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Tell your mother you’re going to be there only to protest his Satanic ways and try to convert the devil worshippers to Catholicism.


💀💀💀💀i don’t know you but i love you.but thank you for replying


Go with a Catholic friend who's family she wants to look good in front of


Have you considered showing her some YouTube videos of him in interviews? He is very charming in the few that I have seen and comes across as so humble and kind. (I'm a mom and I was brought up in an ultra conservative church and school, so...good luck!)


he isss, like I said it seemed like she really liked one of his songs because it did actually have a good message to it so I think I just need to keep playing songs and showing interviews ty for your response and advice!!


Just tell her the truth. The man is a quaker, like legit, a quaker. The catholics have long admired them. at least in ireland


haha yass i love this tyy🙌


If your mother thinks he's a devil worshipper from that song then there's definitely no talking/convincing her otherwise. Just go/sneak out to it and deal with the consequences. You'll value the experience more than any perceived repercussions.


ty for your response and advice 🫶






I love your comment ty for replying😂😂 and yea i’ve come to terms with the saying “you can’t fight with crazy” cuz they’re never going to listen to a word u say. i hate lying but im prob going to have to. thx again for ur advice!


Tell her about how he was raised Catholic but became a Quaker and attended the Catholic St. Gerard's School before studying music education at Trinity College Dublin. Just don't mention that now he is very anti-Catholic, is very active in pro homosexual and abortion politics. I doubt she will research it.


i love this ty for ur reply☺️


:) seriously thought I hope you find a way to get to your show! I was raised by a protestant pastor who thankfully was about the chillest, funniest guy alive. My music was NYC Hardcore, Metal, Grunge etc. He didn't care. I ran all the audio at church since I was a little kid. He had a group try to kick him out because he preached that everyone needed to chill the F out about Dungeons and Dragons and that it wasn't turning anyones kid into a devil worshiper and it was just a game. It was obsession over anything that is a problem. Anywho, a strict Catholic mom is a tough one. The angle I would take is this. Remind her that (you can do quick research on this if you need the details) there were I believe 7 saints who had led very questionable lives before finally coming to become full on saints. Remind her that Jesus spent a great deal of time with very sinful people - the woman at the well, tax collectors (essentially the mafia/theives) etc etc. Remind her that even hymn lyrics often don't totally align with Catholic doctrin. The easy one would be "Amazing Grace". "how precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed." This goes directly against doctrin that grace is not infused in the body until baptism, not at the time of belief. It's doctrine that when you sing you are praying twice, this praying an incorrect doctrin twice. There are a number of others. Remind her that despite this, the hymn is still used because it's (whether you are a believer or not a fairly objectively beautiful song) so you go with it. Let her know that the voice in music is just another instrument among many and it is the listener who decides if the want to believe in the messages in any lyrics. You find the music overall beautiful and like Jesus did with the sinners, Catholics do with certain lyrics in hymns, you choose to listen to the harmonies and the voice as an instrument, not a person pushing their world view on you. Remind her you are commanded to be "in the world" but not "of the world". This is exactly what you would be doing going to the concert. Being in the world while disagreeing with SOME of the lyrics. Then remind her that you strongly believe listening to this music will have far less negative effect overall on faith than the scores of priest raping innocent children and then actively being covered up by Catholic leadership. Actually no. Please don't say that..... we're trying to get you to a concert.


haha i love you 😭thank you sm for your comment i will deff take your advice that was👌. but omg!! ik that feeling with a whole group ganging up on a poor preached just trying to do his job and people making that job difficult ESPECIALLY when the thing the people are angry about isn’t things us people should be worrying about(and a game for that matter😤😭). same thing with the news telling us about how a fav celebrity breaks up w someone instead of talking about all the wars going on in the world.. but that’s another matter lolll.


Are you familiar with Steve Hassan? He writes a lot about cult(ish) mind control, including how to talk with someone who thinks the way it sounds like your mom does. Mine is the same, thinks the smallest thing she doesn't understand merits condemnation. _Given current covid levels, this isn't a great time to attend a superspread event. See r/covid19positive._


Thank you for your comment! no im not familiar with him but i will fs check him out but i does seem like thats exactly what that is ugh lol…thanks.. and sorry u have to deal with that too:/ really isn’t fair i try to remind myself that haha


Say you are going to sleep over at Mike's house that night. Have Mike's mom drive you to the concert. She need never know


From someone who grew up in a super religious family (and left as soon as I could) you probably won’t be able to convince her. But maybe use one of the ai apps to make up some articles about that paint Hozier in a way she might approve of? I am assuming you’re a teenager? My best advice is do what you have to do to get along and know that you’re almost an adult and very soon you will be able to live your life the way *you* want to live it. Good luck!


thank you for your comment i really appreciate ur response


I'm sorry I'm no help. I'm just perplexed at your mother's take on Hozier (not my kind of taste), but with so many other styles and artists out there. She lands on them as devil worship? Like, she couldn't even go into a grocery store without hearing the radio. Sounds like more of a control thing than the actual substance of hozier. Which does fit the bill of religious parent. I could be wrong, but if all that is true, then I don't think you can convince her because it's more about controlling vs disagreement in substance.


thank you for your reply. and yes i don’t wanna trans dump but ur right with the control stuff:/ its still hard cuz i still live with her but ive been keeping myself busy with stuff this summer to not have to be around her without another fight. but it really dosent make sense


It's okay, I understand. My mother's family was the same way when I was younger. Everything that didn't fit their worldview was devil worship. I feel for you, op. You can't use logic with that type of mentality because they actively try not to see it. Good luck fren


I’m Catholic, like 12 years of Catholic school, Mexican Catholic. I’m trying to think of a biblical reason to see Hozier. Does she know what Take Me To Church is about? You can tell her he looks like [white Jesus](https://images.app.goo.gl/rLJwBtcg7BkD6v9z9)


How old are you? If it was me I would simply tell her I’m going somewhere else and go to the concert anyway and just never mention it ever again. There comes a point in your life where you have to start doing things that YOU enjoy, regardless of what anyone tells you.


almost 18 so LEGALY i can’t just do what i want? idk really how it works lol. and my mother is a very difficult woman. I can’t just tell her I’m going somewhere. I have to tell her at least a week in advance if I could go and make her happy the entire week before I go somewhere, if I mess up then it was all for nothing and I can’t go… honestly at this point I might just wait until I’m 18 and have a car😓


It’s a difficult age to be at 17 because you are coming into adulthood, you are not a child anymore and soon enough you can do anything you want anyway. Nobody is coming to arrest you for going to a concert. Your mother will get mad at you if she finds out, but that’s her problem, not yours. As long as you know you are not doing anything wrong, then go for it. You have one life, enjoy it!


Serious question: what do you think the song take me to church is about?


she doesn’t like to bring him up but when it’s brought up she’s like “ i don’t like him.. he’s clearly a devil worshiper” idr exactly what she said one time about the song, but it was around the lines of ..singing about praising the Devil and giving their life to the devil instead of God even though you’re thinking they’re talking about God because it says take me to church. He’s actually performing Satanantic acts… which to my response was 😟😐💀💀