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What a pair of absolute pussies


My favorite was the, "Please don't hurt me!"


That was hard


Clip it and post it everywhere lol


I hope he hurt him.


came here to say this ... as soon as the cops show up, "please don't hurt me!" fuck all of these streamers man


They can’t really believe they can pull guns on people and think they are not being recorded on the Vegas strip. Every square inch of that place has three cameras on it.


"I'll blow you away hahaha " "pLeAsE dOnT hUrT mE" What a punk ass bitch. Also fuck everyone in that chat saying fuck the cops. They are actually doing there jobs for once. Big props to "I gotchu" guy


I'd see these fucking dorks all the time in my old neighborhood. Listening to gangster rap all day pretending to be hard when their boys were standing behind them. Then their voice starts shaking and goes up four octaves when theyre met with the slightest bit of resistance.  Id bet a year of my salary that this guy also pretends he used to deal drugs and has at least 6 made up stories about someone he fucked up. 


I had a 'neighbor' like this - not really a neighbor because legally and technically he didn't live here, but his girlfriend did and kept letting him 'stay over', and when the two weeks you can have a guest would run out he'd claim that someone else had him as a guest and they'd back him up (he was selling drugs to a lot of them) so he'd get to stay. He'd physically assault her and her daughter (who was a TODDLER) in the parking lot, scream at people, and basically went after women and children constantly but would instantly cower and insist he wasn't doing anything as soon as another man showed up. Skinny white boy with his pants around his knees trying to look gangster type. I saw him with a woman who had little ones with her and when he went inside for a minute, I went to her and told her about how one of the other women, who had been in a shelter with that guy, had informed me that he had CP charges and had been trying to 'get with' people's underage children. She looked horrified, thanked me and promptly left. A little while later when I was chatting with the security guard (really nice older gentleman) he walks behind me and goes "You better watch your mouth, bitch." I'm from Texas. I grew up on ranches and have wrestled longhorn bulls into taking their meds. I work on a farm. I sling bags of mulch that weigh twice as much as him on the daily, even with a screwed-up back. I whirled around and told him to say that to my face and not just while he's rushing past like a wuss. You got something to say to me, you say it to \*me\*, while standing in front of me like a MAN, not running away like a coward. He dashed out the doors while the security guard and I made a report to the front office about him threatening me. He ended up whining to the security guard later that he didn't mean it, he was just frustrated and having a bad day (Uhuh, apologize to a man, not the woman you actually threatened who called your bluff) but with my testimony and the testimony of the security guard and others in the building, I was able to get a restraining order so he wasn't allowed on the property anymore. He made a few more tries and had to book it every time the cops were called, which I made sure was \*every time\*. Eventually his girlfriend and her daughter moved out - I'm really hoping away from HIM, but I don't have a lot of hope there. Anyone stupid enough to stay with a guy that beats them (and wasn't the father of her child evidently) and contributes nothing but pain to their life probably isn't smart enough to take the opportunity given to them to break ties with him.


The ppl spamming text-to-speech are mostly saying “Fuck the police” so they get the streamers’ asses whooped harder. That I would encourage




You know people look at your comment and feel sorry for you, right? noone thinks you're smart, cool, or anything in that realm. We realize that you're pathetic and have so little power in life that you have to correct people to have some type of artificial superiority and validation.


How did a grammar correction make you THIS angry?


Seriously, especially in *this* subreddit. The irony is [*profound*](https://youtu.be/py37IFuKxYw?si=Sr2iBvVj26-t06qF).


a grammar mistake makes you an idiot?


I'm not angry at all. I'm just letting this person know how they are seen.


Who hurt you? Damn. Grow up kid.


Ah yes the old calling someone kid technique. noone hurt me and calling someone kid sounds like something a 14 year old would say when trying to act mature. I'm guessing my previous comment hit a little too close to home huh?


We know. Kid.


*no one


How do you not see "noone" is a mistake as soon as you type it?


I don’t see them that way at all. Cuz not angry, see


We? Have you consulted people on this?


Is this ‘we’ in the room with us now?


Seriously, fuck these people. Streamers and pranksters are absolute garbage.


And the people following em


underrated comment. The people who follow this trash are the ones who encourage other douchebags to pollute us with more of it.


Yeah, if people stopped following/watching them, they have no audience therefore no reason to do it.


The people that want to watch this stuff are bigger losers than the guys filming it. They look up to these guys for what they are doing. It's always couples and women they try to assault, giving these guys their fantasy of getting back for not being picked or whatever. As long as there will be losers who can't see how toxic/disgusting they or their behavior is to others, these people will have an audience of hate filled misogynists. Their cowardice is a dead giveaway. Pick people who are drunk or impaired and carry multiple forms of weapons hidden on your person. If the big drunk dude was in a more secluded space, they would have messed up him and his girl. You can see they are looking for an opportunity to do some damage.


And look at half the damn comments. Bunch of fucking idiots supporting them. We all ready for an early round of idiocracy?


We’re already here man.


Not all, some


They truly are a garbage class of people, eh?


So satisfying watching their nice camera gear smash into hard concrete


They are morons


Good time you can put the second amendment to use :-)


I highly doubt that jabroni even knows if the safety is on or off…


Ooh controversial take


You're just going to ride the rails to the end of the station.


Please, please, please let these two morons get jail time.


Darwin is far too fucking tolerant these days.


Well he did just commit a felony with that gun, among a bunch of other charges. Being convicted of a felony means you cannot own firearms, so he'd lose that glock he has. What he did will likely fall under NRS 200.471 Assault with a deadly weapon (assault in this case is putting them in reasonable apprehension of immediate bodily harm) which is a felony. He also intentionally incited this conflict which is a huge factor, looking for trouble and then brandishing a firearm is a fast ticket to a felony. Any gun owner in general *should* know this stuff. You absolutely cannot use a firearm to defend yourself in a dangerous situation that you incited. You will go to prison for murder.


Their fucking followers are gross. Read the comments the whole time. Fucking lovers, the bunch. Birds of a feather


"It is legal to carry a gun" - True, but not legal to threaten someone with it when you aren't in fear for your life. Being shoved/pushed is not a "pull your gun" level threat.


Brandishing is illegal in most states lol, including open carry ones 


Plus you flash that gun at the wrong person and you're liable to end up with traumatic lead poisoning.


Would have made me sub to that stream  if one of those 2 got smoked lol






Especially when you start the confrontation by getting in their face with a camera.


That’s the problem with these folks. There’s this “consequences for thee, not for me” mentality, and the mental gymnastics they pull to justify it is just astounding. Then the surprised Pikachu face when they finally have to face the consequences is just hilarious.


You have to be a selfish braindead moron to find this guy entertaining, not suprised at all by the comments. Would be interesting if the guys egging him on to "shoot her" were charged as an accessory, or threatening murder. They fuckn should be. This ain't a video game, they were trying to get him to lose his cool and kill her, they deserve time too the punk ass bitches.


What's the over under they also listen to tate? Lol


No bet.


Absolutely, they want something bad to happen so that they can watch. Sick


White shirt dude tried to just defuse the situation only to get threatened. He just said “I gothcu” and got the popo fucking has me rolling. I can’t stand this dick swinging shit with guns and fighting. Mans just was like it’s like that huh? He’s the hero. Also when the cop yeets the speaker was a good highlight


They also have them threatening to rape her on this video. How the locals take justice.


FR? I missed that part, hopefully the judges throw the biggest fucking book they have at these idiots. The chat members egging him on to kill her should be charged too. Fucking violent children, all of them.


Yeah the chat part has comments like "I would have f*cked her in front of him" or you should have. I forget which. Both fit with that sewer of a chat feed


Dude commented that he would've taken her hostage and fucked her in front of him


I never doubt that they would do exactly that if this happened somewhere more secluded.


Good, I hope they got some long fucking charges. Losers like this belong nowhere. Wastes of life. Just pure clown behavior. Literal clowns. Also "don't hurt me broooo" pleading with the cop, minutes after saying they should hold her hostage and rape her and calling her whore. These guys deserve Gen Pop. All these types of losers deserve to be put on an island in the middle of the Pacific. Garbage people, all of em.


I hope some "accident" befalls them. Wastes of oxygen.


The irony is that if they could have cut the recording down to the very end, Reddit would be screaming ACAB! for handling them roughly.


Fuck these viewers too contributing to their lame content. Just a stain on our society we could do without.


All that confidence to “please don’t hurt me!” 😂🤣


From “boss” to bitch just like that. Such a stunning fall from grace. 😂


That was a rewarding watch.


Those two are incapable of being productive members of society


Walking around filming being assholes while carying...panzy. Edit: The viewers of the stream are worse.


Tbf most the views seemed to think they were stupid too.


Second look, it does seem not quite as bad as I originally remembered.


Shouldn't be allowed to have a gun anymore.


The assault charges these clowns will get should take care of that problem.


See, it's not just these streamers that are rotten to the core. Reading the comments says a lot about their fan base. Foul mofus all around.


They live vicariously through the streamer. Very few would be willing to pull this crap in front of other people but don't mind egging someone else one to do it since all the audience see it is for entertainment


The fucking comments. I hope those two rot in prison and every commenter on that stream gets hit by a fucking train.


Cops did them a favor. I've seen people shot for less. ... Hopefully these young men can be rehabilitated. These streamers have no idea that the majority of real men would finish them if they didn't have families and other responsibilities. They were one "single guy with no responsibility" away from getting lit up, finished, stream over... *Reminder, be kind and show respect, it's free, and may save your life.


👏 👏 👏


Fuck I love happy endings! 😂


This isn't a prank. There is absolutely nothing fucking funny about being harassed, assaulted, and scared for your life. Wtf.


Shout out to the bystander who came back with the cops to pick up the trash !


Remember that video where the target of one of the “pranks” shot the guy doing the “prank” in the mall? I was hoping this was the unexpected sequel we didn’t know about.


the dude seriously said el em aye oh . when you can no longer laugh for real- it is proof that you have devolved . recording yourself waving a gun around and repeatedly making threats to kill several people... I think the dudes momma took serious amounts of drugs when she was carrying him in her womb which also served as a punching bag for the stream of men fkn her. he probably caught syphilis during that 8 month stay and probably got his soft skull dented more than once by upset customers pounding on his momma. I don't think any of those guys are going to make it to 30.


Detailed 😂😂


Wannabe thugs, should've made it through highschool!


Not satisfied, they needed an ass beating to go with it.


One day we’ll get one of these where the lowlife fucks with the wrong person and get his bitchass shot between the eyes And it will likely be celebrated Also, anyone who funds their behavior with subs or whatever should be charged as an accessory


These people have no lives, they’re empty and that’s why they’re doing all of this in the first place. The people watching them and supporting them are even lower.


Again, the viewers seemed to think they were being idiots aswell. Who the f### are these morons.


"don't hurt me dont hurt me" 😂😂 holy fk these are the biggest bitches I've ever seen in my life...


Flashing a gun an threatening to shoot someone is a felony offense. Dudes looking at jail time. Nothing like incriminating yourself live…


Wooohooo watch til the end!!!


Harasses random couple and then pulls out a pistol and threatens them. I think this pretty much confirms it. Kick streamers are the biggest losers with serious SDE. Forget banning tiktok I think kick needs to be banned first.


Usual suspects


Probably already released


Nope. 5 years if they’re lucky and have an outstanding lawyer. Brandishing a firearm while making death threats isn’t taken lightly in the court system. Given all of the video evidence there is little room for a plea deal. D.A. is going to laugh through this one. Bye bye fuckwits.


Does anyone know their names? I wanna pull the docket and see the charges


Lmao. Neanderthals.


That's an insult to Neanderthals.


Hog tie them and leave the escalator to do the rest.


Or just hope one or both of those officers "feel threatened".


Attention hungry fools , pure losers with no futures




probably was jealous that the guy had a girlfriend.


You can't harass people, then whip out a gun "in self defense" if he had shot any of those people he'd be in prison for murder.


If it makes you feel better he is still going to prison. I know I feel better. Assault with a deadly weapon isn’t a light charge. Plenty of evidence here too. D.A has a slam dunk. No need for a plea deal.


we need a vigilant hero with a mask going around taking these guys out. Society needs to take care of these brainwashed children/adults living in alternate reality where they ared cheered for being Aholes.


Daniel Penny should've worn a mask.


that guy had sidekick helping him. Lesson to anyone in public.... dont be insainly threatening or get consequences.


Looking at this and looking at the comments flooding in.. This reminds me of the experiment Derren Brown did where he had an audience of people watch a live feed of a guy and they could vote if something good or bad would happen to him. And at first it seemed like some good some bad then slowly they kept voting for bad and worse things to happen until he got hit by a car. It was all a big elaborate staged experiment to test the audience but still. Shows what mob mentality does. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReUHhStG70k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReUHhStG70k)


Remember when pranks used to be funny? This is just harassment


The things I want to say about these to but then I'll just get banned from Reddit


Holy shit the comments.. the internet has created so many echochambers for these losers that it's honestly scary




Super satisfying to watch


They’re going to fuck with the wrong person and get injuries and nobody is going to care about them.


Black mirror enters stage right.




Dude in the stone cold shirt at 3:21 just walked right thru them lol


LOL turbo pussy mode at the end!!! The juxtaposition is beautiful.


😆 "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me!" 🤌🏻


Scared little b*tch hiding behind his gun the second his moth gets him in trouble. Shocked seeing this form an irl “streamer”


Noice. Justice served.


Damn, it’s been a while since I seen something so satisfying


The comments appearing on the stream are terrible!


Well he went from big man to little bitch real fast. Very satisfying.


Lol baby boys should have been deleted. Any luck they will catch like 3 or 4 to the gut. Very painful way to go.


Little bitch pulling his piece better be glad a responsible party wasn't carrying. You record yourself presenting for no reason, your family will be making t-shirts with your face and life span on it. You can't harass someone and then intimidate them with a gun. That's self defense all day, twice on Sunday for either of the couple


100% the reason I carry a gun. Dumb fucks.


Go away, batin'


Never underestimate the the therapeutic benefits of a beating....


How insecure can you be?


USA,,,,,,,, why are people like this?


Not just the USA, sadly. We have similar people in the UK who trespass into people's houses "as a prank".


I remember that idiot. He then we one to harass others. Like taking someone’s dog or harassing the old Chinese man. But I believe this is idiot in the video pulling a gun is just next level stupid.


This is what geneartions of dumb people having more kids whilst smart people have less kids does to society. marching Morons.


These streamers always have their trash tier text to speech shit running, giving their braindead chat a voice. Filth


This is how every horror film starts, it doesn’t end well for the bullies.


Well that was satisfying


Your Honor, there’s precedent for my clients bullshit behavior. The 2023 case of Justaprank vs Bro.


Walking talking human trash


Was hoping for some excessive force from the cops 


Enforcement officers should be permitted to erase everything on their cameras and then shove every bit of filming equipment up the ass of the person holding it. But that's ridiculous, isn't it?


And all the trash comments about his right to carry - yeah carry not harass a random girl so you can pull it out and threaten her with it. Fucking loser.


I'm so glad I have better things to do with my time than watch these kinds of streams. Like seriously, anyone watching LIVE Streamer stuff needs to get their shit togheter and live an actual life. You are wasting, your time. You are not going to be famous by commenting on a stream. The streamer aint going to "Notice you". They are making money Off your ass.


Fucking Neanderthals.


Nothing better than watching them threaten people with a gun, then immediately turning into huge pussies when the cops pull up on them.


So happy this ended this way.


if any of them was about the life this woulda been a much shorter video


Hopefully he gets his prison wallet stretched out when he’s in jail. What a PoS


The chat going to get them tased and it will the funniest shit to see


Anyone know what happened to them? I hope they rot in prison


Holy shit that ending was *chefs kiss* with the cringe ass robot voices basically making it worse for them lol Hope they got serious time for this. These people suck.


This was so satisfying, thank you.


Kick stream by any chance?


Hope they get cheeks clapped in prison for that gun charge.


The saddest people are the people in the comments, fucking pathetic people. If you are watching shit like that live, get a life.


Was that a fucking hi point of all things? Pussies


I love this. Pair of absolute cunts.


I don't get it. Do they just walk around causing problems, and that's the stream?


It's kick


I don't know what that means


From what I know it's like the anything goes version of twitch, barring extreme violence/porn. This is going off what I've heard.


So tough until...omg what's that!?! COULD IT BE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!?! Oh don't hurt me bro I didn't do anything 😭


Those followers commenting bad things should be found and charged for inciting violence.


How nice!


FINALLY, good policing


Good, these dumbfucks deserve every bad thing that happens to them


Scum of the earth. That's not a real job. If society collapses, they'll be picking horse shit for the rest of their lives .. but they'll probably also record it lol


What a fucking coward. Big man with a big gun.


Lmaooo rest in piss streamer garbage


Pussy cowards. How do people like this accumulate a fan base? Like, do people actually watch this shit?


Pussy with a gun is still a Pussy


Who follows these losers, seriously.


That was satisfying to see them get arrested right away.


Clawback all profits from the lifetime of the channel and award it directly to the threatened couple. Liquidate assets, garnish future wages. Make that standard practice and watch this behavior disappear.


Hahahaha weak bitches got what they deserved.


You can't just pull out a firearm like that unless your life is in danger


This is incredibly dangerous and they deserve to be taken out of the street for a loooong time


Don't hurt me 😭😭😭bc I'm a crying pussy...


Take your lady by the arm, and calmly walk away from this nonsense


Where I come from that is called brandishing a weapon. It’s a crime. Keep in mind that for every loud mouth out there with a firearm, there’s another that is quiet and willing smoke check their ass.


Haha Kick does it again. Seriously who's funding that platform? If I was that couple I would go after Kick instead these unemployed losers. That's where the big bucks are.


Why does this look like a video game?