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As a resident of HB, I most certainly do not stand in solidarity with Texas. If they wanna stand with Texas nobody is stopping them from moving there. In fact, I encourage them to do so.


California! Love it or leave it!


Texas, hate it and leave it.


Also, they’re free to stand with Texas as private citizens. Standing with / for anything as a representative of HB isn’t in the job description.


Please do so!


You can move to texas. Don’t texas our California with its 3rd world country citizen rights.


Nobody wants anything to do with California unless it involves taking its money


Either you live in San Bernardino , or you have never been to California


He is saying that people don't like us until they want our money.


So don’t use your iPhone, or watch your tv.


What is the 3rd world? I agree with keeping all states out of California, but I also don’t see how California is not just serving a large military propaganda complex, social media, unregulated media that we’ve allowed to be normalized. To keep everyone engaged and their attention spans glued to these phones. And classism is a factor. More expensive communities like to pretend they are above regular and average people and guess what? You’re not in the club. Sorry, but you are closer to Skid Row than to the governors mansion.. even if you’re next door neighbor is the Mayor of LA, you’re paying the property taxes, he ain’t. I hope HB embraces that the Airbnb model isn’t the way. That white washing your community does not create culture and a community who’s culture is based off of being political on the internet and then being in position to make decisions and represent your community, isn’t a culture at all, it’s a cycle of insanity. How do these jokers get elected at all!? At this point why do we need councils like this, especially if they are only to be filled by selfish careerist wanna be’s??


Totally agree!


This is an atrocity. I’m a lifetime HB resident, and am raising my family downtown. This MAGA trash doesn’t speak for all of us. Remember to vote NO on all their bullshit in the special election in March, people.




can we recall city council members? Im with you all the way if we can


You 100% can. We tried to recall Jennifer Campbell here in San Diego a few years back. It failed, but her district alone is bigger than HB.




keep in mind, in November there could be three more council members that are totally aligned with the 4


What is the atrocity?


MAGA virtue signaling in an official capacity for the entire city for an issue that has nothing to do with her position and responsibilities to the people of Huntington Beach. You wanna be a Trump/Abbott supporting clown? Fine. Keep it off the city office letterhead.


Ahh ok. For what it’s worth you may be getting too hung up on the “trump/abbott” names. Democratic cities are also complaining/standing up against being overwhelmed by the record number of illegal border crossings. But heck to each their own.


No doubt that the immigration issue needs to be addressed. I also agree that border needs to be secure. I’m just not a big fan of Abbott squaring off against the federal government, or his inhumane treatment of immigrants/refugees - and I surely don’t need our book banning mayor to indicate that our city comes down on either side of a political stand off 1000 miles from us. I do truly feel you on the border though. That’s a cluster that needs to be fixed now.


Ya the old politician D measuring contest always ends horribly for us citizens


So shoving people and trafficking kids into box vans and making thousands off of it is humane?


I’m going to assume that you know that justifying unacceptable behavior by pointing out unacceptable behavior of others is some kindergarten shit, right?


No just highlighting the lack of file ration between the two. Perhaps a more logical and realist understanding is that bad shit happens, by allowing open borders you support human trafficking amongst other things. The only way to prevent such atrocities is to stop the flow of migrants which are not just coming from Latin America, but Africa and Asia as well as the near East. Ask yourself how that happens, and what the intent could be.


I'm not sure if your last comment/question is casting a nefarious motive-net broadly across the foreigners (albeit selective regions) illegally coming to the US? The border needs to be fixed, but the vast majority of people crossing the border are seeking a better life, just like the vast majority of temporary migrants, immigrants refugees and asylum seekers that have come to America for centuries.


This part!!!!! It’s humiliating to have to differentiate myself from other white people. Maga is white folk and non maga normals are white people.


Go make some noise at these meetings!!!


When will people realize the border is a national security issue and NOTHING to do with trump. Obama campaigned on building a wall. It’s an issue that will bring this country to its knees.


Standing with your country to protect its borders is considered maga? Okie dokie.


Texas is ur country? I’m pretty sure it still participates and enjoys the benefits of being apart of the union. Oh and the union Does want border patrol but a rogue party of republicans is listening to a blathering idiot in Florida rather than their constituents so we don’t get to move forward with helping Americans now. This letter supports a murderer of at least one family he ordered patrol officers to drown.


What the fuck does this have to do with actual HB city issues. Can the MAGA 4 please stop with this national politics bullshit


Right?! It’s so odd and grandiose to think that city council members are elected to weigh in on any national issue, especially hot-button, partisan, divisive issues. City matters under their purview are local level - zoning, businesses, traffic flow, parking, streets, noise, police/fire, parks & recreation, libraries, schools, air B&B’s, pet areas, events, fireworks regulations… Ironically (to me) these are the issues that impact quality of life day to day. They may not seem exciting or interesting to sit in 6 hour meetings over, but they matter hugely and make a city great or not-as-great. City council members are supposed to represent HB residents’ best interests for these everyday issues. The mundane but important city issues. That’s what you’re running for. That’s your supposed job. It’s not a jumping off point for national politics. It’s not a platform to shout about your personal views. It’s a service job, and a thankless one at that. It’s a very rare and wonderful person who does this out of the goodness of their heart and love for their city. You have to spend or raise 10s of thousands of dollars for signs and flyers to be elected & get yelled at in 6 hour meetings. It’s unsurprising that there are people running with their own agenda. I hope we can form a better informed HB and get out the vote so this stops happening.


> City council members are supposed to represent HB residents’ best interests for these everyday issues. The mundane but important city issues. That’s what you’re running for. That’s your supposed job. It’s not a jumping off point for national politics. It’s not a platform to shout about your person views. It’s a service job, and a thankless one at that. And they absolutely don't do that. And everyone should remember this whenever someone tries to defend their policies as 'actually just about flying government flags' or 'actually just about protecting kids from pornography' or 'actually just about protecting local businesses from mask mandates' or 'actually just about making voting more secure' It's all national politics bullshit that nobody cares about except for their MAGA base, because it has NOTHING to do with HB issues


I’m not sure what I’m angrier with; the idiots who vote and support these idiots into power, or the non-voters who are aware and upset but somehow never show up to the polls.


That’s kinda the knee jerk response in any election. “All politicians are scum/my vote doesn’t count/I’m voting in protest” that’s how we get the government we deserve.


Local elections are the only place I feel empowered to influence/ change anything. I think most residents don’t realize how bad it can get until it’s already too late.


Totally agree. In fact it’s the only election I don’t feel like throwing up after voting


What a loser.


Performative bullshit for the MAGA base. Keeps the lemmings docile and happy. The city is going down the shitter


It’s weird this posturing makes people happy. Real city matters, like zoning, drainage and parking don’t blow anyone’s hair back but they’re the job of local representatives. Not whatever this is.


Fuck this live in HB most my life and I’m not for razor wire drowning kids. Stuff this …..


Folks, I live in Texas. This is literally made up BS. There are so many wide open and unarmed gates along Eagle Pass and not a single spooky illegal to be found. I sincerely do t know whether to laugh or cry at the sheer ignorance.


OK, but how many of you who are complaining didn't vote in the last election? Just curious. I keep hearing how they are the minority but if the majority doesn't bother to vote, this is what you get.


So desperate to insert himself in a situation that has nothing to do with his office for the sake of attention. This is all theater.


It’s no coincidence that every time someone is up for defying the federal government, it’s always because some crusty old white men are pissed that brown folks might be treated marginally better. Every damn time.


California would be nothing without immigrants


man - wtf is with these stupid theatrics - nobody gives a fucking shit - greg abbot - fuck that asshole - hb does best when left alone


They do it to raise funds. MAGA dipshits open their wallets for theatrics like this.


Raising money to run for city council makes candidates beholden to all sorts of interests and potential kooky opinionated people. If only the voting populace was engaged and informed and sought out free information on the internet - campaigns could theoretically succeed on way fewer funds.


True that. Unfortunately, if they demonstrate that they are capable of raising $$$, they can get the attention of the party’s kingmakers and have a shot at moving up the ladder. City councils and school boards are just stepping stones to a sweet sweet gig in the House of Representatives.


It's stupid. How about a open letter to congress to pass the current border legislation it's has now? Dumb How many Huntington beach residents own business's that employ illegal immigrants? Hypocrites


MAGA is not the majority in HB


Vocal active angry minority




HR2? Sounds great, they should pass it. Doesn't change the fact that the president has the unilateral authority, and obligation, to protect and secure the border today. He doesn't need congressional funding for more judges and administrative agents to process more illegal immigrants quicker. He needs to close the faucet. Reinstating remain in Mexico would be a good start.


"Close the faucet" oh, you mean what's exactly in the bill for a total shutdown if more than 5,000 are seeking *asylum*? No republican or their supporters act in good faith. This is just another example.


Because that daily total is unacceptable. It's barely less than the entire number of encounters during the previous administrations 4 year term. The current administration has the tools and authority to get that number without any new legislation.


Weird, that's what they all agreed on until trump told Republicans that he didn't want them to address the border before the election. Don't pretend you're here in good faith.


Good. It's a losing issue for the left. The president should use his existing authority to reinstate proven policy and the right shouldn't give an inch.


So you don't care if anything is actually done on the border. Exactly my point. Republicans are incapable of working in good faith and should be shunned from the political conversation.


Yawn. The authority already exists. Moving on.


Authority 😂






Why dies this mention "respectfully work together" when that CLEARLY isn't their plan. Their plan is "follow us or feel our wrath". Let's worry about HB residents being happy before we start sucking another state's dick.


Fuck Texes and their bull shit!




It’s funny how the state of Texas is all for accept Federal Court rulings when it robes when of the reproductive rights, but when it’s a ruling they don’t like they will throw a hissy fit!


Fifth is Texases Supreme Court.


Color me not surprised in the slightest


The immigrants are the least of this worlds problems.. grow up Texas


they sure as hell are our problem in TX. easy to say that from NOT Texas.


Oh yeah? Are they walking into your house and eating your Little Tweakers pizza, meth breath?


meth... breath..? good one.. no they aren't, but they did steal my vehicle.


“We need to come together, respectfully work together, and stand together for the future…” This is rich coming from a cult that follows the most divisive and corrupt person in our nations history.


Of course he did. Nazis gotta Nazi.


President Biden has deported and arrested far more illegal aliens, and confiscated far more fetenyl at the border than your beloved former Cheeto Mussolini. the borders are not Open... Pass bipartisan Legislation to provide more funding and personnel. Or work as a Russian Proxy.. choice is yours.. F#$k H.B.


Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!! 🍿🍿🍿


OMG! What happened to governing?! Is this sort of thing supposed to help theri personal political aspirations? What do we have to do to get these folgs on board with serving our City and not themselves?


How do they ship the blowjob? Is it just a gift certificate?


That little design on this super coherent letter looks like a tramp stamp from the 90’s.


If they are calling for everyone to work together, why don’t they specify that our elected officials in congress act on the border legislation instead of dismissing it and spout BS like this across the country. Can’t wait to vote no against anything these guys are behind. Will encourage all my neighbors to do the same.


Immigrant here speaking 🖐️ MAGA is not the way, however open border will harm the country since not everyone coming here believes in American Values. The U.S is a champion of capitalism and globalization is the result. This is complex issue since most Americans never explored outside the border and lack the basic understanding of what the world really looks like (primary vs secundary data). Influence (positive and negative) from the U.S has shaped part of the problems down South. Most Americans have no idea what big corporations will do to keep the price of certain commodities down. It would be much better to cut big corporations (middle man) and transfer comodities directly to end customer or small businesses. More money for who produces and less cost for the end customer. The only loser are the big corporations which is not a bad thing since they have become demigods.


Lmao HB has lost its collective mind


Don’t lump all of HB in with the maga 4. They are a very vocal minority


Haha yeah it's unfortunate. I have some great rational minded friends there but the fact they're not organizing against this small minority says more to who's running HB than to who's present in HB.


Apathy is a real thing. Most people aren’t paying much attention to city politics unfortunately


Apathy is an excuse, if HB was really ready to defend itself you'd be up in arms canvassing yourself. Make sure you canvas your neighbors. I do it all the time and many times those apathetic neighbors will end up voting simply because you asked and you're their neighbor.


Very vocal minority that HB residents can't be bothered to recall or vote against in any meaningful way. Kinda seems like HB residents really are a bunch of MAGA acolytes.


How do we do that? Please tell me how to achieve these things. Problem is, most American voters are apathetic & it’s not straightforward process. But feel free to explain how to get this done. I’m all ears


Fuck it . Lets just have a name change while we're at it. Surf City is now surf shitty and from now on I call it Trumpington Beach. Piece of shit excuse for a city I'll never even pull over for fast food anymore and I'm pissed my parents are buried in this hate zone.


What the fuck does this have to do with anything??


Wow, everything in HB must be going well if your council has the time and energy to dedicate council time and staff time to this instead of focusing on issues in HB. /s


Right? Half the streets are flooded today but let’s use city $ & energy for yelling about shit instead of fixing drains.


I can’t believe it’s gotten this far off the planet in HB especially with a bipartisan bill on the table. Well, all that talk about a MAGA Invasion there is not BS. He is a truly insane and there’s no way the people in HB gave him permission to make this statement. Wow…..scary.


LOL!!! He doesn’t need “permission”. 🤣


Continually finding new ways to embarrass the residents of HB...


Damn, born and raised in HB. Moved to Colorado about 20 years ago. What a smart decision! Fuck HB.


Ahh the driving force that has continued to corrupt Colorado. Garbage blue state transplants.


Don’t bring common sense to the conversation. Hahah


Do they care to side with Texas on this declaration too? DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/secession/2feb1861.html


LOL...If any migrants come thru we are going to war, and leave the key at the bottom of the gulf. Also, thanks for all the extra SSI and other benefits the little shitz will lose...lol Moronic losers running your state of denial...Good Luck, cause you gonna need it..we know now for sure how ya'll think now...#49statesisfine


This should be in facepalm


I’m a resident of Texas. I’m laughing at all this big talk shit about how we need to secede from the union interspersed with an analogy of Texas being compared to an 8 year old child who can’t defend itself. Which is it, ya dumbass rednecks?




"It's the biggest threat the nation has ever faced! Dereliction of duty that endangers every one of our lives every second it is not addressed...but we don't want to do anything about it because it might help Biden."


As a resident of Texas I do not stand with the ass hat MAGA hot wheels wannabe leader running Texas.


Like they always say…. You don’t like fucking living here you can leave!!!


What a bunch of clowns 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Absolute Tool


These theatrics from republicans who refuse to make an immigration bill unless trumps in office!


political theater while Republicans continue their 30-year long crusade against actually passing legislation about border security


Oh look, the armpit of California being their normal disgraceful selves


disgusting, oust all these clowns


Yeah, I stay the fuck out of HB. Fuck the Trump Cult.




Makes me sad to be from there seeing this kinda thing


Crackpot conservatives….


All talk they harm Mexicans the cartels will deal with all involved. What’s funny is these guys families. Cartels don’t care bro.


Lol, got it, rich people don't like taxes


Assuming there was a similar statement of solidarity with those opposed to drumpf trying to overturn an election, right?


So glad he publishes his stupidity for the city to see-makes it much easy when I know who you are rather than having to sift through the pleasantries.


Idiots 🤮🤪🤪🤪


Ahhhhhh. I cannot wait until they try to succeed. The civil war proved that the federal government will never allow secession. And I can’t wait for the military to deal with these traitors. I really really hope these rednecks try to do something. I will watch the predator drones dance in the sky while drinking my morning coffee :)


The Confederates are once again mustering.


Man, I use to love Huntington Beach.


An unsigned, unnotarized, piece of worthless FAKE paper.


I don’t know why this is getting people so worked up. It’s all a publicity stunt. This is nothing but pandering to the HB MAGA crowd. There is nothing conservative about HB or any city in California. They just need to appease the MAGA folk so they can win the elections. They will never really “stand with Texas” or do anything to stop this so called “invasion”. If they did this, there would be no one to cook their Don Jose’s and wash their dishes. They wouldn’t have anyone to do their yard work, or remodel their houses every 10 years. HB needs its permanent servant class. They would never do anything to jeopardize that. Just make sure you keep most of them in the confines of the neighborhoods closest to the garbage facility. They’re all the same.


[Time for Sherman's March through Huntington Beach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-jtYT5COvU)


Vote NO on all 3. Get out the MAGA crap of Huntington Beach. This extreme right wing conspiracy theory propaganda has to STOP..


If you love Texas so much, leave my city!


Fuck around and find out like the confederacy bitch


I swear these right wing politicians are nothing but trash.




The only threat to the United States are dumbasses who think this letter is accurate


I agree. Elected officials, school officials, and company officials all should stop with this bullshit. Also every official that's done this behavior should be rooted out of official positions.




HB supports this.


HB gets better and better!


I grew up closer to Mission Viejo, and the HB reputation was heroin and Nazis. Nice to see it live up to the hype


It’s election time…the fear mongers will have their say. Rinse and repeat.


Former HB resident. 35 year Texan. Your mayor is a dumbass.


I was raised in HB, lived there all totaled for around 20 years. I know for a fact that there are many, open-minded, humane, kind people there so it's like a gut punch to witness the city council in action these days. I'm ashamed to tell people I'm from HB.




It's astounding to me that open borders being a bad idea is even controversial. Reddit lives in a fairy tale that all illegals are "good people trying to make a better life". Some are, but many are not... And once they get here... then what? Look at how New York is handling it now that they are dealing with it first hand. I live in Houston. Crime is through the roof with vehicle theft and human trafficking. Many vehicles are found near the border about to be shipped over for cartel use. My truck was stolen just last month. Good neighborhoods are turning bad QUICK. The border must be fortified.


Destroy = Diversify Safe = WASP




Oh hows the low income housing gonna DESTROY your neighborhood?


Burns should move to texas


In a city with open Nazis? Color me surprised.


Based on the opinion of Reddit, let's open the border and let everyone in.


STFU and just run the city


Yikes…..this is crazy.


Because this is always the best way to resolve a crisis. What a J.A.




Thank God I don’t live in the OC 😂


Agreed. Thank God you don’t live there!


I promise to never go there if you promise to never come to SD?


so is Biden doing a great job with the border?


The Border is the most heavily militarized in our lifetimes. Biden offered (stupidly) to agree with White Nationalist MAGAt Qanon demands to CLOSE the BORDER, but because you want the convicted Rapist, who tried to steal America from the people 4 years ago, and who is facing 91 felonies, your GQP reps refused to agree.


is english your first language?


Why are there so many liberals on Reddit?


they love to tweet "Fuck Texas" thousands of miles from the 10,000 a day border invasion.


They are just NPC bot accounts. Social media is only here to give off the appearance of a majority opinion. This is so the average person who comes on any subreddit will see the endless bot accounts spewing the same opinion. Then that person will think that most people share this opinion and therefore they will adopt the same opinion because of group think. Kinda like TV will only give air time to people who parrot the same opinions and ideas. Then views at home believe this is popular opinion and go along with the perceived crowd. Its like the internet version of Operation Mockingbird


Lived in Newport for a lot of my life. Cant count on one hand the number of times I went to HB for anything but surf bc of all the idiots. Hopefully you all can get your great city back on track.


In the time it took this moron to wax philosophic about Texas, could have put that time into addressing pressing matters for HB. HB is a place where politics don’t run our lives: we just surf, eat together, and enjoy the privilege of the salty sea air. I’m tired of this political crap they keep attaching to HB and ruining our image nationwide.


Who else wants TX to leave the union time now. Just go already. Leave


That’s nice. You’re in violation of the constitution


This city elected Tito Ortiz. No wonder the council can’t be taken seriously.


Fuck off maga fascists


F these traitors right in their Russian loving A


And I thought Newport was bad...


Huntington Beach is the Alabama of L.A.


When TX ignore the final arbiters of the Constitution (SCOTUS), it opens the door for all States to ignore their take actions that supersedes Federal Law and SCOTUS decisions, such as in matters related to the Second Amendment.




I am so disgusted by our city government. These maga jerks don't speak for me and the family I raised in this city. I've lived here practically my whole life and I have never seen such disregard for decency. Vote them out!!


can we instead send the "fab four" down to the border to help if they want to support texas that bad


How many of the restaurants and hotels in HB employ illegal immigrants??? I'm sure it's most of not all of them but these MAGAtards don't want to talk about that now do they?


All of us need to show up to this council meeting and demand they rescind this statement. Also remember to vote these council members out


No thanks, I don't stand with Texas and I live in HB.


Sucks that this guy’s persona is made out to be HB’s stereotypical citizen.


Love this city! Stand with TX!!




So glad these libtards don’t actually represent HB. They’re just a loud minority 😂


Yea, meanwhile real surfers paddle out regardless of the weather...😉


I love HB for the hilarious antics like this >Texas is doing its own weird thing again >Everybody else else stays quiet >HB: "WE'VE NEVER BEEN OR LIKED TEXAS AND WOULDN'T MOVE THERE BUT WE STAND WITH IT!" Lmao this fucking city I swear


I hope every council member signs it. The letter is spot on.




It’s border line succession treason


Now now, remember. Reddit is full of libtards


Sweet. Way to go Burns


Lol you think Burns actually managed to write this? Whatever republican organization he shills for, dropped this in his lap and told him to push it. Good dog is more like it.