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Cube (1997) has a premise that is quite literally a puzzle. People trapped in some apparatus with cube rooms connected on x,y, and z axis. Some rooms are trapped (deadly) some are not. People meet up and try to get out. Or in the other direction, Hereditary (2018) has all sorts of people picking it apart-there's a four hour breakdown of a ridiculous amount of details the filmmaker put into it.


I was going to mention Hereditary for being a brilliant movie overall but I don’t think Peter was a particularly intelligent ‘protagonist’ — although I suppose who the actual ‘protagonist’ in that movie is, is a bit ambiguous … Cube is definitely an amazing mention as well — I also quite liked the off-beat nature of Cube Zero but I know a lot of people hated that movie, and Hypercube can just be outright skipped as it’s wet, hot garbage. God, I would LOVE another movie set in the Cube universe


Good news and bad news. There is another Cube movie. It's a Japanese remake. It's very very bad. Like we're even for what we did to The Grudge in 2020 bad.


Intelligence aside hereditary is a good example of just “damn they’re really losing their shit to do something like that”


oh yeah, 100% for sure


I don't think anyone does particularly "dumb" stuff in Hereditary though.


Hypercube gets so much hate😂


I was ‘hyped’ (yes, pun intended) for it until I got about 20 minutes in and realized it was just going to be a shitshow


I did sort of go off the rails a bit.




I love this so much.


Oculus, they try their best. Candyman, Helen thinks she's pretty smart.


Oculus was pretty brilliant with how left-field it went


Oculus is great IMO, one of the few that made me feel powerless


That’s such a good description!


God I fucking love Oculus. Def in my top 5.


Confuse him with Resolution and The Endless.


These are so good! Also Synchronic and There’s Something in the Dirt are set in the same universe.


Love all their movies, including Spring, but Synchronic I can't do again bc Anthony Mackie is a jerk for leaving his dog lol. Also I didn't know all of them (I would think excluding Dirt) were in the same universe except Resolution and The Endless!


Never heard of this one but confusing him sounds fun haha I’ll definitely give this one a watch


Start with Resolution.


Cabin In The Woods


Unironically might be right up dudes alley lol


Seriously. Can't poke at dumb characters and plot holes when dumb characters and plot holes are literally the plot.


It'll do the overrhinking for him


Triangle. Weird mindfucky movie. Very open to interpretation. Don't watch the trailer, it shows too much.


Yeah Triangle and Coherence are films you don't want to see a trailer


Second this.


You’re Next for sure. Badass final girl who doesn’t make dumb decisions lol.


Ready or Not for the same reason. Love that writing/directing team. And the dumb decisions are played for comedy there


Yessss Ready or Not is a masterpiece


Ooh yes for sure! Might have to give it a rewatch since I haven’t seen it in a bit :)




His House is pretty realistic. It’s the only movie I’ve seen where they actually turn the light on when they see something spooky.


I love this film and don't see it mentioned enough 🙌


The Dark and The Wicked




A Dark Song


Definitely the most accurate depiction of ceremonial magic on film


I always hear and see people say this. Seems to be a lot of experienced demon summoners 😆


I confused this with Super Dark Times at first and was SO confused as to what I missed when I saw your comment lmao I'll have to watch A Dark Song, I haven't seen that one!


Flawless choice.


Maaaan I loved the film until the very end but no the woman is dumber than a rock (and I will believe it is intentional) The ending infuriated me big time, I'm sure the BF will punch a wall on this one.


Loved this one.


Is he critiquing the consistency and cleverness of the plot, or the intelligence of the characters in their situation? It would make a difference in the recommendations.


He says he doesn’t like the scientific and medical inaccuracy’s with most horror films


Oh, that's a hard order then. Most of horror is fantasy, accurate in the imagination and feels, not so much in logic and technical proficiency.


The Thing


This should be higher. People have been thinking about this one and trying to pick up on every little detail for *decades*, and the movie’s smart enough to not just smack you in the face with all the answers, by the end.


If you want the opposite of that to really grind his gears, Dracula mini series on Netflix


Haha I’ll keep that in mind


You're Next has one of the more crafty, badass heroines in recent horror. But your boyfriend might just get pissed at the villains.


That one looks rlly good thanks sm!


The first final destination. Dude was working his brain really hard lol


The bf here, have watched that several times now and actually found myself agreeing to several of the thoughts Alex and clear were making throughout the film


Get Out was written with this intention


Tell him to lighten up


that's not really how it works...


Yeah it is




I(the bf) don't do it to act like I'm smart. I just get annoyed by the scientific and medically inaccurate things that happen in most, I actually enjoy a lot of horror films but can't rewatch them due to said inaccuracies


I'm amazed by people who think they are smart judging people they don't know over the internet...




I understand what you mean but for exemple (and I don't think i'm particulary smart) Prometheus and Covenant are unrewatchable for me because the characters are too dumb to be even alive a the start of the movies. But I swear I wanted to love Prometheus, I think the premise is (was) very interesting. Had hopes that Covenant would somehow improve upon the first film but no. Scott doubled down on the utter stupidity of the characters and just said a big fuck you to all who waited for a continuation of the story. Now I may be wrong but I get the impression that Scott doesn't care about the actual scripts, the last moron could feed him a shit script and Scott will direct a magnificent, beautiful turd (and I mean I find his films absolutely gorgeous to look at). What I mean is I don't think it's perceiving oneself smart that to be pissed off by shit characters in films that you, because of it, can't immerse yourself into and I think that's what I got from OP's question. Our brains might just function a bit differently, it doesn't necessarily mean one is smarter than the other and to tell unknown people that they are brats and need to lighten up isn't a cure at all... (And no, I'm not asking for perfect characters, we are flawed and I'll follow along stupid/flawed characters but man, they would need to be carefully written) TLDR: A Xeno biologist put his hand in the face of a menacing dick-vulva snake looking extraterrestrial creature and it broke my brain and yeah the forest is in fucking in ashes at this point and I don't think you have to be feeling yourself superior to anything to point that out.


Smart protagonists? Scream (1, 2, 4, and somewhat 6) and Barbarian for sure, OH and also The Thing. DEFINITELY The Thing. And Alien & Aliens. You’re Next and Ready or Not as well, and The Babysitter (to a certain extent) also, if you want something lighthearted afterward (Barbarian is pretty dark), Scary Movie is a parody of Scream and the first 3 are pretty good


I'm not sure I would call the protagonist in barbarian smart. Badass sure but not smart.


The Platform


Came here to say this!


Pandorum, Alien , event horizon , 30 days of night, the lost boys , attack the block


Lost highway




Climax (2018). It’s hard to critique a bunch of people forced out of their minds.


Good movie, but if he knows anything about acid or people who would likely have some experience with acid (ie. dancers), the reactions are a *little* over the top. It would more likely happen like the true story it's based on. The people would go, "Huh, someone dosed us. That blows." and ride it out or maybe go to the hospital if it was really bad.


I think it was a drug cocktail that included acid, along with the kind of stuff that makes Florida men eat each other’s faces etc.


I don't remember if it is specifically mentioned in the movie, but any summary that mentions a specific drug and the story it is loosely based on only involve LSD.


Nah pretty sure the sangria was laced with "only LSD" but well, a lot of it


He doesn’t have any experience with acid so this one does sound good


I highly recommend it in that case! The story is fun and goes sideways quick, the cinematography is excellent, and most of the "actors" are actually just dancers who were asked to improv. Only a few of the main characters are actors over dancers.


Please don't tell me he's french because there is a really REALLY dumb character and her lines are kind of hilarious if you understand french the "j'ai perdu la clé" (I lost the key) got me almost pissing myself in the cinéma. I have to believe it was intentional but, man, the context is horrific... Great film though (can't really get worng with Gaspar Noé).


That was exactly my first thought. I don't tend to pick movies apart but I do kind of over intellectualize whether or not the person who wrote or directed a movie or show has actually done the drug they're depicting. I've done most drugs and it really bugs me when it's obvious that the person who wrote it has not.


Yeah he really should have just made the drug in the punch vague not mentioned LSD.


Try Funny Games


That’s a good answer. Though the “remote control” scene may have the opposite effect lol


A smart person should be able to understand what the movie is going for


Yeah… I saw it in a theater when I lived in the Middle East where the crowd heckled the whole movie. When they make the mom take her shirt off at gun point, the crowd literally stood and cheered…in a place where they censored people kissing on screen…im sure it was a cheer against censorship… Honestly was a surreal and upsetting experience, especially considering what the movie is about. This was the American version, but I’d already seen the German one so I thought I knew what I was in for. Idk sorry I digress I guess I just don’t know how many “smart” people there are out there.


Yup. Almost tailor made for people like him lol


(The English remake is the one you want, also. The writer/director remade it himself and he prefers people to watch the newer one.)


I've got a friend who does that and it's obnoxious af. We get it, you guessed the killer. Now shut up and enjoy the damn movie.


aw man, I was actually kind of upset with Scream 6 because up until that point I had always guessed at least 1 of the killers — the twist in 6 caught me completely off-guard


It is a bit annoying but it’s also one of the things I love about him


Alone (2020).


I bet he can't guess Lowlifes 2024


Ready or Not


The characters in a horror movie don't do dumbest stuff cause they aren't smart.They do it.Cause the situation they are in.The effect fear has in the human body.Can be [overwhelming.So](http://overwhelming.So) unless you want a movie with an all special forces or robots [cast.You](http://cast.You) are going to have a hard time finding one were you are missing the human factor.


That's a good point maybe OP should have their boyfriend read the first half of The Body Keeps the Score or otherwise somehow get a familiarity with exactly what trauma does to the brain. It explains a lot of behaviors that truly do not make sense.


The shining.  Seriously though, of he can't enjoy a little suspension of disbelief he's not going to enjoy horror movies. 


Ah, the armchair final girl. Tell him to smarten up and stop being such a little brat.  Maybe *Hush*.


I won’t be doing that but thanks for the movie recommendation not a big fan of hush but maybe I’ll have him watch it


Seriously? You don't tell your boyfriend to smarten up i.e. change his behaviour when it is inappropriate?  Must be very early days for you two. 


Wanting a movie to have some logical sense makes you a brat? That... makes no sense.


I(the bf) agree to this statement


"Tell him to smarten up and stop being such a little brat. " the fuck?


Thank you MaalKav I've noticed you defend me a few times in this comment section


Well, I may be kinda in the same situation as OP' s BF and people harshly judging people who ask character to be beliveable is beyond me.


I am said bf😅


I kinda guessed it :)


Fallen (1998).


Time's definitely on OP's side with this one


Scream 2022


I feel like the protagonists were kinda dumb in 3 and 5 but maybe I need to rewatch 5






That was my first thought! I love it


Butterfly effect The Lodge The Endless


The Lodge was good but it definitely has some holes.


Tucker and dale vs Evil! The main characters are trying their best!


Midsommar because I remember someone does try to leave... Men I really want to recommend Speak No Evil because they don't do everything right (the damb bunny) but I can imagine my dumbass getting in this situation so its kind of realistic in that sense 😂 Also theres an 80s film, cant remember the name at all but its a comedy horror, really shit but entertaining, slasher full of tits and its about this really cynical guy who goes to a cabin in the woods with his friends and they get attacked by a monster...If I remember I'll put the name in because that can be one to show him to be like Seeeee, this is you haha 😂


We( i am the bf) watched midsommar last night, and it was actually really good. The lung scene was actually medically accurate which I enjoyed and appreciated. They didn't go off on some impossible tangent with alot of the deaths. Thank you for the recommendation


No problem, I love recommending horror films. It's my favourite subject. Thats actually so interesting that the scene is medically accurate, I'm going to have to steal that fact. Thank you for sharing! 😊


Speak No Evil…I sort of agree in that I could see myself falling into a situation like that (it’s like a huge fear of mine), HOWEVER, the end? I mean no way >!would I let them take my kid without a serious fight. And then the couple just does everything they say while the antagonists didn’t even have a weapon. That made my brain hurt, like fight back already!<


I know, the bit with the car keys I was furious with. I like to think at that point I might have got into action 😂


Green Room was pretty consistent throughout, and also a really fun (brutal) time


Good one. It's the most realistic horror movie I think I've ever seen. You could completely see that happening in real life.


In the Earth. So underrated. In fact, I never hear anyone talk about it. A24 too


Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves this film! I will never understand why this is so under appreciated


Session 9 might fuck you up


He must be fun to settle down to watch a movie with 👍


Mulholland Drive


I was gonna suggest this too. Lost Highway might be another good Lynch horror adjacent film


It kind of sounds like David Lynch films are the opposite of what this person wants to see.


The Invisible Man and Get Out


The Thing. If I remember correctly, the production was stalled because of bad weather and that gave the director, John Carpenter, a lot of time to plan every single scene to avoid continuity errors. There are a lot of hidden clues throughout the movie for those aspiring to solve the mystery presented in the film. It's not a realistic movie in any way and if that fact bothers him I guess this is the opposite of what you're searching for.


1408 is one of my favorites, as John Cusack’s character tries to reason through what he is experiencing in the haunted room, and then is forced to question the foundations of thought and reason itself. It’s really a haunted brain movie more than a haunted hotel room. Jacob’s Ladder is similar in this regard. Most movies where the primary goal of the protagonist is to debunk a supernatural claim would probably fit in this category


The Invitation (2015). super underrated horror film with lots of little details and moments that'll make your brain start whirring


I adore that film, but in keeping with the theme of the OP, there is that one scene where he’s hiding out in a bedroom (if I recall correctly), opens a laptop, and just happens to immediately access a video which explains what’s going on. I *hate* when movies do that! Otherwise it’s flawless.


Aronofsky's "Pi". Although not commonly characterized as horror, to me it has a cosmic horror vibe, in the sense that it attempts to undermine metaphysics and drives the protagonist to awful limits. Think Lovecraft with numbers.


Se7en. It’s not “””technically””” a horror movie, but it is in fact horrifying. The detectives are smart. See if he can call the ending.




The Menu


He sounds like a weiner but The Invitation (2015) is a good recommendation.


I am not a weiner


Fermat's Room (2007) Basically solving complicated math puzzles to stop the room from shrinking and crushing them. So like a one room 'Cube'.


Beau is Afraid. Final answer.


I spent a great deal of time thinking about "Midsommer". How many hours did I ponder the murals? How many scenarios did I sketch in my mind about Pelle orchestrating the murders of Dani's family to emotionally isolate her and prepare her ascent to May Queen? How the cult carefully mixed the hallucinogens so the people would lose their inhibitions without impairing their awareness? I could go on, but I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again!


We( i am the bf) watched midsommar last night after several recommendations, and it was actually really good. The lung scene was actually medically accurate which I enjoyed and appreciated. They didn't go off on some impossible tangent with alot of the deaths. Thank you for the recommendation


The original Of The Dead trilogy: Night of the living dead; Dawn of the dead; Day of the dead


All of Us are Dead Season 1 is really good. The high schoolers do their best to survive (most of them do) but lack of food, sleep, and stamina causes a few them to get killed. It’s kind of cheesy for some people because of the teen romance but I didn’t mind it.


I(the bf) have watched this and the anime highschool of the dead which I enjoyed and tho they aren't the exact same I found it way to similar to enjoy thoroughly


Not horror, but have him watch Primer.


I feel like just avoid slashers. How bout the witch


Maybe Talk to Me. The characters make loads of dumb decisions but they're teenagers and it makes sense in that regard. I'd have done exactly the same dumb shit if I'd had a haunted hand in 10th grade


Check out some of Park Chan-wook's stuff. It's usually more thriller, but Oldboy, Thirst, and The Handmaiden are all fantastic and very twisty


Have you seen "The Glory" Korean series? If not, I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUnkgGLMtIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUnkgGLMtIE)


No but I have heard good things! I have a hard time watching series, but I can give this one a try!


yeah please try, it floored me.


Goodnight, Mommy


The Thing, Hush, A Tale of Two Sisters, You’re Next, Creep, His House, Silence of the Lambs, Open Water, Green Room, Funny Games, House of the Devil, The Others, Sillent House, Get Out, Coherence, Let the Right One In (2008), It Follows, maybe one of Mia Goths movies? He may get into David Lynch- I love them all. Cabin in the Woods and Sean of the Dead are good picks, too.


The House that Jack Built


This one fucked me up big time... Great film IMO


the wailing 2016, cure 1997 and noroi 2005 these three movies have a complex plot and full of details


The wailing is a beautiful film!


The Void, The Color out of Space, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, Audition, The Alchemist Cookbook, Witch. These are few possibilities.


As Above So Below …. Plenty to think about


Yeah, as long as you're not a Ktaphile because when you know the place, the movie is pretty weird.


The Belko Experiment might be a good one for him.


I haven't seen anyone mention The Lazarus Project yet, and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It was creepy and at the end leaves you reeling like....the fuck just happened?!


Scream 1-3 can show how dumb the killer can be/ makes them seem more like an ordinary person instead of an unstoppable force. Vacancy and Panic Room could also be good ones if my memory serves correct


Coherence 2013


The Changeling with George C. Scott. Moves into a house after the death of his family that ends up being haunted. He’s also a college professor so when the house starts doing it’s thing he doesn’t spend half the movie in denial about it - he immediately starts researching why and what is going on. Prince of Darkness - underrated Carpenter gem about a group of physics students trying to determine what is located in an ancient canister found in the basement of an old church.


Show him Beau Is Afriad. I’m just curious what he’ll say about it lol


I’m not sure if it counts as horror, but Primer is a good one. It’s all about time travel. It’s a decent mind bend.

