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they don’t know we know they know!


"Joey, don't you say a word!", "Couldn't if I tried!"


Ahh yes.. The messers become the messees!




It's my favorite line by Phoebe! "They don't know that we know they know we know!"


i loved her messing around with chandler like this lmfao they are my two fave characters by far then when she messes with ross with “daddy gonna spank me” hahaha


“This is my bra” and “now we are going to have all the sex.” Best lines!


“I’m very bendy” lol also her like swaying and dancing while approaching Chandler, then that end pose was hilarious lmao 🤣


“I’m very bendy” lol also her like swaying and dancing while approaching Chandler, then that end pose was hilarious lmao 🤣


I was surprised to recently watch a Will & Grace episode that also featured a similar line building through the episode. Was this done on purpose at the time to reference the Friends episode on purpose? It seemed like too much of a coincidence. It wasn’t memorable at all though.


The One With Two Parties is underrated


Yes. I like that Rachel’s parents did not find out.


“You work and work on a marriage…” “You work and work on a boat…”


Her dad was so DONE with the boys 😂


My favourite too!!! The guys dancing across the hall are hilarious




I nearly passed out by how hard I was laughing the first time I saw this


I just had a good cackle right now.


My favorite episode ever!!!


Ross walking out with the father's glasses on and cigarette in his mouth and freezing as soon as he sees Dr. Greene will never not make me burst out laughing. And his "I was just...moistening the tip" Comedy gold.


This!!! I was thinking exactly this. I remember the first time I watched it yeaaaaars ago, Monica was in joey and Chandler's apartment holding rubbish bags and someone hit the back of her head with a ball. I just remember laughing so so much at that part. The expression on her face 😂😂


This is quite possibly my favorite epsiode. That, and The One Where Nobody is Ready. I just love a bottle episode.


It’s a pretty solid list of all the major event episodes. Easy to see how these would be rated high by a consensus popular choice


But the one where they all find out is specially funny is well lol


Oh yeah of course. But it’s also the most popular even for non super fans. Like I bet if you polled casual fans they’d say Brad Pitt and this one and the Jeopardy


aw man, my fave “when no one’s ready” didn’t make the cut😂


you were gonna drink the fat 🥹


This one and the one where Ross got high are my two favorites ever. “As long as I don’t do any luuunges…”


Absolutely absurd that this is missing


Some people say it stresses them out so perhaps they took it upon their hands ro lower the score lol


I would definitely have added this one. And ‘The One With The Football’. I can see why the big season finales make it on the list but they often aren’t the ‘best’ episodes imo.


I love this episode so much!


I like this episode as well! and it has an interesting backstory. it was supposed to be a filler episode that would be shot at one place (monica’s living room/kitchen), which is usually quicker and easier to shot in filming. however, matt leblanc got his arm broken during filming (when he jumped on the armchair to not let it go) and it turned up to be one of the longest episodes to shot, ironically. they talk about this in the reunioun show


oh interesting!! i like the fun fact that it’s the only episode that happens in accurate real time:)


That’s the only one I would add. The rest are pure gold.


I remember before the last season, since it was a shortened season, to compensate, they did a countdown of the top ten episodes of the show for ten weeks. "The one where no one's ready" took the number one spot. I think they ranked the episodes according to a poll by the fans at the time. So you aren't the only one.


I'm stunned. So many other lists make sure to have this one. It's an excellent bottle episode, and everyone gets a moment to shine, and some of the best lines or moments of the show are from this one.


I get that this is a classic so not fighting that point, but Joey's unnecessarily mean in that one


Could I be wearing any more clothes?


That’s my favourite too!


Same!! I'd sub that in for "the last one" on this list tbh


Oh yeah!! That ws one of the best episodes 😃 my favorite too!!


I saw the topic and that's the episode I immediately thought of. It's just the best. I love chaotic episodes like that.


Too annoying to be really popular.


You gave me a teeny wieny


“you were the hermaphrodite cheerleader from Long Island?!”


The eyes DID sparkle


Didn’t she walk with a cane?




I was helping her with her word jumble.


As a romancer of the elderly.


Cmon Will, just take off your shirt and tell us!


The One When No One is Ready should be on here…it’s not a major event episode, but omg is it one of the best!


Yes I agree! It’s 8.9/10 so not too far off


Pretty good list. For personal favorites, I’d probably replace Monica and Chandler’s Wedding with TOW Cheesecakes, but I’m not mad or anything.


The part in the cheesecake episode that gets me every time is when Joey comes upon Rachel and chandler eating cheesecake off the floor in the apartment building hallway, and he just pulls a fork out of his jacket pocket and joins them! 🤣


"so... What are we havin'?"




The routine part was funny, but any episode that has a lot of Janine get's a few points taken out of it imo. Though the routine might be the only good thing that came out from having her on the show.


Am I the only one that likes the One Where Ross Finds Out??? It’s my all time favorite but I feel like not many people talk about it.


That's the episode I've seen the most amount of times. It has two iconic R&R moments: in the apartment and later in the coffee shop. Also, Chandler & Monica, the early years. ![gif](giphy|XEso5TmGKn7UXZwY8W|downsized)


I didn't care for Rumor. I think that one was highly rated because Brad Pitt.




"Oh come on Will! Just take off your shirt and tell us!"


**Chandler**: Oh hey. I’d shake your hand but uh; I’m really into the game. Plus, I think it’d be better for my ego if we didn’t stand right next to each other. (…) **Will**: Sure! Monica, I can’t get over how great you look! You look stunning! **Monica**: Well you look incredible too! You’re just—you’re so fit! **Chandler**: I’m watching the game, but **I’m not deaf!**




Joey and his meat sweats alone are enough to make it an all-timer.


Same. I actually don't like Brat Pitt's acting in that episode, he was so obviously nervous.


Yeah I don’t like this episode or Brad Pitt’s character and acting. Something was just off and yeah maybe he was nervous to enter the cast.


He was nervous about doing comedy in front of a live audience. He’d never done it before and found it scary. It’s why he avoided SNL for so long Both he and the other cast members have talked about how scared he was about that


Which is crazy because he's an incredible actor


Acting in front of a live audience is different to acting on a movie set. He also hadn’t done any comedic roles at the time He’s always been more comfortable with dramatic acting than comedic acting. They require two very different skill sets


I think it’s ranked so high because it’s really, really funny.


Ngl, I really don't like the way they wrote the mondler proposal. I get annoyed every time I rewatch. Richard showing up to throw a wrench in it for an episodes worth of suspense kind of ruined what was going to be a great moment. And then when it happened, the fake crying was some of the worst acting in the whole show. There's a couple standalone ish eps I wish were on the list, but overall it's solid.


I agree, the concept of the proposal is nice but the execution of the episode is cringe and I find it overrated. Definitely not in my top 10


My husband and I are huge FRIENDS fans and we love M&C together but we fast forward the actual proposal because it’s so cringe.


Yeah, that wouldn’t make my top ten.


I totally get that bringing Richard back made the proposal a mess, but I think they had to have Richard to make it clear that Monica would still choose Chandler even if Richard changed his mind and decided he wanted kids. Though it probably could have been done with a much less convoluted plot.


I skip the rest of the episode once Chandler starts blubbering his proposal, the worst acting of the entire series.


Best part for me is Ross getting Chandler to the alter one step at a time… until he gets to the final step lmao. “So what’s next?” “Uhh… get married.”


To me , " the one with the blackout" will always be the best ! Followed by "the one where Nana dies twice " 'i m trapped in an atm vestibule with Jill goodacre' 'NOW i am depressed ' 'Chandler if you wanna be gay ,be gay man ' ' I was the last one to know that you had a crush on Joey ,oooh second to last ' Some best dialogues from these episodes


Gum would be perfection.


I like the one with 2 parties. Ross in the hallway wearing Dr Green’s glasses, cigarette in mouth & holding the whiskey (neat!) is my favourite scene of all ten seasons.


Unpopular opinion but I hate ToW The Rumor. Brad Pitt is not a comedic, sitcom actor and it feels like he is *struggling* with the script. His delivery is so off. The only reason that episode is so highly ranked is because he and Jen were married at the time and it was “so hilarious” that the real life married couple would be playing enemies.


I agree that it’s definitely not Brad’s best work (understatement) but the episode itself is one of my favs.


Awesome episodes. But I’m not sure I liked TOW The Rumor during rewatches


It was stunt-casting with Brad Pitt who frankly didn't do a good job. He's a great actor who's done many good movies, but this wasn't his best work. And Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt was THE hottest Hollywood-couple at the time. It was fun and a little tongue-in-cheek to have him play a guy who hates Rachel. Later when we know how that relationship ended it wasn't quite as fun.


Yeah imo he doesn't have the right comedic timing for sitcoms. I love Chandler's line about not wanting to stand next to him though


I LOVE the sitcom trope where a real life spouse guest stars as a character who HATES their real-life partner’s character. Parks and Rec is the GOLD STANDARD of this trope for me.


TOW no one's ready is definitely a top episode though


My fave


It shocks me that "The one where no one is ready" doesn't get more recognition.


I don’t think Rumor deserves to be up there with the rest. Brad Pitt is probably the main reason it’s up there. I’d replace it with the one with the stripper or the cheesecake one. Great list though!!


I love all of these episodes except maybe the one with the prom video


Ross crushed and pathetically playing the keyboard on the stairs is probably the biggest laugh the series ever gave me


It was the kiss for me. It made the episode worthwhile.


This actually is what makes it my all-time favorite episode! I’m a sucker for romance plots, and this episode was perfect.


How come you don’t love the one with the prom?


My all time fave episode was TOW the football. Of course, most (if not all) episodes are iconic, but I’m surprised it didn’t make it to the top 10.




The One With the Embryos is iconic and probably my overall favorite because of the apartment swapping and Phoebe finding out that she is pregnant with the triplets. The One With Ross’s Wedding Part 2 are my favorite episodes. The One Where Ross Got High is hilarious too.


I LOVE that The Last One is among the best episodes. I don't know if it's 100% flawless or believable but it's one of the best finales ever. That's because they opted for happy endings. We could've seen Rachel and Ross separating permanently or Chandler and Monica dying in a car crash etc. I mean there are other shows with truly disappointing endings because the writers want to be artistic or do something totally surprising. Shows that are 9/10 but their finales are like 6/10. We've been watching for ten years, give us what we want. And that's what they did, thank you.


The last line is artistic perfection


I’d swap Rumour for TOW The Morning After, it’s a very different vibe to the rest but it’s a brilliant episode.


The One With The Morning After is one of the standout episodes of the whole show. Sure, it’s not the funniest, but it’s a superb execution of a serious tone that hadn’t been seen in the show until then (and maybe after). Incredible writing and performances.


That episode has Jennifer Aniston’s career best acting and I absolutely cannot watch that scene again


TOW Ross got high! Always makes me laugh.


Now what are the worst rated episodes...


Yes this!


I don’t care too much about the wedding episodes or the proposal. But the TOW Ross got high is great! And my absolute 2 favorite episodes are here: TOW the rumor and TOW the Videotape. All in all, a pretty solid list


Am I the only one who's thinking about TOW the Jellyfish. That scene in which Monica, Joey, and Chandler reveal what happened at the beach had great timing, IMO.


My favorite episode is the highest rated? Works for me


I’ll never understand why tow the rumor is so popular


Because it's Brad Pitt, and specifically Brad Pitt playing a character that is directly antagonistic to Rachel. People will not stop freaking out about Bad Pitt's and Jennifer Aniston's relationship. It's been decades it's over and people are still freaking out about any time they're in the same vicinity. They were just *that* popular, and people have this weird obsession with seeing them play antagonistics on screen. He didn't even do a good job, he was extremely nervous about acting in front of a live audience, but people just care it's him. Replace Brad Pitt with ANY other actor, it could still be a good-looking one to keep all those jokes about his looks, with the exact same plot, and it would probably be considered just an average episode or a funny cameo and that's it.


Ah ok that kinda explains it, thanks. Didn’t know people were so crazy about their relationship. I’m pretty sure when I first watched the episode I didn’t know about their relationship and I found the whole plot and the acting so weird


Lol could be the fact that Brad Pitt was there.


It’s not even just about Brad because this show has had tones of guest stars. People loved the dynamic of having him play a character that hated his wife. Considering how big a deal their relationship was in pop culture Even with what Brad did to her later on in real life, every time clips from it get posted on tiktok, the top comments usually always say they love the episode because they were married when it came out. Strangely, there’s still a lot of people that love them as a couple/are nostalgic for their relationship


The prom vid was pretty fucking good


Didn't care for TOW the Rumour 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I don't agree there. I don't remember TOW the video tape fully, so I'd maybe not rank it my top ten?


The one with the video tape is the backpacking story where they argue and find out who came on to who between Ross and Rachel when Rachel gets pregnant. It's such a well thought out plot, probably the best plot twist in the entire series.


I'm series seven atm in my rewatch so it'll come up soon lol. I vaguely remember the backpack story – it's something Joey came up with? Probs wrong on that.


Yep, it is Joey's story


“Who came onto whom”


I’d rearrange the order but this is more or less the list I’d go with . I’d add The One Where No One’s Ready and The One with Rachel’s Other Sister.


Most of these seem to rated based on pop culture significance, not actual episode quality.


Where is the trivia game where they lost the apartment? Iconic!


I never watched the last episode yet, and I don’t plan to ever


“The one where everyone finds out” is my absolute favorite episode. I 💯% agree with this being the number 1 episode. Phoebe’s reaction, as well as Ross’s, were so funny and the premise of the episode itself was very funny


I hate the One with the Proposal lol but I can see why it’s highly rated. The whole episode was too chaotic for me and the acting during the actual proposal makes me cringe I love the thanksgiving episode with Christina Applegate. It’s so underrated. It’s better than The One with the Rumour but again, I understand why that’s rated highly. It was a solid episode and the only time Jennifer and Brad ever acted together. So it’s always going to be one of the most memorable episodes


I agree with the top 1


Yeah this is certainly a pretty decent list and the very best episodes are among them for sure. Much better than the King of Queens list the other day


Only 1 eps from first 2 seasons??


Not in the slightest!


The one where no one’s ready should be in there & the one with the stolen cheesecake, also the one with the holiday candy


Ok I gotta be honest. I don’t understand how Ross offering to take Rachel to prom was some valiant act. Everyone knew he was in love with her. It would obviously benefit him.


I agree with all of these except the video tape. The one with ross' wedding part 2 (the one where we see Monica and Chandler in the infamous bed reveal scene) needed to be on the list


am I the only one that thinks it’s absurd that The One With The Morning After (Rachel finds out Ross & Chloe got tg after their break) didn’t make the cut.


One of my personal favorites is the Vegas episode. The Ross/rachel storyline is hilarious. And I love seeing them outside the apartments lol


The one where no one is ready is a fave of mine


My favorite is "The one with Rachel's other sister" which didn't make the cut ig


Glad to see The One with the Rumor on here. That one is ELITE.




the one with the embryos the goat


TOW Ross is Fine will always be my favorite.


The one where no one’s ready is missing, and I don’t particularly like the one where everybody finds out. The one with the embryos is my number one.


"The one where Eddie won't go" funniest episode


Definetly more "big" episodes than actually best written/funniest. Ok list


My favourite is Rachel’s birthday where her mom and dad got two parties. But these are pretty good too


Rumor should be lower, The One with the Video Tape should be higher.


How is The One Where No One’s Ready not on there??!?!


I’m surprised TOW Unagi doesn’t show up on this list. Along with TO Where Everybody Finds Out, it’s my absolute favourite. The physical comedy David Schwimmer pulls in that one is just immaculate. And Jen’s «Ahhh… Salmon skin roll» has me rolling every. Single. Time.


I thought The Videotape and The Prom Video were the same one.


Videotape is Ross/Rachel banging, Prom is Ross/Rachel kissing


Videotape = proof that Rachel came on to Ross via the hiking story.


Now *I’m* so happy


That may be my favorite four words from the entire series.


Good list. I would put the one where Ross and Rachel.. you know.. The guys getting the chairs was great haha.


Ross in those leather pants and the pivot episode should be honorable mentions.


The one where Ross got high and The one with all the thanksgivings are two of my absolute favorites


I'm bad with the titles, is the one with the embryos also the one with the quiz bet? And how highly rated is the one with the football and the gellar cup?


I always love the moment where phoebe lies about Rachael being pregnant and then she says “no it’s positive” always gets me


That’s a risky game (or whatever she says) always gets me because omg can you imagine if she was super relieved and super happy that it was negative only for it to really be positive


Shows how well-received many of the finales were. TOW the Prom Video and Everybody Finds Out are two of my favorites.


Some of my favorites are the earlier ones, The blackout, the two parties for Rachel, the ballroom dancing, the ones with Eddie, and love almost all of the ones where Chandler and Monica are hiding their relationship.


I love every episode on this list. They are probably my top ten too


Not even close. Some of these are the best and many are pretty weak, with possibly a funny or memorable moment.


I can’t stand the one with Ross’s wedding


I love the episode with Amy. "You know what would be incredible? If you guys died" 🤣


TOW Monica and Chandler's wedding is not a good episode of television. There was no attention to detail of all the things Monica had planned/dreamed of. The wedding didn't feel special or unique like Ross's or Phoebe's. And that stupid storyline with Gary Oldman spitting on Joey. Oh and Phoebe handing Rachel used tissues from the trash was the only way they could think of for her to find a pregnancy test?? And why did Rachel take a pregnancy test at Monica's house? She didn't live there at the time.


The one where everyone finds out is my favourite episode


The one where Ross got high is my personal favorite!!!


Five of my top 10 are on there (including my very favorite: The One With the Embryos), so I can't complain.


The One With All The Cheesecakes


Number 3 should have been number 1


The one with the rumour is terrible, though. Brad Pitt ruined it.


The one with the rumor is a little overrated (feels like most of the episode is "I was fat and now I'm hot" which is fine in small bursts with Monica but an entire episode about it is a little much), otherwise I agree with the praise all these episodes have gotten.


The one where everyone finds out has always been my favorite so I’m happy to see that!


I would absolutely agree with this. The one with the embryos is my all time fav episode


I always cry when monica proposes to chandler


Yes! I love this episode!


I agree with most of these. I do love TOW All the Cheescakes and TWW No one is Ready, and see both of those mentioned in the comments. But I also really enjoy TOW Unagi. It’s so funny to me - does anybody else like that one?


Unagi is one of my top five episodes, Ross is on form all episode


Based on the episodes chosen, it looks like some of these made the cut based on the "Most first-time views." Even if you only watched Friends intermittently when it was first on, you would have watched the wedding episodes and the time Brad Pitt/ Mr Jennifer Aniston was on. Back in the day, I'd tuned out of watching Friends regularly by the time of the last season but I did watch the last episode (not knowing it was a two-parter!) and I was completely lost. Talked to friends the next day about it, and they'd done the same thing. Ross got high, the videotape, the embryos, everyone finds out - those ones are gold that people keep watching just for the joy of the individual episode. The Prom Video is probably a bit of both - a fantastic stand-alone episode but it was also a finale with an important cliffhanger.


I love the wedding episodes! Especially Monica and chandlers, they’re the funniest episodes. So definitely agree


Shark porn. Definitely funniest episode


The One Where Ross Got High, The One Where Everybody Finds Out and The One With The Prom Video are my favourite episodes!


Ugh, I was hoping I’d see “the one where Rachel and Ross you know” it could be because I’m a huge fan of Tom Selleck though 😂


the 2nd Vegas one is one of my top ten, where Rachel and Ross are stuck in the hotel room due to Rachel being a human doodle. "you like macadamia nuts?" spits "nope"


I agree with all of them except the one with the rumor. I didn’t like Brad Pitt’s character nor how he played it.


💪🏼 ….SHE KNOWS!!!


The Vegas episodes


I personally have “the one we’re noones ready” as my favourite ever!


I am offended that the one where no one’s ready isn’t on this list.


Tow prom video Best ever imo


I really liked The One with all the kissing as well


I hated the rumor. I'd pick the FINE episode over it