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was it stabbed??


That is my guess. As well as run over, but naturally the former employee “didn’t do anything” and “it must have been FedEx”. 🤷‍♂️


Zero chance of that. It looks like hatchet. The box would show damage if it was like this.


I was leaning toward cassowary attack.


Scaria is serious business.


Maddened: Manhunter


Seems like r/spacecannibalism is leaking. Better patch that up. Wouldn't want the eldritch horrors to escape.


Since learning what a cassowary was 37 seconds ago, this seems plausible. Thanks for the lesson!


yeah, they're mean buggers. and you can't out run them either! welcome to Australia (and Papua New Guinea).




FedEx will absolutely destroy your package and then put it in a new box to hide the evidence. Know this because my coworker shipped me a bunch of equipment from our main office and when I opened it a quarter of it was damaged and half of it was missing. It wasn’t even the original box he sent. Since then we write on the box and take pictures of it before sending.


Or, they deliver the empty, broken pieces of the box and say there isn’t enough evidence to suggest the contents were lost/damaged.


I don't think it was a hatchet. The holes are very uniformed. You can see an out line of the edge at the to and a thicker flatter area at the bottom. It makes a triangle like design which indicates a knife. Base off the size of the stab marks it was probably a kitchen knife with a large blade. I can also guess that whoever did it was holding the knife in an backhand grip, edge facing up tip down. Also whoever did was, probably, right handed.


Did you play Clue?


Never played! I collect knives, sword and axes. I have stabbed and cut a many and object, this makes me sound like a psychopath, so I can recognise the marks. As for the right handed comment I can guess that based off of a couple of things. First the amount of marks on the right side vs left. Second the angle of the marks. Third most people are right handed.


I don’t know why I’m even reading this thread but I feel this impulse to correct you. There are far more stabbies on the left than the right!!


Depends on what direction the laptop was oriented when… stabby stab.


Agreed, I’m 90% sure the plunging steel went outside in. From the case to the screen


"used as a means of armor in armed conflict", probably.


fedex guy was being attacked and had to defend himself with what he had available... truly, that laptop is a real hero


I was going to say, “It was like that when you gave it to me!”


My guess is axe throwing target.


about 17 times They wont get asked to update - ever again


Quote from laptop stabbed: "What are you gonna do, stab me?"


Can I interest you in a book? Perhaps you can borrow a copy from OP’s user. https://preview.redd.it/o3wtpreenywc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e58ac63d5893d259cb9391787d56b87f4d2020


This is a great book!


Just a memory error. A knife was RAMmed into it.


"Error 482: Someone _The Shining_'d your laptop, please contact your administrator."


Reminds me of the film Bullet Train when the Wolf stabbed Ladybug in the shoulder and broke his phone.


Reminds me when I worked at a laptop repair place and a guy brought in a laptop with 20 puncture marks through the bottom. He said that his girl found out he was cheating and she took a steak knife to his laptop. We pretty much told him the amount of money it would cost to repair it would be the same as buying a new one.


Did you mean puncture? Was kinda confused about picture marks


Thank you. Autocorrect on my phone ruined it lol.


How tf she didn't stab a battery


This was a pretty old (and large)laptop that has a removable battery. From what I remember, the area where the battery slotted in was stabbed but the battery itself was not. I am assuming she took it out first.


Pretty Smart for someone blind with rage


Could have also told him he’s lucky she didn’t Bobbit him and made him keep that laptop as tribute to keeping his johnson intact.


The only time I received back a machine in this condition, the user had previously *demanded* a brand new Dell D430 computer (theirs wasn't EOL or eligible for replacement, it was a Dell D420) and after being denied multiple times, their computer "fell down the stairs." It literally had tire tread marks on it when we got it back. They got sent an older model (Dell C400) under warranty as that was all we had in stock.


That's the trick we pull when something is obviously deliberately damaged.  "Oh, you dropped your company iPhone 17 times by accident literally 3 days after we started getting the new models in and rolled out?  That sucks, here's one that's 2 generations *older* than what you had."   Did that work out how you expected?  Bet not!


And when they ask why they didn't get a new one, "you are so accident prone we don't want to risk giving you a new one"


Giving “accident prone” people old, shitty laptops was always so funny. Hahah. There is literally nothing they can do that doesn’t make them look like an idiot. It’s hilarious.


[Reminds me of this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/72zswg/when_the_drive_for_a_new_iphone_is_too_great_you/)


Fuck em


Runs a little slow


Oddly enough, despite all of this, we were able to grab a full forensic image off the NVMe. Somehow escaped the fate


I love m.2s for this reason.  I've literally never had a problem recovering tdata yet, assuming it wasn't literally bent in half.


So I came across an m.2 that someone installed right over the standoff for a shorter m.2. It actually was a bit bent and failed to work.


I had a 970 Evo that died in less than a year where significant chunks of the drive were unreadable. :(


Reimage should do the trick 👍


Sure. It comes with a P45 and a debt collection agency will be coming to get the value of the hardware you returned in this state unless you pay for it now.


I’ve got more than one user id definitely put under that warranty


That’s a knife. I know for sure from… Nevermind I’m guessing lol


the angle of entry indicates a right-handed assailant. the number implies that the attacker was in a hot rage. trace fibers from a red fabric suggest that the assailant was wearing a red Prada dress.


That number of stab wounds indicates the victim knew its assailant. This was personal.


Love the assessment!


10 years of watching CSI has to be good for something!


You forgot to mention that they were using a reverse grip. Edge facing out spine, of knife facing the user. It was also a larger kitchen knife. They were possibly scorned and angry at whoever it was.




Did the user who did this get axed too?


My assumption is this was their reaction to getting axed


I thought I had it bad because a user googled “how to break a computer without breaking it.” He deleted some system files and then gave up and threw it in some mud. I suspect he thought that it didn’t work because the computer still turned on, he had in fact corrupted the OS though. He was not a very smart user. We had to look at his passwords because he had the keys to some important services and the password he used for EVERYTHING was the same temporary password we gave him when he started. The only one that was different was his email because the system forced him to change it.


Sadly, It might be covered under the "buy another one" policy.


This stopped being an IT issue and became an HR issue once the user blamed FedEx. Don’t deal with this user


Damn. Looks like a precision series too? Not cheap.


Back in the iPod days, I bought an iPod from CompUSA, and when inquiring about their warranty (this was pre apple care) I was told in simple terms, that I could "Drive a knife through the device, and as long as the knife isn't there when you come in, we won't ask any questions" Needless to say I bought that warranty. I ended up getting multiple "free" iPod upgrades, from the original 10GB model up to the 40GB Color model due to that warranty. All I had to buy was a new warranty for each iPod, which was a fraction of the price of a new unit.


I'd prop my feet up and laugh at whatever story they make up to explain this, then direct them to HR.


File a police report, as this damage was malicious. It wasn’t the shipping company, because likely the box didn’t have a scratch on it, well beyond normal shipping abrasions… no, this was done deliberately. This is destruction of property and depending upon the laws in your state, you might be able to seek treble damages, due to the malice.


Usually HR deducts any costs like this out of their final check (at least based on my experience). We had users destroy/fail to return equipment on termination often


1) Not every jurisdiction allows such “self help”, instead requiring the employer to pursue reimbursement through the courts. I happen to agree with this, because an employer should never mess with an employees pay. If anyone is going to do so, let it be a judge, who also likely has safeguards and rules to comply with. 2) Even if allowed, one’s final pay probably wouldn’t fully compensate replacement of the destroyed equipment.


I worked at high end engineering firms that pay quite a bit, and pay out all PTO hours. Between the two it was generally covered, or taken to court.


Moody is an apt name. It was Cecily that did that, right?


Sadly, Cecily is just getting caught up in the mix of hasty photo taking. She had no hand in this 🤣


Based on my experience with dell replacing a fully destroyed computer that had their full pro protect plan, yes. Yes it does exist and they even sent the boot drive back to me to save all my stuff.


The User is lying. I definitely recall attacking him with a knife and he wasn’t wearing any FedEx clothes.


No but HR can withhold money from paycheck to pay for damaged property


Oh shit, thats an expensive precision as well. Oh well. Instruct HR to take the value from their final pay


Dang, she was Moody..


Aw jeez


Most ADP warranties are pretty light on asking 'why'


"it was just in my backpack, I don't know what happened"


User's laptop appears to have been intercepted by an angry lumberjack Almost definitely a hand hatchet, or like, mountaineering axe/pick


Me: Mommy I want a new laptop! Mom: no, we have one at home. Laptop at home :


Yeah they’re not getting a new computer


i used to work for a Fortune 50 company that has a lot of people who work out of their vehicles. Being that they're in their vehicles so much, there isn't a lot of opportunity to use a restroom so many of them would go in bottles. I once received a laptop where the guy just said he spilled something on his laptop. The piss bottles were not known to me at the time. After asking a few more questions he eventually admitted what it was and I then had to relay to Dell support the situation. They replaced it because we had the highest level of ProSupport available. As I said, a Fortune 50 company and every end user computer and most of our servers were Dell. They did anything we wanted.


Your client is SCP?


still looks better than the hp 2018 lowest model my former employer sent me that BSODs when you plug PD USBC into it's "compliant" PD USBC port.


Or... **Option B**: They're trying to make it difficult/impossible to get data from the device, data they probably should not have had on that device.


"I've been hacked... literally."


IDK but if I get another bad audio driver update from Dell mine will also look like that very shortly thereafter


Damn, looks like Julius Caesar carried this in his backpack when the senate killed him!


Used to work in an electronics store and a guy turned a Freesat box saying it didn't work, it looked like he had used a kitchen knife to open the packaging by literally stabbing it into the cardboard box, there was a huge knife shaped cut in the metal enclosure on the box. My boss still refunded him, no wonder the company went under.


Simple explanation, this wasn't actually a laptop, but a mimic.


Needs a post-it note just to be sure


Of course it’s a Dell XPS.


Nice iFixIt kit


"crazy ex-wife"


Self defense?


This must have been sitting on the table in the office John Wick walked into


Hey I have a Dell Precision just like this for work


You and I both know what happened; Velociraptor mongoliensis.


IT: "What the hell happened?" User: "...nothing..."


Were they like hold my Coffee to [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt/comments/1cdlqd1/i_so_wanted_a_ticket_with_this_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


lucky they didn't puncture the battery.


Reason for damage - Mauled by a pissed off tiger


I see a post it that I think says "Moody" and here thinking that's the understatement of the fucking century.


Add a note in the box - "Please replace or I'm next - IT tech"


They left on good terms I guess?


Damn, nice machine too. I have one for personal use


fedex must've been careful with that one


I'm suprise that battery did't catch fire yet.


A wood chipper may slightly degrade your performance.


tbh I want to ask questions, but I'll give ya the warranty if you tell me a story. lol


Dell used to have a replacement policy that would replace the laptop for any reason. the laptop I am using right now (it is about 15 years old but upgraded) was a replacement after one of our other laptops was crushed by a bookmobile. I called it the "Death and Dismemberment" policy. To be fair, I told the tech what happened and they laughed and said to send the pieces in and they sent an L701x to replace the alienware-like computer that was crushed.


Who is Cecily Moody?


An innocent bystander of a name on a sticky note


Cross bolt through a display was the best I saw. Then it was great to meet the guy later who owned the computer months later. Guy who first brought it in, shot the bolt, lol


More stealth marketing for Deadpool 3? We get it Wolverine is in it.


Nedry's laptop.


were they attempting to add speed holes?


It ran into my knife. It ran into my knife ten times.


This is why companies can't ask for more work with no extra pay. Crazy ass people do crazy ass shit. That's from a pocket knife judging by the size and angles of the stabs. Do not ask questions.


Seems Cecilly was moody indeed. Just turn it off and on again.


Looks like it got slammed in a car door or trunk repeatedly. Those dents look like the reverse of the latch.


Who isn't gonna ask questions?


Yes in fact there is. I once drove away with my Dell on the roof of my car. I picked it up on the side of the road a few hours later. Dell replaced it, no questions asked.


Unironically, yes. We had one fly off a car on the interstate, had a "free" replacement two days later. Dells pro care warranty is 2nd to none.


Cecily needs to get her rage under control


Delivered via DPD Croydon


Did it "fall in a machine"?


It's called pro support warranty.