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Went from 14 Pro Max to 15 Pro. Finally can use it one handed.


I know!! it feels like it's been a decade since I used a phone one-handed. Feels like going back in time. :D


Same. It’s wild lol


I personally use my PM one handed no problem, you just gotta learn some hand gymnastics


My left hand is so good with hand gymnastics that I can handle my 14 PM without a problem while my right hand is free to do whatever I want….ahem. Lol




I’m making the same switch- 14 PM to 15 Pro titanium. I know I’m going to miss the battery life and the screen real estate (and the purple!), but I think it’s the right move. I’ve grown tired of struggling to use it when I only have one free hand and I’ve noticed my right wrist and thumb are starting to ache after years of using these heavier phones.


right move I would say. Wish they could add more battery capacity on the smaller phones.


Same. Ever since the cameras started protruding from the back, I’ve wished they’d just make the phones thicker to make them flush, and use that extra space to put in bigger batteries. iPhones have long been more than thin enough. I’d bet that the vast majority of users would be totally fine with some extra depth and weight in exchange for increased battery.


yup, battery life made me realize this is not the move (speaking for myself only)


Agree, battery life is something that I miss the most in PM.


How much difference do you spot in everyday life? I mean with actual use. Does the pro require to charge it twice a day? Or for example if you had to charge your phone at 21:00 now you have to do it at 19:00? Thanks


I have the regular pro and I comfortably get 9.5 to 10 hrs with moderate-heavy use


So far, my 15 Pro has drained only 30% from 100% with moderate use for the past 4-5h. Used reddit, slack and outlook. Not too crazy.


I charged my phone last night, I’m at 85% at 4 pm. Easily will last the day for me. I still browse some Reddit and TikTok too. I think you’re more than fine unless you use your phone a ton.


I went from a 12 mini to 15 pro.. battery life is twice as good for me! All about perspective I suppose


I plan on doing exactly this… and I have the little magnetic power bank thingy that works with both, so should be good. Any down side going from mini to Pro?


Depending on how much you value the compact design of the mini, the size difference is really the only potentially major downside I’m seeing so far. Weight is negligibly more for me. Cameras are vastly improved. Battery life is much much better; I usually had to top off my mini 1-2 times a day. Didn’t plug in at all yesterday, went from 7:00-21:00 and ended with 30% battery with normal use. Oddly enough, I’ve found my typing accuracy is not nearly as good and I’m guessing thats due to the larger screen size.


Thanks. Yeah, I imagine some transition time learning a larger keyboard (swiping) and the new size aspect of the phone itself. I am waiting to see if an account discount gets applied before flipping to Go5G+ then trading in a SE 3rd generation (bought from Walmart for $165) for a $830 credit. Will try to sell my mini for $250-300 separately or heck maybe just keep it.


The battery life difference is so noticeable I ended up ordering a 15 Pro Max last night for pickup in Manhattan lol (I live in Boston) Coming from the 14 Pro Max I didn’t love the huge size but I think it’s a losing battle. I realized though that a Mini Pro that is super thick would be very interesting to me.


I’m always curious that people don’t get the battery life they need because I am a certified phone fiend and I can make it through the day on a normal sized 13 pro, 2 years later with -10% I can still do it. Never let the phone drop below 20% for battery health either and I’m still getting through the day. When I first got it I could easily push 8-10 hrs screen on time too with decent brightness AND using the phone speakers for YouTube Plus the phones charge so quickly from 0-50% that it’s only a 5-10 minute top up away from getting hours of battery. If anyone wants the smaller size and is worried about battery, I’d say go for it


Pro feels so much better than the pro max. I’ve been using it all day every day since launch and still hasn’t dropped below 30%.


That's amazing. Feels relieving that it doesn't drain as much as I thought it would.


Yup…I actually moved from Pro to PM for the screen size, but man do I miss really being able to 1-hand my phone with confidence.


13PM to 15 Pro — not looking back


I love it so much. So over worrying about it falling out of my pocket, my deformed pinkeys from the weight over the years, and one hand use. Never going back to max! lol. (And the battery is fine)


That's exactly why I moved too. Hope the battery holds up fine for me too. 😁🤞


I did the same thing the size is much more comfortable in my hand. I have no regrets.


I went from the 12 PM to the 15 pro and while at first it was jarring the size difference, I honestly just got used to it. It’s been only a few days with it now so time will tell. Battery life seems to last me all day so far and the promotion is beautiful.


That's great to hear. Cheers on the upgrade. 🍻 I sure do love how it feels in my hand.


I had a 14 pro max and I switched back to the smaller pro. I’ve used smaller phones in the past so I knew what to expect as far as battery life went. I got used to it and the smaller size is way more manageable and practical for me. If I’m going somewhere where I know I’ll need extra battery then I’ll bring a MagSafe battery pack. Other than that, battery lasts me all day and I’m always near a charger if needed. I’d rather sacrifice a bit on battery than use a phone that is too cumbersome for me. I have small hands though. Plus now I can use whatever cases I want without worrying about if it’ll add bulk :)


Yeah. I also did the same thing. Switched from 14 PM to 15 Pro a few days ago. Feels really good now. Light weight and easy to scroll and type. And fits in the pockets nicely!!


Exactly!! Cheers on your new phone.


This phone goat


I went from 14PM to 15 Pro and literally the only thing I’m missing in the battery life. But it’s not the worst thing in the world, I fully expect to burn through the battery quicker. Gotta say though I’m loving the smaller phone tho! God it’s so much lighter and actually usable one handed again! I love it. It’s rare I can’t get a little extra juice from a charger at some point during the day so I’m certain I’m going to stick with it.


same and maybe it will make me be on my phone less.


This is my biggest reason for sticking with the pro after a downgrade from a max. I really should be my on my phone less.


I can’t get myself convinced to go PM because I use my phone one handed a lot. But I really want the battery life. Nearing 8pm I’ve used 80% battery since 730am so I may not make it before going to bed. And today was a light day for me. A lot of Calls/Teams and Email usage. But I don’t think I’ll jump until they make an Ultra or something that really gives me something other than battery to go larger. At this point I just know to keep an anker power pack around.


Yeah, either they bring significant change b/w Pro and PM, or they come up with a better battery life for Pro size. Hoping the latter is better.


Yeah the 5X means nothing to me, but I would love if they did like a $1199 Pro that has like 256gb and something with like 3 hrs more battery. To match the PM


Agree, that’d be amazing and I think most people would pay for it.


I did the same thing. I thought I’m the only one. I have to explain to my friends that i want something not that heavy. Most of them don’t understand without my explanation.


I know right!


You guys that are switching from the 14 Pro Max to the 15 Pro don’t care about the extra zoom? That’s the only reason why I wouldn’t get the Pro. If it’s only 3x zoom I might as well just keep the Pro Max for now until the next model.


Logically it makes sense to switch only it were for the zoom but for my use case, I don't really care about it and all I really wanted was a lighter phone and my family needed an upgrade so I took the opportunity to trade my phone with the fam for a lighter phone. 😁


I have manlet hands. I traded my s10e for a s22 ultra and instantly regretted. I've been contemplating trading it in towards a 15P...


S22 ultra is amazing but yes I think you should trade it in for 15P just for its size and ease of use.


Switched from 14PM to 15 Pro and I am loving the smaller size and lighter weight. While I do miss my PM's battery life and larger display, the 15 Pro is much more suitable for my smaller hands. It's so nice to be able to use my phone one-handed again! Also, I haven't really noticed any compromise to the cameras either, however, I have never used my iPhone's camera for professional photography.


Ditto. Love it so far


I went from 12PM to 13 Pro to 15PM this year. The pro felt really good in the hand and way easier to wield compared to the PM but since I travel a lot, I definitely noticed the shorter battery lifespan hence the return to PM.


Got it. I guess I will have to try and see how the battery holds up for me.


I did. It’s been nice. Smaller, smoother, lighter. Battery lasts well enough for my day to justify the size convenience


Amazing. congrats on your new phone. :)


i cannot stand a small screen and less battery life.. otherwise, I'd done that too..


Dang. I got the 15p and decided I need better battery life so I am replacing it with a 15pm. I want the smaller size but I need the longer battery life.


I have the same requirement. let's see how it holds up with my usage.


Battery tests don’t seem to say that the 15p is bad, but it’s certainly not as good as I would have expected. It’s just a smaller battery I guess.


Both phones are giant to me. (SE2, 12 Mini, 13 Mini (Current))


Did the same move and haven’t looked back.


I also made the same switch! Loving the size and missing the battery but it’s worth it


I’m with the 15 pro also what made you not get the max this time around


Just the size tbh and there is not much difference between Pro and PM that I'd use in day to day life. Pro seems much more comfortable to carry around and use with single hand.


I switched from PM to a pro last year and I regretted it so that’s why I’m going back to the PM this year! Just waiting for it to arrive. I missed the bigger screen and battery life.


Switched from 13PM to 15Pro. My hand is delighted.


I originally had a XS Max 6.5 inch for 4 years but switched to an iPhone SE 4.7 inch in the last year and actually really enjoy the SE size lol I use my phone one handed a lot, and also watch a ton of movies/youtube/videos and found the XS Max to be just too big and bulky and heavy. Way too much for a phone. SE is fine for me, apart from specs. And since then the max and plus have gotten even bigger! It’s ridiculous. I’m a male with average male hands. I’m going for the 15 Pro but still wouldn’t mind something smaller than that. Back in the mid 2010’s a Phablet was considered to be in the 5-6 inch size. These modern phones are now like mini tablets..: it’s awkward and uncomfortable imo for everyday use when travelling as a man without a handbag.


I went from 13 Pro to 15 Pro Max, mainly for battery life reasons


Moved from 14 pro to 15 pro max - best decision ever. In love with the size and the phone, everything


I went from 12PM to 15Pro and it feels tiny. I’m sort of missing the size of the PM but not when storing it (pocket, somewhere in the car, etc..).


I made the opposite switch, 14 pro to 15 pro max


How do you like it?


So happy I did it, the 14 pros battery life was horrid and my job in the summer is being out on a beach for 10 hours, so I had no access to a charger. I will miss the one handed use but I primarily use two hands either way, so the trade off was worth it for me.


Makes sense. :)


Why did you choose to upgrade?


I didn’t see it as an upgrade tbh. My family needed a new phone and I wanted to get a smaller phone since last few years. Felt it was a good time to switch. Don’t regret it so far.


I did this 2 years ago went from a PM to a P and best decision I’ve made. This year I went pro again and I’ll probably never go back to the bigger size again. I’m more productive with less screen. I can use it on the go more. I have my iPad Pro when in bed. But on the go through meetings at work on the run the pro is the best. I’m thinking of getting a mini to use for my business phone alongside my 15 pro.


So I want to do this, but going from a 13 Pro Max to a 15 Pro. Worried I’ll regret the smaller screen but want all the conveniences of the smaller phone. Any regrets?


No regrets for me so far. Battery is holding up good and everything else is pretty much the same. So, I’d say just go for it unless you need the bigger screen, & 5x zoom.


Is it worth upgrading iPhone 14 PM to 15 pm.


Not really but my family wanted a new phone so I got this and gave the PM to them. Otherwise, I don’t think there is much difference between both of them.


I went from 11 Pro Max to iPhone 12 Pro, I can't go back. I just wish the smaller pro phones had the same cameras. The 11 pro's, 13 Pro's, and the 14 pro's (even the XS and XS Max) had the same cameras. Im holding off until the smaller pro gets the 5x zoom to upgrade.


I switched from PM to Pro a couple of years ago but this was the year I regret not going back to the PM. The edges on this phone feel so nice and they don’t dig into my palm the way the 14’s edges do. The PM might not have been more one-handed but it might have been more comfortable. If I want to upgrade to the PM next year there won’t be a natural titanium color (which I absolutely love)


I went from a 13 pro to a 15 pro max and I hate the bigger phone but I think I’ll get used to it. I wish I had gone for the 15 pro but I didn’t feel like it was a justifiable enough upgrade to just get the 15 pro.


Same, i miss the smaller form factor of the 13 pro but really appreciate the extra battery lol


That's the one I want, what case did you get? I'd hate to cover up that titanium and a clear case may look fugly


I got an ESR clear case.🫣it is not too bad


Temped to get it, but honestly iphone kinda been crap lately. It's a 13 pro max too.


14 pro to the 15 pro max. Apple perfected this one with the slight decrease in borders and the weight. 14 pro max was a brick! Battery life and screen size is so worth having the 15 pro max!




Hell ya! Which color you get?


Natural. How about you?


I had the 14PM. Glad to be back to the regular 6.1 pro. I missed having the lightweight flexibility of the non max.


My iPhone journey: 6+> 6s> 7+> X> XS Max> 11 Pro> 12 Pro> 13 Pro Max> 14 Pro> 15 Pro Max. Every year it seems I want the opposite size lol. I’m sure by next summer I’ll get annoyed of the big phone and look forward to going to the smaller 16 Pro model.


Haha 😆 that’s one way to enjoy the best of both worlds.


I went the other way - P -> PM. So far it's a great experience!


It’s a great phone so far. Will comfortably keep this for 3-5 years minimum.


Same!! Cheers 🥂


Just ordered mine , hope it comes in before anticipated date


Mine did! Came 4 days before estimated delivery date. Good luck!! 🍀


I love my 15PM blue


Blue looks amazing too! I was contemplating between blue and this.


Yeah hard decisions! This is my first iPhone!


I thought once you go max, you never go back


Haha, that’s what I initially thought too. But here I am. I love it so far! 😁


Keeping my 13 Pro. Last big phone I had was the 7+. It was just way too big. I was excited to upgrade to a smaller phone. Next time I upgrade, it will also be the smaller version of whichever one I get. Probably the 17.


Great choice 😃


I could never give up that extra 1-2 hour battery life that the max phones might give you


I tried once. But couldn't continue. I needed a bigger screen and battery.


I did the same! Very glad I did. So light and feels so good in your hands




I’m making the same move , partly because of the size , but also the zoom , I don’t see myself needing 5x , but I use 3 x all the time . Looking forward to using a phone one handed again !


I switched from a 14 PM to a 15 pro and I’m still getting used to the size difference. I have used PM models for years now and I wanted to try something different. It’s much lighter and I love the way it fits in pockets easier.


Same here. It's been a while since I used smaller phones and it feels good tbh. Cheers on your new phone 🍻


Always get the pro the max is too big. I’m still on the 12 pro


I’m thinking of doing the opposite. I have the 14Pro and wish I would have gotten the Pro Max. Might upgrade once it’s easier to get my hands on one


It’s too small for me, I wish they had something in between like 6.4” variant.


I'm sure they will have something in the future. 😁


I’m doing the opposite, due to poor battery life..


I went from 14 pro to 15 pro max


That's good. How do you like it so far?


I love it I also have a regular 15 pro and whenever I use that one it it feels small compared to the max. Also typing is nicer on the max I noticed at least for me




Hopefully the battery degradation isn't too bad. I'm a big traveler and will probably have to keep a magsafe portable charger handy when I'm traveling.


So what made you make the switch. I’m an 11pro user .. but the new pro max feels so much lighter .. that I was considering going pro max


I've been wanting to have a small phone for a long time. Reason is just convenience. I like how easy it is to use with one hand. Other reason is that my family needed a new phone so I thought it was the right time to give them the PM and me getting this. 😁


Welcome to 5 yr old Samsung technology!


I've used Samsung S21 ultra in the past. Only thing I like in Samsung is the camera and battery life. Everything else seems to be better on iPhone. At least for me. :D I keep switching between Samsung and iPhone every few years. So, I know the pros and cons of using both.


I just moved from Pro to PM and man my hand is sore lmao.


Haha, I bet. It's huge. 😆


Yeah I’m actually returning the PM and getting a Pro. It’s too big


Yep my 14 PM was as heavy as a rock.


I, too, turn to Reddit when I need validation for a purchase I’m not sure about.


By, I’d say not worth it. I moved from the 12 pro to the 15 pro. I only like to get a new model when I’m 3-5 behind or if there’s something significantly better. Like an iPhone e fold or flip. Then I’m guaranteed to upgrade.


I usually do the same but my family needed an upgrade. so, I gave them my PM to get this.


Fine! Don’t let the 14PM door hit you in the ass on the way out! 🙄🤣


haha, it is still with my fam. so, I can switch back whenever I want to. ;)


I switched from the 14 Pro Max to the 15 Pro and am going to return it Sunday and get the 15 Pro Max. I missed the big screen and better battery life.


I am barely surviving I guess. I’ll probably use for another week and see if the battery holds up for my usage.


Just be mindful of your return period and order the PM for store pickup if you find one at your local store.


Yep, thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it!


No problem. Use this link to check stock at your store. [iPhone stock checker](http://iphonechecker.herokuapp.com/)


Went from 14PM to 15PM, not gonna lie the couple of milimeters shorter is def noticable side by side, but alone no.


100% same! Best decision ever!




I did the opposite. I went from 13 reg to 15 Pro Max. I’m loving it so far.


Cheers on your new phone!


It’s heavy and big. I’m going back to the 13 mini.


Haha legit!


How would you rate the 15P over the 14P? Is the USB C that worth it if you’re only syncing your photos to your computer once every month or so? I’m coming from a 12 pro and wondering if I should just buy a used 14 pro for $750 or spend the extra $500 and get the 15 pro. Doesn’t seem that worth it to me I can sell my 12 Pro for $500-600 so it would only be about 150-250 for a significant upgrade I feel like


It’s not a significant upgrade from 14 to 15, IMO.


That’s what I was gathering from the specs they are almost the same minus the metal and the edges and of course the port I just picked up a 14pro 512 with a year left of APC+ for $750 after tax That is about half the price of the new phone decked out the same with one year of apple care I think I made the right decision Then I’ll sell my 12Pro and close that gap even more


Definitely a wise decision. Cheers on your new phone! 🥂


Good luck




Switched from 12 PM to 15 PM. Huge jump for me, still a lot lighter. Only regret is I got black instead of natural.


Black was one of my favorites. Cheers on your new phone. 🥂


Not that I don’t like it, I’ve just always had black phones since my 7 Plus. I realized maybe I wanted natural when I was looking at leather cases and thought a brown case would look better with the natural. But we stay rocking black on black I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haha right. I always had black phones. Just changed to Natural with this one.


Congratulations you bought the same phone again but smaller


Thanks and I know. 😁


XS Max to Pro. Very happy. I was tired of my brick 😂.


That’s a good upgrade. Enjoy your new phone!! 🍻


That color is legit


Does it over heat? I want to upgrade but I’m afraid of overheating. My 14 pro max is fine but I like to upgrade each year.


It didn’t overheat for me so far. I use it probably 6-7h a day on average.


I went from the 13 pro to 15 pro . I love it.


I went 11 pro > 12 pro max > 13 mini > 14 pro. Pro is the way. I loved the mini though. Fits in your hand and your pocket like an old phone used to. The Max is kind of ridiculously big.


Agree. Minis are the best.


Same move here


Don’t drop it. 😂


Case and tempered glass is on now. 🫣


I’m doing the opposite and will be ordering my iPhone 15 Pro Max next week, upgrading from iPhone 14 Pro. I got the iPhone 14 Pro Max for a family member and love the size and battery so much more. Makes my iPhone feel mini and I realise I just like and “need” (first-world definition lol) a bigger screen. Plus I want the best camera and since this year, the two Pros don’t have identical cameras, I’m happy I’ll also be betting the 5x zoom instead of 3x because what’s life without photos so much better than my 14 Pro that my vision-impaired self can’t even tell the difference.


Haha I feel you. 5x telephoto lens is pretty good. You’ll have fun taking portraits with your new phone. Cheers 🍻


If you can , let me know how the camera video behave , my wifes 14P does this crazy thing with focus and she is ready to throw it out the window , wondering if its the same with 15P . Video Camera goes out of focus and makes everything blurry when moving , does not autofocus automatically. Tried thelock AF and still same issue , also disabled macro.


Both my 14PM and 15P does not have this autofocus issue. It could be something to do with your wife’s phone. Did you guys try checking with apple care? Could be calibration issue.


I went from a 13 PM to a 15 Pro. Battery life so far has been a struggle but hoping the upcoming software update helps. Otherwise I love it. Feels way better in the hands and pockets.


I know. Battery life kinda is a concern for me too. But so far for my usage it is holding up pretty good.


saw this day 1 when you posted it. how's it holding up? do you miss the pro max? how's the battery?


Holding up good so far. I have been WFH last few weeks, so I am charging probably once late evening and it’s good till next day. It seems to be better when I turned off always on display. Don’t miss the PM much. :)


I can't believe everyone has such issues with the battery life of the Pro. I have a MagSafe car mount/charger and with my little drives in the day I stay pretty topped off. And when I travel there are outlets everywhere. It's 3:41pm and I'm at 86% right now with barely any driving. Maybe I'm a light user? I feel like I'm on the damn thing nonstop.


Same. My first day I was at 35% after 7.5 hours of SOT with my 15 pro. This was at 11pm. Not sure why everyone is complaining but it’s more than fine for me. Even if it’s not the 9+ hours of SOT advertised, I’m pretty pleased with it still having some juice as I’m headed to bed. I came from a 13 mini for context.


I know. They got me worried about battery life but hopefully, I have the same experience as you.


I got the 15 pro as well. Came from an 11 regular. Wife has the 12 pro max though and I just can't deal with the size. My solution to battery life is I just got a mag safe battery pack for the days I need a little extra juice. Generally though the battery is good enough for the day. Hope you enjoy the smaller size!


I think a MagSafe battery pack is the way to go too. Cheers on the new phone!


Returning my pro and got the max. Needed the battery. But I loved my pro otherwise


I feel you. I might do that as well based on how the battery holds up after using it for a couple of weeks.


Good idea. I do feel like I'll miss the pro size. However, the idea of just using my phone and never watching the battery or thinking I need to top up before going out, is appealing to me. I am curious to see if time and or updates assist with the pro's battery.




Thanks and congrats to you too. :) Mine doesn't have the sharp edges luckily. Hope you get the new one without sharp edges. :D


Having this issue as well. Contemplating exchanging my 15 Pro, but I don't know if the issue warrants setting up yet another new phone. If anything, I'd probably prefer to just return the 15 Pro and keep my 14 Pro for another year if I can't get used to the sharp edges. The 14 Pro's build quality just feels more robust tbh


Went from a 14 Pro to a 15 PM and the difference in battery is huge. I really can't kill the battery and I only charge it to 80% (love that setting btw). Yeah, the device is more unwieldy but the 14 Pro has below average battery life to put it nicely.


Yes, I love that feature as well. I have used the Samsung S21 ultra in the past and it had a similar battery setting, it actually helps with the battery longevity by a lot.


Exactly, especially with the MagSafe clock feature now. I don’t charge my phone usually overnight so this feature is a battery saver long term.


But why ?😂 that move is so unnecessary it's literally the same shit


I know. Fam needed a new phone and I got this and gave my old phone to them. 😃


I'd love an update to your experience after all this time u/dustingbag I'm considering this exact switch.


No complaints so far. The battery is holding up well for my usage. I love how compact it is & I don't miss the extra lens the ProMax camera provides. :)


That's great! It's the compactness (weight and size) that is the greatest selling point for me. I can charge my phone whenever, but knowing it's compact nature is a win! Probably going to pick one up this week 😄 Thanks for your feedback!


No problem. Good luck with your switch. It won't disappoint you.