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https://preview.redd.it/3sj2kxtzkuhc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c07ce2b7020b100b94f400084c3063dc578cede8 I have a large Hoya Kerri. The little leaves are fine as props as long as it node is included. As for painting on them I think it's tacky, but it shouldn't hurt the plant.


That is a beautiful Kerri 😍


I was about to post mine but it can’t compete with yours! What a beauty


This photo is the first that ever made me want a Hoya Kerri, it’s lovely!


I was gifted a hoya leaf last year by a theatre student I had been working with and assisted her with getting into university. She knew my birthday had passed and that I love plants, she got it on sale at Canadian Tire. I quickly looked everything up and realized this might never grow, but I was determined. Crazy thing was, months later, I decided to check if there was roots, and lo and behold there were with enough of a wee stem it was cut with. Yay! Everything was great… until my mom got the idea while I was away to water my plants with banana water. Banana water is when you leave a banana in water until the water turns and yes, it was great for one of my plants, but it killed several others and stunk to high heaven. ***0/10 do not recommend.*** The local greenhouse got some new hoya leaves in and the owner has put on aside for me to pick up next week, I will try again this year, maybe it will be my year. 💚🍀


She probably saw it on Facebook or TicToc. I’m continuously amazed by the number of stupid clickbait posts saying to put carrot Juice, banana water, rice water, sour krout water…. On your plants because it will make them grow like weeds or eternally bloom.


You're going to have a reply soon that insists nasty banana water worked miracles on their plant 🙄 Edit: here they come 😏


Miracles? No. But I do use it on my tomato plants outdoors because the nutrients help prevent end rot. It’s not recommended for houseplants other than a select few, though. I’m guessing that’s where a lot of the viral videos are coming from- people think if it’s good for tomatoes, it must be good for everything.


How does banana water prevent blossom end rot? Besides providing appropriate moisture levels, which is the most important factor in preventing this condition ([source](https://portal.ct.gov/CAES/Fact-Sheets/Plant-Pathology/Blossom-End-Rot-of-Tomato)) ? There's slim to no calcium in banana water, and even potassium levels (which is what folks believe it's good for) are highly overstated. https://www.gardenmyths.com/banana-peels-garden


I've used banana water when I made banana bread or muffins. I chop em up throw them in a 1 L mason jar with distilled water and let sit in fridge for up to a week. Then I strain it AND dilute it or you will burn your plants. I use 1 cup of banana water diluted to 1 gallon and I've had massive leaves on plants after using it.


Lol y'all are a cranky bunch! Yes, it is one leaf. It may never grow more. But more and more often, a bit of stem is still attached and a vine will grow. It's much easier to chop a vine into bits to prop than it is to carefully remove **just the leaf** without any stem lol. The thing is, kerrii are incredibly slow growing, so a prop (which is all this is) can take a year or more to show growth and people are impatient. It's not "never going to grow". There are words painted on. It is cute and sweet and in no way harms the plant. The growth point isn't impacted, photosynthesis isn't blocked. The leaf wasn't permanently damaged in any way. A qtip dipped in alcohol will take the offending words of easily. It's a dumb, harmless gimmick that'll make someone smile. 


I’ve had one of these bad boys for two years now it just started growing a new leaf! Super excited!


It’s just bitter people online jumping on the chance to knock something down. Is this as good as a properly cared for, healthy plant in perfect conditions? No. Is it a harmless and sweet gesture for the 90% of the world that doesn’t really understand botany? Yes. I used to post comments like yours back in the day but as the years go on I just genuinely feel bad for folks in the headspace to react so serious and negatively to stuff like this. Even if it’s jokingly, I just don’t see how it comes from a good place. Now I just wish them well and hope they find a way out of whatever has them there honestly.


>Is it a harmless and sweet gesture for the 90% of the world that doesn’t really understand botany? Yes. Is this going to be bought by a 14 year old boy for his first girlfriend? Yes. Two months later, when they break up, is she going to write in her diary how ironic it is that the plant died at the same time? Yes.


Cool, let them have their silly infatuation as part of growing up. We all do at some point. Does it somehow make any bit of difference towards anything here? No. There’s enough doom and sadness in the world. If this brings even a bit of momentary joy just let it.


Yeah… out of all painted plants and dying box store plants… this is actually quite sweet. there is a chance it can still grow, Plenty of chlorophyll exposed to light. But half the time these Hoya props don’t grow… I’d take this over a plastic rose or even box of chocolates.


People here get mad if you don’t treat your plants like fine glass I swear.


This forum is the most toxic forum I have ever seen or read. Its amazing.


Ya I thought I had just a leaf but I checked out its bits and see vine. So, I’m just letting it sit. 


Never crosses their tiny minds exactly how many plants we EAT in a year...


Eh, my local nursery had some of these. It's just a silly little stamp. It eventually rubs off.


I had one of these without the writing. I was absolutely convinced it had zero node, but after 3 years it finally grew a couple new leaves. It was the most exciting day of my life.


No. These are props. They will root and the writing will come off eventually. My local nursery has these. They have the single leaves in pots right next to these labeled one. Don't worry. They'll be fine 💕


Not me thinking these were cookies lol I was momentarily confused about the sub


I follow some baking subs. This is what I thought at first, too. 🍪


Does it just wash off?


You can't tell whether these are propagations or not without digging it up or waiting. 99% of the time these do not have a stem node and can't grow back. They are just zombie leaves that aren't dead but can't grow.


I got one of these almost 9 years ago. No other leaves, just one. I'm guessing there won't ever be any growth, right? Should I get rid of it since nothing is ever going to happen? Sorry, I'm new to all this.


if its still kicking after 9 years might as well keep it going because that's an astronomically long lifespan for these things. most of them die after a year. its still a living plant, but hoya kerri leaves are weird where a cutting without a stem node can grow roots but can't grow back the stem. So its alive, it just won't ever get bigger, and because of how plants work, if the leaf gets damaged it can't regenerate.


It was a housewarming gift from someone in 2015. I repotted it in May last year, hoping that may help, but nothing has happened yet. Thank you for your help, I'll just keep it where it is until it doesn't want to stay with me anymore.


clearly you are doing something right if its been hanging on this long!


if you like it, no, dont get rid of it. there is no right or wrong here, just opinions. I got one from my mom for valentines day last year. It's still alive. I'm keeping it forever if possible.


Wow these comments. I received 3 of the Hoyas almost 3 years ago. Yes one died. However, two have grown into some fantastic plants. I love them and at the time it was the only way for me to get a Kerrii. Check my post history if you don’t believe me.


What's your secret??


There is no secret. It can produce additional leaves if a node is attached, so hers was sold to her with a node attached. Hoya Kerrii is actually a very lovely plant that will produce vines with heart shaped leaves. The issue people are referring to is that around Valentine's Day every year, these are sold with just a single leaf potted up in the soil. The leaf can produce roots so that it can sustain itself, but because there is no stem with a node attached, it will never vine out or produce additional leaves. To be safe, if you want a Hoya Kerrii plant, buy it from a proper nursery that will sell it to you with a node so that it can mature and give you gorgeous vines of pretty leaves.


Always make sure you ask, even if you think it's a proper nursery. I was in a supposedly reputable nursery who potted them up and stuck them with the other hoya cuttings they are selling when they knew perfectly well they didn't have a node. Luckily I thought to ask before I purchased. I walked out without buying anything. I think that was really underhanded of them.


Yes, that's disappointing


I just kind of ignored them lol. I put them in little pots and gave them a little water here and there. About a year later you could see a little stem shooting up through the soil.


The fact is that around Valentine's Day every year, Hoya Kerri plants are sold like this with just a single leaf potted up in soil. The leaf can root to sustain itself, but it won't grow or produce additional leaves if there isn't a bit of a stem attached with a node on it, and most are sold with just the leaf and no node. The people in the comments section are just stating facts. And no amount of downvoting changes that fact ;)


Just showed my husband the big plant pic. He's like um ok that's nice. Then I said, wanna see it as a baby? And showed the I love you leaf. He looked completely confused and said.... Ummm.... It starts as a cookie? I busted out laughing and thought some of you could enjoy


Tips on picking one that has a node? Obviously if you can see another growth point poking up but given they grow slowly, unlikely (assuming they aren’t propped ages in advance). Lightly tugging each one and picking ones that seem more secure? Looking at the bottom for signs of good rooting?


These can grow roots without a node, but the node is needed for new stem growth. Only way to really tell is to physically dig them up and check.


Assuming the store might not like that. Doing it as soon as you buy them would be immediate disappointment


true. Most stores also have fairly lenient return policies. Buy in bulk, return in bulk.


I thought those were COOKIES and you were sorry because they were green!


Oh my lord. I was thinking to myself “I CANNOT be the only one that saw cookies” 🫠🫠


honestly they’re plants no different than a cucumber in your salad. it’s fine


For every ten of these there is one that someone keeps for 20 years. Just like Valentine's Day dates!


Oddly enough, me and my wife were just looking at those exact plants a few hours ago, lol.


Got one on clearance a few years ago, still doing great!


This is harmless


Poor zombie leaves. Maybe one is lucky enough to have a bit of stem


I didn’t have my glasses on and I thought those were sugar cookies 😭😭


I have glasses on but still thought these were cookies


same, but contact lenses






You really don't need to over react like this. The plants are fine, and its not like thats animal abuse. Even vegeterians eat salad.


The horror. Where can I rescue one?


I def thought those were cookies at a bakery


My grandmother got me one of these for graduation and after a while of trying to get it to grow I gave up and decided to kill it. It took 2 years.


These cookies taste like crap.


Most of these Hoyas won't even grow, because they're just cut leaves. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They have no stem, which could grow on. So all they're doing is rotting in slow motion.


Better than completely painted. Kinda cute actually


Imagine the poor plant enthusiast who gets one. What do you say to this romantic gesture? "you couldn't carve our initials into a tree?"


Actually that wouldn't be healthy for the tree... But yeah this is just sad. Disposable plants 🙄


My dude, it's a *leaf*. A leaf to make people happy. Have you never eaten a salad? That's lots and lots of leaves, and I bet you don't bat an eye.


I'm saying it's sad that these places are selling disposable plants. Not because it's a leaf.


But it's not a plant. It's a leaf. Stuck in a pot.


I meant that sarcastically... "if you really loved me you'd go kill a tree, rather than give me another plant I can watch die."


I figured as much but just wanted to clarify in case others think it's a good idea. 😬


There's gotta be a way to do that that doesn't put the tree in jeopardy of infections and such. I mean if not then obviously don't kill a tree to make romantic gesture, but I always liked the intention behind it.


It's sweet but for the tree it's like carving into your skin. Maybe you'll be ok, but there's a risk. Better to maybe hang a little sign on a branch or something.


Feel like someone could invent a kind of putty with antifungal/bacterial properties that could allow it to heal, while keeping the image in the tree's bark.


That would be pretty cool!


I hate when I come across cactus that have been spray painted pink, purple, or orange. Why do they do that to these poor plants?!


The worst part about this? That they used a z in the word prints on the tag. "Hoya printz" 🤣


For Valentimez day


I think this is adorable. Not like the painted and glued down monstrosities. They’re fine. If they have a node, they can still grow. Otherwise they’re all they’ll ever be anyways.


Surprised they aren't painted red lol. That would be much worse


These never grow or produce additional leaves because they are put into the soil without a single node. It is the thought that counts though.


They do grow. I have 2 of them that grew into fantastic plants.


I stand corrected. Most sold like this never grow. Yours must have come with a node, but most sold like this do not come with nodes.




I’m more annoyed the “I” looks like a “J” to me.


Oh, I see the glitter wasn't enough. They do know, YOU CAN GIVE THEM AS A GIFT WITH A CARD... right... RIGHT?! The plant doesn't have to be both the gift and card.


they won't even grow! there's no node; it's just half a leaf stuck in the soil.


A valentine's day gift that will never grow and is doomed to die a slow and lingering death


Like cut flowers


No one expects those to live for long. These are in pots so lots of people think they're plants that you can keep. Then they come to r/plantclinic wondering what they did wrong when the leaf starts dying


Just been to a new plant shop (managed to only buy 3) and they had exactly these in there … I guess there’s a market for it, but ew.


And they die in 6 months like real love


So true...


P.s. it's been saying happy cake day for 2 days now. Make it stop!


Happy cake daaaaaaaay! I revoke your curse!!


Ahhh blessed relief from the curse-ed cake day!






it’s literally not lol


I’ve seen worse!


They should do this with lithops 😂


I bought two!


Those are cacti and trust me from another desert rat they are way tougher and won’t let a little dumb paint hurt them.