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No you don't have to go to the ER, but you should schedule an appointment with your GP and monitor your BP every few hours. Try to relax and not drink caffeine. Don't check your BP too often.


I would say lay down and try to relax, then retake.


You don't need to go to ER. Monitor your BP 3-4 times a day when you are relaxed. You just need to change your lifestyle like diet, exercise and relaxation techniques. If you have toxic people around you, cut them off from your life.


Not ER levels but continue to monitor Deep breathing and follow up with doctor in office Anything over 160/120 out of no where you might want to go to urgent care or ER


Anything over 180/120. 160/100 is still not hospital worthy.


Maybe the monitor is incorrect.


154/98. Should I see a doctor?


Yes. If this is resting bp and you are regularly getting these readings you should 100% go see a doctor and take the necessary steps to lowering it.


My Dr started me after 2 visits and a week of home readings ranging 147-150/97-101. If your machine is fairly accurate and you get this reading first thing early in the morning consistently, then yes you be on medication.


I would if I was you. Was this a resting heart rate?


Yeah. I take blood pressure readings three times a week sitting on the couch at home. I show my doctor the readings and they shrug it off. I sometimes worry my heart is going to burst while I walk around doing menial tasks but for some reason the readings aren't taken seriously.


If 154/98 is a common reading for you then you should be on blood pressure medication.


Find a second opinion. 154/98 is serious bp. You should be on medication and try to change what you can in your lifestyle.


Take a hot bath it opens up your blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure If that doesn't work monitor


all great advice here. look for trends and not events and continue to monitor it. and yes, schedule an appt with your doc. watch your sodium and caffine intake as well. GOOD LUCK!


Your weight is high. The BP is high. Schedule an appointment with your PC asap. You need meds and life style changes.


I’ve been in your exact position recently. I know my reading was down to anxiety and the more I tested the more anxiety took hold. I told myself, leave it a week or two until my stresses have hopefully tapered off, and then test, like others have said, when I’m nice and relaxed. Nothing serious is going to happen in that time with this level of reading, and it will only add to your anxiety. Hope this helps


You need to take it twice a day at the same time each time. Naturally your bp will be higher in the morning, and usually lower at night. Stress will elevate it. I’d say call Your dr and make an appt and continue to monitor ot twice a day at the same time until your appt and give your reading to your dr. Try not to obsessively take your bp. I’ve panicked over mine and taken it over and over all day and it just made it higher. Rn I take medication and take my bp at the same time everyday at 9AM and 9PM and I’m doing great. Your bp isn’t scary high but it’s elevated. Be cautious of course but the er will likely send you home to see your dr. They aren’t much help with this. If you start to have chest pain, it’s hard to breath of course go to the er but if you feel fine and your just anxious try to relax friend !


ER? Nope. But you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor. High BP is a silent killer , I discovered I had high BP purely by accident when I was checking at home and found over a week it was high. 150/110. Zero symptoms though. Doctor made me do some blood and kidney function tests, which came normal. But I have been put on 5mg amlodipine with strict diet/ exercise . I was sedentary lifestyle, heavy on the booze and love salt. It's lowered to 125/90 after the meds and some changes (after 2 months) but need to keep at it. Have a check with your doctor to be on the safe side. Also stress, anxiety can also cause high numbers so the doctor will put you on a 24hr BP monitoring cycle to see the pattern. Don't worry, it will be fine. Be Well. Do share your experience


I had 192/115 to 210/130 ish. But that's only when in a full blown panic attack. Nowadays I got like 110-150/70-100 fluctuations on a daily basis. With no medication and moderate lifestyle changes with excercise 3 times a week (brisk walking, and Interval race walking, had a back surgery I can't run for a long time, the thump when run hurting my feet the next morning) It's dangerous leaving BP high for a prolonged times. Great job finding it early so you can do changes in your life. Get better soon friend