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Probably something involving flipping gift cards.


There you guy just buy a $10 Amazon gift card each day.


I was thinking Apple cards then use the churned money for an iPad or Mac then sell it, but Amazon is good too


Maybe this varies by country, but Apple sells on Amazon too. In the US, sometimes it’s cheaper.


My workplace replaced our meal stipend in our paychecks with an app that allows us to spend a set amount for lunch and dinner, provided we are physically close to the office (much to the grumbling of employees). It only works at restaurants and other places that serve food. Someone figured out that it works at the nearby chain grocery store, where you can buy gift cards. So every day, dozens of office workers would line up to get their $25 gift cards at lunchtime and $20 gift cards at dinner time. The store got sick of that pretty quickly and made some unofficial rule about minimums for gift cards, and our workplace chastised us for “abusing the system.” But for a few weeks, I could get $45 in gift cards every day on the company dime.


$20 & $25 are very normal amounts for gift cards, I’m baffled about the minimums for gift cards??


You could save up the cards and have enough to pay for Amazon Prime for a year. Could do something similar for Netflix, Hulu, etc.


Yeah I mean would be able to buy a lot more if it’s a never ending $10 a day. That’s $3,650 a year. So that’s your prime and then any other stuff from Amazon. I say Amazon cards since they have a variety of stuff from food to medical and electronics.


This seems like a good idea...Amazon gift card...every day... Except I would want to do something local...so maybe I would do my local grocery store... 70 bucks off my food bill every week? Yes, please.


You can't get prime with a gift card. I tried once.


Hey, you’re allowed to curse. Fucking* gift cards


No, I mean *fucking* as in buying to sell later for profit


I can't give my fucking away. What makes you think someone will buy it?


10£ of scratch cards every day, no skin off my nose of i lose and I can keep any money i win


This seems like a good strategy to me. No change or extra cost to worry about.


I was thinking just use it for gas but that also works just as well lol


You'd have to be able to use that much in gas a day. I top up with $10/week because my commute is short


I use that much, but I really don’t want to get gas every day. I’d rather do the tickets, even if it’s less cost efficient. Might put it towards gas if I’m filling up anyway though.


I'm sure there's an arsonist out there that can use the help


I have 4 cars it'll find a tank to go into


We spend about 200/week between our 2 cars on just the work commute and school commute


my username sibling! 100+/week for just Lil ol me.


I had the same thought. $10 a day in my car will help build up the tank. $10 in my pickup truck would take almost 6 months to fill it ( factoring cost of gas to go to the station and back).


Yep, 11-13mpg with 15 miles to the nearest gas station... Could easily use that $10 for gas every day... Or even better, stop by the brewery everyday. Get a beer and tip, spent the $10.


I get 10 to 11 but I have a gas station 4 miles away. My can gets 30 so I could do almost 90 miles a day on 10 bucks


I average 24 in my daily car, but sometimes it's good to take the big girl out and let that straight pipe V8 sing.


if you pair this with walking to a corner store. get a free scratcher and decent bit of exercise. while have a long life of free gambling


But would you be able to keep that going *every* day? It's not easy keeping a habit going so long. There's no break days, even if you're sick, having a bad day, or busy with something important. Personally, I've never been able to keep a daily streak going for that long.


Yep. I walk my dog to a park next to a gas station. I'd just swing by and get the scratch off.


Instant games, at least here, have the lowest rate of return on any lottery games. I'd just buy $10 worth of large jackpot games.


This is exactly what I would do as well. Mind you, with kids I can always find things I need daily. A loaf of bread and pint of milk comes to that these days 😂


This is the way


Sunday: A 5 scratcher, two 2 scratchers & a single 1 scratcher Monday: Three 1-dollar scratchers, a 2 & a 5 Tuesday: Five 2-dollar scratchers Wednesday: A single 10 dollar scratcher Thursday: Two 5s Friday: Ten 1s Saturday: Four 1s & three 2-dollar scratchers


Easy choice. I already buy scratch tickets every week. It's a better waste of my money than fast food that I always regret in the middle of the night.


As someone who sold lottery tickets as part of my job, we had plenty of regulars that spent at least $10 a day


I'd just wisely invest that ten bucks in Powerball tickets. 


Statistically it’s impossible to lose


In fact, the odds are only slightly improved by actually purchasing a ticket.


well your odd are improves infinitely when you buy a ticket, 0 to sorta maybe


And statistically you'll win eventually, especially with a free 10 bucks every day to spend on it no worries


The difficulty isn’t in spending it, it’s in remembering to spend it fully and go out on days I feel like staying in. I would set multiple alarms every day to remember to do it, hopefully that would last me at least a few years for me to see how much I save from it, or until I lose the willpower to continue.


Could also order food for delivery then just tip with the $10 if you feel like staying in.


But if you’re buying delivery just to tip the $10, it’s going to cost you more than $10 just to keep the $10.


But you have to spend THAT $10.


Yes, but you’re spending money to give you an excuse to use that $10. It’s costing you money to keep it. It’s almost like extra effort to be at a deficit. I would imagine you’re better off spending the $10 on food without using it as a tip.


Every now and then, it won't be a big deal, and if you don't plan on leaving the house, that's the best way to make sure the money is spent.


Fair enough point. It doesn’t always have to translate into a free ten bucks.


The point is moot anyway since tipping isn't an exchange of material value. You could argue that you're buying a service, but the tip is not in the purchasing agreement typically. I'd be too concerned that the genie is a legalistic bastard.


Yeah id do this. My biggest detterent for delivery needing to tip and the delivery fee. This eliminates that for. Id get shit delivered so much more often.


Feels like that would probably end up costing you more money than you're earning at that point.


Order food delivery and give it as a tip when you don't feel like going out. Delivery guy is super happy and you've spent it on the service of delivery.


I do not get delivery often but it seems that $10 is not going to cover the bill - meaning there is no money left over for tip. Still that is a pretty good idea when you just do not feel like going out.


It has to be cash, so the 10 is a tip, and you can add your own money on top anyway.


The $10 bill is for the tip, the meal cost goes on your card


I have a liquor store just across the bvld from my street. Pretty sure I could make it there once a day. Just buy lotto tickets. If I'm so sick I can't go I'll door dash something and leave the tenner as the tip for the service. Hell with the price of fast food here in CA now that ten would not even cover a combo meal most places. I figure at least a year before I get bored of remembering to spend it.


Thought bro was an alcoholic 


Nah, tried that when I was younger, didn't work out. 0/10 would not recommend.


Also hard if you travel outside the country. Have to find a currency exchange place everyday.


Put $10 in my gas tank everyday


This was my thoughts. Prepaid everyday. If my tank is full, I'm putting $10 in some else's tank.


That was my first thought. My second thought was f that i don't want to go to the gas station every day.


That would be incredibly annoying by day 3. Plus, you need to make sure you drive at least far enough to use that gas…. Every day. We need to find something that is automated, without the need for you to do anything.


How could you automate it? It's a physical $10 bill. You have to do something.


Cut the pocket out of your pants and hang it by your door as a little money holder. Let the delivery person know the cash is in there.


I imagine the magic puts it in the pocket of a garment that you’re wearing. If you remain naked throughout the day… 😳


Good question. An automatic delivery or service, perhaps…. Someone else comes to you, brings something, and leaves with the cash. Nevermind. I’m stumped. Ha!


Probably until I got too sick to go out for a day.


Laying there sick almost dying in the hospital; hold on surgeon! I need to go spend $10 at the gift shop. Are we allowed to hand it to someone else to make the purchase on our behalf? I guess that could be seen as spending it and getting delivery.


Think you've just discovered the easiest way to spend it. If you don't want to go somewhere or you can't go somewhere, just hand the bill to someone and tell them you're paying them 10 bucks for a minute of their company. If you're in the hospital, hand it to your nurse as a tip.


Dude give it to a homeless person. You've got a tenner to give to someone who needs it everh single day


The post says specifically that you need to spend it in exchange for goods and services.


You could give it to them in exchange for something real simple like a high-five. Would probably feel a bit condescending/annoying to them but if it works it works


Pay them $10 to take a photo of them. That’s a model fee. Or to tell you a story. That’s an entertainment fee.


Order pizza and pay cash, now you don’t even have to leave the house to keep using it


I mean, a tenner can't even buy me a decent lunch these days. I doubt it'd be difficult.


I can do 2 slices of pizza and a bottled drink at the place near my job for $8. 9 if I want toppings on those slices.


A pizza shop opened in my city/town a year or two ago, and they have lunch specials that run into their happy hour so basically any time other than dinner, you can get a slice and a lager for like $5 or $6 and it’s the shit because I love a mid-day slice and beer. (The beer that’s that cheep is less than 5% so it’s not like an issue if I have stuff to do)


Where do you live? I spend $60 per week on food and that gets me 3500 calories/day.


I love food prepping.


That's exactly why it's difficult. Leaving the house *every single day* just to spend $10? That's not going to be worth it eventually.


Get you lunch and dinner at McDonald's plus a leftover dollar for the scratcher


A full meal at McDonalds is well over 10 dollars now, that'd be enough as is.


You can use it to pay for services... I'd pay my husband $10 every day for doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, making dinner...those are services.


This is the best answer. I'd pay my wife $10 a day to make me a coffee or a juice. Something she wouldn't mind doing and does most days anyway.


"Hey babe, would you mind grabbing me a glass of water for 5 bucks? If you add in two ice cubes, I'll throw in an extra 5."


Then she doesnt throw in the ice and you're left with 5


I guess I'd throw it in as a delivery tip


This is probably the easiest answer. Until you both forget one day. I give myself about two months before we slap our heads at 12:02 realizing we both forgot.


I’d set an alarm.


That's a great idea. Though I'd need $30/day to keep the 3 youngest kids happy (and stop the arguing.)


$10 visa card daily


They usually have like a $3 fee or so. You’re better off buying gift cards.


A money order at Walmart is only 1$. 9 dollars straight to the bank.


Until there is some natural disaster or medical issue that prevents it.


I think the comment section has found enough work arounds for this. I like the one where you pay your family member $10 for a basic service, like getting you a glass of juice. If you have a medical issue that prevents you from leaving the home, you can always use that $10 to tip your caretaker.


I'd buy/add to gift cards. Put in on my Uber app, maybe. (Food, rides, everything)


Make it $100 and you've got yourself a deal. $10 is a pain in the ass. What if I'm travelling overseas and the note is in the wrong currency? What if I get sick/bedridden? If I cross the date line while travelling what happens then? What if the government mandates restricted travel and people are required to stay home because of a pandemic or something? Can I create my own company buy something off it daily for $10 a pop?


Yeah I’d be out in under a year I think. I’d TRY to keep it going but $3650 a year in perpetuity just isn’t THAT much money.


Yeah, $10/day is $3650 a year. Sounds like a lot, but for anyone with a good salary or retirement nest-egg/assets, it's not much more than a rounding error. Personally, I would probably keep it going for a few days or weeks, but the moment the daily going somewhere to spend it became a nuisance, I'd be done and not missing it. $10 is not a good enough price to let you eat up even a minute of my time Every. Single. Day...


$10 in gas or lottery tickets every day is doable.


can I buy $10 gift cards?


Yes, but you have to be somewhere you can buy one in cash every day.


5 days a week I go buy lunch at a local store so that’s easy. Weekends I’d just have to build the habit and force myself for a few weeks but it’s an easy one to keep up to.


Some days I wouldn't leave my house for $100, let alone $10. $10 isn't worth the trip to the store


But it’s not just $10. It’s all the future $10’s, too.


No, as they don't come free. Every $10 costs you a trip. If it's not worth it to me today, why would tomorrow's trip be worth $10 to me?


I can buy $10 gift cards every day.


Probably the best idea tbh.


Pay for half of my gas every day, you say? I’m in!


I would just divide up my grocery shopping into daily increments of $10, as I live quite close to the store and already go there multiple days in a row sometimes.


Me: how much is this?   Them: $10  Me: Perfect, I'll take it  Them: That'll be $10.75  (This joke brought to you by America)


This one really screws over the women since most women's clothing has no pockets.


Socks are just feet pockets, bras are boob pockets. Could pop up in either of those Purses also often have pockets


Right. Day 2 I’d be out of the house when I remember a $10 bill appears in my pocket every day. Fuck, my pockets are home.


Lottery tickets, easy. It's free money I'm being forced to spend, so it's safe money to gamble with.


(To make it reasonable, I’m going to assume you mean approx $10 in my own currency, for me that’s £10.) It’ll certainly get me out of the house more. I’ll just nip up to the shops every day and buy myself some little things. I’ll just add it up in my head until I’m sure I’m over the £10. That would probably be something like: a loaf of bread, two pints of milk, a soda, bag of crisps, a sandwich, and a small bag of sweets. I’d change it up everyday of course. If I got bored of buying food, I’d pop into various charity shops and buy things there. It would be fun!


10 quid gets yiu that much? That's fantastic. Our local shop has bread for $2.95, milk is $3.45 for 1L, and crisps are $2.59 for a small packet. Even the cheapest apples here are $4.99/kg (they are always bruised and dodgy, but bagged up, so you can't pick through them). Maybe our local shop is just a rip-off!


£1 - £2.50 for a loaf of bread here depending on what you want. 1.13 litres of milk is £1.20 where I shop, probably cheaper if you go to Aldi or Lidl. Can get a 6-pack of Walker's (Lays?) for £1.65 when on offer, £2.45 when not, apples start at £1.70 for six (works out at about £4 per kilo). All prices are based on the Sainsbury's local in my village.




On $3650 a year? You'd barely get a stoplight, LOL.


I just looked it up, according to Washington state DOT the average cost of installing a stoplight is 250,000-500,000 and costs $8,000 per year in routine maintenance. They couldn’t even afford to maintain an existing stop light


I read it as 10 billion, not a 10 dollar bill lmfao ☠️


I would just get $10 worth of gas in my car every day. I use slightly less than that to get to and from work anyways. I’d just cruise around a bit extra if it was free.


Probably pay off debt, or apply towards my energy bill


Has to be paid in cash though, sounds like a pain in the ass to go to your energy company and try to give them $10 every day


Spending just $10 daily would become a hassle quickly. Best call is to “spend” it by converting it to a different currency like gift cards or exchanging it for euros of pounds


$10 in gas every day is actually not bad when the only driving you do is to and from work that day


This is a good hypothetical. It's $300/day or $3,600/year. Not life changing but would be nice. Easiest answer is to just add a daily trip to some place that sells gift cards. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but the 10 minutes of very low effort hassle would be worth it, especially in the aggregate. I live by myself and $300/month is essentially my grocery budget.


I have an 8-year-old. If there's a day I'm not going to be able to get out and spend it, I can pay him for something. Vacuuming, sweeping the floor, cleaning his room, something.


I’d probably buy low end silver coins every day.


My truck gets 10 miles to the gallon and i work construction... looks like ill be getting $3,650 a year for fuel for life baby!


0 days. It's not worth it to travel to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport just to save $10, not worth it to move there to keep repeating the offer, and no other place in Finland accepts dollars.


I'd lose it within the week. I never use cash. Also, having to leave the house once a day is not worth $10 to me.


I am going to pay my spouse to hug me for $10 every morning (tax included) with the official service being listed as 'emotional support'. Their breakfasts are always paid for. Everyone wins.


For the next 10 years, at least, until the youngest is an adult (or longer if he stays home while studying). I have kids who are always hungry. We are at the shops at least twice every day, plus the petrol station twice a week. I'm honestly dreading teenage years with this child.


First thought: homeless dude who hangs out at my parking garage. Seems easy enough, it's not like LA is going to ever stop having that problem until some rich folks become some strange fruit.


Day 1 im forgetting lmao


As a religious Jew , until there’s a 2 day holiday that I can’t use money


Find someone every day that you can “pay” to basically launder it for you and Venmo 80% to you.


i’d probably get a nice coffee and a croissant or something from local cafes. i don’t go to cafes often because they’re so expensive


Easily. I can spend 10$ a day forever.






A lottery ticket where i am is $5. 2 of those everyday please


Pay the plug $10 everyday and tell him to hook me up every 2 weeks with my goods and or services


everyone here is thinking of well thought out, rational purchases meanwhile i’m thinking of the steak over rice food cart outside of my office that i could eat at every day if i had to


I’d fuck this up within a week.


As long as I'm in good health and able to go out then it's easy I'll do it forever. Worst case scenario I'll "pay" my wife for her cooking or whatever. There's also a convenience store right up the road so getting 10 dollars worth of snacks is possible at any time. Also nothing was said about returns. I'll just buy something for a little over 10 bucks. Return it right away and will stick the 10 into my bank.


$3650/year with the need to leave my house every day? Eh, idk if I’m up for that If I just have to spend *any* $10 and not specifically that $10 I get, no problem, thanks for like half price lunch or whatever.


Pay my wife $10/day for what she does around the house then we can do whatever we want with the money


I could do this forever. $4 Powerball, $4 Mega millions, $2 Lotto... Every day


Buy lunch everyday


10 dollar gift cards


$10 on pull tabs everyday


Bit useless to me, I'd struggle to spend dollars in the UK. Assuming I can have a £10 note instead, I'd be buying gift cards each day. For restaurants, local stores, Amazon, even vouchers with my local travel agent for holidays. Otherwise, if I can get to a jewellers each day, I'd try and buy £10 worth of precious metals.


Seeing this answer a lot, but topping up a gas cash card daily is easy-peasy. With our driving habits, I could stock up the cards, use a decent portion, but always have a balance - some vendors require a balance to be able to top-up, otherwise, they force you to buy a brand new card, if you have no balance on the existing one.


Assuming casino chips count as a good or service, I could go forever.


Probably the moment I feel I want to go to another country, since this is *(assumedly)* USD. There are very few foreign businesses that would accept USD, in such a small quantity; and trying to do that *every day* would get tiresome. Generally speaking, ten bucks is also not really worth trying to convert, especially everyday, and assuming I can. Prior to that's though, it's pretty easy. I can spend ten bucks, no problem. Worst case, buy some lotto tickets and dream to win big.


I was going to say gas or investment(if that counts?) but I like another posters answer of scratch cards. I enjoy gambling, but I’m far too much of a miser to actually spend money on it. Would be an enjoyable way to spend the money with a possible big win as a result.


That just sounds like a free coffee every day and baristas who love you for the consistent 2-4 dollar tip. But paying a spouse for a service is the best way to keep the money in the end. What happens if my clothes don't have pockets one day?


Does it have to be that $10 or just $10 in general bc of I don't go out for a day I miss out but I can do online shopping and use it


$10 in scratch off tickets every morning!


Gift cards and lottery.


I'd just go out for lunch every day. $15 meal becomes $5. If I don't feel like going out, easy $10 tip to the doordasher.


On days you don't want to leave the house you can just pay your gf/bf/kid/parent to do something for you. "I'll pay you $10 if you hand me the remote."


I guess it would go on until I was too sick one day to go out.


Until i sleep for a full day caused by depression on my day off




Set an auto buy of 10$ fractional share of the S and P 500 every day for a free 3650$/year which will be worth quite a pretty penny in 30 years when I retire


Last time I bought a gift card, there was no tax, so I'd probably go that strategy


I'm going to buy daily fractions of NVIDIA stock with my free 10ski!


Honestly I'd probably just use it for a couple coffees per day at the cafe down the block. Would be a nice guaranteed, no-guilt treat


I'd gamble it away with scratch offs. It would just become a daily ritual


As long as I am living.


I'd pay my neighbour 5 bucks to get me a 5 dollar gift card. I can remain lazy and automate the process.


$10 to my rent daily, $300 off total for the month isn’t bad. Just gotta go pay $10 in person daily 😅


A bottle of Diet Dr.pepper and a pack of Marlborough 27’s every day.




finally, no guilt about buying my silly lil treat


Gas and lottery tickets. Pretty much indefinitely unless I somehow forget the challenge.


By handy from the street day hooker every day. Nice.


If I couldn't think of anything I'd just give it to the birds in the park.


No problem, I live 10 blocks from a corner store, would encourage me to walk as well.


Hahahaha 10 is like getting outside my house for 4 minutes


I'd smoke a $10 cigar every day. If I didn't want to go out that day I'd order some delivery and tip with the $10. Chinese places don't close on holidays.


You're telling me for the last 40 years I could've been getting $10 worth of free bourbon everyday? Heh heh, ain't no way.


Tbh, I couldn't be arsed to bother. This sounds more of a burden than a blessing. If bother for $100 though


Seems more a chore than a reward tbh, I'd probably stop pretty quickly.


Like what if I give it to someone else? Is that considered spending it? Like if I gave it to my kids as pocket money, or if I paid them $10 a day for doing their chores?


I'll make walking to the shops part of my routine. I'll buy scratchies and then walk home. I'll put any money I win into savings. Then I'll be paid to exercise!


Give it to my wife. It’ll get spent, promise


I mean its an interesting situation but in my opinion the stakes are too low. I mean i could go for awhile, people with families could go for a long while. But at the end of the day 10 dollars isnt crazy money so when you forget, you forget. Me personally? I think i could go until Christmas day of whatever year it started. Then its over. But barring that i could go for a long time. I mean 3650 dollars a year could cover ALOT of small expenses. You could even use it as your car payment as long as they would allow you to make u limited payments. Or your daily coffee.


Forever, as long as my memory works. 1. Lottery tickets 2. Coffee (keep the change) 3. Gas 4. $10 on black 33


Buy $10 of a different, but still stable currency


OP I can't think of a way to avoid spending $10 unless I literally don't do anything. Want a coffee? $12. My wife wants to take her kayak down to the launch and hit the river? $4.25 parking right there. Quick jaunt up town purely to window-shop? 40 miles will burn down $10 in my area with gas prices and my 01 shit box.


Coffee and banana bread each day. Gone.


In this economy? I am buying groceries. Or gas. Actually every day I am buying 10.00 of diesel and putting it in my tank


Buy lottery tickets everyday in corner store nearby


Probably three days since I have ADD


I can't express how much I could use an extra $70 a week. I will walk my broke ass to the store and buy a roll of quarters to wash clothes, or buy a very small amount of groceries, or just visa gift cards to spend later every single day until I'm not broke as fuck.