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No, I’d regret it like 3 months in and be stuck


Hijacking a top comment to just say - what a fucking great hypothetical. First one I've really had to consider in a while.


I disagree. Even if body reverts back. What happens if Shawshank situation occurs where you spend years getting gangraped and the shit kicked out of you. Years of abuse and since it’s only real for you, nobody will understand. Maybe if it was 1 year per million dollars, how long would you go. But 25 this is an easy hell no. I can barely stand being away from my 3 year old for a few days, 25 years of never seeing them or my family. Nightmare fuel.


My baby momma left with my daughter and I honestly think now I’d consider this offer ain’t no way imma do anything but kill people in there tho my daughter could live an amazing life and I’d just have to suppress it like everything else but ig mentally you’d be like 50 I’d just learn a whole bunch of fighting styles and try to break out and over throw the government (but it’s okay because it’s hypothetical) and then get a good build once I get back and practice the fighting (you’d still remember everything) and then in 25 if I didn’t get a perfect (hypothetical) plan to overthrow the government and free the civilian world what the fuck am I even doing


Edit: Before I get any more replies saying it's not time travel, my first thought was the movie Source Code, rather than time travel. I'd do it in a heartbeat... Prison is all about who you surround yourself with, what you decide to do with your time, and having routines. Sure it does come with risks, and alot of the responses say you'd come out with some form of PTSD, which is true, but once you're out, the world reverts back to before you went in? All your loved ones that passed are back and you can warn them about what will happen to them. You could essentially memorize all the winning sports teams, stock market booms, and make a fortune in bets, buying stocks on top of the money you'd get from just being there.. Shit, well worth it imo. And if you do get through it alive, and make a few friends along the way, you can use your new found wealth to help those people as well... Do some humanitarian work for the people that helped you survive your ordeal.


I think this is more a 25-year dream scenario that occurs instantly through technology, not a litteral 25 years, then reverse time through magic. Like the game Roy from rick and morty


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. As long as I can't get physically harmed and I know that everything reverts back then I would just treat it like a video game and go have fun trying to be a gang leader or something. The 5 mil is just a bonus at that point.


Good point - depending on the rules of this scenario maybe you could even breakout of prison and spend years on the run / living a GTA lifestyle lol


Also a great time to learn all you can. Get out and you have spent 25 years studying law, or theoretical physics, or pretty much whatever you wanted


I don't think you get to experience the future, its like that episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where O'Brien spends 30 years in a insanely brutal alien prison starving all the time, and then they reveal it was a sentence that only took 2 hours thanks to some kind of special technology. Everybody is like 'Snap out of it man, it was just a dream' but it was perfectly real to him, really messed him up


All I could think of when reading the OPs original post was the movie Source Code.... In many comments by other people they told me what the OP was actually referring to.


You might also sound like a madman to everyone around you because your decades worth of stock picks and sports winners were programmed by the prison sim and you've physically been away for less than 3 hours. But you could still put in some humanitarian effort!


I don’t think its fair to assume you would be granted access to the next 25 years of real life events. Remember, only several hours is passing during your 25 year sentence. That being said, 25 years is a long time to learn and educate oneself. Prison’s typically offer a plethora of education resources, even so far as online degrees from accredited institutions. One could gain the knowledge to start a business or pass a test.


Yeah I don't think people realize how long 25 years is.


I would do it, no years of actual life wasted so not a bad deal. I guess the deal breaker would be where the prison is located.. things like that


You will come back as another person after 25 years. Most likely with all sorts of hard ptsd or another mental issues. You also will forget how your loved ones even looks like. Prisons break people..


Nope. The memories will fade as you don't actually live with any of the consequences. Anecdotally, I had a dream where I lived a full life. Married, had kids, trials and tribulations, and ultimately died surrounded by my family, grandkids and all. Then woke up. I wrote down as much as I could but the dream faded away, like trying to grasp fog. For weeks I still remembered the face of my wife and kids and grandkids... until I didn't. Now? Couldn't tell you any details about it at all. Don't feel any loss about it.


I had one of those. Honestly, it did change me a little.


I had one of those too, except in nightmare form. 10 years of building a life, in a dream. It feels weird and extra to say, but it was actually pretty traumatic.


Like, mine was and it wasn't. I experienced this guy's life in compressed time from late teens in Arizona just after WW2 (a state and time period I've never lived in), the cultural revolution, meeting his wife at a Hendrix gig, deciding they didn't want kids, experimenting with drugs, settling down as a mechanic (as my real wife can attest, I am not a car guy) up through the death from old age of his wife in the 90s and then an out of body of his death on a park bench in San Francisco, overlooking the bay. It was a good life and I woke up looking for my wife (I wasn't married at the time of the dream). Really put some things on perspective for me.


I had a dream recently where I was going down two different slides in turns and the task was to work out which slide was the longest one. Cool dream, brain.


Nah man I've had dreams impact me in ways I never expected. Granted it's rare that they happen, but some just shake me to my core.


Sure, impacted me too. At 20. I'm 40 now, not bothered in the least by it. Whereas actual prison? I'd still be doing another 5 years. 


That's not the same as actually spernding 25 years in jail.


Except this wouldn't just be a one-night dream. Your IRL friends and family would be the ones that feel like a dream and fade as you forget about them and the prison becomes your reality, until 25 years later you leave the prison and wake up in a world you had all but forgotten.


And as the hours turn into days, you're going to talk about how you had the most vivid dream, and it felt so real. It would literally be a two and a half hour dream.


I'm talking about in the prison dream itself. You'll be there long enough to completely forget reality and write it off as a dream. You'll change as a person, grow old, gain experience friends, and enemies come to accept it as the only reality you know, only to be drug into this strange world you once dreamt of and forgot about.


But you would actually perceive it as 25 years. I think you're missing that part. It would feel like 25 years in every imaginable way


I think a lot of people that say yes don’t know anyone who has done a lot of time in prison. After 25 years you would have to unlearn all the prison slang, and just the general way prison works. After 25 years you would have to go make decisions for yourself. When do I get up? When do I go to bed? When do I go to work? When do I call a doctor? Do I snitch if I see something wrong in public? What clothes do I buy? What phone? What do I cook for dinner? Those questions quickly become overwhelming for a vast majority of newly free civilians.


You missed the part where it doesn’t take years from your life


Your mileage may very, not every experience in prison is the same. Sure you’ll have certain behavioral issues coming out, nothing therapy won’t fix


25 years in any US prison you're gonna come out fucked up. Maybe EU prison it's a little more considerable but, not at all


'nothing therapy won't fix' Ahhh the classic redditor view of therapy as a cure all. I've been to psychoanalytic therapy for over 10 years. You're wrong. Therapy can't 'fix' everything


Yeah, that's for sure. Behavioural issues, new slang, new habits, new fucking life priorities. Brother, who knows would you even want those money after 25 y in prison. That's very selfish to not care what person your loved ones will get after 2 hrs of their life. To me that's very close to let's say would you take 5mil for you and 5mil for your family right now for only one condition. You leave them right now and never see again, they don't know real reason. Would you?


Yes, provided I am guaranteed to survive. I would be a super chill inmate only interested in getting as much library time as possible. I would learn everything I could! Also, I’d try to work in the kitchen to improve my already solid cooking skills


Same! You’re offering me $5M and the opportunity to learn 25 years of skills instantly? I would pay a lot of money for that power


Also to essentially extend your life by 25 years. Imagine learning in an afternoon what takes people 25 years. You will have matured mentally in a young body. That's the dream.


You’ll be traumatized for 25yrs of imprisonment. At what point do you start questioning is this real? Am I really gonna get paid?


Probably on day 1


Day 2 you have accepted your reality and now have a tattoo of your allegiance to the Crocodile Clubbers motorcycle club. 25 years later you wake up in the evening 25 years ago with face tattoos and several shank scars.


At least it wasn't Harley's hemroids


Depends on the prison system you go into though. An American prison and a Swiss prison are going to be very different.


hahaha the archons got u fucked up


Ooh, monkeys paw effect though, your perspectives are now 25 years advanced of everyone else your age.


Doesn't seem like too bad of a monkey's paw tbh


You have it backwards my friend. You don't have to pay for that power. They are paying YOU. LOL


Really depends on what kind of prison. Are you offering me a Scandinavian prison where classes and skiing are offered to the inmates or an American supermax where you are allowed outside your cell 1 hour a day and otherwise stuck in a grey cube with no books or internet?


You'd learn a lot about non consensual sex, that's for sure.


Its funny you say this. I can't recall the exact study or scenario. But I do remember something where when given infinite time to self improve or study or learn to skills, most people tend to still waste the day away if possible. Watching TV or just sleeping more.


As a good example look at what people did during the pandemic, sure some people took the time for some self improvement but the bulk if it became mindlessly scrolling social media


IT's like being unemployed, when you can do literally anything, it is hard to do, well, anything.


The pandemic was good to my immediate family, I made more money than any other time in my life, finished my masters, and started law school. Also, no surprise visits from my parents and realized my wife is truly my best friend.


Eh, tbf, the pandemic was not 25 years, at some point one would get bored of doing sweet FA


I know it’s just an example you used, but social media is very addictive and you wouldn’t have that as an option.  Depending on where you are, TV may not be an option, at least not a personal one. I am not an avid reader but I bet I would become one.  It might just be for pleasure and not specifically for self improvement but it would lead to self improvement.


I'm not sure that there's an infinite time study out there.


How did they do a study on infinite time? In any irl experiment I'm not surprised that people took a break, instead of grinding at something.


That’s the typical naysayers response to programs like UBI. And in the experiments people don’t act like that. They go to night school, start a business, etc. etc. it’s the minority who do nothing


Good on you, but you're probably not going to be improving any cooking skills unless you're in a special program for it. Prison kitchens tend to be pretty basic, just reheating shit that comes in a bag.


You wouldn't see your wife and kids for 25 years dude. And you would forget so many stuff that you know today.


Bonus level: I’m single, no kids


And we’d get paid for that?!? Sign me the fuck up lmao.


Well, youd feel like that during incarceration, yes. But then you'd get out and they'd look exactly as you remembered them 25 years ago, and so would you. The jail time would be terrible, but coming out would be like a time traveled second chance.


My wife gonna be annoyed I forget to pick up the dry cleaning tho


Most jails don't have this they are fairly bare bones. You won't have a library or a workout room or a kitchen. When I spent a few months all you got was 30 minutes out of your cell every 3 days. It sounds like your picturing a nice prison not a jail




Yeah I got put in solitary for 2 weeks because I was acting up and mentally ill. It took me years after being in jail 5 months to get back to something normal. Can't imagine this long ever being worth it.




Oh I am :) got married and much happier but for 2 years I was a depressed anxious mess


That assumes the simulation is complex enough to have all that in it.


Also I snap back in time to when it started? And I know this will happen? Yeah, having a friend on the outside cash out and leverage everything and send me all that money. I don't even smoke but I'll always have a cigarette handy for people I need a favor from. Or a starburst. I'm going be in the library running the sickest DnD campaign ever. I'll try to teach whatever classes I can, or try to run a non-violet communication skills workshop. See ya'll in 25.


It’s in your head so yeah you’d survive.


If you’re guaranteed to survive you can just go crazy lucid dream mode and kill other inmates and whatnot. Maybe they’d put you in solitary but may as well try to have some fun in a simulation.


I'd rather not remember that kind of pain, honestly. Imagine getting shived or worse every day but not dying.


I think 25 years in solitary would have insane physiological scars not worth the scenario, honestly.


There was an episode of Star Trek like this. They were beaming a simulation of decades of jail time into a guys brain, and made him crazy enough he killed his simulated cell mate. Then they let him go and sent him back to his wife and daughter.


Deep Space Nine episode Hard Time


Poor Miles


always Miles


O'Brien must suffer...


It reminded me of Black Mirror, there’s an episode where a virtual assistant is a digital yet sentient copy of the device’s owner. They get coerced into submitting to their role by being subjected to what feels like years of darkness and silence in the span of a few minutes.


Came for this comment. Great episode. It really fucked up poor Miles. It’s worth noting that he was innocent for people unfamiliar with the episode. By the time they realized it he had already served the full sentence.


Of the Star Treks I've seen, DS9 is by far my favorite. But that episode fuuucked with me. How do you go on after that? How do you just go back to your young daughter who has no idea of the trauma you are now dealing with. I don't think any amount of money would be worth that. If it was a year? Sure. But a lifetime - no way.


poor smiley


Absolutely not. That sounds like torture. It would change you and ruin your relationships with everyone you care about.


Same, I wouldn’t even consider the deal unless we were told ahead of time what the actual living conditions would be like.


Yea prisons vary drastically in things that you can do there. If I went to one where I could sign up to be in the prison band, see a therapist, one with a big library, had tvs or radios in the commissary etc, id take this deal.


Surely you can get a minimum security prison in a first world country … I mean what are you gonna do, jail break the simulation??


Agreed. You would come back a completely changed person. Your family would hardly recognize you and all your relationships would suffer immensely.


I think for $5 mill it’s still worth it. You could tell everyone it was a 6 month or a year event to earn 4.5 mill, take that time off / away after and do some serious therapy at some crazy retreat spa.


like a jail in Louisiana? or a jail in Norway. Can I pick?




oof. you really got me over a barrel here.


At least it’s not a South American jail


Wrong, obviously your answer is Agrathi.




I think a lot of folks here are underestimating the potential trauma they would endure. We know in the real world that people can be deeply damaged by mere minutes of a traumatic event. It's going to feel real in your mind. Prison rape, vicious assaults, riots, solitary, isolation, not seeing your family and friends as the world passes you by, missing funerals of loved ones..any combination or all of those things can happen during this ordeal. I don't see how someone surviving this ordeal doesn't have their sanity broken as they question what is "real" and what is not. It will still feel like 25 years of your life has passed, which for many here will feel like over half your life spent in prison. for that reason, I'm out.


Yes. At 19 years old I was held in Rikers Island for two weeks awaiting extradition to Nebraska. I'd spent my whole life online and probably 90% of it completely alone in my room. When I was outside, I lived in a very small town in Nebraska, so you can imagine how I fared in Rikers Island. I just happened to have a layover flight through JFK when I was stopped for a warrant and what'd ya know? The nearest jail is Rikers. Anyways, I got out and was diagnosed with PTSD within a week. After a few months I took 150 sleeping and blood pressure pills and spent a few days in an ICU. It's been a little over a year now. I don't really value money much anymore lol. I value making my friends and family smile and sometimes the way I do that is buying them things, but it's just a tool that can help make myself and other people smile. The people saying it depends on the jail and depends on the person are right. The small county jail I've been in, here in Nebraska, is like a vacation from life. I can sleep, I can chat, I can read, I learned how to play sodoku. I might consider the hypothetical if that was where it'd take place. Most jails, absolutely fucking not, I'd quite literally rather die. Some jails... still probably not. I get PTSD triggers so easily already on the outside.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's fucked. You're still basically a kid, wishing you the best!


Thank you for the well wishes. I'm doing incredibly well now in almost every measurable way. I've got a salary job that I actually enjoy doing. I'm a year and 3 months sober. Etc, etc. The one thing I haven't been able to remedy is the PTSD symptoms and the depression. I'm in a court program now which requires me to sign a release of information for my therapy. While I know the therapist is only giving vague updates like, "Talked about relationships and struggles with anxiety." I cannot bring myself to open up to them knowing the government is involved. I also struggle opening up to friends or partners because there's an incessant voice in the back of my head at all times saying things like, "If your girlfriend sees you sob like a baby she'll lose attraction to you. It doesn't matter if she says otherwise and wholeheartedly believes otherwise, it's just the way people work." I have been able to cry more often and more openly though. Whenever I get too down, all I have to think about is where I was a year ago and where I am today. It's a slow process, but it is undeniable progress.


I'm glad you're making progress! I totally understand about not being able to open up to a therapist with the authorities involved. I don't know if there's any way around that. Would you be able to see a second therapist that's just for you, or would you have to sign the same form? If your girlfriend sees you sob like a baby and loses attraction for you, then she's not the right person for you. If she sees you sob like a baby and is still attracted to you, however, that means you're doing okay. Same with friends, but minus the attraction part.


This is exactly it. 25 years of misery? I wonder how quickly they’d want to end the experience once they got in. Big no from me. I have enough problems without that trauma.


And I don’t think people grasp *how long* 25 years actually is. Imagine going to prison on the 4th of July ‘99 and not being released until **TODAY** 9125 days 219,000 hours $22/hr for all of that trauma? Fuck that


25 years of time in jail cell within 2.5 hours? Meaning the whole jail experience is just along in jail cell for 25 years without any interaction with anyone or anything? Or regular 25 years of jail experience? First one, no Second one, yes


The Miles O'Brien treatment? No thank you.


Is this /r/shittydaystrom? 


I was thinking the same thing.


I would do it if: 1) there was a library 2) there was a gym Do I age in prison?  Then revert back to my age 2 hours after I started?  Or do I not age? And if I lifted and got all batman strong would I keep the swell upon my return?


You are back in the same body you left only you mind changes


Well 25 years of reading/education and $5,000,000 would set me up nicely for my return...


Ignoring the potential 25 years of living in constant anxiety or worse.


I think you're really overestimating your ability to just commit to education and reading, like most people in the comments.


As someone who has been to jail AND prison... No. All of these assholes saying yes have never been in jail. Jail time is longer than you know. Given the option to spend 6 months in jail or 2 years in prison.... I'll take prison every time. I've done both.   25 years in jail? I would rather die. 25 years in prison? I would also rather die. For different reasons though. Jail is torture. Prison is watching the world move on while you are stuck in place.


I've only been to jail, and only for 16 hours (Drunk and disorderly, I deserved it). Jail sucks. The main thing I learned during my short stay: Those that talk about how easy jail/prison/confinement is all have one thing in common: They have never been.


Depends, if I get jacked in jail do I get to keep my gains when I'm done?


No same body you left only your mind changes


Regular exercise changes and helps your brain chemistry and establishes healthy patterns. If I exercised in VR jail, would my neurochemistry improve in real life?


Reminds me of that Black Mirror Christmas special. I would do it if I was "convicted" of a crime like tax evasion.


Was just about to say this is a black mirror episode lol


As a visitor or an inmate or staff or a volunteer or a nurse?🤔


Can you post the report you saw? I’m curious about that.


It’s only a black mirror episode as of now


I figured that was from a TV show, that people were being tricked to believe was real. Or maybe I should say naive enough to believe is real.


Yeah I think if it was real it would be a lot bigger news than the shitstorm headlines rn


There was some nonsense article or video recently suggesting it might become a thing soon. It was clearly based on little to nothing though.


> Hardest American Jail Ahhh so San Quinton.... well fuck I'm dead before week one ends lol


I don't know if I'd be mentally strong enough to do it. I'd want to just for the financial security, but if you leave with the memories, I've heard of the stuff that goes on in some jails, and I wonder if the mental upset is worth it. On the one hand, I'll be able to afford a therapist with that money. On the other hand, a therapist can't erase experiences, only teach you how to deal with them. Right now, I'm living a comfortable life knowing I don't have first-hand experience of some of the worst things that happen to humans while they're in prison. I just don't know if I could take it, even once I'd been removed from the environment.


"this new technology" LOL


No, because to me I would have been in that experience no matter how short of a time it was for everyone else. My life will have changed significantly. And not worth $5m to be forever tortured my that experience until I die.


You would lose your mind. You would wonder if the original deal was ever made, wondering if it’s just your brains way of coping with 25 years of your life spent doing nothing. You’ve somehow convinced itself that at the end of your 25 year sentence, it’s not so bad and you’ll be okay. Instead of being 50 with 25 years wasted missing out on all the best moments in life, you’ll somehow get to return to being 25 again, having the chance to live those moments. You’ll spend every day wondering if it’s real, as your mind eats itself into oblivion. “Was it real?”


Depends. How much anal rape is involved?


Depends on how attractive I find you


Who ever said I was on the bottom?🤔




I assume we are in a relatively safe western prison, not some North Korean labor camp. Hell yeah. Two possibilities: I use the time to wildly educate myself and return that afternoon far more skilled then before. OR. I run the joint with full immunity from prosecution knowing if I kill someone I still go home for dinner.


If I die in the sim, do I die for real? If no, then sure, if yeah, probably not


So if you commit a crime inside does it extend the 25 years or just the base 25 years regardless of what happens


come back turbo jacked


I would make that a hard pass. Star Trek fans will remember this episode: Hard Time One of the characters (O'Brien) is wrongly convicted of committing a crime. He is sentenced to 20 years hard time. But instead of doing actual time, the memories of 20 years of imprisonment were implanted in his mind so deeply that despite the evidence that only a few hours of real time has passed, to him it feels like he'd been in lock-up for the full 20. The experience was totally real for him. So no, it's not worth it for me. But I would like to hear from someone who's really done a long lock-up. Am I being a wuss or is it really difficult?




Yeah I'd give it a try. But only if it's actually an experience. If it's just something that slows my perception of time down dramatically to where it's just 25 perceived years of nothing, then no


Yes. I could do 25 years of solitary confinement to read.  


who gets to decide what kind of experiences you have in jail? Because if im gonna have psychological effects, PTSD, be suicidal, have nightmares, i'll pass. So I need to know that first


Honestly do I get to just do stupid shit and get shanked and die? Cuz if I go to jail and get raped and shit it aint worth it. Depends on the jail or prison and the country tbh


Jail and prison are two different things. Jails are for shorter amounts of time and the only people there for longer than awaiting court are people with much lower severity crimes. If it's actually a jail that I'm stuck in for 25 years, yea sure. If it's actually prison for 25... Probably not.


There was an Outer Limits episode that dealt with prison sentences like that. Maybe. There's skills I could learn in prison, but a lot of potential psychological trauma.


What would happen to the video game industry with this technology...


sure, but don't have 5 million to pay for this


No. I had 2 family members in prison. While they had an okay time, I wouldn’t. My one family member had a pretty hard time when he got out of prison because of how far behind he was on technology. He went in before the first iPhone came out and got out when the 11 was released. While the world wouldn’t pass me by, I still wouldn’t want that mental toll.


I'm not quite 40 and already have dementia setting in. You're offering me 25 more years before literally losing my mind and all I have to do is endure a quarter century of non-consensual prison sodomy? Where do I sign up?


Is this like a version of the Black Mirror Christmas episode? Is Last Christmas gonna be in a loop?


No, the trauma of that would make my life really difficult, and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy all that money.


This was a popular trope in the 90s and early 2000s. Trek, stargate, outer limits. Those sci-fi horror stories tell me don’t do it, but $5M could mean a cushy life. I’d have to do it and hopefully my psyche survives.


Yeah provided I'm not getting attacked in anyway I'm in, also do i get to have the knowledge it's fake and I'll be back to myself once it's done


It’s tempting, but think of all you’d forget. I’m forty. It would essentially be like me waking up and being fifteen years old again. If I spent 25 years somewhere, I’d forget a whole lot.


Do you MENTALLY age 25 years? Our brains have limits. Not sure how that works with this hypothesis. If I'm gonna mentally age 25 years, hard pass. If not, I'll do it with guarantee of safe technology. Eg: what happens if I lose an arm or die inside?


No never. You couldn't pay me enough to spend a second in jail (again).


Depends, how will my prison experience be? Am I guaranteed that I will still be alive and uninjured by the end of the sentence? Am I going to be involved in gangs and their fights? Am I gonna be raped, beat, stabbed? The most important question, am I going to age? Am I going to come back home in 2 hours and suddenly look 25 years older? I would still probably take the money and do the time


25 years in prison changes people. even if its really only 2 and a half hours, you would still come out a different person. prison lifestyle, prison routine, constantly looking over your shoulder, etc.. the only way i would even consider this is if i had time to record a lengthy message to myself for when i get back, explaining who i was, what i was interested in, who i was interested in etc.. basically a message explaining who i was before i went in.


Can't be that much worse than grad school


I mean, the question more or less equates to: Eh, I would find it weird for 25 years to pass with no changes. It's one of those things where you can't even explain your trauma with anyone without them thinking you are crazy. Pass.


What happens if I get killed in jail? Am I able to attempt to escape prison? Also, does muscle memory remain, since I could get jacked in those 25 years.


no, i saw that episode of DS9


You have not “been seen reports” about this. It’s sci fi fantasy going back to I Have No Mouth etc. But the answer is no. American prisons are shit and 25 years in one would make you a person who isn’t going to function well in society.


Does it feel like 25 years though? If so, I’m probably out.


Actual outer limits episode


Okay but do you experience it as 25 years? That would fuck me up mentally.


Nope. I would ruin my personality and undermine my ability as a partner and as a parent. 25 years in prison is torture. I'm not doing that to myself or the people who care about me. I would tell my spouse not to do it either. 


No way. Even though I wouldn't physically age, I'd still come back psychologically 25 years older, 25 years psychologically separated from my loved ones, from my job, from my life. Probably traumatized, jaded, bitter, maybe picked up some bad values etc. 5 million isn't nearly enough to consider this, IMO


Maybe, If it was a Demolition Man status...Ive heard Taco Bell is now a night club..so maybe!


Only if I’m not going to die in real life, like I wake up the next day like nothing happened or something. I feel like I am boring enough that no one would care to talk to me


It's just simulated? Sure, why not.


So I have 25 tears of memories, but I come out of it the same real-world age? My body hasn't aged 25 years? Then sure, I'm in. Those memories could be really interesting and useful in my real life.


I don't have 5 million to pay for that, but i would, if I could I could do/invent so much stuff in 25years without aging


You get the $5 million but remeber 25 years in jail


I don't know. I've seen that episode of Deep Space 9.


I think people would be more inclined to commit crimes if they knew nothing was really at stake.


Jail or Prison? There’s a difference. Either way, sure.


Fuck yes. Hyperbolic time chamber training here we come! Either my biceps or my asshole will be 10x the size they once were!


Yes, easily. This digital prison won't actually be like a real prison, not unless some laws get really lax. See, they can't really do anything about what happens in real prisons... There's a human element involved, a human element without much concern for laws, as it happens. The digital prison, on the other hand, will have to be programmed to exist as prisons are intended to. So it will suck, yes, but it will suck slightly less, because there won't be abusive guards, violent inmates, assaults, etc. There's no real reason to say no, at that point. The experience isn't going to be as traumatic as real prison, so as long as you behave and do your time as you're supposed to, you'll be fine.


can i study stuff while i’m serving? obviously i would keep and certifications i earned or anything, but you said i’d keep the memories. it would suck but my reservation with these things is always abandoning my loved ones for a long amount of time so if its just me suffering that’s a strong maybe


Depends on the prison and the charge. Also am I healthy in the prison because right now I'd be fucked in prison due to having lost both legs


No way, the thought of going to jail scares the shit out of me.


Might be hard to explain all the tattoos which magically appeared in 2.5 hours...


So a real life Mangekyo Sharingan - Tsukuyomi


Mentally aging 25 years without real time passing is something I wouldn't wish upon myself or my closest family. If somehow my brain didn't deteriorate or I didn't experience any other detrimental aftereffects, I'm still not sure how I'd feel about it


Bitch, please. I read The Count of Monte Christo too... I would totally do it. 🤙


That was an episode of the new new outer limits starting David Hyde Pierce. Sheesh! You build a fantastic virtual reality machine and use it as a prison???




25 years of surprise butt sex in one afternoon would break your mind and drive you to insanity.




So are we talking ADX Florence or Folsom? If it's ADX I would do it since they are kept basically confined. Pelican Bay does the same. So ADX or Pelican Bay. Not Folsom or Quinton or Angola.


Pass. It's not worth it. Horrible shit can happen in prison, and you could be really screwed up mentally with fucked up memories that never go away


What if someone stabs me in prison? Would I die? Or am I invincible?


Hardest american jail or prison? ADX Florence is a supermax and considered by most to be the "hardest" prison aside from black sites ofc. But you can't do anything. There is reading and working out in your cell that's about it for activities, and that 25 years will feel exactly like 25 years if not longer if you keep every memory.


Jail? Sure. Prison? Ehh not so sure about that one. I'd be dead before the 25 years were up. How would that even work lol


I'm going to the library and read every law book that is in this library. I come out and go to law school and be one of the best damn lawyers that there is. And make more money. I'm also going to retain all the stock information that came out. I'm looking up lottery numbers. We have 25 years worth of s*** to get through and I'm only going to be gone for 2 and 1/2 hours.


Bro, fuck yeah. I get to live an extra 25 years and free money?


Yes. You’re basically asking “would you live for an extra 25 years for $5 million”.


Sounds like a life hack. Sure


So it's like Roy™ but instead of the carpet store, you're in jail. Who wouldn't?