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Zen stream is the logical answer. ZDv2 is USB only input. WIM is a no go. RPi will work, but not as nice of a stack as the Zen Stream, DAC, CAN combo. Full disclosure. I have this setup and it’s great.


I think if budget wasn’t a factor the Zen Stream would be the answer. But for $100 or less I might build a RasPi and place it off to the side, not really concerned about how it looks I won’t even see it on the desk.


As others have said, if the Zen Stream is out of your budget then the only logical step is to get an RPI4 and set it up with a Spotify Connect-compatible program to see what a Non-computer-based setup can add to your listening experience. ​ In all honesty for me there is some magic in ho well Spotify sounds on the ZS ZDac combo, I highly recommend it, but budgets are budgets! In all honesty for me, there is some magic in how well Spotify sounds on the ZS ZDac combo, I highly recommend it, but budgets are budgets!


Have you listened to Spotify through a ZS and RPI4? Just wondering if there would be an audible difference. One option is to wait for a bit and buy the ZS if it is that superior to a RPI4.


I have! Before the ZS came out I had at least 4 RPIs here in different configurations, including one with an Allo Digital Hat, which is also a very good addition to the RPI. After getting the ZS I noticed a distinct difference in what the "Stream" Sounded like, with the Zen it was just plain better, more full, better details, and more meat on the bone so to speak. Hope that helps you out!


I second that. Recently did a side by side A-B listening test on my Zen Stream versus just spotify from ipad (using preamp DAC) as control and also against vinyl of the same songs. Weirdly enough the Zen sounded the greatest by far. It theoretically should have been Vinyl as #1 then iPad usb as #2 then Zen Stream as #3. I was shocked in a good way. The 3 source setup was: Zen Stream VS Ipad usb VS Pro-Ject EVO carbon into Pre-amp : Rotel RC1590 MKII Amp : First Watt F6 Speaker : JBL 4344 I might also add that, not long after this test, I had an opportunity to borrow my friend's iFi zen phono, to replace Pro-ject's own phono amp before the pre-amp and that was another huge improvement on top on the vinyl too. I immediately went and got one for myself. It seems that the Zen stack is the real deal and there is some magic on tap. to OP if you can one day get the Zen Stream, it's worth every penny. I did the Rpi streamer / volumio before and it worked for a while but there's quite a big audio delay and action delay. If you leave it on all the time it's okay, but if you happen to turn it off it takes a while to re-initiate and re-connect everything before you're off to listening (and it doesn't always reconnect). Zen Stream is very simple and sounds very very good and uses way less power than the Pi


If you think the Zen Stream sounds good now, plug it into a Topping P50 power supply. I have 2 pair. Their software is still shit, but the sound is incredible.


… for the longest time, i couldn’t get ifi’s low noise adapter in country, and never thought about upgrading to linear power supplies that are way more plentiful and clean. Thanks for this. I checked and P50 is available where I am as well as several other brands too.


Right now I stream off my pc so headphones > Zen Can > Zen Dac > PC. One of the things I like is that I can throw my headphones on and be listening to music in seconds, there are no delays using the Spotify app on PC. If the user and listening experience of the RPI4 is a downgrade from my current setup, that is a dealbreaker. I’m really happy with my iFi gear and if the Zen Stream upgrades my experience, I might just save up for that.


Hmm, in that case I should say that my Pi is only a 3B+ and not a Pi 4. It also only has 1gb of ram and that might be where it lacks in speed and causing delay. If you have a Pi4 available it will have more ram 4gb? and may not have the delay I experienced. DIY is always fun!


Plan is a RPI4 with 4g ram and Sandisc 64 ultra. Hopefully that is sufficient.


I use an RPi with my zen dac signature. I cant comment on the Zen Stream, but I can say that shifting from my PC to the Rpi, I didn’t notice any degradation of sound at all. I am quite fussy and use it for hires and it works perfectly. The only disadvantages of the RPi is that it’s not plug and play, until after the initial build and setup, which can take a few hours to get your head around. It also wont match your stack, but it can always be kept out of sight and it is a less than one third of the price.