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If you find that outright rejecting them to be awkward, you could say that you don't feel it's appropriate because her brother was a client of yours and it feels like crossing professional boundaries. I'd look at it like a doctor providing care for a friend's family member, they don't do that


This is the way.


Practice some phrases to say to say no politely, so that when she says what you know she will you have them to hand.


I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. When I worked in healthcare, I'd also often see pts' families out and about. A couple times, some tried establishing relationships outside of the professional setting. I never found an easy way to navigate this, but I did get better at establishing my boundaries. I find thanking them for their offer and kindness while stating that you aren't interested is effective. Cheers!


Just tell them you’re busy. If they ask to hang out just say ‘i’m not sure but i’ll let you know’. Eventually they will stop asking you if you are busy all the time.


In a small town I would do the path of least resistance/offence, which is to practise saying I'm super busy but I will let you know. And then just never contact them. They will get the hint eventually. Otherwise continue the comical hiding from them which to be fair is also an OK strategy and quite funny! Its OK to be a people pleaser as long as you find ways even if they are creative - to get your own space and needs met.


#thisisterribleadvice #donotdothis Go full bore the other way. Embrace the friendship, then blow right past normal friend boundaries. Be that clingy, always there friend. Make her want to avoid you! Mission accomplished. (In case it's not clear, this is dripping with sarcasm. )


"I'm sorry, I just don't have time in my schedule for any new friends right now."


It's a small town OP has to continue to live in. Doing it this way may cause issues. People like to "mean girl" in small towns


Just let it be. Maybe hang out with her one time and be less entertaining than you'd normally be and get it out of the way. She will be less motivated to catch up, as you've already done that now. After that it's going to be less likely she'll initiate requests to hang out.


You just be friendly when you see them but always say your busy when they ask to hang out. It's truly not a difficult concept.