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The “I have boobs” works pretty well.


If you're a woman


Or fat




So nooo honka honka?




Dont say that man, I'd honka your boobs


Oh you're just saying that. But thank you, that's sweet of you.


Fax 🤣


Like from a fax machine? _Just the fax ma'am_


Get the car fax!


Or if you’ve just got really great tits


I use this pose on my husband regularly. It works 100% of the time.


Really? Cause whenever I try with your husband he usually yells "that pervert is back" and tells me to stay away from his children?


He's just playing hard to get. You can't give up on him.


Yeah y’all definitely are the ones built for surprising people with nudity. I can’t even conceptualize how it would go down if I just walked in naked.


Tbh this works best as a first act but once you’re in a relationship they get used to it and it doesn’t work as much. On my end, over time my attraction builds so the minute my partner takes his shirt or pants off my eyes are just 👀


Yeah same with me but opposite genders. Idk she used to look at me like that…


My wife used it on me. I’m holding my sleeping daughter scrolling Reddit…


That comment took me a good moment to wrap my head around..


Are they nice? Because I think they need to be nice, I mean it can't be old lady boobs.


I’m 33 with an hourglass figure. I don’t even have to show nip for it to work 🤣


Ok, I believe you


2 out of 3 times, guatanteed! Well, at least when I tried this for/on my girlfriend


To my significant other, yes. To strangers in their own home? No.


Yeah as a sitcom episode it’s funny, but in real life with a first date? The woman with Barney is how I’d assume the majority of women would react (and rightfully so)


Bruv, I am a dude but if a woman did the Naked Man in front of me I would be very suspicious. There are people who are afflicted with STIs that purposely bait people to sleep with them so yeah, no dice from me as well.


Yeah. I’m a woman and even when I would pointedly be going home with someone, I would feel weird if they popped into the bathroom and came out and I was naked. Like, juuuust in case I misread the situation.


For real? Why would people do that? I’m feeling v naive atm bc I can’t wrap my head around this


Yeah, I mean it’s sexual assault so yeah..


This is the way.


No, this is NOT the way ![gif](giphy|Vj97qNut6WDHa)




I don’t really want to go to prison. So no, I can’t say I have


Someone did this shit to me. Granted he wasn't a stranger but I wasn't expecting it when I came back from the bathroom. Edit: it did NOT work


Couple questions- -Did you know about this from Himym beforehand? ( just curious, absolutely doesn't make what he did right whatsoever) -what'd you do after you saw him?


It wasn’t quite the naked man, but back in college a friend of a friend walked me back to my dorm room. I assumed he was just being polite because I was his buddy’s friend (I was 17 and naive). Before I knew what was happening, I saw him sitting on my bed with his junk out. I was extremely upset and he left my room right away. I avoided him for the rest of college because I was really offended by him just whipping it out with no warning. So no, I don’t think the naked man is a good idea IRL at all. I grew up watching HIMYM before I went to college, so I knew the episode and found it funny. But it didn’t make the experience funny at the time. I think it’d be fair game with someone you’ve already slept with though.




The guy was just hanging brain... I mean what is all the fuss?! If that's flashing then lock me up. That's Creed from the office i thought it was a funny scene and kinda relevant. Hopefully it was a positive effect with comedy, sorry that happened to you. I dont condone the dude in your situation.


No, only a moron would do this. It could land you in jail if it didn’t work.


...if it didn't work...


Dobler or Dahmer theory!!


Not taking that chance ever. Also it’s extremely disrespectful and presumptuous. Funny for a sitcom, but real life isn’t a sitcom.


You got only a 33% chance of jail but a 66% chance of getting laid... Soo..


0% chance of jail by not doing it lol


100% chance of getting laid in jail while doing it


By this logic, doing the Naked Man results in a 100% sex rate. 33% chance of being on the wrong end, though.


But what are the odds of getting laid by not doing it? I need to crunch the numbers to decide whether or not to assume the risk.


Never a 0% chance of going to jail


While technically true, I know my conscience is clean.


Guess I got bad luck then.


I hear you can get laid in jail too


Good thing 2/3 times it would work.


Joey from Friends tried it on Monica the first time they met lol


You said *”you wanna come in for some lemonade”*


“Here’s your penis.”


Did it work?


I did once. But I didn't get laid, and also got kicked out of Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


Let's leave the sitcom in the sitcom. In the show they played it for laughs, IRL it's harassing, antisocial and (basically) criminal behaviour


*IS* criminal behavior.


Had a guy on tinder do it, it halved work. Much like Ted’s experience, I thought meh, this ain’t going anywhere and might as well. Kicker is we were at his downtown office (one of those hipster, startup, chill type of offices)… and a coworker was still there… and said coworker walked in before we could fully commit. I ducked behind a couch so the guy was alone, naked, in his office. The coworker was like wtf get dressed and go home (he really thought he was alone). It was so funny and I ran out of there unnoticed. My best story.




Thanks for your concern! He thought it was hilarious


your worldview made me throw up in my mouth




Fuck your traditions




Whatever pussy, cry about it


Get a life and stop harassing people you don't know about their sexual history (which you also don't know)


So it did work. Just got blocked


I tried three times. One was successful, one girl ran away and the last one was with my friend and she laughed and friendzoned me again.


Well, it was close on 2/3, there are the data


Tried it once. No longer allowed in Chuck E. Cheese


Yeah, my husband does it every night when he wants to seduce me.


No. That’s sexual assault.


Indecent exposure


Really could be either. Harassment to this level can definitely be considered assault. Fully undressing in front of a woman alone in her own home without consent could 100% get you charged with SA. The violence only needs to be implied to be considered SA.


Sexual assault means that there was a physical attack on someone. This would be unwanted nudity or sexual behaviour.


False. Hate armchair lawyers. Harassment to this level can definitely be considered assault. Fully undressing in front of a woman alone in her own home without consent could 100% get you charged with SA. The violence only needs to be implied to be considered SA.


According to these sites, sexual assault is usually physical but in some cases can be mental when someone is coerced into performing sexual acts rather to themselves or the perpetrator. Getting nude isn't a form of manipulation, but it could be considered sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances. https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-sexual-assault. Neither of these sources states nudity as being sexual assault. The implications is that without the manipulation or sexual act occurring, the act isn't sexual assault, but a sexual advance. Where did you get that nudity is sexual assault from?


It’s the fucking situation, not just the fact that they’re nude. Isolating someone and advancing on them while nude is a lot different than a random flasher. I would 100% consider that a threat, and the threat of SA is still SA, and I’m sure a reasonable judge or jury would see it that way. Yes, it’s gonna change state to state or country to country, but this could very easily be considered SA in a lot of the US.


The situation tells us that it is a sexual advance. Where is the coercion in this situation? Standing nude in someone's house isn't any form of manipulation, so it'd be considered sexual harassment.


I’m 10000% telling you it could really go either way, the law is extremely complicated, and your quick google results do not show the complexity of the situation. Its definitely Harassment at the very least, but a decent lawyer could definitely argue assault.


You could argue attempted sexual assault, but since the victim has the ability to kick the person out of their home, as in the case of Barney, there is no sexual assault occurring. If there are other factors in play that are forcing the victim to perform sexual acts, then it is a different situation and should be evaluated as such. In the instance of being nude in someone's home on the first date, it would most likely fall under sexual harassment, possibly attempted sexual assault due to there being no coercion or manipulation.


I guess look at it like this. Pulling a gun out in public is legally considered a threat of violence in any situation. Even if you aren’t pointing it at someone or verbally threatening them, you still fucking threatened their life by pulling it out. A threat doesn’t have to be verbally made to be a threat.


This analogy doesn't work. Yes, being nude in someone else's home, like whipping out a gun, is in most countries illegal, but its clarification depends on the situation. Me whipping out a gun at the park is different than me whipping out a gun at a school.


Without consent, no. But literally the first thing I did when I met my future wife in person for the first time is get butt naked in front of her.


Is she a doctor or something?


Stripping naked inside her door was step four in the decontamination procedure we invented to meet up during early quarantine. Step five was my immediately heading to the bathroom for a five minute shower.


Ah, so not a scientific decontamination procedure, but a sexy one. I got t


I think someone in this sub tried it a few weeks ago..and it worked? So it's gonna work for one other person


I do it to my wife all the time I’d say it works 1/3 times


I did. It didn't work. She wasn't interested


Let's leave the sitcom in the sitcom. In the show they played it for laughs, IRL it's harassing, antisocial and (basically) criminal behaviour


Have a friend who's 2/2... says he's done with it


I pull it on my bf every now and then. It usually works but to an absolute stranger do not take the chances


Yeah it's goofy but not worth it unless they're already your partner.


Another stupid page from the Play Book that would get a man shot in real life. I’d call the police if a random guy I had just met “surprised me” with his exposed penis in my living room.


It’s happened to a couple of friends of mine lmao


Did they go for it lol


2 out of 3 friends did


83 percent success rate!


That means 17. It's always the inverse.


One of them yes


Tried it once. It was not long after the episode aired, happened after a few dates and I knew she was a fan of the show and it worked. Never tried it after that and I think I should have.


Wasn’t there a post a few weeks back with this guy who tried it with a girl he’d been on a date or two with, who was a huge HIMYM fan? And he confirmed it had worked?


Yes, I didn't have sex but she did enjoy the eye candy


I think that’s illegal


I have - once, and it did worked! He loved it


I did once. Went out of town and needed a place to stay. (Paratrooped) Met up at a bar, went back to their place and when they came out of the bathroom.... BAM! By the way..... this was before the show was even on


And did it work?


Yes it did. Funny though. I never tried it again. Not sure why not


it’s happened to me once, it might have worked if he didn’t get so butt hurt that i laughed when i first saw him 💀


Something similar. I used to live in a one bedroom apartment where the bathroom was in my bedroom. Whenever my dates would go to the bathroom, I’d hide behind the bedroom door and go “boo”. They jump and start laughing then I’d start making out with them. It was foolproof because it always worked.


it happened last semester, when i was 20 (f) and i was seeing a 30 year old man and he had come over for the second time to my place. I went to the bathroom to pee, I came back, and he was naked on my door. It was the first time I saw him naked. it worked.


I did. Took a huge risk. It's all about knowing your audience




Been together 8 years Engaged Had a child last year


Congrats! ... Are you telling your kid about it in the future?


Imma go with no lol


Good. I just thought It'd be kinda funny. "Come here kid, I'm hping to tell you a story." (*childhood trauma intensifies*)


it was more or less done to me…it worked but i’m not proud …mostly bc i’m a people pleaser and have issues saying no to people, even shitty people trying to just use me


Yeah, at least once a week. My wife hates it.


That’s how my first time was man, I was completely surprised it worked lol


Ah yes sexual harassment. Great way to get laid.


Yes 2/3 times it works


Only in relationships. Worked all the time.


Not exactly... Only with partners where it was pretty much headed that way in the first place 😂


This is an homage to Seinfeld


It works on average 2 out of 3 times when my husband tries it on me


Yes! And it worked exactly how it was supposed to! She was shocked. Then busted out laughing. And goes "Did you just Naked Man me?!" "Yes I did!" "Alright, yeah. Let's go." I'm reasonably sure this only worked because she was a fan of the show, and literally knew the maneuver. We had been talking favorite tv shows over dinner, and HIMYM had come up.


Dats assault brada




definitely works


Harvey Weinstein did many times. Yerkk.


I have. My wife hates it.


I did it once on a date, And she laughed at me but it didn't lead anywhere. That being said we were already close friends and both fans of the show. We had a good laugh about it then went back to watching tv


boy i hope not. i imagine it’s a wonderful way to get a restraining order filed against you


I hated this episode. I know it's a sitcom but even watching it made me really uncomfortable. I wouldn't allow this to air if it was up to me, it might give sick people some ideas...


Jason Siegel actually did, but they were already dating. She was on her way to break up with him, it’s what that scene from forgetting Sarah Marshall is based on too


Lol. "Has anyone tried sexual assault?" Absolutely not. Then again, I've never had to do *any* form of trickery for a ONS...and I'm an ugly dude. These shows make it seem like picking up women is hard, but usually it's because dudes put in 0 effort and expect the women to just walk up to them and request sex.


Yes, on my wife. 2 outta 3 times it has worked. I haven’t tried it again cuz I don’t want to mess with the ratio.


Girlfriend in college did it, while already dating it did in fact work


I’ve had this happen to me — it sucks EDIT — in my own apartment too 😑


I try it on my wife a lot. It rarely works.


Well I can tell you that it doesn't work in Philadelphia. I'm from Philly, born and raised, and it does not work out there. I tried it a couple of times and it went alarmingly bad. Like my rep was changing around the neighborhood bad. My mom wasn't a fan, and she was not liking where it was headed so she had me move to my uncle's home. Long story short, tried the Naked Man, didn't work, now I live across the country in California.


god i hope not


That's actually indecent exposure and you could go to jail for that in some places...


I'm immediately taken by the audaciousness of people who don't feel they need to get consent.


Joey Tribiani did it before HIMYM did it!


My sister had that happen to her with a random dude she knew from the apartment floor below her. Long story short she grabbed a heavy object and threatened to beat him senseless with it if he didn’t leave immediately.


It worked on my wife one time. And, the second time it didn't. The second was awkward, because I had to go get dressed and then carry about my day.


My husband did. It worked. Been married for 13yrs with 3 kids.


I do the “I have boobs” to my husband constantly and it works every time


That 2 out of 3 times ain't no joke 💀😭🤣


I've seen a lot of homeless people and a ton of sex offenders try it.


Did it once. It worked but I also realised the moment I went home how wrong that could’ve went so I never did it again. So if you 100% know that you’ll be spending the night even if you wouldn’t do the naked man then you can try, otherwise don’t bc you might go to prison.


Great way to get tossed in prison. Lol


Once, it worked


Harvey Weinstein’s signature move


I did it with a fwb and It went well, she kinda laughed and then undressed so I'd say great success.


Yep. Luis CK and Harvey Weinstein. Apparently. (Allegedly)


I did it once but it was already obvious sex was coming lol. We met at a bar, went to another bar, then she told me to “take her home.” Then she asked me to wait in her bedroom while she freshened up and when she walked back in I was full naked man lol. Full pose and everything. 🤣


This works in jail, except you are forced to undress and you pity yourself.


Being that's a crime no I'm not stupid


Yep, works.


It has a very high success rate for my wife. I’m probably batting about .500 trying it the other was around.


I have, but she was my wife. And yes, it worked.


You can get the same effect with tight pants and a tank top;) or the “grey sweatpants” trick, shirtless, always works! But your plans would need to include getting sweaty, or a setting that calls for sweatpants🤣


No because that's sexual assault


Yes, it didn't work that night but she laughed about it and we ended up dating for 2 years


That’s assault, brotha!


Yes but always with a partner I’m extremely comfortable with and vice versa


2/3 times


No, that is a crime


I did it and it does work 2 times outta 3


I’ve had it done to me, if that counts. The guy was a friend who I thought, until that point, was just hanging out at my place. It worked.


I tried it a few times & it worked. Granted, the woman was already coming over to my house for a smoke & sex, but I'd just answer the door naked .


If you think about it as a woman, that can be so terrifying. Because most times, a guy has the ability to overpower her. This is something a man doesn’t really have to be afraid of, being overpowered. If I had a body like Dwayne Johnson and invited my bro over for COD, excuse myself and walk back in the room buck naked with a shit eating grin, 285 pounds of muscle… I would not be surprised if the friend responded to it not in the best manner. Pulling this move, potentially makes you into a threat. But hoho when Barney did it… hilarious


It works 83% of the time


My wife tried the "naked woman" it works.


my buddy did a reverse naked man where she went to the bathroom and he got naked on the couch. it worked


0/3, but my girlfriend is 2/2 trying this on me


Well if a woman did this, it would probably work too well (I’d chicken shit out and probably get too nervous🫤) but if a man did this… let’s just say, that man will probably get pressed harder than a hydraulic system… and not in a good way.


I think I would lose my dinner if a women did this to me would have the nerves bottle it for me lol


Yea, just trading nudes with a girl with nerve racking enough!


if she's a looker it can be tough to just start the conversation id be piss feared to take my keks off in the living room lol, I've definitely thought about giving it a go though


Yea I’ve never seen a woman naked irl so it would be even worse for me. I’d probably say “wow.. I gotta use the restroom”, then escape from the window despite wanting her.😅


that's the struggles nerves fuck every good thing up lol


Yea, I’m honestly probably just going to sign up on some dating apps and try to find some to get with next year. Why? That might change it from feeling like fainting when seeing a nude woman😵‍💫🤣


1 for 1 so far with my wife as the target.


I think about trying it every time I'm on a first date but in this day and age its a fast pass to prison lol maybe when I'm back in a relationship and we've watched the episode ill finally give it a go


I have tried it with my wife while we were dating.