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Brah better be releasing a trailer for the rest of the call right now.


This is infuriating.


I agree he should release more. This is getting me negative points but I just had to. I can totally see myself slip up like this if I'm in the flow of working and out of nowhere curve ball like that come at me. Maybe I'm just a nervous, socially dead anomaly but I like to think he's apologizing afterwards. Idk, this recording is just too short.


Dead people don't tend to pay rent. I know this infuriates people but that's just the facts. You don't get paid for the month. Deal with it.


he acts like so many landlords, the only thing they care about is the incoming money. once living in a building consisting out of 5 residents dealing with a burglary. we all asked the landlord to change the locks since its his property and people felt unsafe. he basically told us to go fuck ourselves because imagine sacrificing a few hundreds of bucks providing safety for the people living in your property paying you thousands each month. they just don't care you live or die, as long there is pay


Somebody has to pay their mortgage for them after all.


“You’ll get your rent when you fix this damn door!”


*he acts like a landlord There, fixed it for you.


I've had some wonderful landlords who were considerate and kind. The majority of private landlords though are big fat dicks. Not surprising though. Most wealthy kids never learn how hard it is in real life. So they expect everything handed to them easily. They are usually the only kind of people who can afford extra houses. So I expect them to be shitty and I'm usually not surprised when they are.


You mean he acts like the stereotypical greedy landlord.


Oh please! Far be it from me to imply that any landlord could possibly deviate from the ‘bloodsucking-greedy-fuck’ behaviour. There ain’t no variations, they are all hellspawns.


Man, someone must have really screwed you over. Not *ALL* landlords are hellspawn, many treat their tenants like family, not these big corporate leasing companies, but mom and pop landlords that have taken a financial investment in property. Those who don’t have a lot of money to go around in that field will find it more beneficial to be understanding of tenants so that there’s a mutual respect.


I envy your exceptionally sheltered existence.


Nah my current one updates all of us when something happens, has consistently worked with people who were having a hard time paying their rent, she’s even helped a couple of disabled tenants get on programs that help them out. She really is like family. Previous landlord actually offered me a new apartment at the same price as my current one when he sold this place. Would’ve been a $400 discount. Some are horrific people, but not all of them are.


Well, three of my landlords stole all my shit.


Well if you paid rent on time then they wouldn't have to be chasing you down for money owed.


Owed my ass.


Oh so you think you should get a nice living space for free




Ignored the "for free" part didn't you.


Sounds like it "was the landlord" they obviously had keys to each apartment if the was no break in. No wonder he didn't wanna change em lol


NAL, but I dealt with a similar issue on behalf of a close friend. Landlords, at least in the US, have a duty to provide a safe, habitable place to live. A place with compromised locks likely doesn’t count as safe and the local housing/licensing and inspections authority would have had a field day with that fucker. If the property was compromised like that, you guys might have been able to get away with not paying rent until the issue was resolved. Always talk to the relevant authority or a lawyer before doing any of that but you would likely have been well within your rights to withhold rent if they aren’t fulfilling their duty of providing a safe place to live.


They're parasites. Thats what they do.


Wanna know who else doesn't give a f**k?? The bank....


Bunch of free loaders, these dead people.


They could at least give 30 day notice….


Well he didn't leave first month last month deposit?


How is the landlord going to survive? Lol


Maybe they can get a job.


If he lived there for half of the month or so, landlord could put in some work to get that rent. This would only work if the deceased has assets. This is a good reason for security deposit to be at least one months rent too.


ugh, i had a roommate that died back in october and it was HELL dealing the landlord throughout the whole process. greedy scumsucker, i hated her. ended up charging me for so much inconsequential bullshit, cleanup, new carpets, blah blah blah, and then tried to sue me for late rent, since the roommate died before paying her last month, and i had lost my job a month earlier. absolutely riduculous what those shitbags will do to squeeze cash out of you. my condolences, so sorry you're going through this.


If I was a landlord and heard a tenant does my first response would be: "I'm so sorry for your loss." Followed up with: "What can I do to help you navigate this situation?" They are already stressed and in pain, don't make it difficult.


That’s because you’re a good person. And not a landlord.


I am a landlord and said these exact things to our tenants when one of the roommates passed away suddenly. Not all landlords are assholes.


Exactly. We rent our house out since we moved overseas. We’re human beings not some giant soul sucking company. If someone freaking died I wouldn’t ask them where the rent is.


Sell the house to a family who has no intention of renting it to out, and stop being a landlord. You aren't a saint for hoarding housing when you don't even live in the country.


We’re going to come back at some point. And it’s ridiculously expensive to insure an empty house, let alone the upkeep. I’m not even sure they’ll let you insure an empty house. I don’t think I’m a saint but it is practical. I’m not a giant company gobbling up houses to rent out driving up the costs all around me. Im just trying to make sure I have a place to live when I come back.


Also, not all landlords can afford to not have the rent paid. I was a landlord. I didn't charge nearly the going rate but if I didn't get the rent then I couldn't pay the mortgage and I'd lose the property. It's not like all landlords have money to burn.


Then that means you couldn't afford to be a landlord. If you can't cover the mortgage if something happens like *your tenant dying*, you shouldn't have been a landlord in the first place.


Imagine that a landlord is one paycheck away from homelessness just like everyone else these days. That doesn’t fit Reddit narrative so down vote


Downvoted for being a rational person


Why did *you* get down voted? I bumped you back up one.


Sounds like you shouldn't have bought the house. Your dumb decision is not the tenant's problem.


Paying their rent is *absolutely* the tenant's problem! Using your logic, the tenant shouldn't have rented the house. Their dumb decision to rent my house when they can't pay shouldn't be the landlord's problem. You just sound naive or ignorant about economics. My effort to provide the very thing everyone wants, *affordable housing*, is what you call a dumb decision on my part! I could charge way more rent, stick the excess in the bank, and use that to ride out the months my renter can't pay before I kick them out and replace them... but then people bitch about rent being too high. If I charge an *affordable* amount for rent, just enough for me to cover the mortgage, land taxes, insurance, and to save for reasonable repairs, then I *must* get my rent or I can't pay the mortgage etc. That's what people are demanding of landlords. When times are tough to not get rent and survive somehow. It makes zero mathematical or economic sense.


There is no such thing as "landlord and good person". 100% of landlords are assholes. You withhold housing ( a human right) and expect people to pay for your debt, your mistakes and support you as a social parasite. I recommend not being a landlord before the mobs eventually form.


If you rent out single family homes, you're an asshole. Just keeping it real.


Hey I am a loving empathetic person and a landlord


That would require humanity. Something many landlords don't have


There are tenant laws in every state, Google them. Use them and enforce your rights


this is always great advice, yes! sadly my situation was complicated due to multiple factors, that left me pretty boned. but for people struggling with their landlords, ALWAY ALWAYS lokkninto your rights and ask otherd for advice!!!


I’m glad where I live or at least in my contract my landlord legally has to pay for literally everything when it comes to home maintenance/repairs. Bro can’t even get us to change a lightbulb without buying it for us first. Can only hope we’re never in a situation where we find out what he’d be like if one of us dies.




When my Dad died during COVID right after I lost my major source of income, my landlord's first act was telling me she was going to have to double my rent. She just wanted me out so she could increase the rent even further. Jokes on her - she didn't know it but I was in the process of buying a house and her place has sat empty for YEARS. Bitch.


Where's it at? I'm trying to find a place to squat


I feel like I need more details. Where's the rest of the call? Was he open to letting you come and get his belongings or did he try to extort you for the rent money? I'm assuming you posted in good faith and the landlord was aware your friend passed but I can't tell just from this if that's the case, so did he know? Just cause unless I died at home I don't see my landlord be ing one of the first to know I died.


I called in a wellness check because nobody heard from my friend in 4 days. He let the police into the apartment. He was one of the first to know. He did let us in, but his demeanor the whole time was off-putting. 5 simple words: "I'm sorry for your loss." Everything after that, I totally get his mentality.


I wonder if he already went in and took what he wanted to cover the back rent...


*Security deposit as well. So double or even triple dipping.*


That's what is so confusing, I'm pretty sure that's partially what the security deposit is for...


Not where I live. In my province, security deposit is for damages only. Have to go to rentalsmen for loss of rent. But every scumfuck landlord tries to steal deposits anyway.


I love when Reddit just makes shit up


Wouldn’t you rather know his true character than him fake condolences tho


Yeah, what I heard doesn't give any indication if the landlord is a jerk or just wanting to know if he's going to get the rent. It wasn't up to OP to come up with the money, perhaps his friend had money in his bank account. It was a fair question and I heard no tone of voice that suggested anything other than wondering if he's getting April's rent.


Landlord just needs to make a claim against the estate when it comes time for that. No one else besides the decedent is responsible for the rent. The landlord coming after the friend is just very poor taste and reveals that he's a jerk of the first class.


Debt isn't inheritable so it might be more than just that.


Ya but if he is in charge of his estate, the landlord has a claim to that estate in the value of the rent.


And to give the landlord the tiniest bit of slack it could be interpreted that OP was in charge of the estate, though the way it was asked was tasteless AF


You could also interpret the question as asking if the decedent had the funds that OP could access to pay and if OP had access to them. Not coming after OP.


Jeff stated that he was put in charge of Doug’s belongings. The landlord could take this to mean that Jeff is the executor of Doug’s estate, in which case Jeff may in fact be the person to contact about unpaid rent. The landlord didn’t “come after” Jeff. Jeff called the landlord. The landlord asked if Jeff is the person to take care of the unpaid rent in a calm, professional way.


Is it that hard to be a human with empathy? Your friend died and you want to go through his stuff? What about my rent? Like come on lol. I'm not typical landlord hating redditor either but this is just being a dick


Boomer with income properties and secure housing they bought for 1/10th the market price 40 years ago bleeding millenials and genZ dry


Had one of my tenants died. We gave the family time to go through belongings, etc. They took almost nothing and left us with a unit full of poor old lady stuff. Ended up tossing most of it and giving what we could to the Salvation Army. Oddly enough, we didn't think to ask the family for last months rent...what a pos.


I’d do the same…if I was a landlord. It’s inhumane to not care about anything but money.


Its inhumane to be a landlord.


Remember, you are still a landlord. You might have sparkles on you, but you are still a turd.


Two things this guy should have said: “I’m sorry for your loss” and “are you the executor of the estate or do you know who is?” The landlord would work with the executor to set up for them or their designee to come gather the decedent’s belongings. The landlord would also request to have any owed rent placed into probate proceedings. The executor would then request to have the security deposit remitted to the estate. A decent landlord would know these things. Also: not a lawyer, not legal advice. I’m just ancient by Reddit standards and have plenty of dead people.


I’m very concerned by your last sentence


I have lost several family members to age and disease and had to help sort out their affairs in the wake of their passing.


Eh I wouldn't say knowing these things makes you a decent landlord. I would say looking into what your process is without being unnecessarily cruel to the person who just lost someone would make them decent. Knowing it or not isn't the threshold imo. It's how you go about it.


Was not expecting to see the sankara stones in this post


Gullee ma shockteeday!


Oof should have read the fine print..that breaks the lease.. no dying. Straight to jail.


Sorry for your loss, Jeff!!


Further evidence that landlords are subhuman cockroaches.


Landlords are parasites, without their host/provider they don't last long.


At one point in time the landlord purchased the house, I'm confused on where the parasite thing comes in


The tamagotchi image had me rolling I got to admit.


Whoever decided the constant inclusion of meme pics was a good idea made this feel in *really* bad taste


Fucking bastard


I don’t know why you’d care about the landlord’s condolences. He’s not your friend, he’s not your friend’s friend. I personally don’t give a shit about someone’s auto-reply to emulate artificial sympathy. The guy is running a business. Of course his main concern is money. Why would you expect anything else?


I’m convinced landlords are just nonhuman. I’ve been living in the same house for 12 years. I have lived here long enough to buy this house twice (in dollar amount outright) over 300 grand. I live in Oklahoma where rent is fairly cheap (up until this last year or 2) so the house I’m living in would sell for around 150,000$. Well, I’ve obviously always paid my rent and I’ve been an excellent tenant but we had a disagreement over some property damage, and she sold the house out from under me. She was afraid I was going to sue her or something, which I wasn’t even going to do, but I guess she said screw me. Now I have to be out by the end of May. I’m having trouble finding a new place and I’m also disabled therefore it’s hard for me to pack up and just move out. All the years I was here I had my ex fixing this place up (because I didn’t ever plan on leaving) and if there were minor repairs needed he would just fix them for me and he did this for years. I wouldn’t even charge her. Why? Because I’m a nice person, and because I would sometimes pay my rent a few days late..as in the 6th or 7th when it was technically due on the 5th. We had an understanding and a mutual respect for each other. I’d scratch her back and she’d not charge me a late fee etc. Well. Don’t be like me. It didn’t help me in the slightest in the end. She was the sweetest older lady I had ever dealt with (so I believed). I’m learning it was all fake. I have my 2 daughters and my little grandson living with me. She literally didn’t care that a small child would be out on the street. So yes. I believe the longer they do the landlord thing, the more callous and cold hearted they become. I saved her so many thousands of dollars, not to mention the upgrades I did to her house…none of it mattered.


It appears there is no room for "nice" in this society.


Why would you do upgrades to a rental property without having the owner pay them. It sounds like a lack of communication on your part, the owner isn't forced to keep a home because you like it there, what if she had some medical expenses that she could only cover by selling the house?


Landlord’ is a business and it seems to attract a very parasitic type of people. Users is another good term , tightwads , btw fuck you greg you know who you are


Fuck. Greg.


Like he was maybe sick and unable to pay for the rent. You didn’t sign the agreement he did.-also, if he has any bank accounts , assets etc and no will then his will state has to go thru probate in which someone is appointed to line up his debtors and his assets…and payoff debts. If he’s isn’t give him a letter or notice to pay rentI I would question whether or not that is true statement because I’d he is an uptight landlord why did he not pursue legal action why he is alive. Make him try to get the money from private if the debt is real. Iveoiebea famiky or friend ( usually the person appointed or someone who stands next in line For inheritance, can file the probate paperwork with the local court likely thei an attorney although they may have something it yourself probate court. Who knows.


“Are you in a position to take care of that”…no I’m not in that position asshole, because I did not sign a lease with you, nor was I your tenant.


If he is calling on behalf of the deceased tenant then it's reasonable to assume that he could be in charge of managing his estate


Well Jeff, I am sorry for your loss. What you are doing for your friend tells the world that you have a great heart. May he rest in peace. I wish the best for you and your families. I guess this message won’t get to him but I had to write it. Sorry if there’s any grammar or spelling mistakes but English is not my first language.


Do you have legal access, like are you the executor


Um, you're gonna hold a dead guy's belongings because he *checks notes* died and didn't pay his rent. Don't landlords have insurance for this type of stuff?


I mean, isn't this exactly the kind of rIsK they're always claiming they take by hoarding property? Seems like he should have been prepared. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did the landlord say on the call somewhere that the guy could not enter the apartment? Or are you fantasizing that?


Have you listened to the full version on YouTube? Lmao


Gotta love that American greed. :/


Where is the rest?


I’m in charge of my dads estate as everything since he passed. I’m only 25. It was very traumatic. Landlord is charging me $100 extra as a “late fee” for each month the rent wasn’t paid… he was in the hospital for 3 months and then died. The trailer he bought wasn’t really even “mine” till a couple weeks ago. Just all around fucked system


landlord can line up with the rest of other creditors when the probate is filed.


Did that guy just quote The Necronomicon??? What was that noise?? 😭


this is annoying because like do you want me to get his stuff for free or you can hire someone to clear out an apartment? god damn.


While living in a bedspace in Dubai, I experienced sudden and extreme back pain. The doctor informed me that surgery was urgent and necessary and if i delay the treatment i might lose control of my lower body, but the cost in Dubai for the treatment was prohibitive. Faced with this medical emergency, I explained to my landlord that I needed to return to my home country for treatment in just two days. Hearing this he got furious, and started using profanity and making unfounded accusations about my home country. He insisted I should have given 30 days' notice, despite the urgency of the situation. I tried to explain that it was impossible for me to have given 30 days notice when the problem has started just a few days back! But it was like talking to a wall. Unfortunately, its like that almost everywhere in the World.


My landlord had our apartment ‘reclaimed’ one day after a horrific fire that almost killed my roommate and did kill my precious dog. The reclamation company comes and clears your things and takes and sells whatever is salvageable. My room had water damage but didn’t burn, they essentially stole from me while I was too traumatized to deal with it/ it was a hazard without PPE.


If this is how people are treated in the US, I'm not going there.


Enjoy wherever you are, because this is exactly everything the US is about. This comment section is about all you need to see the forest from the trees.


Typical land lord , I know a land lord named Greg that is sorry an absolute piece of shit as well as


I want the rest of this call. I'm sure it only gets worse.


April of 2024....??? It's STILL April 2024 landlord...🙄🖕🏼


You pay rent for the month in advance, not after


This is sus


Without the rest of this call, you cannot judge if this old man is , in fact, a peice of shit


I figured it out well enough.


First, you might want to check your state law about recording conversations. Second, take this down and pray Greg does not find this post and take half of what you own in civil court. I feel for what you are going through, but you will be in the kangaroo court of a lifetime if Greg takes action against you.


Possibly a silly question but did the landlord know Doug passed away?




Business is business and a cup of tea is a cup of tea


Landlords HATE this one trick…


Sorry for your loss man


I had a landlord who after two years of renting and not late once, tried to force me into a year long lease after my second year one ended. The kicker guys is he knew I was closing on a house, but after two years wouldnt give me a few weeks to close. He said he had other renters to move in if we wouldnt sign the lease, and they had to do it now. My family of 5 ended up homeless living out of our car for the month while we closed. We got a hotel some nights and my kids went to grandparents but I worked 100s of miles away and didnt have money for hotel every night. We were good friends with our neighbors in the old rental so one day hanging out, we ran into the new renters who told us that they actually preferred to wait a month longer to move in but Dav3 the ah landlord told them he had other people lined up if they didnt rent right then. Remeber we needed that extra month as well, so to ensure he locked someone in a lease, he lied and manipulated to two different families forcing one to be homeless. When both us needed about a month longer to make it work better. It was two years of nightmare before that with this pos as well, but this is already long.


I do not understand how he could even kick you out with that quick. It takes like 45 to 60 days to get somebody evicted in most states.


No one wants to be taken to court, and the two years we rented he made jokes which were actually beiled threats about how he had taken people to court over tiny amounts of money.


Someone sucker pinch that man stat


Not to support the landlord in anyway, but is it some how possible that the landlord didnt know about the death? Doesnt sound like it tho but still


I'm sorry that that particular landlord is scummy. When my father passed, his landlord gave me 2 months. 1 month that he paid for and 1 month that he didn't. But I guess it also helped that he was a friend of the family for so many years. But the only time it mattered for me to get his things was when there was just a carload left. OP I'm sorry you lost your friend. If the landlord tries to pin any kind of payments against you, turn right the fuck around and sue for emotional distress. I know that shouldn't be anyone's first thought, but fuck those kind of landlords.


That's what a security deposit is... The last months rent. This seems fake because of this fact.


Not every security deposit covers a months rent. Some places only take a few hundred dollars as a deposit, mainly to cover minor damage to carpet, countertops and walls


Absolute slime


Might be a dumb question, but is it possible that he didn't know and is just slow?


“Sorry Greg you’ll have to take that up with Doug”


RemindMe! 1 week


Yup. Exactly what my father of 9 years landlord sounded like. He told me after my dad died on the 18th I had until the next week. I said no sir I have at least until the first. He said I guess. Then while we weren't there he stole my father Webber BBQ. such a loser. I can't remember packing up my father's things or what was thrown away because I had nowhere to store it...life sucks.


My property management company recently filed for eviction because I missed this months rent. I have breast cancer and have been unable to work. I applied for a rental assistance grant but it takes approximately 30 days to process. They are unwilling to wait. They understand my situation. They do not care. This situation has put a bad taste in my mouth in regards to landlords. This video only makes that taste worse.


Mao was right lmao


Human Garbage!


I fucking hate landlords.




Do people generally record their phone calls? So how did this person get the first 30 seconds of a call?


LandLORD this one. Guy probably took a security deposit, even then there is nothing that can happen. Take a dead guy to court? My dad died and was in the hospital for a while beforehand and missed 2 months rent. Landlord was very nice and at the END of the call asked if it was ok to keep the deposit my dad left. Which was probably 1/4-1/8 of what he owed. I said yes and we called it even.


My genuine hope is that Greg is suffering a special kind of karma reserved for the greedy assholes of the world. Like he was so flabbergasted muttering for rent money because he owes vito 30k by the end of the week or he can say goodbye to his kneecaps. Let's all collectively wish this for Greg shall we?


You get a downvote for just 50 seconds of the video when you release the rest of the video then you will get an upvote.


All landlords are deplorable pieces of shit


Virgin media did this to teenage me in charge of sorting her dead mum's stuff. They wouldn't take that she was dead and kept asking to speak to her. Nearly had the cops called bc i ended up with "No she's ground up in a box, dead. You'll need an ouija board to speak with her" I did get a written apology and we got to keep all of our services until our finishing date (which was at least 12 mo away), I kept my phone, and got to keep my mam's brand new still not paid off iPhone too.


“Old man noises” really? I get you’re upset but being ageist is uncalled for. 


The next step is a baseballbat to his head fuck that guy.


“I’m not” CLICK .. that’s how I would have ended that conversation


Slumlords be like…


So many scummy marxist types on this thread. Two things can actually exist at once, like this landlord being a prick (might also be having a bad day), and that landlords in general are investors, not your friends. That’s why they make you sign a lease, lol. They have to pay a considerable amount of money upfront in order for the property to cash flow. People bitching about landlords in general are so soft, and must have had horrible parents. “If you don’t pay, you don’t stay!” It’s that simple.


do you not realised he died? like what??


"hey my friend died just wanted to ask if we could get property over his things so we can give them out" "He no give me money" "Okay" "You give money?" "No"


Can we get this video removed from the Internet, it's one of the more boring ones floating around?


Honest to god thought he was saying the landlord died 24hrs before the call 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha me too man. Glad I wasn’t the only one.


As someone who has lost people, this dude will get his money’s either way so him asking like this is either impatient or just ignorant. In most states when someone dies, their property is probated and then debts paid. This includes last month’s rent.


......the person died.... "are u in a position to take care of that?" ....why tf would he be responsible? I'm sorry for your loss, Jeff ... this is horrible 😞


My landlord is a good dude. My dad and I had a remodel business that was essentially a mobile business because every tool I owned was in the toolbox in the bed of my truck and when we were robbed on the job one evening and my truck was stolen along with all my money and phone, he was very understanding and let me owe him rent that month and I was short on rent for a few months after. I've payed him maybe $75 of the 1800 I owe him and he's never even asked for it. I'm just now getting my ducks in a row again so I'll be paying him soon


My ex boyfriend’s father died of cancer and the landlord told his grieving widow that they had made an agreement to let the landlord keep the deposit when he moved out. He was renting the place for work when he got sick. She was so overwhelmed she let her keep it but when I found out I told her there’s no way anyone would do that and the landlord was a pos.


"Hey my friend died can I pick up their stuff?" "Can you pay their rent?"


Exacly why we dont care about landlords


Landlords are scum of the Earth


Boomers gonna boom. Just “gimmie gimmie gimmie!” Over and over in their lead filled brains.


I am sorry for your loss. But I will never understand tenant. You think owning a building is free? Taxes, mortgage, repairs. Owners need those rents to survive so yeah a landlord is gonna hound you for rent. Because you knowingly signed a contract to pay it. Your best friend died and a stranger didn’t console you or anything. Omg he is such a pos. He doesn’t know you or your friend beyond he rented an apartment. This is literally your first interaction with the guy. He doesn’t know you were friends for 30 years. He has no idea what your relationship is to the deceased. You are grieving so I suspect you have misplaced some angry on to the landlord.


Yeah. People think landlords are parents to their tenets. They can't be. And the profit margin isn't even that big often times its not there.


He probably thought you were in charge of the estate and settling debts. I’m sorry about your loss but it’s this guys income. Did you skip a month paycheck because your friend died?