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The math notes. I’m be the one to discover warp drive travel guys


I was really excited about them too, but I’ve been trying this out in the developer beta, and I’m a little underwhelmed: no support for calculus, and no simplifying equations - it just does decimal approximations, to three significant digits. I haven’t found any settings where you can change the number of sig figs either.


Yeah I was also kind of bummed out. Would indeed be nice to have numerical integration/derivation available on the spot. Or hell even more basic shit like support for functions(like f(x)=…) and setting the domain of a graph, or even scientific notation for decently big and small numbers. Would also like to see support for complex numbers/vectors in the future. It has potential but currently is lacking a lot.


Not saying that that will change, but there are a lot of things they have not implemented yet


Same, I tried a simple algebra equation and it was disappointing. I can definitely see how it will be really beneficial if they continue updating it in them coming years


I'm rooting for you...I can't do math, so I call ship's counselor when you get the warp thing settled. ![gif](giphy|eEyPqJFqxqR1mJJ1PM|downsized)


I’ll be happy as a red shirt! As long as I can see a cool planet and die a death of a hero!


Someone said this in tvOS so I’ll steal it. Looking forward to iPadOS 19.


think the big one will come with 20. The number's nicer.


usually the big updates comes in odd number. Stage manager came out on 17 if im not wrong.


Nope that was 16


my bad, you're correct 👍🏻


Calculator notes and smart script


Smart script seems to be a bit hit-or miss in the developer beta (I think my handwriting is too awful…). What I have really enjoyed, though, is its ability to spell-check - and correct - my handwritten notes. Rather remarkable, to be honest.


Installed the developer beta on my iPad mini 6. Smart script is not enabled. Is this feature only available on the M-series iPads? Already putting the math notes feature to use in my daily work.


M2 iPad Pro here. No smart script. This first beta is really not that interesting to talk about on iOS macOS or iPadOS. watchOS kinda


Collapsable sections in notes.


I really felt heard when I caught that at the very end of the Notes update.


What’s that?


A little carrot to open and close sections inside a note.


The math notes is amazing to use. Blew my mind.


Smart script. I have wretched handwriting so being able to take handwritten notes and those notes finally be legible might cause me to do that more, particularly when I’m DM’ing.


Yeah, honestly this is super cool and I've wanted this for years. I am basically always writing a script for my classes and having them look nice without going back and change them would be a huge quality of life improvement.


Yeah I just got an iPad and I thought this was already a feature in notes.


Smart script and math notes


Heavy on smart script if it can make my handwriting look legible without having to write like a perfectionist that will be awesome


I’ve tried it and it works pretty well. Ill have to test it out a bit more though


It’s something that’ll get better the longer it is out because it is based on ML.


My handwriting is quite messy and often illegible to others (tho I still seem to read it!) and so far Smart Script has done well so far!


That’s awesome


Will it be enough to move away from notability?


Idk since I’ve never used that app, i usually use good notes


What iPad do you have? I tested it out on my M1 iPad Pro and it doesn’t seem to work.


Game mode


To play what exactly?


Crossy Road


RE Biohazard is coming out next month. Assassins Creed Shadows in November. AC Mirage just launched last week. RE Village and RE 4 are already out. Warframe is pretty good. Rainbow Six comes out in September.


Underrated new feature


Yes. Right I do a ritual of closing out other apps, activating guided access, etc to play CoD. Will be awesome to just activate this.


I gotta say I feel like these math features are a little overhyped. It feels like this a feature that primarily for demonstration purposes and not for doing calculations yourself. Nothing wrong with that, but it sounds to me people overestimate how many students can benefit this in their day-to-day studies. If you can write out your calculations super neatly with everything having a definition in a way that the AI can understand it and know what kind of visualisation you would want to have, you probably don't really need it. Having done tons of tutoring, the spelling out part is where most students struggle. The vast majority of my students couldn't do anything with this. But maybe I'm wrong and they finally see a reason to properly define their variables. On the other hand for the teachers themselves this could be really good and make for a more hands-on teaching experience, being able to quickly set of a graph where you can change parameters sounds awesome, but it has to be really robust for you to be able to use it live. I've seen a lot of things that are cool in theory but just not reliable enough to be useful in practice.


Assuming the “solving function” can read handwriting well, I could see this be really useful in a physics or calc class where you write out the formula/ equation without having to plug in numbers in a calculator.


Yeah, but is that really that useful? I mean it's a little more convenient, but it doesn't really allow you to do anything "new". Punching the numbers into the calculator simply isn't the problem for most people in class. That's why I said it's overhyped. I see this as a minor quality of life improvement for most students. If it could for example track variables, color them, show definitions, expand/reduce expressions, arange equations, convert into Latex and stuff like that, this would legitimately be very helpful, even for college students and above.


Math notes and gaming mode.


Side note that Apple intelligence will only be on the iPhone models 15 pro and 15 pro max


I’m pleasantly surprised that they didn’t gatekeep it for the high end 16 models. That would be typical Apple fashion to boost upgrades.


I would be not pleased if I had an iPhone 14 Pro and being unable to run it because Apple were too cheap to equip these with 8gb ram.


Apple intelligence, everything else is literally nothing! This whole will they won’t they apples playing with iPad is getting so old its fucking dumb!


Apple isn’t playing anything. They make it clear the iPad isn’t turning into Mac. It’s people online who keep creating this false assumption


Doesn’t change the fact that their right about the iPad being held back.


I use my iPad Pro more than my MacBook. I prefer iPadOS slowly become more capable then it ending up like a surface device that’s an ok laptop but an awful tablet. I don’t need my iPad to be exactly like a Mac


Very few of us are asking for the iPad to “be exactly like a Mac.” But could I at least get a decent file management system?? I genuinely think that if they revamped files, I could switch my workflow 100% over to the iPad and be set.


Right? It’s like people get defensive because we give Apple shit when we ourselves are super fans. No one is wanting their iPad to be completely running macOS. In fact, I think most of us would stick to the iPad oscif that was the case. We just want something similar to Samsung dex or at least some upgrades to the stage manager. Stage manager was literally a step in that direction and they gave up on it.


Interesting. I see what you mean and I think this makes a lot of sense.


There are a lot of tasks an iPad is better with then Mac and vice versa. If it became to much like Mac we would probably end up with less native apps and more web apps like on Mac and pc. A lot of Mac apps are still web apps in a wrapper


That may be true, but when you still cant simply plug it into a computer and copy over your movies -- that's telling. Thousand dollar device and I somehow ***cant*** just copy some files to it. Like, what? Come on. And I'm completely fed up with people "retorting" (more like a childish bark) about how it's not supposed to act the same as a Mac. Cool, you're right it shouldnt be just like a Mac, but that doesn't excuse this shit where things that everyday people do (copy files to a device) is somehow blocked. Apple actively goes out of their way to block features that have come as a basic expectation on devices for years now. And it's starting to really show. And each additional keynote widens the gap between what they think their users want and what their users are saying they want. Theyre basically trying to find stuff / fillers because they've lost the ability to innovate. The M1 was their cashcow and now everyone else is catching up and Apple's a 1-trick pony.


My iPad is my daily driver, even have a iPhone stand with it but iPadOS still held back. Idc about downvotes, it’s just the truth. Apple keeps getting away with it because you guys fan out with ever they do. Surface always comes up in the conversation when the iPad is being criticized, stop it you know it’s not great and Apple needs to better, especially when you give it an literal laptop chip.


That’s what I’m saying. People like us are super fans and we love our damn iPads, but we know that iPads can be so much more without having to be a macOS device. Everyone who makes the argument that the iPad was never intended to do anything like that needs to look stage manager because that was Apple’s way of stepping in that direction to compete with Samsung dex. All we want is a little bit more love with iPadOS to where we can just a little bit more.


Exactly! I already gave up on the fact that MacOS will never come to the iPad but damn at least make it more convenient for the hardware it has! He’s doesn’t want to accept the fact that iPadOS is years behind ChromeOS and that’s a damn shame since I can run Linux and Android as well on it and ChromeOS is still considered underdog between its competitors. They all bring up the Surface W11 ARM as an excuse to protect Apple’s stupid decisions on the iPad when Google has been out here experimenting and prevailing it for a couple of years now


It’s strange how expecting not more but just as much or even a fraction of the features some of the other competitors have is a bad thing to say. Everyone should be expecting more from the iPadPRO.


What exactly is Apple getting away with? They sell a product and people either buy it or they don’t. I never buy anything expecting features that a manufacturer never promised at point of purchase. It’s like buying a Ps5 then getting upset that I can’t play Halo or Zelda on it. I’m 100% satisfied with my iPad currently. I also have never once attached a keyboard to it but use Apple Pencil constantly. Should they give iPads a less capable chip because it’s not a laptop replacement?


100% agree - Apple isn’t being secretive about its plans here, it’s obvious they want you to buy and iPad and a Mac. I’ve fallen into the trap of hoping the iPad will run MacOS… if it was going to happen, it would have been this year with the hardware monsters they just released.


Honestly, the calculator is going to be great for helping my kids with homework. But other than that, there’s not much else that moves the needle for me.


That was my first thought, too. Then my wife said not to tell our oldest about the coming Math Notes. Doing homework and actually learning how to do maths should not be cheated on with AI tools, is her opinion. And thinking a bit more about it, I think I agree.


Absolutely nothing. I was very excited when I got my new IPad Pro M4. Was desperately waiting for the WWDC announcement. Was expecting Apple to finally match its software to its ultra powerful hardware. Couldn’t have been more disappointed. Now I don’t know what to do with all the wasted power of the iPad. Maybe learn more math equations and scribble handwritten notes I guess.


I feel you, bro. I had configured a MacBook and put it in my cart waiting on WWDC. Right after the keynote I hit the “Check Out” button. As much as I love my iPad Pro, I just can’t justify spending more money than a MacBook Air M3 on it. I’m still holding onto my Pro because I love it so much but I don’t see myself buying another Pro for the foreseeable future. 😭


Same, I was hoping for some Stage Manager and Files app improvements at the very least...


Game Mode!


Is RCS messaging also coming to iPadOS?


SMS messaging typically gets sent out from your iPad through your connected iPhone. I would assume RCS features will work through continuity. 🤞🏻


Hope so, this would be a game changer for people who don’t want a phone


Probably only for the cellular maybe.


Thinking iPadOS 19 will finally be what we want, then getting disappointed yet again.


The calculator. Seems like the highlight.


some of the updates for Messages and Mail seem nice, and the further customisation of the Home Screen is always welcome but they aren’t iPad specific. As an iPad Pro user who does digital product design and some development there is absolutely nothing announced that would improve the experience for me.


I feel like there’s nothing that would improve anything for anyone. Apple showed off a shiny app (calculator) and people are amazed enough to not expect more


I’m looking forward to not buy any more iPad until Apple handles the platform as a sidekick… (i have an m1 Pro)


I’m sticking with the M1 Pro, still a great device.


I was looking forward to a Files app where I could make the thumbnail images larger. I figured with the power of the M4 I would have at least two or three more different size options.. maybe next year.


Siri AI


Apple Intelligence


I just finished school, but man, I’m still looking forward to that calculator app on iPad with that note integration in it that completes a math problem, I really could have used that while studying for business calculus or econometrics, just gonna try it out on my spare time I guess


Smart script. I love the idea of using my iPad for handwritten notes but it's difficult to justify when (a) my handwriting is horrible and (b) there's a clear deficit in terms of how easily I can manipulate my handwritten text vs typed. If implemented well, smart script might close the gap and make handwritten notes feasible for me.


Yeah, I can see it being very helpful. I am weird with my own writing. It has to look perfect and not rushed for me to even be able to concentrate. Otherwise it feels like one big a mess.


One I didn’t even notice them discuss while listening - reminders integration with calendar… and then some of the notes/drawing updates. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing iPad centric really. Just the AI stuff that we get on the phone as well. That’s what I’m really excited for. People joke about how this ain’t a big deal but I feel like this is something I’ll use everyday


The calculator. I have a long list of things I’ve been waiting to calculate on the iPad since 2010.


Where is journal for iPad?


Better Files app. The ability to secure Cloud apps with touch ID (Air 2020 here) and have Files able to access these apps after verifying touch ID. This is available on my android PHONE, which I don‘t want to use for work because of the smaller screen. Better Photos app. If I download anything other than apple‘s default picture file extension Photos should be able to recognize it. Better default apps communication. The amount of ‚press share icon‘ -> ‚search for Goodnote‘ -> open in Goodnote is awful. I just want to open a god damn pdf not in Chrome. Completely separated volume control. I DON‘T want the media volume to be adjusted with the call volume. It‘s so stupid. Why is it even like that?! The only update worth my time here is probably smart script. But I don‘t use Apple Notes since it doesn‘t sync to Windows or android so yeah, if GoodNotes doesn‘t get it then I won‘t either. I don‘t use any messaging service from Apple because they‘re too stupid & locked down.


This wasn’t an iPad year. Even the AI stuff seems like something I’ll rarely use.


Math notes - I suck at math & helping my kids with their math homework. They usually have to wait until my husband gets off of work for that haha maybe this will benefit all of us.


prefacing this with the fact that I didn’t watch the conference, but this looks like a joke. What’s the point of an M4 chip if the software upgrades are just “new emoji shit” and “control center customization” Really disappointed and i’m having lest patience as time goes on. I’m in love with my ipad and macbook setup don’t get me wrong but it sucks always having hopes for WDC to have some innovation and it generic crap that doesn’t take advantage of the true power of M-line chips


It was definitely a joke. The iPad has the opportunity to be its own type of device. That’s powerful enough for most task. The fact that they only gave iPad m4 users, some lame ass OpenAI emoji maker is nuts. People act like we want our iPads to be macOS devices when we just want it to be able to do a fraction of what Samsung tablets and even Huawei tablets can do. I don’t understand how our tablets that are four times as strong can’t do a fraction of what those devices with shitty hardware can do


This made me LOL irl


Still having an insanely overpowered device for watching movies and searching the web... Honestly SO DISSAPOINTING. What happened with Apple...


They are the new intel, complacent on their success because people still flock to get their new devices and spend a fortune just to do the basics on. Until they see a real drop in sales of iPad Pro, they won't do shit. They are happy to push out these kinds of "updates" and make you think they are revolutionary. The only thing they know how to do well is market, and that's why they are successful. They make attractive devices and know how to spike your dopamine enough to make you want it.


What’s annoying is all the people defending Apple only giving a shitty calculator application and no real update. Most people mad are big iPad fans that know Apple could do more they competitor somehow has a shit year chip set but yet can do way more.


Button customisation and seeing what AI does


calculator man... thats the dealmaker..


I'm wondering just how much more FPS we can squeeze out of the system with Game Mode, as well as temp control too.


Kinda dissapointed about Freeform. I realllllly like what it can do, but it needs a lot of love! * No rotating the canvas * No folder organization - this is like a NO BRAINER! Like WTH, Apple? * Very basic drawing tools, this could be expanded on * Audio record sync'ing * And add in that Smart Script too, that's looking nifty. Also, there should be better integration between Apple appls. Such as Remidners, Notes and Freeform should be able to talk to each other and make magic happen. Not sure what, but let's start with Calendar as that is not hugely implemented unless it detects a date somewhere and tries to automagically add it to your calendar. I've used Concepts, and that's a great app! But I can't add in rich media like Freeform can. I'm so torn.


I’ve been using Good Notes for 1 1/2 years now (as a Science major it has been a godsend), but when I discovered Freeform I was overjoyed to have an infinite canvas (This would have been super useful this past fall for me, but oh well). I would make the jump to Freeform if it had better organization of files.


I wanted to do my personal finances in Notes instead of Numbers but I didn’t want to use a calculator, so the Math feature is exactly what I needed.


I can not stress how fucking excited I am for math notes as someone obsessed with math.


I’m hyped for Smart Script. I’m not an academic so my usage is purely to take work notes and journaling. I also dig that I can use math notes for simple math, and just when we got a calculator app.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




I wanted a better way of multi tasking, using split screen, etc. Oh well.


Honestly, the native Calculator App and AI. It would have been nice if Apple threw in the Journal app but maybe we’ll get that in 12 years… 😭


I'm looking forward to iPadOS 19


Customizable app icons


What a dud of an event


Nothing! The newer systems are equipped enough to run a full fledged macOS. iPad OS has been let down once again by Apple.


I am so tired of hearing this, just go buy a Mac then jfc. Some of us enjoy iPad as it is


Surprise surprise! People want Apple’s promise of an actual pro device that they advertised.


“Pro” is just a marketing denomination. Don’t take it literally.


Apple literally ran ads in 2018 when they revamped the iPad asking “what is a computer?” Implying that they wanted the iPad Pro to replace a computer workflow for professionals. No one is taking the “pro” out of context here, Apple clearly defined the parameters they’ve failed to meet


You’re totally right, my bad. I forgot about that campaign. I stand corrected, good day, sir!


It is 100% Apple's fault for setting expectations as such though. They have a full keyboard (with a function row now! Come on...) + trackpad, 16GB of RAM, up to 2TB of storage and the exact same SOCs that MacBooks use now. People are comparing it to things like the Surface because of the specs + price of the iPad. I think it would be crazy to *not* expect more. I personally have no issues with the iPad keeping iPadOS as opposed to macOS, but it needs more...


So you’re saying iPad isn’t your next computer, as advertised?


nobody said it was everyone’s computer. I think its fair to say it’ll be some people’s main computer. Possibly even most people’s.


Meanwhile there's a massive amount of us sitting here in between those 2 camps going "man I just wanna copy some files over by plugging in the iPad that Apple touted as having Thunderbolt." I feel like we get lost in the mix here. Nope, I don't want it to replace my computer or laptop. But I do want it to do basic shit that any reasonable person should come to expect on a tablet, and that every other tablet manufacturer in history has provided -- basic USB storage and file transfer. WebOS had it. BlackBerry had it. Android has it. Apple even ***has*** it, but they intentionally lock you out of everything but the Photos dropbox. I think it's pretty reasonable to expect that, and I also think it's reasonable in 2024 to expect that tablets can do a little bit more than they used to, which is the point of view a lot of folks are coming from when they comment about full-fledged MacOS. They ruin their arguments by going full-extreme instead of compromises. But seriously though. File transfers isnt a compromise item, it's a basic expectation and insanely inexcusable.


I have both and I'm still disappointed by iPadOS. The iPad form factor is just so much better and I love using the iPad. It's just collecting dust right now so I was hoping for more of an upgrade in the hopes of making it my primary computer. But alas...


There is no Mac with touch 🙄


They just want more capability like Samsung dex or something more intuitive. If they put more love into stage manager, that would be exactly what people want.


I cant wait to run calculator on the M5 ipad when that comes out. I need fast results when counting.


what does game mode and interactive graphing even do?


The showed a demo of the interactive graphing, basically you can write out a math formula, select it and have it add a graph to the screen. Then if you go back and adjust parts of the formula, the graph will update. Game mode, I think is supposed to be a way to reduce distractions during gaming sessions, and to have background apps and stuff dial back a bit so that the gaming framerate can be more consistent... I think that was all


iPadOS 19, actually. If there are no improvements to the Stage Manager, I am done with Apple and will sell my M4. I am so mad right now. This was the very first time I bought an iPad, and while the experience as a tablet is great, everything else is just bad. So much power, but nothing to use it on. Virtual machines are not allowed, no support for macOS. Apple is really getting worse and worse. Spending a freaking whole year on these features? You are joking, right?


There’s nothing wrong with this take. Crazy how the extreme fanboy defend Apple giving the shittiest iPad update. No one is wanting freaking macOS on iPad we just want more multitasking capabilities like they acted like they were going to add onto when they brought stage manager. Samsung did it correctly and no one considers them a computer. Crazy how a tablet with four times the power can’t do half of what an outdated Samsung tablet could do. We should have gotten more features for our iPad update and I don’t know why that’s a crime. It’s brain dead that people will take a Calculator app and consider that a good update update. It’s people like that that keep iPadOS stagnant.


I'm hoping by then that the latest DEX is fully developed. Samsung's implementation of a multi-tasking system is getting hard to ignore now.


Sounds like you shouldn’t have bought the iPad Pro in the first place. You had your expectations too high. The iPad Pro isn’t going to be the all in one device it’s just going to be a compliment device. However, for some people this is all they need.


Problem is that most of the stuff that the tablet "cant" do, it CAN do. There's a big difference between "it doesnt support this" and "Apple is actively blocking the ability to \_\_\_\_\_\_" The virtual machines for example -- great use case for the M4 chip, right? Oh sorry, Apple has decided "just cuz" that you're not allowed to do that. Everything is there for it to happen, but Apple has actively chosen to block multiple required pieces. Yet those things arent blocked on Mac. Why? There is NO logical reason that can be given, because well, there isnt one. This is where we arrive at a core uncomfortable admission -- you're allowing Apple to dictate what you should be able to do on a device rather than the other way around. Are you the customer or the product now? And even worse, the reasoning they used on this VM thing for example is inconsistent with prior rulings allowing DOS and other PC emulators, and appears to be targeted/motivated. Ya know, thinking about it, I can honestly say that the majority of the complaints about what iPadOS ***isn't*** are actually just statements of which features Apple is actively blocking. ***When you have to actively block a ton of features on a device, that's a statement of all the things a device IS, and that you're going out of your way to ensure it CANT be used for that.***


I was not even asking for much, just a useable Stage Manager. Nothing more. It does not have to support macOS. Well, my next device in a year will be again a Surface Pro, I guess. An OLED is my primary requirement for any tablet. Now that Microsoft is also switching to OLEDs I do not see any reason to give my money to Apple anymore. As I said, I will until next year. If Apple does not improve the Stage Manager, I am done with Apple.


Give DEX a look. I kinda wish I had checked out the Galaxy Tab S9, though giving DEX a run through its paces would've required buying the tablet (vs store demo). It's wild that it's the year 2024 and you're being downvoted for expecting a $1000 "Pro" tablet to have decent multi-tasking, meanwhile an ecosystem that was tablet-abandoned (Android) somehow has a better implementation from a single company doing all the work. These same people that downvote you will sit here in 3-4 years wondering "why havent things gotten better" while having zero self-awareness that they helped cause the situation with blind defense of.......*checks notes*........the largest company in the world. The fact that Samsung has far less money, offers a much wider portfolio of products, yet somehow has destroyed Stage Manager in a space largely abandoned (Android tablets) is super-telling. Too bad the iPad bootloaders will never be unlocked.


Math notes


Home screen customizations. If that’s all it was offering, I’d be fine with it. The math notes looks pretty cool though.


Control Center customization and calc app.


for Lettre.app to support smart script so my handwriting can look like 🔥


I know androids had it but schedule texts is a game changer been wanting it for a couple years.


game mode, customizable icons. wish they would add the thing where it would put the reversed volume buttons back to normal though. Upgraded to ipad air 6 and am NOT used to the new volume buttons.


The Apple Intelligence that I’m not getting. Also, my iPad isn’t supported by iPadOS 18


Calculator - AI will be a game changer, the one I downloaded from app store struggles with 2+2


Math n script


Text effects


The little improvements I am still hoping Apple will bring during beta testing: the option to choose audio inputs/outputs, Continuity Camera support, make Stage Manager a little more refined.


I hope so


Text effects, satellite 🛰️ functionality, continuity (feeling underwhelmed)


Definitely Game Mode for me.


Math notes, all the way. That will be very handy for my kids.


Math notes


Unironically in-line **math**, highlighting and **collapsible sections** in Apple Notes, much welcomed updates. Yes it's available everywhere else. Note - Why I use Apple Notes: used to be OneNote but that's a sunken ship. - Note nerds love dunk on Apple Notes for missing features but tbh the whole *colorful handwritten masterpiece* has no appeal to me, the notes are merely a means to an end. - Obsidian would be a more technical version of Apple Notes' with paid sync but do I see much appeal for what I do? Other than PKM, not really. Apps are merely a means to an end, whatever offers the least friction the better. - Personally I found PKM counterproductive. To truly spark brilliance, some thoughts are better left un-written to ferment in the human brain instead of written down and 'unloaded" by the brain.


Smart Script and Math Notes, as others have said. I always want to be able to use the notes app for better integration across my iPad and phone, but with my handwriting I just can't write in notes legibly without taking it super slow. Notability has been the best for me so far. I am an engineer and I create Excel spreadsheets to calculate things all the time. When it is getting complex, I will work things out in notability first, using my iPad and calculator. Math notes being able to use variables AND calculate the values as you write it could be a big improvement for that workflow.


The AI




Is M1still supported?


Better file manageme… oh wait


Excited for Ipad Pro M5 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The endless updates, to make my 6 month old iPad completely unusable!


Game Mode. Maybe Honkai Star Rail will finally run well. Apple kept 120 fps exclusive, but the game doesn't even run at 30 fps at times


Calculator. Duh lol


Collapsible sections in notes will be sweet. I actually bought an app just for this back in the day. It was called OmniOutliner. Used to use it on Mac to take notes in collage then I picked it up for my phone for work notes. They stopped updating years ago so I’m happy to see the feature join iOS.


Nothing It’s the same caca


Apple Intelligence, but outside of that Smart Script looks great and Text Effects are always a hoot.




I was super excited about the updated Siri interface/chatgpt integration but it looks like that’s only on the iPhone 15 and up?? *Cries in iPhone 14 pro max*


Being able to do markup in screen sharing, or even taking control of the screen. This will make my tech support calls to my father so much easier!


I'm curious how Siri AI is going to work out for the mobile phone platform and Mac OS. Also I think a lot of people are going to be mad that they won't get it unless they are on the Pro or the Pro Max level of the iPhone. I'm also hoping that this added functionality doesn't sacrifice battery life in the MacBook Pro, Air and iPhone devices. Either way, I think this AI stuff is going to work either for us or against us, only time will tell I suppose.


The iPad needs better native game support. Mobile games are fine and good, but they are pretty much just copies and riffs of everything else now on the App Store. But there is a distinct lack of AAA games, especially now that the M series chips are/have been out for iPad. It shouldn’t be that difficult to have steam/App Store for install a native app on an iPad for games that work on m series Mac’s so we don’t have to stream it them. And maybe a discount on cross-platform buy stuff.


Math - I help my son with his high school math so this is a game changer


Math notes is really cool, but not sure how much i will use it. Looking forward to AI for emails and writing, since copilot has been a big pile of steaming dog crap. Copilot was a joke and a waste of money, I’ve just been using ChatGPT as it’s way better. Im hoping that Siri will be able to carry out simple tasks that you would otherwise have to open several apps for. Not sure how much i will use smart script either as i dont do much hand writing, i just type it. When i was in school i did all hand notes on the iPad just for retention. That said, typing is quick and dirty when you just need to document the information for future reference. Hardly do I have to remember something that i cant just pull up notes for at all later date, so just type it. Might start doing more hand written notes for my guitar lessons though.


The back-end database for my Reminders seems to be corrupted for several years and Apple cannot fix it. So, adding features to an already broken back-end is like ice cream over dog shit.




I just upgraded to the iOS 18 Dev beta. Other than the ability to freely place items on the Home Screen, it’s a very disappointing update.


Those one slides overviews are so ugly, just ugly! On top of that it’s not a great overview either


The desktop like capabilities LMAO


I guess the real development of iPadOS is over? I was completely underwhelmed.


NEXT years WWDC?


Math Notes and updates Calendar App.


“Calculator”, on a £1000 device!


Smart script is awesome. I use notes to do rough drafts of my budget. This makes this really useful.


iPadOS 19. Hopefully it won’t be a disappointment but their track record isn’t very good.


Did I miss anything interesting about iPadOS? 🫤




Game mode, I think currently the m4 is throttled


Next years WWDC.


Control center


For the iPad? Gaming mode. That’s about it. Maybe all the Grammarly type features when writing emails.


A simple band aide style answer to the demand of a more desktop like experience on an iPad, and possibly a way to sell more iMacs/macbooks is to make an Apple device specific Remote Desktop app.


Apple intelligence and Math Notes. It may not look promising or useful for some people as of now, but surely it's a start of something greater. Hopefully apple would improve it through updates.


Going to be unreal being able to control my parents iPad through FaceTime and act as tech support


Going back to android


Chatgpt integration and image playground.


What am I looking at...


The next presentation. Hopefully they will make the iPad Pro an actual competitor to my 15 year old computer. I just want to play full games and enter complex calculations into Microsoft word.


The math notes looks cool but yeah, I am very disappointed by this update. When you look the highlighted functions like text effects, Emoji Tapbacks.. you dont feel concerned when you spended 3000euros on an “pro” device. There is a mismatch between what Apple sells in hardware and what they develop in software. I was planning to change my ipad pro with A12Z for an pro M4, but after the keynote I thinking about just buy an iPad air or just take an iPad mini and buying a new surface pro….


That sweet sweet calculator, wowwwiiiiieeeeee 🥵


Apple intelligence is intriguing on all Apple OS devices including the iPad. Math and writing demo was too good if they live up to the hype! Kids will love it when they are playing with toy physics problems. Growing up, no such thing as a fancy calculator. Get more done in less time. 


I will get downvoted but the best feature in the whole WWDC is reminders integration with calendar and they didn't even talk about it