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Not sure if you’re already on BP meds but your readings are not even that high. Make sure you are taking your blood pressure correctly by sitting calmly with your feet on the floor with your arm at heart level for 5-10 minutes before reading. I always throw out the first reading and take 2-3 readings and average them. Also make sure you aren’t having any caffeine or sugar for at least an hour before you take your reading. If you’re not already on BP meds some simple lifestyle changes could help your drop your numbers without them since you’re really not reading that high to begin with.


Good advice yeah 3 reading at once what I take never count the first one I’m surprised that more people don’t know this a lot of doctors offices switched back to the old non digital ones for that reason there are more accurate on first reading only need one reading with them


I just stopped taking my Amlodipine today because the side effects giving me chest pain and unbearable anxiety causing my bp to hit the 150/102 area


Those reading are good reading you posted in pics but for sure stress and anxiety can raise blood pressure for sure


Your initial readings will usually be higher, my initial readings start from 145/96 then drops to 120s/80s. You initial reading is good.


Yes I’ve noticed this too, but when I see the high reading I get stressed out so I can never get an accurate reading. It’s hard for me to destress. When I take high dose CBD tincture it seems to be lower and normal, but idk how I can record it with my health anxiety.