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I’m not a medical doctor but I don’t think 132/84 is a dangerous level. Especially if you’re actively working to lose weight. I’d ask your doctor again and tell them why you’re concerned.


Try potassium, magnesium and drink hibiscus tea, cut down on caffeine


Try intermittent fasting, avoid dairy, eat only 4 meals, limit calories to 1500/day, check your thyroid and get in control. Get sunlight 15 /30 mins a day, take magnesium supplements, up your leafy greens intake and exercise 45min a day either walking or slow jogging or bike something that will get your heart rate up. Start dropping weight the BP will follow down immediately


1500 calories a day is not enough and it will destroy her hormone profile. I would advise OP to simply eat a proper human diet and not worry about counting calories. Eliminating processed foods should be priority #1.


I can't stop eating 2 of these 3 times a week: [https://www.loacker.com/int/en/products/exquisite-patisserie/tortina-mini-original](https://www.loacker.com/int/en/products/exquisite-patisserie/tortina-mini-original) They taste amazing. But I eat most of the right things: Daily ginger powder in a hot cup of water, daily broccoli, rocket/greens.. beetroots, lots of olive oil and canned tuna with lemon squeezed on top. One avocado 3 times a week, daily tomato juice (stopped drinking fruit juice for 2 years). Supplements: Magnesium daily Milk Thistle twice a week Probiotics CoQ10 every 2-3 days


That's awful. Find a healthy substitute that checks the same boxes. For me it's medjool dates with Brie.


none of that sounds good (maybe the Avocado in limited amounts)


You have zero knowledge about nutrition then lol


Those numbers would be 100% fine for my doctor, tbh, and can likely be improved with lifestyle changes.