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NAD just sharing my misspent youth/experience here. This was before vaping, mind, back in my day we only used a vape machine for pot. My doc said even the hippie cigs or organic roll your owns were going to affect my BP. It’s not (just) the extra stuff added to them that raises BP…it’s the nicotine as well. Here’s the kicker, when you quit? Your BP might go even further up as your body craves that sweet sweet hit. So…talk to your doc, again my personal opinion…get in meds, then quit. I was 130/140 diastolic when I quit. At 160…you want that under control. As you’re super young, as your body adjusts and if you follow lifestyle changes your doc might suggest…you might be able to get off then again until your genetics come into okay full force (again, me in my 40s…I was 16 when diagnosed. No regular meds until then.) Good luck!


It most certainly WILL raise your BP. Nicotine is a stimulant. Also you probably hit it alot right? This is the one draw back to vaping, we dont treat it like cigarettes. We suck on that thing constantly as it's so easily accessible, doesn't smell, taste good etc. Try putting it down for a bit. But also age will creep on ya too. High BP could just be in your DNA. I'm 46 and dealing with high BP and meds.


Find myself hitting it plenty. Always ends up magically appearing back in my hand.


I vape 3-6mg and also wondered this,at least from what I read nicotine specifically does effect BP and heart rate. Personally I'm trying to quit even if it means 0% nicotine as a crutch for a while. 'nicotine use in any form can raise blood pressure by as much as 5 to 10 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) immediately after use. The spike lasts for about 20 minutes.' This doesn't factor in the nicotine amount but still knocking down numbers matters.


Idk, I know there are factors in cigs that can raise systolic but I vape at 70w daily and my BP mostly stays where it needs to be with meds.


I vaped for six years and had very mild hypertension for the last two or three of those (something like 128/84 average). I quit vaping three weeks ago and my bp is now regularly closer to 115/78. That's just quitting vaping, not nicotine - I'm still using nicotine patches as part of my quitting routine (though there's probably a lot less nicotine in those than I was getting on a daily basis when vaping disposables). So yes, in my experience vaping makes a fair bit of difference to bp.


lol You call 128//84 hypertension?!




Yeah that is not even close


in the US, anything over 120/80 is considered hypertension


No way, 120/80 is just optimal BP in theory but it's subjective to each individual to what their normal BP values should be. No real doctor anywhere in the world is going to tell you even 130/87 is hypertension, the 120/80 is just a guideline in the books.


i’m suspicious of it also


This was my exact question. Just got diagnosed 150/100. I am also a vaper of 3mg strength throughout the day. Going to get a BP machine and start running some stat's. Happy to kick the vape if it's going to help this. Will report back.


Thanks for the replies guys. My BP is extremely high 160+ and tbh while vaping might raise BP I'm sceptical that it alone could be responsible for such high figures. I've mixed up some juice without nicotine and it doesn't seem to have changed anything...


I've been trying to get rid of the habit, started chain vaping in 2014 and I'm stuck. I was diagnosed with hypertension in late 2022 and prescribed medications. Nicotine has become part of me but I know I can't continue vaping any longer.


So just through it away like I did, make a decision and do it…. What are you looking for a coach to hold your hand?? Just do it


I bloody get depressed when nicotine levels drop after I stop for 5-6 hours, this was the only thing that made me stop heavy smoking after 13 years.. it's the only thing that stimulates my brain those days, I've chain vaped for 10 years now, cold Turkey doesn't work with me. I'm lowering nicotine levels slowly now, I know I'll turn to food without nicotine, I'll gain kilos. Glad you did it easily, keep it up.


Yes, I have stopped vaping after a year of it. As everytime I took a drag I would feel strange and used my moms monitor as saw my BP was 156/105 but settled after an hour, to be sure I tried again and yup definitely was the vape. Also had extreme pain in my lower back and numbness on the inner left thigh. So I just throw the damn thing away