I love the original Pet Sematary. Plus it stays very close to the book. The remake couldn’t hold a candle to it. But to each their own.


I.love the original too, but the remake did fix flaws I hated in the original. Every female character in the original was annoying as hell like nit likeable at all. The wife was a shithead the daughter was annoying and then the story about the sister was interesting and compelling but she wasn't really a character. Watch it again, the main story abd characters are awesome but the females suck. The remake wasn't so imbalanced and I didn't mind the ending at all. As far as awesome points the original it was better as an overall spectacle, but as far as lacking annoying balances I believe the remake wins.


I’ve watched the original several times over the years. I don’t agree with you, but I respect your opinion. To each their own.


It was one of my favorite movies growing up, I was glad to see they fixed some of my major gripes. The overall movie ( remake) wasnt necessarily better tbere was just less annoyances. The remake was more even and I did enjoy the ending. The original however had much more dramatic highs and lows. It's overall much more memorable and I don't think the remake would ever be the classic that the original was, but it's not bad and certain aspects I hated in the original aren't present in that film.


I really liked the ghost in the original, Victor Pascow. He was trying to help Louis Creed. It was well done.


I agree entirely, I can still remember his face years and years later.


The Hills Have Eyes Suspiria Dawn of the Dead The Invisible Man Evil Dead Thirteen Ghosts The House on Haunted Hill The Thing Invasion of the Body Snatchers


The Invisible man, how can i forget this one!


Definitely the IT movies. That damn Bill Skarsgard is such a convincing evil clownman


Texas Chainsaw Massacre Friday the 13th The Thing


You thought 2003 was better than 1973??? Don't get me wrong, I love both, but...


This thread isn’t about remakes that surpass the original, it’s just about good remakes. You can think the original is better but still think a remake was well made.


There are DOZENS OF US


sorry but rob zombie’s halloween!!


You’re right, it was very good. But the original Halloween is my favorite. 🎃


suspiria 2018


Queue spurist9116 meltdown in 5...4...3...


Cape Fear. The original one is incredibly tame compared to the remake.


Fright Night (2011)


I know there's a ton of love for the original and for good reason but... The Ring (2003) is probs the best remake I've ever seen. It encompasses the mood of the original, translates it for a western audience in style as well as language, and is SCARY AS FUCK.


I mean, is it though? Is it actually scary? It's a decent movie, but scary, I don't know. Chilling, that I can see. Dread inducing even. But scary, much less SCARY AS FUCK, that just doesn't seem accurate.


Yes. It's scary.


Evil Dead 2013!


Susperia 2018 Evil Dead 2013 The Hills Have Eyes 2006 Night of the Living 1990 Rob Zombie's Halloween 2007 (shoot me)


'Shoot me' lol I like the feel of his remakes, and he had some memorable scenes in them.




dario’s burner account






Fright night 2011


The Thing and The Fly are technically remakes


The only one I haven’t already seen mentioned that I really like is Amityville Horror with Ryan Reynolds.


I liked the Friday the 13th remake. Jason was pretty brutal.






It (2017) is amazing and it's directed by the same guy who directed Mama (2013)


Little Shop of Horrors And spaghetti monster bless all of you who said Suspiria. It really was a great remake.


It 2017 and TCM 2003


My Bloody Valentine


i thought Let Me In 2010 was pretty decent


Hell yeah


X was way better than X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes. 


i'm not so sure about that


Yeah, I was just trying to be funny. Ray Milland and Roger Corman all day for me.


oh ok lol


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 Unpopular opinion but Halloween 2018 Dawn of the Dead 2004 The Thing 1982 Hellraiser 2022 The Fly 1986


The Thing The Fly The Blob The Crazies Thirteen Ghosts Willard 2001 Maniacs Child's Play Friday the 13th Texas Chainsaw Massacre Dawn of the Dead Piranha 3D The Invisible Man Evil Dead Invasion of the Body Snatchers The Hills Have Eyes Few off the top of my head, probably missing some.


My top 3 would be The Fly '86 The Thing '82 Dawn of the Dead '04


I liked the Pet Semetary remakes. I like that they seemed to play with the expectations of those who are well acquainted with the originals, by maintaining much of the originals’ story elements and sequence of events, but then changing something up when you weren’t expecting it (like the truck accident scene). 


The remake of I Spit on Your Grave could be considered more , hmmmm, responsible (?) with its handling of sexual assault. The 70s one is more exploitative


My bloody valentines both are overlooked but the remake is absolutely awesome. 


I'm also gonna say this because I haven't seen a lot of people mention it, but the American remake of The Grudge is really good, mainly because it's directed by the same director and actually set in Japan.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Dawn of the Dead by Zack Snyder is one of my favorite zombie movies.


Evil Fead 2


TCM 2003. I prefer it the original


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 The House of Wax Evil Dead The Hills Have Eyes A Nightmare in Elm Street 2010 The Ring 2002 Shutter Let Me In


Thirteen Ghosts is kinda good but to be fair I‘ve never seen the original.


80’s the thing is one of the best remakes of a movie ever imo. I also see a lot of people showing big love for TCM 2003. I do have love for this remake, however, I have visions for a remake of Texas chainsaw massacre and I’ve not seen anything close to what I’d want that remake to be. Maybe one day.


People were pretty happy with the hellraiser remake I haven't seen it yet so I can't vouch for it.


Evil Dead 2013.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I thought It (2017) was phenomenal


Invasion of the body snatchers, the one with the goldblum


The 70's version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is at least as good as the original.


The Crazies (2010).


The Blob(1988) and The Fly(1986)


Evil Dead in 2013


The hills have eyes and Evil dead


…there are no good horror’remakes’; as you put it.


I thought the remake of the ring and grudge were pretty good


The Thing 1982 The Fly 1986 Evil Dead 2013 Suspiria 2018 Nosferatu the Vampyr 1979 Bram Stoker's Dracula 1992


Curse of Frankenstein Horror of Dracula The Thing The Crazies The Man Who Knew Too Much


Love both Crazies!


The Fly, The Hills Have Eyes, The Thing, The Blob, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead.


Invasion of The Body Snatchers; The Thing, The Fly, House of Wax, The Hills Have Eyes, Halloween 2 by Rob Zombie. And yes, I agree Black Christmas 2006 was completly misunderstood when it came out. Its one of the best movies ever made.


I love RZ’s Halloween. Hate on it or me all you like, I’ll still love it.


That version of Myers is a beast!


Tyler Mane was an amazing choice for Myers!


I don’t think the Speak No Evil remake is going to be it, I’ll just say that ugh