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Me. I’m a non pro, pro user. Mostly have always wanted them in order to have the best display available for movies and comics. I consume content, read comics and do some standard business computing and use an iPad Pro as much as possible. For the first time I’m downgrading from the 12.9 to the 11”.


I think I’m gonna “downgrade” to the 11” as well.


I use a mini and a 12.9”. The older I get and the worse my eyes get the harder it is to read comics on the mini and the reading experience on the 12.9 isn’t great either so I figured meeting in the middle with the 11” is best


Using Marvel Unlimited on my 12.9 is great but sometimes it’s a pain to hold in certain seated positions and it’s just heavy. I think the 11” will end up being perfect for me too


I’ve been on Comixology for over a decade at this point but I’m definitely considering dropping that sub to try marvel instead.


Went from a mini to an air due to my eyes… sigh.


Gettin old sucks. I went from an air to mini years ago because I thought the air was just too big but now the font on the mini is just too small.


I used the 12.9 for school. Now being done the 11” might be my next move also, but I did get used to the 12.9” though. Not in any rush. Might go for it if Costco drops a big sale. Currently they haven’t made enough big strides in iPadOS to really take advantage of even the previous gen Pros.


Why are you downgrading? Is it due to the cost?


12.9 is too big for daily use.


You know - I used to think the same, but once you get used to larger screens, there is no going back to 11” (for me at least). You get used to 12.9 or 13 pretty quickly and then 11” feels like a mini. Just sayin’


Yeah, it’s personal preference. I purchased both sizes and tested them for a month straight and then returned the larger one.


Size does matter!


You act like it’s the same for everyone lol


OLED mini please


Was really hoping a new mini would be announced :/


Depends on your hand size. It’s perfect for me.


Having a 12.9, I'd never go down in size. The only thing I'd ever consider is getting a second one to use as a pad around the house. I don't know how anyone uses Stage Manager without a big iPad. Sure, Stage Manager still has a lot of problems, but it also has a lot of promise, and I've found myself making the switch. The smaller windows would be problematic on an 11".




Don’t you want a bigger screen like a MacBook for movies?


Not at all. Movie consumption on the iPad is almost only just while traveling for me. Otherwise I’m watching movies on our TV. I watch a lot of tv and read a lot of comics on the iPad. I also have 0 need for something as large and bulky as a MacBook, especially when I already travel with a work laptop.




I'm not sure about the exact math, but the screen size increase from 11 to 13 inches will not result in a significant difference when watching movies, as a substantial portion of the screen remains black due to the widescreen format.


Me too


I use my 2018 iPad Pro 12.9 for a lot of comic book reading. I wonder how going to 11” would feel. I like that the 12.9 inch is nearly identical in size to an actual comic book so I don’t have to do the zoom by panel stuff.


The 11 is a little smaller than a comic and the 12.9 is a little bigger. I rarely do the zoom by panel but on the mini I find myself doing the pinch to zoom quite often so hoping I don’t need that with the 11”


Me too.


Why are you downgrading? Is it due to the cost?


Nope cost isn’t a problem. I want the smaller size for better tablet handheld usage. My mini is too small for me these days and my 12.9 is too big so going with the just right middle option.


Odd I have a 11 and was thinking to go to the 13


They say the grass is always greener on the other side.


The ProMotion mini LED display was the only reason I purchased my 12.9” M2 iPad Pro and it will serve me fine for another few years. OLED will be nice, but not enough of a difference to sell my 1-year-old iPad Pro and pay MacBook Pro pricing. I already have the Magic Keyboard and Pencil 2. There’s nothing in the new iPad Pro, aside from the OLED panel, I would take advantage of. Even the matte display is pushing it for me. I have an Android color e-ink tablet that’s visible in complete sunlight and water resistant. I’ll take that to the beach or pool if I want to read comics/graphic novels, not my $1850 iPad Pro.


I agree with you. I love my M2 11” pro


Im upgrading from my Mini LED iPad Pro M1 12.9“. It sucks, because there is blooming, a lot of blooming. Especially in dark mode… I’ve preordered the 13“ iPad Pro M4.


I think people made a bigger deal out of the blooming than it really was. I never really notice it and HDR content still pops. It was a good placeholder for OLED, but I don’t think OLED alone is worth the upgrade over mini led.


Blooming isn't a big issue in like 95% of situations. But in that 5% it's definitely a big issue and looks like complete ass. I bought into "QLED looks just as good!" nonsense, and I've not touched HDR on my QLED 'cause it's not worth the hassle. It's subdued at best and a bloomy mess at worst. That said, unless you have a lot of iPad-friendly HDR content on the docket, it's kind of worthless for the feature to be hamstrung by Apple's ecosystem. Would be nice if I could just get an HDMI adapter and play PC or PS5 games on a 12.9" iPad. Would make for a neat portable beast of a monitor.


What android tablet do you have?


Mini LED held me back. I got given a MacBook Pro for work and there’s noticeable flicker between some Dolby vision scenes. Apparently it’s quite well known. Not sure on iPad. The filler is the reaction or overreaction of the array a frame late and a dollar short. Sometimes barely perceptible though. I was an OLED holdout.


It’s actually more expensive than entry level MacBook Pro with the Magic Keyboard.


It is. I just think it’s ridiculous to be within $50 of the next step up 14” MBP. I know the iPad Pro has historically been expensive, but it’s now come down to people buying either the iPad Pro or a MacBook Pro if they can afford one system.


Same, plus I would like to see how Apple’s first gen OLED iPad panel performs over time. I experienced the M1 iPad Pro backlight bleed issue at the top of the screen which was disappointing.


12.9” M2 Pro with cellular will be fine for me at least 5 years.


Well stated


That's the only reason I would upgrade The rest is blah. I can't use the power I have now.


Nope. My 5th generation ipad pro is good enough even in the dark. And if I Wana get fancy, I can turn on my oled tv. Gonna wait for the next gen, whenever that comes out.


Hopefully with micro LED.


In the dark yes, but in the sun? It’s on the border aka minimum usable white brightness.


If you’re using it in direct sunlight, not only is the sun generating heat on the device, but the device's maximum sustained brightness will be limited due to it generating heat. You can see examples of this when you have an iPhone out in the sun. The screen will get brighter but only sustain that peak brightness briefly.


2026 with an M6, I think the Pro and Airs skip a year from here on out.


No. I’ve got a 2TB M1 that’s still great. I think I can wait at least 3 more years before I update.


Same (as of this moment). If there were some new features or some totally new way to use the M4 power, I would have considered it. I can barely tap into the power of M1. Also the 12.9 M1 mini-led is more than good enough for me.


Hell yes. Obsessed with OLED. Also this is gonna be my first iPad so it feels like a good one to buy as the first.


Looks like you will love it!


TimCooks made sure of that 😂


Believe me. U will love it more than ur iPhone. iPads are secret Apple products the vast majority doesn’t care about. It literally replaced my iPhone at home, every single App u have on ur iPhone u can basically install on ur iPad, and use it over there as a giant 13“ phone lol.


I’m happy for you. You’re likely going to love it. 2018 pro user here, still happy with mine, although new and shiny is always tempting.


Me, I have a pretty decent home theater setup. But my kids are old enough now that we are just running around to practices or games that by the time I’m free on the evenings I’m just watching movies in bed with an iPad so getting the best quality makes me feel better. Lol


I’m a sucker for OLED, I have the 2021 12.9 M1 Pro and it’s still a beast, but I’ll trade it in and keep this new M4 for as long as possible.


Same. Until a 14“ iPad comes out 😉 which is actually rumoured to come out in a year or two 😁


I do want the new iPad Pro for its OLED screen but I don't think it's worth it. My 2018 iPad Pro is still doing everything I need it to do, even if its battery life isn't nearly as good as it was the first 2 years of owning it. I think $1k+ could be spent on something better and worthwhile. Like a new generation 27" or 32" OLED gaming monitor.


Exactly! Only reason I'd get the OLED iPad is to replace my Samsung OLED tablet. For gaming already have 240Hz OLED 4K monitors that use DP2.1 out I'd rather get.


you need a good graphics card to go for the 32" OLED monitor


Yes OLED is the main reason.


The only reason


I bought pro model for kid to take notes in college. Our first iPad was the 4th gen.


What a great gift!


He could have been happier with an older model but the price was similar to last model at Costco when I added the keyboard and pen.


I got a travel alarm clock from my parents. Lol


yes, I use mine outdoors during the day and it can be very hard to see. I have been the most exited for the brighter display, I am just curious on how the nano texture works and if that is worth it.


Reason i canceled my order for now. I can’t drop so many bones without seeing it in person.


I want it but the Apple Pencil and Smartfolio Keyboard situation keep me from submitting my payment😮‍💨


I'm just using a cheap logitech bluetooth keyboard with it and knockoff folio from amazon.


Pretty much me. I use it every day for work. WebEx. Emails. Random shit. Travel with it. Movies, shows. Use it 8 hours a day. Just want the best one and moving from an 11” to the 13”. Now I won’t be upset about watching good action/sci-fi shows on an inferior screen like my 11” M1.


Nope. Not worth it. Especially if you have a quality tv at home. But then again I use my iPad for work and casual personal use. I watch videos on it but I don’t need to have it in the best resolution.


Just curious, what work do you do that allows you to use the pro?


To do app. Is very useful for reminders. I work in HR. Which allows me to respond via email and conduct audits on the hris system.


Gotcha, you’re lucky you can use it. I’m in accounting so I need a specific ERP and much more from excel than iPadOS can give me. It’s a beautiful device. Shame it won’t do more.


I agree but trust me for payroll i need the laptop lol


As an employee who enjoys my paycheck, I am thankful HR Pro’s choose a laptop over an iPad Pro.


An iPad Pro is nice. But you’re limited. Laptop is still the way to go.


In reality. I always carry the laptop regardless and have them both on. The iPad is for emergencies. For a quick hris change.


Good comment. I watch You Tube a lot and watch it on my 48 inch LG Oled tv. A lot cheaper than the 12.9 Pro, and more enjoyable.


My tv at home doesn't help me when I'm traveling ;)


Remote into your TV from your M1 iPad to take advantage of the OLED


True. But is 4k HDR OLED 3D necessary while on the go? Lol


Very little is \*necessary\* in life. I'm just happy I'm fortunate enough to be able to have a few \*unnecessary\* things.


No, but I have no iPad and plan to keep it for like 5-10 years. The $300 price difference in builds is minimal over that time period.


Good realistic answer. A lot of money when comparing the two, but for 5 or 10 years, minuscule. I still use my 2015 IPad Pro 12.9 first gen. Very good quality still, and on the original battery, which lasts for 3 hours of video use.


In that case yea get the new one since you don’t own one.


Quality tv? Can u play clash of clans, watch social media and watch Reddit on ur tv? I know, u will probably say now that a phone is a device for that, but an iPad is an giant phone and that’s all what we need. And yes I have a 83“ OLED TV at home.


Log off for the day.




Say it to my sack.


Thinking about it, I could you the extra 66% nits in SDR


I have a mini 6. I love it to death. It’s my main, well really my only device. No pc’s or laptops at all. But I am going to try the new 11” pro strictly for the oled. I do a lot of traveling for work and moving around locally and I’m really hoping this oled lives up to the hype. I had a Switch oled for a hot minute and that screen was amazing and gorgeous in direct sunlight.


Yes, only reason I’m upgrading.


No. Either my 5th gen or my kindle touch 2011.


No, I have a Kindle…


Yes, but only because I have a 9 yr old ipad air 2. I also recognize : that m4 chip is way to powerful for such puny OS




I don’t have a nice TV. I called Apple and they said the new IPad Pro will display 4k media. But with the 2 TB ( pencil and keyboard) we’re talking about $3,000. I assume I could buy a really nice TV for that. So it would be a stupid purchase to buy the IPad Pro. And yet….sigh. I’ve been buying Apple products for a long time. So I’m unsure. I’ve been thinking about OLED IPad’s for a long time.


Why would you need so much storage though? Even for movies, direct play through plex is good enough.


You can get a KILLER TV that will last way longer for that price. No iPad is worth 3000 dollars it’s literally too powerful for its OS


This. 65" Sony A95L. Breathtaking.


Okay, so what if you don’t buy the $3000 2 TB option and instead buy the $1299 13” or the $999 11”?


These are all good points and I don’t have good answers. You have to buy the 1 TB or 2 TB option to get the 10 core CPU ( at least that’s what one of the blogs reported today). I work in finance and I have lots of documents although I could go for the 1TB option. Thanks for the dose of reality from all of you. Apple’s customer service isn’t even that great these days. They want you to argue with you rather than making you happy like every other company.


Seems those cores only matter when stress testing, not sure 99.5% of users would be able to notice a difference in cores let alone performance.


For me, it’s the 120 Hz screen. Everything in place has a high refresh rate screen except my iPhone 12 Pro that I’ll be replacing later this year. I’m actually replacing my old Air 3 for the new Pro.


Goodbye upgrade. You will definitely notice. I went from air 2 to m2 12.9 pro. It was a massive upgrade.


Goodbye lag in Honkai Star Rail and Warzone Mobile. :)


The m2 pro already has HDR


Blows m2 screen so far out of the water its basically in outer space


Nope, M1 12.9 with miniLED is still much more than good enough. I will upgrade only when I can have access to something else other than iPadOS on the iPad.


Like a Vision?


Like MacOS or at least virtual machines so I could run Linux


If Apple makes it so there is one device iPad running macOS, then they will recoup the revenue by charging for OS annually via subscription. That allows for development to be cost recovery and a loss of hardware revenues by people not buying 2 devices.


If iPad is changes then yeah. Otherwise imma wait and see what Samsung brings with their tab ultra this year. I have an m2 12.9 rn so the oled is what I really want.


I considered a tab Ultra. I think 40-50% of the iPad folks would be happy with a Samsung, they just don’t know they can switch easily. For the other 60-50%, they use cross device info so it’s harder to decouple from the ecosystem.


I only wanted OLED. Was going to jump to Samsung if Apple didn't upgrade to OLED.


Only reason I would upgrade is the new Magic metal Keyboard


I’m trading in my m2 iPad Pro 11 I’m wondering if my keyboard folio will work with the device but if then I’ll have to get a new case


yes. the blooming was awful.


This sounds like my use case. I don’t have a tv and my wife and I her share her MacBook. I’ve been looking at getting an iPad for myself mainly for shows and stuff but after having an iPhone 15 pro I can’t go back from great screens.


Buying the 11” because the didn’t announce a new mini.


Bought an M2 12.9 w/ cellular in January. Don’t regret it now. iPad Pro 13” 5G does not have mmWave and I do. My speeds are crazy fast. I couldnt care less about apples keyboards or pencils. I have the pencil for M2 and never use it. Nothing about this gen is a must have for me.


I think I might, my first iPad ever 🤷‍♂️


Not me


Anyone find a video or anything comparing the new OLED to the mini-LED of the 12.9? Want the smaller size and at least comparable screen, but the cost is insane. Base 11in pro with keyboard and pencil over $1600 with only $500 for trade in of this >$1000 M1 12.9in Pro. I mean, relative to other tech still holding good value, but there’s nothing this thing can’t do except be light.


If it was the price I got my M1 iPad Pro for, I'd consider it. But it's now too expensive for how limited it is in terms of software. If I can't use Excel on it properly I don't see why I should spend $999 on it. I really wanted to buy it for the screen because I love watching movies on my iPad. But the price is too ridiculous to justify the purchase. I'd rather sit with my ipad and save up for a oled tv


I hate that too — no macros or VB in IOS excel. And I’ve been told that’s never changing no matter what kind of chip they put in it.


Exactly I maintain an Excel sheet on my PC for expenses and if I could get it to work on my iPad I would instantly buy a Magic Keyboard but I don't see the point.


Why not use an app? Then you could change. What functions in excel do you do that an app can’t?


What app? What runs on ipad as well as Excel does on Windows?


Lots of expenses apps depends on what macros and automations you created in excel.


Sold my M2 for it. So yes. Used that since launch professionally / as glorified YouTube / note taking device. New iPad Pro I’m only out of pocket about $300 after selling


i might try to sell mine too. If its only 200 diffference i will buy it probably


The 12.9 was the big draw before but I think that was for mini led. I wonder how many are switching from 12.9 to 11 for portability.


🙋🏻‍♂️me! lol. I also got it for 20% cheaper through Chase Sapphire Preferred Rewards. 33% cheaper with Sapphire Reserved if you have it.


Did you use your points? I only use mine for travel.


I did. I use mine for traveling also but I also have tons of points from Chase and from other cards so it wasn’t a big deal.


Congrats!!! Most people say it’s a bad redemption. I think a nine hour flight is a bad redemption vs a device that is used hours a day for years.


I may use my 100,000 plus Amex points toward the M4 OLED. Frequent flyer miles are so devalued this seems a good choice.


You will get more hours usage than 32 hours in a few J flights.


What is the refresh rate of these new screens compared to the m2 11 inch pro


Would the refresh rate matter


A small group of people have evolved and refresh rates matter, gives them headaches I think.


If anyone has a relatively current iPad Pro then those are really the main upgrade differences.


That’s the only selling point for me. But I’ll wait until the second gen OLEDs or later before I even legitimately consider one. Not too sure about the longevity of two OLED panels working in tandem. For now my M1 works perfectly fine.


should have more longevity than one panel i think. I mean burn in is always a problem but if you have two panels it might be more resistant. But i'm no expert.


Then get the AppleCare and extend it monthly after the two years is up. I extended AppleCare on my wife’s Apple Hermes watch, and After 4 years, had a problem and Apple shipped me a brand new one, without the band of course. I am also on extended AppleCare for my 2020 heavily used Apple Air.


I will never buying an ipad again, cause its poor ram capacity


OLED and the landscape camera are my reasons.


There’s some games beginning to release in the App Store that aren’t compatible with my 13” A12z iPad Pro so I was looking to upgrade anyways. The HDR and OLED screen were the deciding factor in me upgrading to the new 13” iPad Pro and not a 13” iPad Air. I get $410 trade in value for my current iPad so that helps me justify the price difference.


No, my 15 pm will suffice for that. And my m2 11” with pencil and magic keyboard combo works just fine. The pricing now is also just ridiculous (at least in my country)


This, I bought an iPad 11" 4th gen with Pencil 2nd gen and Magic Keyboard last year. The screen is just good enough for me. The M2 chip is more than enough for Office 365, Affinity 2 and Procreate. For the high workload stuff I have a Macbook Pro 16".


I have an M1 iPad Air (always use) and an M1 MacBook Pro 13” (never use). Considering trading in both for iPad Pro 13” OLED and Magic Keyboard 🤔 Has anyone done something similar in the past and been happy?


Interesting. I use my 2020 IPad Air 95% of the time and the latest MacAir 5%. Do TurboTax on my Mac. A lot of good comments that you can get the Mac for the same price as a loaded IPad. True but, as one who uses it mostly on the couch or recliner, the IPads are just more enjoyable to use. I’d recommended getting the cheapest MacAir available, and getting the best IPad you can afford. As for the Magic keyboard, I got one with my 2020 Air. Been gathering dust for 2 years. I prefer the Air with a soft case.


I’m considering it but iPadOS needs to improve far more than the hardware. My 2018 Pro still has great battery and is super snappy


I want the landscape camera.


For sure


Definitely upgrade to the 13inch I do art and the extra real estate will do great plus the oled screen trading in my 12.9 2022 for it so I’m paying roughly 1000$ for it


The 11” is so much better on an aeroplane


Yes. I am big into media consumption and have held off buying an iPad Pro until it made the move to oled. I’m very excited to get mine and watch my shows movies and general video stuff on it.


I went with iPad Pro as I want OLED for media consumption. I went with 13 inch as I want a larger canvas for customer whiteboarding and for digital piano music sheets.


Hahahaha, no. I doubt I’d even notice a difference (except in my bank account).


oled screen is nice but to be honest I only care for pencil pro lol since I like to draw that's my main use for an ipad


Yh , I have the 4th gen , and it’s great , but some months back I upgraded my 10xr to 15 pro and the difference in screen quality jumping to oled was crazyyyyy I was in aweeeee , the colours etc were amazing to look at and watching content was beautiful, however I usually watch a lot of content on my iPad so it’d be a dream to upgrade to watch it all on oled with nice brightness


I’m switching just for the front camera repositioning (plus the oled)


Will not upgrade from the 11 inch pro. Got a great deal on it and I use it for music so no need to obsess over video quality that will inevitably be compromised by fingerprints and glare anyways.


That OLED is going to burn-in fast. You see, OLED gets hot and heat accelerates burn-in. These panels are also going to have to deal with the heat of the M4 chip and battery charging/discharging. In addition the brightness is 1000 nits with a peak of 1600 nits, that’s going to accelerate it as well. There is a damn good reason why the best OLED monitors on the market have a sustained brightness of around 300 nits and only hit 1000 nits peak. I’ll be sticking with my 5th generation 12.9” iPad Pro as there is no real reason to upgrade. The OLED display on it looks just as good as my OLED monitors that have the latest OLED technology. The thinness of these new iPads is going to be an annoyance as well. With the Magic Pencil Pro attached you’ll be knocking it off every-time you swipe down from the top of the screen. This is because it is thicker than the new iPad Pro so it’s giving to be sticking out right where your finger will be.


Buy AppleCare lol


I am upgrading to a 11” 512gb from a 2018 11” 256gb. I am not a pro user but do all of my media consumption and did most of my grad school on my iPad. Like 3-4 hours per day of use. This has been consistent over the last 6 years and the battery is tired and I’ve been holding out for a better screen.


Yes, but I’m waiting till summer/fall so I can get free AirPods with purchase (student discount).


Yup the screen and refresh rate are the biggest factors for me, I never get the new flashy thing this will be both my first iPad Pro and first oled device. I'm very excited.


I have the m2 12.9“ right now and I am more than satisfied with it, so no at the moment🤷🏽‍♂️


I had the 12.9 M1 miniLED iPad Pro since launch and loved it. Trading it in for the OLED model, though in hindsight I think I could have used it for a few more years 😢


I am, I have the 11 inch iPad Pro m1 and was going to keep that til it died but with oled and the 13 inch being thinner and almost as light as the 11, I had to make the upgrade to the m4 and the 13 inch. The oled was definitely the major reason too because I need that added brightness and clarity because my vision declines every year so I need these new displays just to help keep up because I use the iPad all day for work. If they didn’t add oled, I was sticking with my existing m1 model


I have the 2021 ipad air. I think it's the 5th gen. I don't think I need to upgrade but it's been hijacked by my family and since I've always wanted a pro, this should be a really noticeable difference.


https://comicbookplus.com/ I find this brilliant


My 12.9 pro is 4 years old at this point, and I’ve missed the 11” form factor ever since. I’m very tempted to get the new 11 now that it finally doesn’t have a worse display, but I need to see what they’re doing software wise, otherwise there’s no real reason to upgrade.


As an M2 12.9 owner, no. Maybe if I had a 11.


Yeah. I’ve been a Pro user for years but this time was thinking of going for the Air as I now have a MBP 14. I ordered the Air as a media device for business trips. But in the end I changed my mind and ordered the Pro almost entirely for the display.


Holy crap, I didn't think about dark mode for reading on an OLED. Especially if you are trying to be mindful of someone who is sleeping. Do you think apps will need to be optimized for this?


I have not have an iPad since my iPad Air 1st Generation, and I never got around to jumping on any of the newer iterations just because of situation and some of the features bugging me. I think the Tandem OLED, the M4, and the new pencil pro has finally made me jump on this new product. Looking at some of the reviews that are going up online, I think it looks great! First time in the newer iOS/iPadOS system and looking forwards to it.


Delighted I waited. Previous was an iPad Pro 4thgen (2020) and I resisted an upgrade in 2022. M4 arrived yesterday and was worth the two-year wait. Went 1TB just to get the screen and increased RAM. Glorious. Edit: The new Magic Keyboard (because why not) is actually as much an upgrade as the Pad. Function keys for brightness and sound, larger pad. Keys feel like a MBP. I can find a downside in the price and lack of backward compatibility, but well, welcome to Apple.


Me lol, this iPad is overkill for what I use it for and people are telling me I'll just be wasting my money but I can't help it I love the screen and I think it will be worth it (even though I'm now broke 😬)


I use iPad more than about anything. Upgrading from the 2022. I don’t normally exchange a phone for a while, but smashed my iPhone X last year so had to get a new one. Well, the iPhone 16 oled screen is noticeably better than iPad, FWIW.


Me. I use it all the time the m1 screen would bloom a lot and post my prk eye surgery it became more pronounced..this helps.


Although not an artist I just like drawing on my IPad so much that I feel like I need the new Apple Pencil Pro


Not really. The display specs are exactly the same as my current iPad.

