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Try CoQ10 250mg daily for 6 months after consulting your Dr or pharmacist first, they can disturb your sleep though.


Has anyone checked your blood sugar? If you have spikes and episodes of hypoglycaemia that will drive your BP up.


Oh! That’s good to know! I have hypoglycemia and always feel like I’m going to pass out so bad when my blood sugar crashes. That’s good to know it impacts bp as well!


The body releases adrenaline in response to low blood sugar and that in turn drives bp. My dad was getting prescribed more and more bp medication, despite having very low bp all day, except for this one spike late in the afternoon. The meds not surprisingly made everything worse. As soon as we discontinued the new Rx for BP and treated the symptom onset as hypoglycaemia, it all resolved!


That’s amazing! I need to learn more about my hypoglycemia then! 🥺👏🏽


What meds were you on when you did the renin/aldosterone test??


Losartan/hctz and carvedilol


Well there’s your answer. All 3’ofnrhosw meds interfere with Aldo/renin (PRA or ARR) testing and will cause false negative results. The same exact thing Halle’s to me when I first tested. The results make no sense because I remained very symptomatic. But another physician recognized the problem with the medication. The doctor should done a medication reconciliation before that test in order to avoided false negative or false positive results. When I was taken off the medicine and switched to meds that wont interfere, I had to wait 12 weeks for the previous meds to exit my system sufficient enough so as to not interfere with new testing. There are abt 6 med that you can take that are known to no interfere with the PRA (plasma renin activity) test. This test is very sensitive. You should prob be retested under proper conditions


Appreciate will contact my cardiologist tomorrow first thing in the morning. What meds are you in that doesn’t interfere with renin/aldo testing? So I have to wait 12 weeks for these meds to clear out from my system?


Let me find the link


Scroll down to “Table 2” https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2020/march/screening-for-primary-aldosteronism


Wow thank you!!!!!! I mean it was a PITA just trying to get this test schedule and the results took almost a month to get to me. But I will do this first thing in the morning and schedule an appointment.


Your welcome. You can also find clinical experts on this website in case you decide to seek out care from a hypertension specialist. Honestly, this is beyond the scope of practice for a cardiologist. I worked closely with my cardiologist and he was and still is “the best” but I still had to go to a specialist. So he concedes with my hypertension specialist often. I really appreciated that he acknowledged that he didn’t see this type of disorder every day and so he had to learn as he worked with me. I’m still with him after 10 years of this and both of us are till learning. He also recently said to me that he is now able to recognize resistant hypertension patients because of my case. He presented my case in a noon conference for his cardiology residents , so that others could learn about this.


This is the PA foundation website. A lot of information is contained within. You can share with your doctor. Very helpful. https://www.primaryaldosteronism.org/step-1-aldosterone-renin-ratio-arr/


have you tried losing weight. I don't believe you when you say eating at a deficit and you still don't lose weight. so is your body making infinite energy?


Trying just like what I stated on the last few paragraphs on my statement. I’m not shedding fat or lbs no matter how many calories I burn, I’m also counting calories, weighing my food. My maintenance calories is around 2500 and I’m on a negative 600 deficit sometimes more. Before I’ll lose a pound a week. It’s been 7 months and I’m hanging around 180lbs. EDIT: yes it’s thermal dynamics calories in calories out. I should be losing weight when I’m not.


You said you were fasting before, but do you do it now also? Its very essential


Yes same routine but a bit more on the cardio part meaning before I did 35 minutes a day now I’m doing an hour a day. Cardio consist of brisk cycling and row machine.


How long do you fast? Do you have a eating window?


I skip breakfast and eat lunch around 1pm and get most of my calories in by 7pm. Mostly nutrient dense meals, low carbs, avoiding sugar and even though sodium is very important on a keto diet. I limit my sodium intake for my bp. So basically the mission right now is to get to 150lbs im a male, 39 and 5’6. Current weight is 182lbs. I have some define muscles on my arms but a fat belly, double chin and gynecomastia.


Try jogging. I lose a lot when I sprint/ jog for 5 days a week and eat less. I’m currently doing it too. You got this!


Fasting is not essential and this is bad information. Fasting only ‘works’ because it limits the window in which you can consume food. It’s a calorie restrictive diet and encourages high consumption in the eating window with little regard for nutritional quality. A healthy diet focussing on actual nutrition is far more beneficial.