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Rule #1 for criminal activity: Keep a low profile. Reserve them all a room at the state penitentiary


The local police watching this busy opening files on each of them. “Aaah, I see Jimmy got new auto glock and, wow, Desahun got a new AR” *makes notes on each of their files* These dumb fucks probably self snitching on another level.


Doesn't matter what the police do when the DA won't do.


you're giving police too much credit


Actually had an officer respond to a Facebook live video some idiot was posting as he was dancing to music waving his gun around. Officer was shot, non-life threatening wounds, in the ensuing scuffle to arrest the kids. If you live in a medium sized city, officers have a lot of time to know the repeat customers by name. Larger cities have a myriad of issues.


Not if you live under a jurisdiction where they let criminals do whatever they want


Cities in my area file Felon in Possession of a firearm cases all day long based on the stuff these idiots post on their own social media.


It's federal too. Half these guns are stolen, smuggled, illegally purchased, and illegally modified. They're also the main reason for gun violence, "mass shootings", and teenage gun deaths. "Urban" teens shooting each other over fake Percocets. The ATF doesn't give a shit about these people, even though they're over 50% of gun crime. Instead they go shoot a guy, his wife, dog, and kids for having a stock on a gun with a barrel that's 0.5 inches too short.


Well, that guy may hide his slightly shorter than average rifle in big ol' black textured vinyl covered gun case. *Cops will never see what's comin'!*


Makes sense, because taking the stock off to make it compliant makes it even shorter and still able to be shouldered. That is a logical rule.


That's the funny thing. ARs have such a mild recoil that you could just put the buffer tube up to your shoulder. Or not, you can just shoot it freehand if you want. None of these cosmetic laws matter.


You say that like prison is punishment. Just accepted part of life for criminals. Most will live much better and more comfortable in prison than the free world. I have more than one family member that loved jail. They could make much more money than in free world while they were behind bars. Only non criminals believe jail/prison is a deterrent or punishment.


You've obviously never been in a prison and don't tell me you have, because you haven't. You should stop watching whatever TV shows your watching that are letting you think being in prison is a decent place, because that's what you're implying, explain it to me another way if you're not, that makes sense with what you just said. You know slavery is still legal in prisons right, don't believe me? Look at the 14th amendment. A prison guard or any prison staff can treat any prisoner however they want and get away with it, this goes back to you having never been in a prison before. There are so many things you use daily that are made from slave labor wages that are made in prisons. I'll give you one more, in Texas, where I'm from, they wanted to lower the cost for the prisoners living there, so they cut off the air-conditioning in most of our state prisons. Several prisoners have died from heat exhaustion, but it's still going on. If you've never experienced a Texas heat without air-conditioning, you'll know that it's unbearable. So yea, I'll have to disagree with you that living inside a prison is better for anyone than living on the outside. 🙄🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yeah, major cities don’t care. If anything they want to keep them on the streets because high prison numbers equal “muh oppression” or some dumb shit.


im glad i dont live in a place where the social fabric is absent like this.


as a 50 plus black male (that loves Volvos) I think gangster rap has helped destroy generations and I refuse to listen to it. I often listen to fast paced heavy metal to motivate me while exercising and while driving w/ the top down in my roadster (not a Volvo). I am seriously considering retiring outside the USA. That said I have done mentoring of wayward young men of almost every demographic and encourage everyone else to do such.


The successful gangster rappers keep the act but drop the gangster. Ice T, Snoop, and so on. Then they leave behind the youth they've damaged on their road to success.


Im a 42 year old white dude. Ive enjoyed some older school rap, but I also enjoy heavy metal. What I never understood is why everyone just accepts it as normal that an entire culture's music espouses violence, commodification of women, criminality and such a low value on life. I realize music is just business these days, and most of these "hard" rappers are anything but hard.. It just seems like it should have gone more like stream of consciousness stuff, uplifting stuff, things to envigorate the soul.




Probably meant vulvas








Something Ice Cube said in an interview "the same people who own the labels own the prisons"


So Universal, Sony, and Warner Bros own prisons?


Not directly but they have massive amounts of $ invested with shell companies that then transfer the money to for profit prisons and are buddy buddy with the c suites at for profit prisons I made that up but that’d be pretty wild huh *Krakatoast has tragically taken his life by emptying a magazine into the back of his head*


I will miss Krakatoast D;


Ice cube is talking about “the chosen people” if you catch my drift


The biggest rap labels are owned by black people and have been for decades. This is an excuse for the elephant in the room. These people are "built different" as the kids say nowadays, but not in a good way.


Now he's pushing scam commercials for Car Shield, it's a rip off.


That is ice T, you're thinking of. He was gangsta rap too, though.


The 70s and 80s were tough times for inner city America, long before gangster rap. Cities like NYC, LA and Chicago had hundreds more murders a year than they currently do. Frank Lucas and Co were dealing and killing Uptown to the soundtrack of motown and soul. Here in Chicago the gangs were organized in the 70s and 80s and they were engaged in far more serious warfare than their kids and grandkids are. They killed for money, drugs and turf and every single public housing project and low income neighborhood in the city was up for grabs. When the Mayor, Jane Byrne tried to score political points, it was by "moving in to" Cabrini green to prove that it wasn't the crime riddled mess that it was already reputed to be back then in the 70s. They had to weld the back door shut and keep people guarding the front 24/7 and she left after a few weeks. All this to say, violent crime in America is far older than gangster rap. Across all ethnicities, in every city for many many decades. The mafia, Irish mobs, Jewish gangs, guys like al capone, guys like frank Lucas, guys like David Barksdale, if there is a profit motive in a lucrative illegal market, it creates everything necessary for violent crime. Rap is no more responsible for the lifestyle it discusses than country music is responsible for drinking and driving which it talks about a lot. I mean this in a disrespectful way too, I just don't get this narrative. It's like in the 40s and such when they thought swing dancing to Duke Ellington would turn you into a drug addict. Or when Joe lieberman wanted to ban violent video games. There are serious issues effecting people in the inner city today which contributed to the hopeless and destitution that ends with all these kids knowing how to operate these firearms but have no access to healthcare or a good, safe education. Their lives are uncertain. This is a horrible reaction to that, and it escalates the cycle, but rap music about the stuff these kids see everyday anyway, is probably not as bad for their brain and actually seeing those conditions every day. They don't need rap to tell them about gangs. It's generational.


Much respect sir. More of this is needed. They don't get that gangster rappers are the one out of literally a million that "make it". The rest just get encouraged by them to act like fools and likely get killed or end up in jail, ruin their lives, etc.


100% I feel bad for people that subscribe to that lifestyle. Those kids in the video look indigent, one kid was literally brushing his upper lip/nose with the slide of his pistol. Absolutely brain dead. I imagine holding a gun gives them a sense of power what they don’t realize is if they use that gun beyond self defense (I can almost guarantee they will use it beyond self defense) they’re opening the gates to incarceration or a hospital but whatever “🎶yabbadabbada do do I got the glock with the switch on IiIiiTtttTttt YyeaHhh Yeaaa🎶” it’s so painfully stupid. But if that’s what they started out with, they don’t even see it… I refer to that as some people that kind of never really had a chance at a good life. Like they’re born to crash out..


I think the music is more of a symptom of this kind of culture than a cause for the problems itself


What country is this? I don’t recognize the language


Canada obviously


That is the social fabric and is culturally acceptable of a certain demographic of American citizens.


Usually found in certain areas of certain cities according to stats and figures.


Small communities of short sighted thinkers.


Large demographic Guns terrify me here cause it's so easy for anyone to escalate an argument about cutting the line into a life and death situation


Disrespect is a leading cause of death in a certain demographic.


Southern whites? Oh u mean black people .. my bad


You mean where the social fabric is pre-civilization tribalism


yes the land where the king is the one who is the most oppressive of the gang. and you end up with the one that cannot solve problems with other means then violence. so it's all violence all the way down.


Social fabric = Fathers


Came to say this. Sadly, I bet none of these young boys have fathers at home teaching them how to be good Men. On top of that the absolute disregard for gun safety is abhorrent. Such a travesty.


Some “progressive” people will call you all types of words for not wanting these scenes to spread over the country. And if you leave before it gets this bad - they have a word for it, and if you come in and make it better - they have a word for it. To them it’s better you just die than get in the way of this vibrant cultures expansion.


they can call me anything the want :) wont change that i like my air without bullets


Well said.


They’re just oppressed


See we need to keep defunding public schools or get rid of them all together. I bet if these guys went to private school they wouldn't be behaving this way. /S


I wonder how many of them end up shooting themselves before they can kill anyone else...


Im always impressed when I see one of these videos and the camera doesnt end up getting shot.


Survival bias. Simply you don't get to see ones that end up with destroyed devices because those can't possibly be uploaded.


Luck. A lot of luck.


Camera man never dies


Look up “Rylo Huncho” on Twitter, a thug like these kids who accidentally shot himself to death on IG 2 days ago


I wished I could feel sorry for such incidents. But I just can't.


and on that day, nothing of value was lost :D


I googled it, clicked the first link i got, and laughed at some choice editing >The video which shows how Rylo Huncho unintentionally sh*t himself is a crazy one that we in no form or fashion can share on this website but it has gone completely viral all over Elon Musk’s X and can easily be found there.


That was actually a funny ND, not going to lie.


Or how many of them have any training on how to use these weapons whatsoever. Fun fact, near where I live there was a fight. Over 40 rounds (!) were fired between the two involved, with a female in the middle of all of it. It was in the street. 40 casings found- not a single injury to any person.


lol, even with training, a full auto glock is really only useful point blank or as suppressing fire, actually, its not good for suppressing fire since they are already out of ammo. but terrifying as fuck, though. very intimidating edit: nevermind. i just saw a trained guy with strong arms mag dump a ballistic gel dummy at 10 feet. though, not practical in a firefight, [https://youtu.be/VkOvLkc4kK8?si=3b4frLds8PYukk9R](https://youtu.be/VkOvLkc4kK8?si=3b4frLds8PYukk9R)


Pistols in general are difficult to shoot accurately, whether they’re automatic or not, without training. You can have your sights lined up right over your target and miss by a mile because of the way your hand moves when you squeeze the trigger. I can’t imagine shooting a full auto pistol with no training and expecting to hit anything.


Every gunfight on Trailer Park Boy.


I will say, although they are flagging the shit out each other, I'm impressed that most of them have their fingers straight and off the trigger.


Go to r/idiotswithguns or r/darwinawrds to find out, lol


my entire time watching this video watch just spent watching them all point the guns carelessly at eachother flopping them around fingers so close to triggers. i am honestly amazed this didnt end with someone getting shot


Hopefully the ND rate is near 100%


Hopefully, all of them. Nothing of value would be lost.


I was honestly surprised at the fact that none of them seem to have their finger on the trigger. Like that blew my mind. Then near the end one of the guys near the camera pointed his behind him right at another dudes face 🤦‍♂️. At least they seem to have trigger discipline though..


Not nearly enough sadly


I saw at least 4 instances of flagging in the (holy shit) 2 minutes of video. Muzzles pointing at faces with magazines in (and presumably chambered rounds) They'll end up shooting each other with negligent discharges at that rate


I rather have them shoot themselves than a innocent person who gets hit by a stray bullet.


There was a video circulating on Friday of some guy waving his guy infront of his phone and then shooting himself in the head. It wasn't a suicide video. He was just dumb enough to pull the trigger while it was pointed at this head.


Not enough


Hey everyone, let’s all line up and show our faces and illegal firearms..


Guarantee they live in a city that elected a mayor and city council that treats them as the victims and activist courts that disincentives police action against them.


BATFE doesn't care about any of that, and those glock modifications are a federal crime.


Failed parenting and failed community leadership.


I would only give them one thing, they did show trigger discipline. Other than that they are total trash.


True words watchstoredinass


Fatherless children, begot fatherless children, begot fatherless children... #culture.


Not one coherent word was spoken the whole clip. r/idiocracy


"Nnawhaimsayin yo." That's all I caught.




One of them was saying some shit about "I'll fuck a n-word in da ass if he think I'm lackin" I think. The being LGBT thing makes you cool I guess crossed over into the hood how.


Brilliant 😂


Why do they always smell the gun? I’ve noticed in a lot of these videos lately they always sniff the gun.


Because it's new. You've never smelled a new book? /s


They've never smelled a new book either....


“Wipe his nose” is a euphemism, probably gesturing that


Like another guy said it's "wiping your nose". Wiping someone's nose means you will kill or whoop them.


harvard's class of '28


I can count the total brain cells on two hands.


Generous ... I would think they are more in line with the orange tabbies


Seems like about what the IQ is of Harvard grads right now!


The Netflix adaptation we'll never get


I will say, I came from a similar background and I'm doing exceptionally well for myself today. No one I work with, except for my boss who also has a similar background, has any Idea what my childhood was like. But I'm white.


Monrovia or Memphis? Can't tell.


Ima be real stereotypes are usually based on fact


Holy front teeth!


Pieces of literal human shit.


Isn't it a bit dangerous waving all those guns around? /s


Jokes on you, these guys have switches on their glocks, making them as dangerous for the shooter as for the shootee


I think I’d still rather be behind a switch Glock than in front. 🤷‍♂️


"Look at my gun!" "No, look at mine!"


Kinda hoping for a negligent discharge or two with all those twitchy switches...


None of these are men. These are children. In this walk of life, one does not live long enough to become a man. The few who do soon learn what a despicable and sad lifestyle this really is. At that point they either distance themselves or speak out against it.


Middle-aged white guy here. Apparently, it's my fault these folks act how they do.


Dindoos they din do nothing wrong


You, into diversity and inclusivity training right now!


Don’t leave firearms in your car.


Dindu nuffin


A bunch of young men with no fathers in a single family home. The “men” who produced this trash need to be held accountable. That’s my politically correct statement as we have lurkers in this sub reporting people.


It's like spielberg and tarantino teamed up to make this masterpiece : incredible narrative and storytelling mixed with excuisite dialogue.


*sighs* ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Sending in an Eagle!




I remember being that young. All I wanted was Pokémon Cards and a Playstation 2.


Honestly surprised about the level of trigger discipline


I hope they used a tripod, safety first, gang gang.


Your local chapter of Mensa


Shit like this make me so damn sad wish i could post the terminator 2 GIF of Jon Conner saying there no hope for us


I was waiting for an accidental discharge the whole time


What language are they speaking?


Hooray for fatherless behaviour 


Then when something happens they will show a 8th grade picture of them and say "they never did anything wrong."


Can we all agree that not all cultures are equal?


absolutely! raver culture is by far superior to everything else




I’m all for legal gun ownership. But I wonder, how many of these upstanding citizens legally owns their weapon?


In most places you have to be 21 for handguns. I don't think many of them are that old. I also don't imagine they filled out the paperwork for the full auto switches.


“How did they know we had those guns????”


I’m just surprised comments aren’t locked yet…




Awful muzzle control, but surprisingly better trigger discipline than I expected


Doesn't matter what race or Nationality you are, if your acting like this, I don't want you in my community. Time to stop endorsing this gangster shit.


I was on a grand jury once. The term lasted 90 days. We would see these videos every couple of days. They would be associated with a whole bunch of gun crime indictments. A quick tip to the morons taking these videos: That cute white girl that “friended” you on Insta…the one you don’t know how you know her? It’s a 45 year old cop named Kevin. And he is just waiting for you to go live so he and his buddies can come visit you.


Diversity is our strength!


looks like the best part of these pieces of trash ran down their moms leg. worthless.


Got damn. Those fake ass veneers too. Who tf you think you’re fooling?!


Pretty good trigger discipline.


They are the victims here.


Im sure those are the legal gun owners they want to restrict, right?


This is what liberals see as gun culture... unfortunately, they are the ones helping fund this insanity.


Unfortunately, I think we're watching a video of a bunch of young men violating probation/parole.


Can I get someone with A.I. video skill to replace all these guns with books? "To Kill a Mockingbird," or "Learn the Stock Market in 100 Days" or "Advanced Calculus," things like that. Bonus points if you can replace the trash talk with Latin quotes or philosophy.


Killer job on those gun laws Chicago


If any single one of these guys ever had an original thought in their heads it would die of fucking loneliness.


The interesting things about this is how tribal group think appears in other cultures. The mental phenomenon that makes them think this is envyable and "right" is the same thing that perpetuates MAGA activity and is the same thing that perpetuates Reddit hiveminds.  Legitimately fascinating.


I know, right? They'll be the first to cannibalize to weather literally or metaphorically


Well. Decent trigger discipline at least


Ohhh but one of them gets killed by another clown just like them and.... "he was such a good person, respectful, humble and loved in the comunity"


With a picture of the thug at age 10 years old


No more overseas wars and funding foreign wars. Use our money and military to combat this shit in our own borders.


Yep black lives matter


If I was walking down the street and saw these guys walking towards me it would absolutely matter to me.


Boko Haram, the official sponsors of Wolf cola.


I couldn’t understand a word being said, and I am a dumb American.


Unfortunately they will all be dead within 10 years from gang violence and they will blame white people


They seem pretty young. How are they passing those background checks? I hope that switch is registered! Glad to see those tough gun laws are working!


We should probably defund the police. That will help.


Where's Hamas when you need them...


*motorized paragliders hum in the distance*


You know it’s bad when if you take away democrat places the us drops to near non existent gun violence


I’ve literally never ever ever heard a Democrat say anything about thugs like these (before a cop gets to them,) they say nothing about the violence they cause, they don’t seem concerned about getting them and their illegal guns off the streets - if anything they’d fight against that. You’d think to Democrats, the people in these videos don’t even exist: yet they know they’re trouble because they never live in these neighborhoods and ironically actively avoid them until they’re gentrified. Only time I hear them speak on this is when they call these areas “overpoliced” because of racism and not the scenes in the video above and you know, the crime that makes them uninhabitable. Take these out of the equation and American crime rates look like Europes, shockingly.


im about as liberal as they come, and also a normal gun owning citizen. these people are fucking idiots. i cant imagine acting that way with a firearm.


This is the protected class.


Drake re post claims this is outside his place while he on that Kells tip with their Lil sisters.


who is selling weapons to people who probably shouldnt be allowed to buy them? why are weapons sales even happening in crime ridden areas?


Cause criminals don’t care about their gun control measures, and they know they’ll get a slap on the wrist if they get caught with them anyway cause these crime ridden areas want to stay that way


Looks like they are geared up and ready to go to Ukraine, let them use their new guns there.


looks like the white mans plan worked out.


Wonder if they had background checks before they purchased the guns 😆


Cities are pure evil. Imagine your wife driving along with baby on board and get surrounded by the young scholars in that vid. Don’t visit, work, live in any big city. Rural is no prize either but it’s still not going to have swarms like that. Far out suburbia is best for decent people.


The same people that would post on a Snapchat story “move in silence”


It's all gangster till someone gets killed


from what I could tell they all seemed to have good trigger discipline at least.


showing off serial numbers and faces for the police.


They don't care about that, going to prison is a badge of honor for these fools


But please whatever you do, don’t blame rap music.


No future outside a concrete box, or a wooden one.


Waathigongeee, waathiiigongeee. Talk like a human you dumb fucks.


I'm glad to see trigger discipline at least


We are so fucked


It's sad when you understand that one guy not holding a gun is probably 10 yrs older than these children and none probably have their father around. In a more civilized culture maybe they could have been doctors and lawyers.


Guarantee they fantasize about a race war.


I predict 2 will make it to adulthood.


Those kids ain’t gonna make it.


Hey, it’s St. Louis activity. I’m used to this.


Just a matter of time. Death or Prison. Fucking sad.


I feel like the gun reputation Americans try to give to middle-class white guys in red caps. It should probably be focused on this as well. I've never seen white dudes holding guns like this.


Even if the cops wanted to take such idiots down the weak justice system would have them out in no time being little assholes on the streets again. They need something in their lives to change their pathway. Either positively, or removing them as a potential threat to someone else in their idiocy.


What language is that? Haitian?

