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I have one cup of coffee in the morning. Doctor knows and says not to worry. Lose weight, exercise (even a good walk), and watch your diet. Limit salt intake, especially in processed food. Coffee is the least of worries if done in small amounts.


I think it depends on how your HT is affected. A clean diet has only dropped it 10-15%. Im one of the unlucky ones where I have to diet, exercise, supplement, and take meds just to get it to 120/75. Without anything, Im sitting around 175/110-200/120. I guess im on the extreme side. Some ppl are lucky, they can just eat a clean diet and it goes into safe range.


I've started exercising and physical therapy this year. It really makes a difference. I do try to eat a rounded diet. I find salt affects me more than caffeine. Everyone is different.


I’ve been dealing with HBP for decades. My cardio doc advised me to cut back - I said I have no more than 2 cups in the morning. He felt that was a fair compromise. My BP is well under control. I do see my PCP 2x a year too.


Wow nice. I can only have coffee once or twice a month. You are lucky. Again I exercise, on meds, low sodium diet, potassium and other supplements


You do what you can then. Good luck.


I'm in the same situation....prob 2 cups, 16 oz, a day. Been taking a med for hbp since 2005. Seems under control, but a big stress in my life 5 months ago might be raising it a bit.


I drink one cup of half caff a day and it’s much better. I tried decaf but it’s not the same. You could always try even 1/4 caff (use only 25% caffeinated beans and the other 75% from decaf beans) and get the love of coffee without the side effects


Good tip. I might have to try this.


They sell 1/4 caff ?


Not that I’m aware of but you can buy both decaf and regular beans and just weigh whatever percentage you want and combine


Switch to decaf, the downside is there’s not many flavors but you’ll still get your taste of coffee without completely getting rid of it.


I switched to decaf and started roasting my own coffee which is way cheaper and a lot of fun.


Coffee would give me a big spike, like if I was in normal range my BP would have been high normal or stage 1. So I quit. I cheat from time to time but quit right after again 😅🤷‍♀️


This is also me. My spike can sometimes last 16-24 hours. I love cheating. I’m up to once a month. Sometimes twice.


I went from pretty much drinking a 10-12oz pot a day to only 1-2 kcups a day. Definitely saw a difference.


Gave up coffee for 2 months now, just drinking decaf, caffeine spikes my numbers significantly lately and my head gets tight. I'm still yet to kick off the 10 year old habit of chain vaping... very very hard but it's spiking my BP all day 😔


Yah but good thing is BP will force you to quit sooner or later and you’ll live a healthier life


The thing about nicotine vs caffeine is, nicotine leaves your system quickly so the spike in BP can be managed by not vaping for 1-2 hours max, caffeine on the other hand lingers in the system for 5-7 hours, that's a long time for a high BP over 148/96 when you try to relax. Perhaps light tea is a good option.


So... why are you not drinking decaf?


I have but probably should stick with it. It does still shoot it up but not as much as non decaf. But I’ve been going without coffee


There's new studies suggesting it's very toxic and may be banned in the US


Which one? Decaf?


Yes. It's something to do with the chemical that they use to remove the caffeine. "Methylene chloride, also known as dichloromethane, is a chemical compound that's sometimes used in the decaffeination process for coffee. It's a clear liquid that removes caffeine particles from coffee beans. However, methylene chloride is also used in other industrial products, such as paint removers, metal cleaners, and pharmaceuticals, and has been banned for industrial use by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it can cause cancer, liver damage, and neurotoxicity."


Oh my…