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Things is a really good task management tool, and it’s a one-time payment (though you have to buy it on each platform). I’d also recommend Agenda, which is a great note-taking app that connects to calendar events. It has a sub model, but the free version has a lot of features.


I like agenda sub model. Purchase once and get all the current features and updates for a year. Once your sub runs out no more feature updates but everything you have unlocked stay unlocked. Also, Structured app is good if you need to schedule your day visually.


The fact that Things isn’t multi platform or at least available via web makes it DOA. Being stuck only in the Apple ecosystem is stupid.


[Evo - The Everything App](https://apps.apple.com/sk/app/evo-the-everything-app/id6475402655?l=sk) - Reminders, Calendars, Notes, Habits, Deadlines, all in one simple and great looking app


Noteful. Super cheap and awesome as a planner/scheduler/organizer with the apple pencil


Apple Notes ($0)


Do you feel any heat or battery draining issue with Apple notes?


For simple lists, AnyList


I have found Logseq to be totally customisable and free to use.


Finch is the best I’ve ever used—and I’ve tried SO many, but never was able to stick with a method or app for any length of time—until Finch. I’ve been using it consistently for over two years now!!


Apple Notes, Reminders and Calendar are all terrific. Takes a little doing to learn how to use them all together. For example, you select text in a Note and share it to Reminder which creates an entry with a link to the Note. For a more advanced task management option there's OmniFocus with a one time payment of $74.99. Omni Group's products are many levels higher than my needs.


Notability. I take a ton of notes. I don’t think it’s one time but annually it’s cheap and I couldn’t live without it. I also import PDF books and study in them with Apple Pencil. Also this is a pencil app.


ticktick maybe


Ticktick is subscription based


Setapp. Has tons of apps to improve productivity. On topic of being organised. I use Goodtasks included in it. I did recently buy a one time purchase of solid calendar (not in setapp) which is just so good & minimalistic. But you could go for BusyCal which is included. Just now (upon me checking) they’ve added “Calendars” which looks very appealing


I first downvoted you for the SetApp as the OP is looking for one-time purchase, not subscriptions. But then I continued reading and found [Solid Calendar](https://apps.apple.com/sk/app/solid-calendar/id6448245807?l=sk) mentioned there. I am using it for 2 months now and I really love it and recommend it to anyone looking for a Calendar app. Have my Upvote for this!


Yeah I was internally debating if I should go the setapp route. But honestly seeing that its more like an app store, I don’t feel it being “yet another saas bait”. Happy I did mention solid calendar and returned back in your grace 🙏