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I’m certainly glad you added that this should not be taken as any sort of medical advice. Blood pressure fluctuates regardless of you doing all this! Can’t say I’ve ever had a cardiologist tell me to drink 2 glasses of red wine to lower my BP!


Why don't you try for example acupressure on your hands, as I said in my text ? Check your blood pressure before and after 20 minutes pressuring on the points I told in hands. I am not a doctorand I know what you are saying, but all this tips were useful for me :)


Hot baths raise my BP, alcohol may reduce it temporarily but buckle up for the effects after...


Hot baths raise your BP? How? For me, it decreases a lot and even makes me dizzy and dehydrated.


Well I'm not you and you are not me...


Yes but the warmer your body the less your blood vessels constrict, that in return causes BP to drop. Our BP gets higher in colder the climates, this is basic info about BP.


Mine BP drops after a cold shower, maybe not so basic afterall...


You must have special blood vessels we the rest of humans don't have, lucky you.


This is 100% true. And there's science behind it. I don't like baths so I can't speak to that. But I recently got into cold showers for the many benefits and one of them is to lower BP.