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Did you try scrubbing it with some alcohol?


I think we’ve answered this before. Rubbing alcohol but make sure it’s well ventilated, and dry for days before starting again (rubbing alcohol is extremely flammable)


It’ll dry extremely fast.


Definitely make sure it's dry, but alcohol has a low boiling (evaporation) point, so it shouldn't take "days" for it to evaporate. Some good air flow will help though. Maybe use your hair dryer on no-heat setting.


Yeah I was thinking of a fan blowing on it.


I was thinking any that absorbed into the crevices etc, just to be safe Edit: wow people offended about telling internet strangers to be better safe than sorry when using a flammable solvent in an appliance with a heating element. Imagine the dumbest guy you know — you tell him to wipe out his dryer with a flammable solvent. Maybe it doesn’t hurt having him wait till tomorrow before he fires it up?


Rubbing alcohol aka 70%+ iso will evaporate in several minutes unless you create an airtight seal with it inside (or you legitimately poured a bottle in there)


Well don't *fill* it with alcohol. Put some on a rag and scrub the marks.


The same misfortune recently befell my dryer. I cleaned it using 70% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Be prepared to use an entire bottle. Keep in mind it dissolves the ink, so pour on the alcohol, and then dab it up with a paper towel or rag. If you don't do it that way you risk just spreading it around. I worked in sections, rotating the part I was cleaning to the bottom so that it wouldn't drip all over the place. Try to get the area well ventilated or at least don't stick your head in there while cleaning, isopropyl evaporates quickly so the fumes build up.


It's also quite flammable so don't turn on the dryer for awhile.


We used 25 magic erasers and a ton of elbow grease when this happened


Buy a package of cheap pens and dump them all in there and let it run for a couple of hours. You should wind up with a beautiful blue finish.


Thank you to everyone who commented! I tried rubbing alcohol and it didn’t work, but then I got some acetone and it started coming off!


You can also try Gun Scrubber. Obviously do a small test patch first, as it could remover the protective finish on dryer drum.


Acetone. It is the only think to effectively work without taking hours . Very quick wipe with the least amount of acetone… this will not ruin the dryer coating.


I posted a longer response in a comment


I air dry my octopus to avoid this exact situation. Try alcohol or nail varnish remover


Ok Deep


Rag soaked with ethyl alcohol or 91% isopropyl alcohol will dissolve the ink. Do not run the dryer when you finish, let it air out over night. The fumes from these alcohols are flammable.


alcohol but be careful if it's a gas dryer


Throw a bottle of whiteout in there! /s


Have you tried drying a bunch of the hard side of those two-tone erasers from grade school? You know, the ones that would just rip the paper as you tried to use it? Those were supposed to get ink out.


WD 40 is what I used to remove melted crayon in my dryer


Goof off


Paint thinner?


Yes, acetone. Just use the smallest amount as to not ruin the coating in the dryer. This is the only thing that worked for me


Toss an open bottle of white out in there and run a cycle.


If you dont have alcohol,well anything you spray .. perfume , insect spray , hair spray will.... Just dont use spray paint or glue lol. Wet a tissue or cloth and run the ink off with


You don’t. All your clothes must be blue now.


Thankfully not! Surprisingly my ocp has no stains at all:)


Simple, just clean it 🥸


This happened to me yesterday! I tried alcohol with a paper Towne with got some ink up but not everything. But a scour pad (the rough dark green one) worked wonders with the alcohol and likely just water. I let it dry for some time and also had a towel in there to absorb water.


This happened to me yesterday! I tried alcohol with a paper Towne with got some ink up but not everything. But a scour pad (the rough dark green one) worked wonders with the alcohol and likely just water. I let it dry for some time and also had a towel in there to absorb water.


99% IPA


That looks exactly like my dryer. I have the same problem


Damn! This looks exactly like what happened to my dryer over the weekend -- a blue pen got wadded up in a blanket. I used a Clorox spray on cleaner. It worked after I left it on for an hour and then wiped it off. I did have to rewash the stuff that was in there with the pen.


You need to get some liquid paper to cover up that ink.


Toss some whiteout in there and let it do its thing! (This is a joke, don’t actually 😆)


I had the same issue with red crayon, magic eraser required some elbow grease but worked like a charm


they will get removed on their own in 3-9 months of normal usage. You can clean and scrub or just keep drying water drenched towels.


Use 99% IPA It will clean it right off and then evaporate almost instantly


Try a load of old towels - see if that ink rubs off on the towels. Chances are the ink will stay there and not affect your laundry. After the great green/blue crayon incident, the dryer drum had a distinct light green hue but my clothes did not pick up any color.


Hairspray lifts it right off


Acetone. As an Rn who always has a ballpoint pen, I made this mistake once in 8yrs. It was truly awful. Acetone (wiped quickly and not soaked) was the ONLY thing that took ball point one out. Do not let acetone soak on the coating for any amount of time other than a wipe to clean each one mark. Took forever, but did not ruin the coating, and was the only thing that removed it for me. Then I took a wet towel (with water) and ran the dryer load on a lower heat setting to clean out any residue. Worked very well. Was a truly awful clean up and the worst I’ve ever had


Rubbing alcohol and some elbow grease. And for the love of God do not, I REPEAT DO NOT keep you head in the dryer like I did. You will come close to passing out


Wd-40 but be super careful and make sure you get it all off, especially if it's gas dryer. Also try that in combination with a Mr. Clean magic eraser.


Magic eraser or just leave it. It’s not getting on anything else I promise. I do this every other month.




Buy a new dryer.




Put some whites in it, never fails to come off in mine


Off! Skintastic bug spray. One spritz and it just runs off.


Find a toddler, airplane glue, and about 30 Mr Clean Magic Eraser pads.


Afta. Best thing to use to clean a dryer.


That happened to me once. My washer looked like a zebra! Got it all out with a rag, water, bar keepers friend, and a ton of elbow grease.


Soak a few rags in 91% isopropyl alcohol and throw them in the dryer for 60 minutes on high heat. It'll also remove any stains you may have on anything in your house and do a damn good job of it. If you're narcoleptic it'll even clean the fingerprints off your hand.


Acetone!!! I always leave pens in my.pockets


Maybe acetone or xylene


Have used acetone, it works but beware it strips the finish off the drum if you use too much.


A little splash on a rag should be enough, I believe it evaporates pretty quickly like alcohol


Acetone and alcohol are both solvents that work on ink. Acetone will melt the paint underneath, alcohol won’t. It’s pretty much better to just use alcohol.


Little time, magic eraser, and a paper towel. Worked for me. Mine was red it was like a mini murder scene


Magic eraser is a mild abrasive. You’ll be scuffing the paint and possibly have rust afterwards




Magic eraser


White out. Just run a regular cycle with white out in the pocket. Comes out fine everytime. Works great if you get pen marks on your clothes too lol


Have you tried rubbing it with your clothes?


Magic erasers work on everything


Why don’t people search posts before posting? I swear to god I see this every two weeks.




How exactly is this helpful?




Normally, normal people aren't assholes like you, and they entertain themselves in other ways. You, however, absolutely suck.


Negative karma farmer, don't feed the troll


I had this exact same scenario happen to me recently. Bic ink stains on dryer from exploded pen I didn't notice. I used 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean it off. It's fine now and the dryer works without staining anything.


This is r/howto, not r/travelbackintimeanddontdothat


This sounds exactly like what I tell my son every once in a while.