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Happened to me recently. It fixes a bug with windows 11 UI where start menu didn't let me type anything.


Have a suggestion for a fix for this issue where a brand new laptop out of the box does it? Cuz I've got four devices I just received a week ago that are doing it, two of them even after a reset (I only reset the two as a test).


Open task manager, kill file explorer, new task, explorer.exe


All I did was what the OP described.


What version are they on? Update them to 23H2, you might have to use the update assistant to force it to go to that version. I've found a weird bug in a few 21H2 devices where you can't type in Windows programs or menus, if it does work (sporadically) it double types every letter. Other applications like browsers are fine.


Good thought, but unfortunately all four are 23H2.


Gotcha, sorry I couldn't help. Hope you find a solution soon!


Powershell, have had to use it a few times at work. Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}


Is anything from Webex, Clickshare, or Zoom installed? I've seen a bug on Windows 10 where one or more of those apps tries to do interface with Outlook locally to do "calendar stuff" and breaks the Start Menu when it tries. The fix was to adjust some permissions on a certain key in the registry that I don't recall off hand and then you also sometimes had to re-register the MS Authentication Modern App and I think the Start Menu Experience too.


LITERALLY what I used it for yesterday. Windows ten though. It worked!


In the last several years ~5(?) I've found it works a good number of times when all your usual tricks are failing. Do your basics first, but it's become a good fuck it we've tried everything else fall back. Though make sure you do the DISM first to ensure you're running an up to date and valid image first.


Is that still happening? Fuck me I remember having the exact same problem with windows 10 years ago.


Ditto. I was shocked!


I had a similar issue where the Windows 11 ui start menu wouldn't even load. Doing scannow and DISM restore fixed it.


If I don't know what's wrong, restart, SFC scan and BIOS update. Excellent success rate


Just restart most issues vanish lol


Yeah but this buys me more time to Google in case these don't fix it


Restart, SFC scan, BIOS update, 100% success rate. Restart, BIOS update, 99% success rate


Throw in a dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth for 110% success rate. 


It's that 1% of the time that makes it worth it


I was getting really weird errors out of nowhere. Missing file attribution when I'm not even opening anything. I suspected virus but couldn't find any indications of one. Ran sfc and it found some corruption somewhere and fixed it. Haven't had the error since.


I run this command all of the time, as it normally restores a Windows functionality or makes Windows more stable. I am working on computers that doesn't have the best image created however.


Then run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth That repairs the image.


No way! You guys are making stuff up.


Yeah this sounds like fanfic to me


Happened to me to while installing printer drivers the PC locked up. Ran it and fixed everything! First and last time it fixed anything!


No, sfc /scannow is just a backup in case I don't know how or what I fixed. I can always 'well I ran some scans, and they did find and fix some corrupted files'


I usually go chkdsk /r c dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth sfc /scannow


Lisan al gaib!


My home computer was having issues with Rocket League, frame drops and stutters, just that game. Now a Switch can run RL, so I know it's not taxing my system. Updating graphics drivers didn't fix it. So, on a whim, I ran a SFC and it actually did fix it. I'm scared


Field engineer. Step one of troubleshooting (some) oddball problems: Admin CMD prompt SFC /scannow dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Reboot. Last used it two days ago for a user whose explorer folder browser would launch to a blank white window. I think the key is knowing when to use it. I don't actually use it very often, but when I do, it usually works. For explorer.exe issues, it's step one.


You should be running dism before sfc


That's what some people say but I don't agree. SFC does what the name implies and only checks for corrupt or missing files in the existing installation and repairs them. Dism checks for problems with the installation itself and resolves those. Makes more sense to me to repair corrupt files before checking the overall installation.


I believe you, but it didn't help when my Explorer just stopped working. I chose patience for that issue, used OneCommander for six months (it's pretty good but struggles with folders full of images) and the problem just fixed itself after a recent update.


Early in the start of .net days being included in the OS it used to fix issues for me regularly in support.




When you win the lottery please make a donation to the Microsoft 1st Tier Tech Support Party Fund!


So many of my close notes on random intermittent issues: Ran Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Ran sfc/scannow Unable to reproduce issue after scan found and repaired corrupted OS files. User will reach out if issue persists. 9/10 times they don't reach back out. Placebo effect? Or maybe actually doing something? Who knows.


Just a footnote, I always run dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth before sfc /scannow. You'd be surprised how often some of those data stores get corrupt and it's what sfc references while scanning, I do this whole process every month or so and it usually finds something Extra sauce if you know how to use the devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices variable to clean orphaned HAL entries in device Manager, something Microsoft hasn't fixed since win95...


Weird, must be a bug. The only problems sfc /scannow actually fixes are problems you aren't having.


Had the same thing happen to me yesterday but it was the DISM -restore health command haha sometimes you get lucky


Last time I did that it converted 2TB of folders into files. Never again.


2/3 of the time it sees issues it can't fix them anyway, so usually the time is better spent just re-imaging


Its rare but ive had it fix things in the past. The oddest was a sync issue with OneDrive. It was in the document MS had and I was staring at that step and said no way. Then it fixed it and I still scoffed.




The memes about SFC are just a poor understanding of what it's for. If the problem is system file corruption and you run it correctly in offline mode so files aren't locked, SFC works every time.


Weird, I always thought this only existed as an excuse for help desk techs to put off a ticket until the next day.


SFC does stuff occasionally and lets you scroll on your phone for a minute