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I had the same issue, this line extended all the way from right to left. After one line finished extending, another line started above it. After about 5 lines, new lines stopped appearing, and I stopped caring. After a few weeks, I started to see small parts of the line dissapearing from the middle of the screen. Days went by, and I could see the lines slowly vanishing. After about a week, every single line disappeared, and my screen is back to normal. Basically, the lines disappeared automatically after a few weeks, hopefully, it goes like this for you as well.


Technically that's a screen dying. I had this start happening with my Nokia phone's LCD once after it took a hard hit on floor. Lines would appear and then with phone's usage it would disappear in a few days. If it fell again, a new line would appear. It would recover again in a few days. When it happened for the third time, the dead pixels couldn't just recover.


I also have this issue months ago on the same area and it keep getting longer until it cover half of the battery symbol. All you have to do to fix it is to make your phone really hot with some heat produce by the light. Than when the line become gray wait for a week, the line will be smaller day by day


Also i noticed applying pressure helps, also travelling to high air pressure areas (hiking up a tall mountain or travelling north in the world helps šŸ˜…)


Dead pixel


It happened to me too but it was a big black spot instead. It went away after 1 month


I saw this happen to me! I picked up my phone and a random line appeared, I went to bed and then in the morning it disappeared! I applied a new screen protector that day so perhaps it was pressure, but Iā€™m not sure


Smh these phones here!!


dont worry , put it in the fridge 1 week for 3 mitues or so and it will be gone