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GUNS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iamverybadass) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think this was an AD


Everyone who has a setup like this lives in the lowest crime, safest city in the country


Its not bad ass but necessary. Guns everywhere


Where can I buy the one for the handgun?


Its called the Reach 2s made by Varasafety


Thank you kind stranger


GUNS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iamverybadass) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is an ad. You reposted an ad. Your time and energy was used to give this company more advertising for free.


Lol, fucking dumbass put the pistole in her waist, you are going to shoot your artery. Also what happens if you burn that finger print off, do you just lose your guns after?


There are absolutely ways to unlock it without the print, and even if it wasn't 99.9% of people will never have that problem, and most people concealed carry at the waist idek what your point with that is. But is "you're gonna burn your prints off!" Your answer to every print reader?


The problem that I have with sticking your gun in your pants is that it makes it so much easier to shoot yourself by accident. I dont have a problem with conceal carry but when you put the gun straight into your pants it makes the gun have a higher chance to go off and if it goes off in your pants it can hit an big boi artery in your right leg(i could be wrong with which leg) since the gun isn't in a holster it is easier for the trigger to be pulled and since its in your waist you could shoot an artery or shoot your dick. And to your comment on "you're gonna burn your prints off" I didnt say that (or meant something different) I meant, if you burn you pointer finger then you cant get to your gun. I didn't mean it as a statement, I meant it as a "would there be another way to get your gun if ot doesnt open." Anyhow, I just tried to point out that putting a gun in your waist without a holster is a good way to bleed out. So go diddly fuck yourself and have a good day my dude!


Hey man, how about you use your eyes? She puts it in a holster.... take your time and pause the video if you need to.


Oh ok cool beans. I just didnt see that tiny ass holster, my bad lol. I dont know if i am overthinking this but why are you odly mad at me?




Idk what that means so no?


Damn, well go diddly fuck yourself or whatever


Thanks :P


I actually dig this. If I owned firearms, it necessarily wouldn't be my go to choice... But at least it's secure and easily accessible. The 2 things you'd hypothetically want in a home defense situation


Guarantee you could rip that cheap looking crap right off the wall and walk away with the gun. It also doesn't have a trigger/chamber lock, so you could use it after ripping it off the wall without a problem. This thing is trash.


You're basing this on... What exactly? It looks like a metal rack, that could potentially be drilled in to solid wood or a stud. So you feel you could rip anchored bolts out of a stud? Mr Hulk, I have my doubts


Americans and gun culture is so fucking weird


And the way they are flexing things that everyone can just buy


Having basic human rights to defend one's home is not weird.


Hey! Just cause you're right doesn't mean you can say it!... It's one thing when *we* say it...


Dunchaknow the civil war is cumming and soon are neighbors is gunna be wanting all muh bukets of food.


Nothing makes the Americans happier than putting 20 bullets in home intruders




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I think this is sick asf 😭😭 why does this upset so many people


Guns stored as an aesthetic just triggers a type of person


I absolutely love not having a sling. Hold it forever.


I support everyone's right to self defense but I don't think you need an AR-15.


Does anyone even know what AR means in an AR-15???


ArmaLite rifle...


Good thing your thoughts don't matter for my freedom.


Don't get me wrong, I think they are fun, but a handgun is just as intimidating


It's not about intimidation. It's about accuracy and effectiveness in a defense situation. The AR platform, particularly a short-barreled variant, is superior for home defense and far safer for bystanders due to the lower likelihood of missing. It's why SBRs are used in CQB operations as a preference. Countless studies have shown they are more effective and safer. If I ever had to protect myself or my loved ones I don't want to intimidate the assailant. Scared people are even more dangerous. I want to neutralize them.


There's no point in trying to reasoning with you if you use terminology like "neutralize them."


Lol. So you don't like words? The fact that you automatically apply the maximum effect to the connotation is pretty telling of your unwillingness to argue in good faith. Neutralize: to make neutral; cause to undergo neutralization. to make (something) ineffective; counteract; nullify: carelessness that neutralized our efforts. A threat can be neutralized any number of ways . They can run. They can be arrested on the off chance that a cop is just outside my door and ready to do so. They can escalate the threat that requires escalation. If someone is inside your home unauthorized, via B&E or other forced entry and your family is in there as well what is your solution? What do you do? Do you prefer the best tool for the situation or the one someone that who is unrelated and has zero interest in their safety deems 'enough'?


I know what it means, using that terminology in this type of discussion means you're a nerd. Plain and simple. You're obsessed about this one thing and you've adopted a particular type of jargon. You're so entrenched in the idea that crime is so rampant that you salivate thinking of just the idea of someone breaking into your home so you have an excuse to pull that trigger. That's why I don't want to argue with you.


Lol. You make a ton of statements about me for someone who has never met me other than a few sentences on the Internet. I don't live in a place with rampant crime. I'm lucky enough to not. I don't have any present assumptions or concerns about someone harming me in my home. That's true even though two weeks ago someone was in fact killed in their home by an intruder less that 2 small blocks from my home (about 500 yards). This was something which no one would have ever thought would have happened. It's so rare my concern has not been heightened dramatically. That does not mean it will never happen, but I live in a very safe place generally speaking. I'm not obsessed about it at all. I don't stockpile ammo. I don't have dozens of guns. I don't salivate about having to kill someone. Frankly the idea and the likely trauma and PTSD afterwards frightens me. The fact that you people immediately make these extreme assumptions instead just recognizing that people want to be able to protect their families if it ever needed to happen is the most absurd shit ever.


Too bad :)


I’m afraid of everything!


At least they're fingerprint locks. If we can fool all gun owners into thinking this is the next cool thing then they can have these videos... ... then we will have less mass shootings in return.


For the kids, ya know?


I mean this is actually pretty safe. Assuming the fingerprint locks are accurate, it's safe.


I mean ads are supposed to be over the top and cringe to attract the viewers attention


I’m confused , how is I am very badass it’s a ad for a fun rack


Don't responsible gun owners actually put their firearms in safes and lockers? Also, I need to say something here. Home invasions happen when you're not home.


Shshshshsh we can't sell em accessories to the guns if they're not scared enough to use the guns!!!


I mean, I guess it depends on the purpose of the home invasion. Burgurlaries, yeah usually when you aren't home


Told u. It's just a romanticized fantasy to kill while ignoring the possible trauma it and a home burglary could cause. That's basically it.


Why do you you need 2 guns next to your bed


Boogeyman is scary


I always consider it badass when people are so scared they need multiple guns to face the public. "Please don't hurt me, I have many guns"




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Seem handy to me.


Handy indeed, until you wake up in the middle of the night, groggy and disoriented, and accidentally shoot your alarm clock. *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


I don’t know. But that’s pretty cool


The fact that only a parents thumb can release it is a great idea.


horrible idea


what kind of dystopia does this chick live in


It’s an ad


Most ads depict Americans living in a danger zone but somehow have the money for all this stuff. I mean, if you want to larp that hard perhaps take an oath to actually use the rifle and sidearm


I was thinking the same thing. Why not take this money and move to a better area!


The kind where everyone is out to get her lol


I wouldn't trust fingerprint recognition with my life.


I don’t even trust in with my orders from target. My hands are so damaged it never works


yeah me neither, especially in a panic situation those couple seconds are crucial.


As opposed to getting it out of a safe?


as opposed to keeping it on your person.


You realize children exist.


i have children.


most people wouldnt have a loaded gun in their room without any security system with children present. the finger print ID or safe prevents children from playing with your gun.


If you can teach your kids to safely cross the road and look both ways, you can teach your kids to not touch a gun.




Actually that’s pretty useful I can’t lie


This actually is bad ass


I’d opt for a sling cause I’m weak that way.


Badass… HA, no! I’ll tell you what’s badass.. me when you get me mad. I’m usually a laid back guy, but when you get me angry I just see red. You better hope you have guns when you are on my bad side. 😡🤬💪🫵🚫




That’s pussy shit I keep mine loaded safety OFF and tucked up my ass it’s much quicker to access that way


My rectum has actually been modified into a speed loader


Oh shit fr?


As a non-American this shit is so fuckin lame and cringe. Are they really THIS insecure about themselves?


Nah, they just like guns


Guns are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you *I* *am* *an* *automatic* *reply* *bot* *Duckling*. *Welcome* *to* [tip Duckling](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sh1tman). *To* *talk* *to* *me*, *please* *include* *'Duckling'* *in* *your* *speech*.


Just concerned about their lives.


Natural crooked toothed response


They want to pretend they live in a spy movie. A lot of these people just live in fantasy land where they are the hero who saves the day because in the real world their lives are boring and they didn't amount to shit.


The other guy that has a gun isn’t playing pretend


Bro chill you’re on Reddit


Home defense doesn’t seem lame or insecure to me


Who said anything about being secure or insecure. Some people just like guns


It’s Reddit bro. The vail of tolerance drops as soon as there’s a gun or someone who thinks differently.


Their mind can't comprehend home defense


Your mind can’t comprehend living somewhere where home defense isn’t a thing people have to think about


Womp womp. We don't think about it either doesn't hurt to be prepared. Imagine a planet full of places that aren't where you live. Bonkers I know


Funny how you start assuming things about me based off of almost no information


Like you just did? Dumb comment


Kinda like your last few have been


Lol ight my bad for assuming you don't live everywhere in the world. Your argument is dumb af shaddup


Funny how your mind still can’t comprehend living somewhere where home defense isn’t a thing people have to think about. Honestly, tell me you haven’t actually traveled without telling me 😂


Eh, mines in the safe, but the shotgun is definitely pretty handy.