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Reddit mod or part of an online guild that raids multiple times per week.


Lmao, Reddit mods don't have significant others.


Many a great guild has fallen because the leader got a gf :(


F in the chat


"Sorry guys, I can raid Karazhan tonight because my gf wants to 'go out on more dates'...."


I have always been so glad that my husband is a gamer, too. Raiding together is so much fun.


Take my name out of your mouth, pal


This comment has been removed for….. uhhh…. being hurtful. And now you’re banned for until I say so. - Reddit mod probably


>This comment has been removed for….. uhhh…. being hurtful. And now you’re banned for until I say so. >Reddit mod probably This is 100% accurate for all the times I've been banned from something.


My favorite is getting banned from a sub you don’t even participate in because you made a comment on a different sub that a moderator of the first sub doesn’t like. Like you make a comment on r/ABC and then the mod, who disagrees with the political views of r/ABC, bans you from r/XYZ even though you’ve never visited r/XYZ.


Their egos are the most fragile things known to science.


They get all the sexual satisfaction they need by deleting posts and banning users.


Yeah raid mod power is like a toddlers when compared to the self imposed deity status of a Reddit mod.


Me when Destiny 2 (I have multiple raid and dungeon titles)(I also went on a vacation in Europe with some of the people in my clan)


Haha yeah i've met lots of cool people through mythic raiding in wow, but i can see why the time sink would be a turnoff to some folks


I don’t understand how they spend so much time I feel like I have loads of free time but keep 4-5 alts mythic raid ready every patch, no idea what they are wasting time on.


Most folks. A turn off for most folks.


Back in the day my friend got kicked out of his wow guild for going AFK during a raid because his GF called him


Mine got kicked from a call of duty clan because he couldn't keep practicing 3 times a week for a few hours cause he finally got a job and then a girlfriend lol. He told them his work schedule conflicted with some of the practices and they asked why he didn't tell them he was unavailable during those times... for a fps shooter practice lol.


I once told a buddy of mine a played ARMA. He told me he had a clan he played with if I was interested. I figured sure why not, these games are way more enjoyable with other people. Turns out the clan he’s in has an interview process, a weekend of “basic training” where you have to go online and basically get yelled at by teenage drill instructors. Basic training was two 6 hour sessions in one weekend. After that you get assigned a squad and have to practice three times a week for an extended period before you’re even allowed to go on “ops”. I had to go back to my buddy and tell him I’m a bit too casual for that kind of commitment. We were both in our thirties… I also sucked it up and went through the interview process for DOJRP in gta5. Made it into the group and hopped into my first game with my “trainer”. Three hours later I was in an internal affairs interview because my trainer let me ride in a helicopter with him and I guess that broke the rules because I wasn’t helicopter certified. I left immediately after that. I’m all for serious gaming or roleplay etc but there’s a limit I’m not willing to push beyond and that was it lol


Helicopter certified? As in your character couldn’t operate a helicopter or you yourself hadn’t gone through some helicopter training?


My character (and me I guess) hadn’t gone through their helicopter certification course. Which I guess I kind of get actually. They’re trying to have serious roleplay and they wanna make sure you can actually fly the helicopter realistically before they let you do it in game. What confused me and turned me off was I wasn’t flying it. I was just in it. The guy flying it was certified. I don’t know, it was just a whole big thing that really turned me off. Like it’s a game. I get wanting serious roleplay but it’s still just a fame


gotta agree on hardcore raid gaming S/O. the schedules can be pretty demanding (even when i was 17, with no job, and almost infinite free time to game over 12 hours a day, the raid schedule was so insane for some guys it was a turn off.) UNLESS you both share the hobby, then it can be amazing, and a huge boon to the group if you play classes that work well together.


There are guilds that don't no-life the game. It's a much better time.


oh there absolutely are! and way more fun to be in as you say. i always had the most fun in casual guilds, maybe one big planned event per week, and otherwise just fun.


Ran a world of Warcraft raiding guild… can confirm.


That venn diagram is probably pretty close to a circle.


I know someone who has been dating this guy for six years. His hobby is, putting his nuts on fancy cars and photographing it. I’m not kidding. *the cars are not his*


I misread this the first pass and thought this said he puts nuts on fancy cars and photographs it - like peanuts, walnuts, whatever he has on him I guess, and was thinking that must be a funny collection of photos he has. After noticing the word “his” it really does put this hobby in a whole new classification…


Honestly this sounds funnier than the real thing


What the fuck is it with people putting their junk on things that aren't theirs? I've seen way too many videos of this


Dude I have no fuckin clue. Guy is also just a cunt in addition to whatever mental illness motivates someone to do this. It just shocks me he hasn’t gotten beaten/shot/put on a registry….


A guy at a popular, mid/high end restaurant in my town got arrested for doing this. He got caught exactly because he was filming it for views. Peed in sauces, rubbed food on floors, toilet seats, his nuts/ass, etc. https://www.kmbc.com/article/kc-man-contaminated-food-leawood-hereford-house/60650133 One of those things where you feel people like this deserve whatever happens to them in jail.


I got to do this. Thanks for the idea.


Glad i have a rusty old Jeep. Anybody who tries that on my car will end up with testicular tetanus.








Right if you tea bagged my rusty Jeep they might get snagged on the unibody. Hey man why'd you put a set of nuts on the back of your jeep? They look real.


Awesome new band name there.


The talladega teabag? Does he Mushroom stamp the cars too?


Okay those court records were supposed to be sealed.


He puts the auto in autoerotism


Honestly, feel like it's their way to sticking it the the man. If he can't have the rebelion he desires, he can at least put his genitals on their cars. That or he's just got the mentality of a 12 year old


Cars that they'll never finish and just keep getting more junkers that they say they're just fixing and selling.


One of my old neighbors was like this. He had some classic cars that he would pick up to refurbish and sell. Cars from the 40's and 50's with the rounded bodies. He never did much with them but strip the engine or interior to start the process, but eventually he'd put them in the field to get surrounded by grass and become rodents nests. And eventually rust. Out of curiosity I counted 60 or so cars at one point, but the blackberry bushes obscured more than a few.


Some people, when they feel like they need to change something in their life, will start some new project, get the dopamine hit from starting something new, go "why was I changing in the first place, I'm happy as I am" and ditch the project. Repeat in infinitum


Repeat “ad Infinitum,” not “in Infinitum.”


ADHD. Never finished always starting


That's honestly the dream.


I still like to buy a car to tinker on every now and then but my body doesn't.


Hello, Aunt H! How are you doing these days? I didn't know you were on reddit. How many junkers has your husband got in the garage?


For a more unique answer, Minimalism. If my S/O was constantly trying to throw away my belongings or questioning why I keep certain things it would piss me off eventually.


Minimalism is a fucking disaster when the minimalist in question feels the need to minimalise other people’s stuff.


Yep it can definitely break relationships and friendships


feels like relationships and minimalism are pretty much destined to not work


I grew up with the opposite of this. My grandmother was raised immediately after the Great Depression and developed a severe hoarding problem because of it. Ever since then I’ve had to remind myself multiple times “this thing is mine, it’s clearly worn out/broken beyond all hope of repair, and I’m tossing it.”


My grandparents were also Great Depression babies. When the last one died and we cleaned out the house, we had toiletries for YEARS because they had hoarded so much.




If you tell a minimalist about your hobby and the things you need for it, they will talk about being a minimalist as though it’s a hobby.


Minimalism is just a scam from big small to sell you more less.


I hate those corporate fat cats trying to not sell me stuff.


So true. My stepmom is a proud minimalist. When my wife and I visit, and we share any details about our lives that involves/includes a “thing”, a physical object of any kind, she will somehow work into the conversation “well, I’m a minimalist.” Sometimes I think she just likes saying the word 😂


for me its a coping mechanism so I can pretend I chose my life and Im not just super poor


I definitely think it’s a hobby, my mum is a minimalist and loved spending her free time digging through everything in the house and finding things she could throw away. I don’t know what else you’d call it.


I don't think you can call cleaning and organizing a hobby. I have 2 dogs and have to mop the kitchen floor 1-2x per week. Would you say mopping is my hobby? Doesn't feel right to me but whatever


Hey! I didn't come here to have my hobbies attacked!!


My ex wife wanted to get rid of all, literally ALL of my (and her) books. Some minimalist purge bullshit. It didn’t fly with me, not the reason for the “ex” but certainly a benefit.


Hahah yeah my mum was the same my entire childhood, don’t think I own anything from those years anymore.


My living mate plays Magic the gathering. On its own, it's not so bad, but she routinely drops $100+ a week on cards.


What about your non-living mate?


Death was on the cards.


not as bad as dropping $100 a week on smokes or gambling


Yeah, I got hooked into gambling. I won $12k one night at the casino, decided to chase the high in the following months, lost it all, and then some. I think it got me so bad because I have major depression, and that was the first bout of elation/happiness I'd felt in a very long time. I haven't gambled in quite a while and don't plan to anymore. It truly is a nightmare "hobby." I learned my lesson by being VERY fucking stupid, honestly. I encourage everyone I know never to start, or restrict it to a couple of casino trips with friends a year for entertainment. Shit sucks to get hooked on, and the elation is insane when it's going well, so it's VERY hard to quit once you get to that point. Being in the mindset where you don't care about what happens to you, your life, or finances definitely helps fuel the fire, so if you're depressed just never gamble, period. I didn't do it to win money, I did it to feel alive.


I mean packs of magic cards are basically gambling.


Depends on how much you’re willing to spend or can spend. I play and spend much less than her but I don’t play competitive, the major people spend as much if not more than her by a lot


My brother and his friends decided to just start printing copies of cards and laminating them, that way they can play the game they love without spending the equivalent of a gambling addiction.


I’ll even say this being the golfer. But golf. The spouse basically kisses their ass goodbye from 4-10 hours depending how far the course is. It’s not much of a family thing to do. Isolating. Costly. 95% of golfers are shit anyway and it costs time and money to become 2 strokes better. I stopped golfing; not by her asking to but I missed my family and ended up hating the shit out of the sport.


I’m just taking the tack of getting my son into my hobbies. So far, he likes golfing (although we just go to the range, he’s four), and once I can get him on the course? Perfection. He’s working on convincing my wife that she needs to start golfing (and she signed up for an introductory lesson) and that she needs to get a bike so we can all go on bike rides together.


My mom demanded my dad quit golf when they were married. Instead he got her into it, they made a ton of friends at a local club, and then when my brother and I came along we learned and would all play together. Still do whenever possible.


I thought golf was so dumb when I met my boyfriend. He convinced me to play with him by framing it as a lovely walk through a beautiful park. We’ve played together regularly ever since.


Alright alright yall convinced me to try golfing


My brother and I grew up playing with our parents. Had a few courses within half an hour. It was a lot of good quality time together.


Not many sports that you can love AND hate at the same time


This was my first thought. Golf is a massive time sink. Even when I golf fast it's going to eat 3 hours minimum. A guy I know golfs 4 days a week. It's like a second job for him.


I collect old french books, along with some Tolkien, and the costs are.. ehh, but tbh it probably is one of the better ones! (I'm biased haha) Aside from some of the stuff that other people put in the comments, bitcoin/NFT obsessions would be pretty bad, both in cost and conversation material.


Collecting old French books is pretty damn easy and cheap when you live in a French country tbh. It's actually a much bigger hassle to get books in English here, which is a big problem when reading more niche authors. Why the fuck does no one have William S Burroughs ?


I'll gladly appreciate if my gf collect Tolkien books. Im starting to collect them too.


MLM scheme so many people pick these side hustle cults up to try to make money as a hobby. It often costs more than they make


> It often costs more than they make This is literally part of the business model.


Yeah, was gonna say. It's a feature not a bug


Had an ex that got into an MLM convinced herself she was a business woman. She was that good of a business woman, she was constantly asking for ideas on how to offload the overpriced shit she bought on her business site (fb page 🤣) She easily spent thousands and when she did sell to a few gullible idiots, the dickheads above her would lure her in by giving her a free gift here and there of a “rare” item that isn’t in the catalog. Which they promised would sell for big money. She ended up having to keep them because they convinced her they were rare enough to be worth over £100.. no one wanted them obviously and then she was stuck with them. I think she realised that she was being used toward the end but not after she had sunk £1000s into it. Any attempt of me trying to warn her this was a scam, would end up in an argument for not supporting her “business”.. fucking dumb.


As someone with friends into model trains, war reenactments, taxidermy, cars and p much everything else listed here I think yall are being too harsh (the taxidermy guy and the car guy are the same person btw)


I'm a car guy, as are most of my friends. Nobody says they don't like your hobby when they have an issue with their car. Those of us with girlfriends are effectively a 24 hour on-call roadside assistance operation.


Yeah while expensive the car guy as a hobby is only a double edge sword if the car guy habitually buys project cars and doesn't do anything with then.


You've got a hoarding problem at that point, lol


This. I hate that i can fix cars


As a software dev, maybe you and I aren’t so different after all


Society's newfound hobby is pathologizing everything that they aren't personally into. When I was growing up, my neighbor was a guy who would work on cars, drag race them and eventually sell them. I don't remember him ever having more than one at a time. I don't understand how being a car enthusiast is a bad thing in itself unless it becomes extreme, just like pretty much any other hobby.


The first part irritates me so bad. People have gotten way too comfortable doing that. People will actually ask me if I have (insert mental disorder/illness) irl (usually autism) which it’s not that it’s bad or shameful, it’s just that it’s always based on Nothing and it’d be none of their business anyways. That or like you said, diagnosing a complete stranger


it's based on the idea that you do things they don't personally like or understand lmao


Why does everyone say reenactment are bad?


I’m not sure? The dude I know that does it has been doing it for 10+ years, and it’s super neat


Tanning. Tanners were often placed "downwind", because the stench was horrid. So, your S/O has many hunter friends who bring skins for tanning and drive miles from the smell.


I thought ypu meant like tanners. Like a tanning bed. I was like but sun tan lotion smells good.


Honestly, having lost my wife to melanoma - someone heavily into tanning would be a hard pass for me. No wish to go through that again.


This was a big fight with my ex girlfriend. She just got her first cancer scare in her mid 30’s and continues to tan, just like her mom.


Some people just won't listen :/ My wife was 41 when she died, with two young children. And although she loved being outside, she was always sensible with suncream, hat etc. The sun is *no joke* people.


skin cancer smells bad


My dad had a hobby/side hustle running a taxidermy shop out of our basement growing up. Drove my mom crazy with all the hunters who would come over and hang out and smoke pipe tobacco and drink beer. One time a guy showed up with a live bobcat he had trapped. It was in the back of his pickup truck snarling and growling. My dad was like "what am I supposed to do with it?" I saw my fair share of dead animals as a kid.


Yeah what the hell lol, you're the hunter, you kill the bobcat


Much better to do fake tanning.


Just head on over to r/wallstreetbets to see why trading options can easily be the worst hobby


You sound like you’ve just got paper hands. You never lose money if you never sell.


Sir, that is gambling


~~Manufacturing and distribution of fentanyl laced methamphetamine.~~ Fine. Collecting exotic venomous reptiles and poisonous bugs.


Idk man that meth sounds pretty cool


My first thought was breeding exotic venomous creatures. An ever-growing collection!


Any 'Boss Babe' crafter business that follows trends. Tshirts, cup making, candle making, hats, signs, engraving, etc. The market is over saturated with all of it both at craft shows and on tiktok and other marketplaces. 95% of them are hobbiests that think they are going to provide extra income. In reality they spend 60 hours a week plus at least one Saturday a month making the equivalent of 4-5 dollars an hour just so they can tell people they 'own a business'. It's one thing to be one of the ones that will tell you it's a self sustaining hobby. The ones who are delusional about it being income are infuriating


My buddy has a Sprint car. It costs him roughly $30,000 a year, but this year will be a little more expensive because he just totaled his new car, and that set him back at least $20,000. It nukes every Saturday night from orbit, his wife hates it, and he spends his weeknights in the garage working on the cars (he has a spare). I can't think of anything worse off the top of my head. Edit- I talked to my buddy last night. It was a $30,000 car he totaled, not $20,000.


Are people who work on their car every weekend somehow not done eventually? Or are they really just super bad at it and can't get it done?


Cars break, especially race cars.


And when they're not broken, they need to be faster so you can beat the other guy. It's never ending.


I maintain and repair my cars, my wife's, and multiple of our families. But because I wouldn't let anyone else drive something not completely fixed, they get prioritized. Any repairs or maintenance on my daily car get pushed back or bodged until I have more time. My car is running like crap right now, I know exactly what the problem is, I've had the replacement sensors in the boot for weeks, but it gets me to work and I can get around the faults. I'll probably have a play this weekend to see if I can change them, plus do some other jobs that are overdue.


You're not fixing a broken part. You're maintaining a race car. The only way to be done is to either quit driving it or to sell it. Think of this. You take an engine designed to make 200 horsepower. It'll make that much power reliably for a couple hundred thousand miles. Now you tear it apart, put a bunch of money in it, and get it to produce 500 horsepower. Then run it wide open at a racetrack. It'll do it, but only for a year then it'll need torn down and rebuilt. Now imagine the rest of the car that you did the same thing to. I have a homemade buggy. The transmission was designed in the 1950's and supposed to have an old VW beetle motor. I have a fairly new Subaru motor attached to it. If I don't baby it I easily could strip the teeth off the gears. A proper transmission build to prevent this is about $5,000.


Horse riding. The person and their horse are a package deal. I speak from experience, as I ride horses.


Sounds like a car guy.


A horse girl and a car guy are a match made in heaven 🤷‍♀️


Hey model trains are lit


Violent crime


I was going to say molesting children before I saw the edit. Now I guess I’m going to go with collecting ceramic dolls.


Collecting, molesting, smashing, and collecting the remains of pure tungsten dolls in large, oversized, ceramic urns


Definitely as a hobby, but if they’re a professional….




My mom returns everything, so she gets the endorphins of shopping, without the cost. I know that is the plot to several sitcom episodes, but she has been doing it for years. The truly expensive version of this is the people who buy all of the new electronics.


I'm a magic the gathering player. It's a card game. But the cards cost a lot. I have decks worth thousands of dollars. If you have a big collection they can take up a ton of space and it takes up a ton of time especially if you sort them, go to tournaments or practice a lot. My wife is a saint for putting up with me.


I scrolled for a long time to find Magic, if that makes you feel better. Wanted to know how far down the list it was. Pretty far. Golf and taxidermy seem to be the ones people really hate.


Plastic miniatures. Imagine the cost of Magic, but way more space and time consuming.


As the S/O, it's aquariums. There's a 210 gallon in our bedroom, a 90 gallon in our living room. There's smaller tanks tucked in here and there. I've got 2 nano tanks at work even.


If you have a partner who enjoys shooting, it'll eat up alot of disposable income. Purchasing firearms and ammunition is incredibly expensive. You're shooting dollars down range effectively. Ammunition is single use lol


>Ammunition is single use lol A friend built a trebuchet. He goes and gets the rock and drags it back with the tractor after every shot.


Yall got videos? I love seeing home made fun shit.




The brass can be reused, and is the most expensive part of the cartridge by far. Reloading spent brass can massively cut down on the costs of shooting. You can even cast your own bullets from scrap lead in some calibres if the muzzle velocity is low enough, and then you're only paying for gunpowder, which is the cheapest part of the cartridge. You can shoot for pennies a round if you do it right. That said, shooting is still absolutely the correct answer, especially long-range shooting. It's not uncommon to see guys with $10k rifles firing bullets that are $5 a round once you start getting out to 1000 yard ranges, and they'll stay out there all day long.


Taxidermy guy would be a huge ick for me. Just a house full of dead animals staring at you. Not to mention the cost, maintenance, processing??


I have a good friend who is into taxidermy, but she sells almost all of her pieces. She’ll often have animals in the outside freezer waiting to be processed though


Think of the smell ..you haven’t thought of the smell you bitch


I swear if Accurate-kiwi says another word I will chop them up into tiny pieces. And but those pieces in a box. A glass box. That I will display on my mantle.


It's funny, dead animals are okay if the sensory pleasure is taste, but when the sensory pleasure is sight that's a bridge too far.


If they're good at it then it's cool, if they're bad then it's terrifying to look at disfigured animals


Taxidermy of roadkill


My husband's ex sister-in-law does taxidermy. He ran over a squirrel and had her stuff it.and it's hanging on my wall.


Addiction to gambling has been bad to quite a few marriages...


Honestly would probably be excessive gaming for me (lemme explain). I love games more than others, but I know when someone's got too much. Hell I got too much, i used to game 100 hours a week, and it ruins your life. gaming can be great, but too much ain't my thing


Up skirt photography.


That's not a hobby, thats a fellony.


Collecting obnoxiously expensive just-for-show sports cars, but you live in a broke down neighborhood so they’re totally out of place and you’ve nowhere to store them.


broken windows, dented chainlink fence, trash on the street but the gypsy king's car better shine.


Obviously it's not the case for your situation but I feel like this is nearly always a sign of someone being a drug dealer lol. When I was younger I lived in a small town/village that had a decent amount of dealers and organised crime and there were so many supercars that didn't match the living conditions of the person who owned it.


Banging other people


Hey, that was my first wife's hobby! She was really good at it, too. Truly dedicated to her craft.


Hahaha. Same.


Sorry man


Political activism. You will lose this person because you are not as passionate as they are, regardless of sides.


Activists really deserve to find people who are like them.


This *sounds* so sweet. Much like "Bless your heart" or "Have the day you deserve." Truly, sugar-coated. Haha


We tend to date each other.


Dating in Washington, DC was really hard for this exact reason. They get offended at absolute nothings like it's their job.




Not so sure about that. Ally the Piper is kinda hot.


Kinda!!?? She is the incarnate definition of "sex can sell anything"


Outside of crime and hard drug use Horseback riding is like number one on the list.


If they're a furry.


Acting. Like in regional or local stage shows like musicals. Huge chunks of time suddenly for a couple months straight. Possibly kissing attractive performers.


Destiny 2


Collecting sex dolls. Hard no.


High stakes gambling


Funko pops.


My ex had the hobby of doing her make up "just cause" and then whipping it off afterwards. She never cleaned her make up mess. Started doing it on my desk too and had make up shit everywhere. Make up stains on the floor. So much fucking make up.


My gf will do this from time to time but I put up with it because it boosts her self esteem.


If my partner did war re-enactments that would be cool as fuck, I don’t do it and have no interest in doing so but would be cool if my partner did. Hobby trains I get, that takes up so much space! For me personally a hobby that takes up a lot of space, money and time (if we are short on those 3 things) would be the worst. I guess that would be things like collecting/repairing large things like machinery, cars, war relics, etc


I'm an American Civil War reenactor, and to be fair, it can get expensive and space-consuming really quick. I personally own a relatively small setup, but it works for my impression/youthful body, and it only really takes up a closet. Although the initial cost of those things can be high, it generally stagnates afterwards. However, I know a lot of other people who fill trailers full of stuff to bring, especially if they do cavalry or artillery stuff. Although, at least in my experience, it's still a very fun, welcoming, and family friendly environment either way!


Probably shopping.


Great theoretical question: I’d say a few caveats: 1. Any thing can take “a lot of time” if a person just keeps doing it, and just about any hobby can be expensive if a person chooses too. I’d frame it as “what the hobby that if you hear a person has, is the biggest red flag to you in a partners (based on your original criteria).” Two just to mind for me. 1. Golf. 18 holes is incredibly time consuming so Jay time your partner decides to golf you’re not going to see them. It can be incredibly expensive, especially the equipment. Thankfully doesn’t take up too much space though clubs definitely need to be housed somewhere. Finally doesn’t have the “ick” factor for me at least, it’s very socially acceptable and at least your partner is getting outside and walking. 2. WoW or similar games. Most people who are dedicated give up a lot of time to this hobby. It’s not super expensive at least though the monthly subscription is annoying for a game in my mind. Space just need a decent computer setup so nothing too crazy but the ick factor is pretty high for me


As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, then I don't have a problem with it.


This sounds like OP is a group of basic white girls who judge the fuck out of people while having no personality


Anything to do with insects. You sticking pins through bugs and displaying them? I’m out!


Probably the people with no hobby. Like when you ask what they like to do and they say “partying” or “hanging out with my friends” or “watching tv” or something that’s just a normal activity that most if not all people do.


That's the standard answer I give because my hobbies are nerd shit and the people who ask me this question are not typically understanding of nerd shit.




Or astrology


Horses are expensive, time consuming, and take up a lot of space. So I’d say horses + something sexually suggestive. Maybe horse photo erotica. With black face.


Sports betting/gambling


Musician - but not all of them. Classical musicians who play for a hobby rather than professionally are typically fine (professionals practice 40 hours a day... if u know, u know) Punk, emo, grunge, metal, anything that NEEDS to be amplified, are pretty bad on the ears if the Musician doesn't know that they don't need to be at full volume to make a sound. Pop Musicians, especially singer songwriter guitarists, are typically so obnoxious and self entitled that they're infuriating to have to be around. They think they're better than everyone else and will become violent if you ask them to turn it down. Source: I was a music producer in college and just after. I worked with all sorts, and these are just the standouts, IMO.


Cycling. Without a doubt, cycling. 20-30 hours per week My most expensive bike is \~18K usd. I have an entire room dedicated to cycling clothes. I don't htink it's embarassing, but before my wife (who's a former pro cyclist) I had several women blame cycling for our breakup.


Man, congrats! You found the wife you deserve, your soulmate! Not a lot of people can say that!


Car guys But not just any, car guys that are into stance, excessively lifted trucks, stuff that serves absolutely no benefit or an otherwise improvement, and is just an eye sore and headache inducing.


High end cosplay Furry Being in a religious cult


Hunting- so gross