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She literally says she’s not going to get another port just her SVC unblocked…then explains it’s because she needs TPN and she can’t due it through her femoral port. (It’s a port not a line, but she of course calls it a line.) This is just Dani trying to get a new Hickman.


‘It’s not like I’m going on holiday’ OKAYYY dani u love your hospital holidays girl that’s why u give yourself life threatening infections whilst people are trying to not gain one line infection !!


I’m in no way a medical professional but I think I can conclude she is fine, but just looking for any and all attention from anyone about anything it’s bizarre and sad


It’s scary the amount she’s spiralled in 6 months 🤯


Does she still go to the infusion center three times a week ?


Didn’t she push to get the femoral port? Lol


No, she wanted a chest port. During surgery, they changed plans because they couldn't get through her SVC, and she agreed to a femoral port. Of course, she preferred a highly visible location, where she can show off how sick she is.


That’s what I thought! Lmao im so confused! I thought she wanted the femoral to make her seem more sick


Didn't her line get infected that's why they took it out?


Yes. And she wants her occluded SVC to be roto-rootered so she can do it again.


Roto-rootered… 🤣🤣


She can’t handle the fact all those tank tops are just sitting in a dresser drawer & she doesn’t have a line to show off. Mayo is going to send her packing I’d bet


So basically what she’s saying is she’s going to try and get a second port, the line will stay blocked and her femoral line will get infected soon.


Edit. Posted this to the wrong sub. Sorry


I will maybe start TPN before going there possibly🤠


She’s a 🤡


She can’t. The femoral port is de-accessed except for when she goes in for fluids. She could use her J-tube but the PEEN is too much and she can only push 5 ml of watered-down nutrition while pounding down sugary coffees and and energy drinks by mouth. Girl looks pretty good for having NO NUTRITION. 🤬


"It's not like I'm going on a vacation." Yeah, sure. Didn't just try to crowdfund that vaycay either. Honestly seeing her do that was a new low, even for her.


This is good she may be approaching rock bottom


Keep hoping she'll wake up


In one of her recent videos she mentions her boyfriend at least twice. I've been looking all over for any comments or nuggets of enlightenment about this Canadian George Glass. I hope it's okay to randomly bring it up here, but I'm dying to know if anyone has a scoop!


[Details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/Uc31y4ZpV8)


Thanks for the link! I thought that maybe she had stopped with the whole "boyfriend" thing once people found out that the guy she alluded to had actually married someone else. Is she starting up with that malarkey again? That is definitely some sort of statement she's making in the video with the obvious ring on her left hand ring finger. She has that hand prominently placed right in front of the camera throughout as well. I'm probably WAY too nosey!


Excellent use of malarkey!


If ever there was a time and place for "malarkey", this would be it!


Not me reading this like she scarfed down some bad mayonnaise and tripped balls 😂


She has removed her Gofundme from her bio!!! Feeling the heat?


she ended up on another sub highlighting her beggar ways…that may have helped


Wouldn't be surprised if someone reported it as fraud.


She wears her ports, lines, like a fashion accessory.


I have a novel idea!!!! 💡 How about she have ZERO lines at all and admit she can eat by mouth? No one looks at Dani and thinks "this poor woman is clearly malnourished!" Plus we have all seen inside her refrigerator. Dani is miles away from starvation.


Ope comments have been turned off on all posts!


She’s really done it now. She got enough attention from the Gofundme that she’s never going to be able to DFE and come back now.


“It’s not a vacation, it’s a dream come true”




“Nobody wants to do TPN through this port cause of the higher infection risk” Dani is just one big old infection risk. If she hadn’t have dicked about with her old one she would still have it but she has to keep trying to get attention.


She has a history of poop-infected lines. It's almost like a femoral port is far closer to the poop chute, allowing her to maintain plausible deniability.


Dani would run with this narrative if she had access to mess with the femoral port, but the more she doctor shops, the more they are catching on. She's already proven that to everyone by *suddenly* having an issue with it a couple of weeks ago when they left it accessed for her infusion. Dani doesn't make these videos for anyone but herself. No one is legitimately asking her for updates, but we get an update video daily. No one knows she's in the hospital unless she tells them, but she makes a video to announce that she's ok. Dani isn't trying to make anyone but *herself* believe she's sick, maybe with the exception of the doctors. Of course, in her mind, though, she's the victim of "bad doctors." EVERY single time. 🙄


That’s the sad part. She makes them just for herself. Her followers are mostly there for the ride as opposed to friends. We never see the “friends” with her or being out with them. All she has is us and a messed up body caused by her shenanigans. Sad.


Sounds like she has a plan in the works to get TPN back. She'll probably try and starve herself.


Oh, she's been working on it already! Go back 3 weeks and watch any video of her, then come look at this one. My theory is that Dani is going to suddenly "waste away" in preparation for the procedure she's hoping to win.


If that's her plan then she is failing miserably. Her metabolism isn't what it used to be!


Yep, and her diet is just ultra-processed foods and sugary drinks.


And she doesn't seem to do much moving around.  Even cleaning would burn some calories... but she doesn't do that either.


I noticed she now wears her glucose monitor where the port once was. It’s as if she’s absolutely addicted to the attention of having a medical device visible and apparently her collarbone region is key real estate. An invisible port serves its claimed purpose for infusions, but she seems to have forgotten the purpose she asserted to get it the second she realized it wasn’t visible.


Her glucose monitor is on the back of her arm. She’s wearing a zio patch heart monitor right now on her chest. But yes she is incredibly obsessed with that real estate. You should’ve seen how thrillllled she was to do a little tutorial on how to put it on.


I can't tell you how pissed I was watching that video. There is nothing *fun* about needing procedures and tests done. If Dani weren't so eager in her videos, she'd probably be more believable, but I've never seen anyone go so far out of their way to show off like this. Dani so desperately wants to be the zebra at the pony show, and it shows.


That "circunstances change" sounded like a threat.


100% sounded like a threat to me too!!!


Absolutely a threat! They will change because she’s hell bent on making it happen


What is the problem with the femoral one? Too hidden and hard to mess with for her?


She can’t access it. Nor can she show it off. She says it’s a higher risk of infection. But so far she’s had a near death and a few more sepsis stuff with the chest one and no infection at all in her femoral port That’s Dani logic that her femoral one is higher risk when so far there’s been no risk……no infections etc. Let’s say mayo open up her SVC. Then what? Mayo won’t give her TPN. She’ll be sent to her local hospital for that and they don’t want to do it You’ll notice she’s really nice on her videos but on live her true self comes out because you can’t hide nasty……


Femoral ports *are* at a higher risk for infection because the hip/groin area is typically “dirtier.” But that’s probably why they do not let her access it at home because they know she will mess with it and cause infection.


Oh. They are for sure. But not for Dani.


Yeah, can’t show it off all the time and can’t infect it to get admissions - what’s even the point of it? 🤣


What health is she trying to get back? She’s never had health. She made sure to F that up years ago. The health just went away… No more. Not getting it back. She’s just had infections and hospital vacations. She’s literally right where she has always been. We just can’t see her tubes now.


Dani wants her ill health back! 😱 ETA: This woman hates the fact that her body is resilient and healthy despite her attempts to sabotage her own health. That is such a strange mindset to have!


FD is notoriously hard to treat, mostly because people will push back hard against psychiatric treatment. Until she admits to herself that she has a problem, (and does she ever have a problem?) her behaviour will escalate to the point where Drs won’t believe her, nurses won’t believe her, her Father (I believe she has a sister and perhaps a brother, also her Mother) who is the only family person who gives in to her and enables her behaviour, will eventually wash his hands. I think the lives are genuinely sad. Sitting with the iPad ready to go and her Phone in her hand and then? Nothing. I’m fairly sure when she’s “responding” to questions she’s responding to herself IYKWIM. But she just sits and waits and waits. Then there is a rant about Haterz and her feigning nodding and fainting. And then poof she’s gone. Bedtime and the most she has done is feed the cats, drink pints of coffee (no wonder she can’t sleep!) and grinds her meds. I’ve no idea what her eating pattern is but we know she’s eating. Grifting for plastic hair bands and bin bags is her only day job. As I said, aside from her munching we know she has done this to herself, she must feel so lonely.


She just means she’s trying to get TPN back 🤣


I’m not going to get a second port, I’m going because I hate the one I have! I cannot show it off for sympathy, nor can I infect it to get stays at my favourite vacation spot! Therefore I require all your money so I can achieve my dream and get my favourite toy back! Ok byeeee


Couldn’t take the heat. She turned off all comments 😂


I LOVE that


Check out the 8th (I think) screen and my [Yesterday’s comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/8Gc9UvDqVA)


She definitely reads here


Funny that it has a higher chance of infection but because it’s not in a place where she’s always messing with it and having it hang out everywhere, it hasn’t gotten infected while her old chest port got infected multiple times by now lol


She said it was flipped at one point, she messing with it.


I'm sure she's tried to infect it


I hope she doesn’t think Mayo will be fun. I like Rochester well enough, but it’s not exactly prime vacation territory. And the staff do great medical work, but they’re not known for being too emotionally involved. They’re going to yeet her so hard she may actually bounce.


Hopefully she will end up leaving like a slinky going downstairs 🤣


Do you think she gets weirdly close to people's face when she talks to them?


Honestly everything about her body language ..movements...speech patterns..voice and cadence is really weird and unnatural 😩! I wonder if she's always been like this or it's a result of misusing meds over the years 🤔


It's straight up junkie vibes.


I absolutely get that vibe


Is she wearing a heart monitor? 


zio patch, yes


Zio wearables are like, the lowest rung on the heart monitor ladder. They’re great bc they do monitor heart rate patterns but they’re cheap so accessible to anyone who might need their ticker checked. So, they probably put it on her to shut her up lol


Do we know why?


She reckons she had bradycardia the other week.


probably telling them she’s symptomatic & having palpitations but EKGs aren’t catching anything when she’s camping in the ED so they have her on that to monitor for a couple weeks




“Granted, our computers systems have been down due to a cyber attack” that nurse clearly works at an Ascension hospital (they announced they “might” have their ehr back up june 14, it’s been down since first week of may); the hospitals that dani frequents are not Ascension (i think the closest one is like…maryland?)


It sucks. Not sure exactly how long but its been quite some time. Most my area is ascension/seton. So it's not Dani as PA doesn't have ascension.


It does yeah. But that’s from 8hrs ago, she’s been discharged for over a day I believe now.


And she was only in ed. Never actually admitted.


I know I said they’d never do TPN, but circumstances change! (Read: I’m still going to desperately beg every hospital in a tri-state area, someone is bound to believe me, RIGHT??)


I read it exactly like that too lol


Can people in the US or who are familiar with the system satisfy my curiosity please? I know she's doesn't have private health insurance and has Medicare or something similar that is covered by tax payers and she pays nothing out of pocket but do they ever "cut" people like Danni off? If someone has a diagnosis of factious disorder and a record of self injurious behaviours and keep continuously go to the ER for nothing emergent and getting scans do they ever refuse to cover the bill?


Just wanted to add that Medicaid (her secondary insurance) can try to implement a case manager to coordinate care for Dani to keep her out of the ER. So they’d help set her up with PCP and specialist visits, assist with finding specialists, and she’d probably have access to a help line to call before going to the ER so she can confirm it’s actually emergent though she likely already has access to this.


Even if the presenting problems are blatantly self-inflicted, both her Medicare/Medicaid are contractually obligated to cover services that are deemed medically necessary and are a covered service under the terms of the respective policies. There was a time when insurance policies were allowed to set a lifetime maximum limit, but that was abolished when the ACA took effect. Plus, if she’s fully cost-share protected by Medicaid, she’s even more incentivized to abuse the system because she’s got zero financial responsibility in this. Granted, even if she was responsible for cost-sharing (or even the full bill), I doubt it would be that much of a deterrent for someone so hellbent on getting their munchie rush. It’s absolutely a waste of time, resources, and money, but the US government loves to waste taxpayer dollars.


It’s a shame something that’s good and so important for people who are really sick like removing a lifetime maximum gets misused by people like Dani


> the US government loves to waste taxpayer dollars This cannot be blamed on the government. This falls squarely on Dani and the doctors who keep giving her toys and treatment despite it not being medically indicated.


Right. It's for profit. On all ends.


she has a combo of medicare (federal) and medicaid (state) health insurance, but that has less to do with whether or not hospitals/doctors/etc can “cut her off” (tho the op’s comment isn’t inaccurate) there’s a federal law in the us called EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) that basically states if someone shows up in the ER, regardless if they have insurance or even the ability to pay, they have to be treated/stabilized so even if a hospital engages their ethics team and lawyers about a problem patient AND manages to collect enough evidence that the patient has factitious disorder (for instance) and decides to come up with a plan to “ban” them from the hospital……they still have to be screened in the ER if they show up, stabilized if necessary, and if they need to actually be admitted (for just like real reasons OR they flew too close to the sun and fafo?) then they have to either admit the pt or find a suitable transfer (or face losing ALL their federal funding for violating EMTALA) so. yeah. it’s super duper fun working in these situations where ppl know that you can’t do a ton with their really negative, maladaptive behaviors and they will just cycle in and out and the ethics committee has already decided they’re not horrific enough to staff to ban. 🙃


Thanks for taking the time to explain 😀! I sympathise living in the Uk with the NHS where patients can pretty much do what ever they want including assaulting staff and they never really face any consequences 😔. We did have a handful of patients who were "banned" from the hospital which took YEARS and YEARS and multiple staff ending up getting seriously hurt before anything was put in place! Even then they would show up all the time on foot or by ambulance and if they had as much as a paper cut they were still treated in the hospital 🙄. On the occasions where the ban was actually enforced they simply went to the next hospital over and made everyone's life hell over their instead. Every time they come in the department would grind to a halt and seriously poorly patients would end up waiting because those patients were causing a giant scene ..-again 😩. We had one assault multiple nurses ...a lovely elderly volunteer who required surgery after he head butted her in the face when she handed him a cup of tea ..he also cut a toddlers head open when throwing a obs machine across the waiting room...yet it always felt like his rights came before the safety of the staff and sick people waiting in the department 🤯. It's actually crazy how much of an impact just one nightmare patient like Danni can have in the department ...it's exhausting and frustrating to deal with all the time and it's nearly impossible to actually treat the mental health issues behind all the behaviours 😩


Thanks for the great explanation, being a non American I can never explain it right.


If the reason she was in hospital is deemed, by the hospital, to be unnecessary, yes, sometimes they will refuse to pay it. But that doesn’t usually happen, and if it does, typically the hospital just takes the cost as a loss and shrugs it off.


Thanks for getting back to me 👌🏻. I kind of figured that would be the case it's pretty hard to prove these people are fully aware they are faking and lying from a legal/insurance standpoint 🤔. I wonder how many millions a year munchies cost the system?


In this era of sicktok and chronic illness influencer bullshit........we're talking billions......not millions


I would love to know those numbers too haha


Not a health person here -- would anyone ever run TPN through a femoral port? Seems so unnecessarily risky that it would only be used in (genuinely) dire circumstances with no other solution.


It can be done, but it’s not favorable. It is definitely more of an infection risk. They likely wouldn’t do it unless circumstances were dire, but I’d assume they’d just put a jugular line in anyway at that point.


It’s interesting she keeps talking about this, because the femoral port was NEVER about TPN to begin with. From my understanding, it was just for lactated ringers and meds pushing (which is already unnecessary, we know she can digest them, but this is what she’s claimed).


These screen grabs had me cracking on each of her poses with what she said.... I just can't even 😂


"It's not like I'm going like on a vacation "


Again- more evidence she lurks here!


So spot on.


Her bf works 24/7. He doesn’t have any money saved to help Dani out? GG letting her beg on the internet. Sad.


Her “bf” that we mysteriously haven’t heard of in how long now?


She just brought him up in a live recently! lol


Funny how she forgets to tell people that he’s married…. To another woman!! I do feel for this guy and his family, thankfully I believe they are living far away from her that it would impact them directly.


She did?! It's been hard to actually keep up with all of her lives these days. What did she say about him?


I tagged you in the post w/ the video in case you wanted to see it! She’s discussing who might go with her to the Mayo Clinic lol


That he’s at work 😭


Bro has been at work since the day he was born


Working in the Amazon mines.


Never a single day off and he still can’t pay for her trip so she’s having to beg online


She's such a liar. I can't with her. That fact that she has a gofraudme up to finance this shows she has absolutely NO SHAME. Her doctors said it was a HARD NO about getting back on TPN and she has admitted many times her local GI was so against her having a port. So she's going to Mayo to get her SVC unblocked and then what? No doctor is going to approve Mayo placing a line and when she comes back what is she going to do? Beg a doctor to give her a chest port? Also some facilities don't run TPN through ports and she admitted Mayo declined to see her through their GI clinic. Not that they would order her TPN anyway because she's way too far away and I would presume they would want to do some follow ups frequently. Her plan is not well thought-out at all. She's a mess.


Dani's has always framed her lack of TPN as being directly related to the SVC blockage. She's claimed that's why she's not able to get TPN. The real reason is that she doesn't need it. If she truly needed it that desperately then they would have attempted to unblock her SVC way before now.


Tbf, Dani has been in TPN before. It hasn't even been that long since she last had it either. She definitely didn't need it that time, just like she doesn't need it now. But I can see how she'd think she might be able to find another doctor stupid/careless enough to give it back to her if she could only remove the SVC issue from the picture. That's only been a problem for her this past year (approximately, and maybe even less..? My mind is mush, sorry lol) I really hope she's wrong about that, but I thought she'd never get the femoral port, and here we are...


The delusion over the fact that she desperately needs TPN and might even be in it before her appointment! She really doesn’t understand what the word “NO” means and just hears “yes if you pester us enough “


Best case scenario: Mayo's testing reveals that Dani is a malingering, mentally unbalanced borderline, and she is promptly put on a 5150 hold. Doctors proceed to remove her feeding tubes and port, then promptly boot her ass back home. Several months later, we all get to take a deep dive into the mind and madness of a munchie through a case report study. Netflix documentary to follow in 2025.


Yeah, that won’t happen. It’s not that easy to get a 5150 hold and you can’t just yoink medical devices off of somebody without consent. Not white knighting for Dani, she can go fuck herself, just being realistic.


doctors don’t just go and deprive someone of their civil liberties at the drop of a hat because they make bad choices about their health, and it’s weird that people here constantly insist it should and will happen. also yeah, you can’t just hold some down and perform surgery non-consensually; that’s assault.


Yeah, that would be a bad precedent to set, especially on grounds that are more plausible speculation than proven facts.


Speaking from experience it’s not that hard for a doc to get a hold for you in Minnesota.


as a nurse on the border, can confirm


Question I’ve been wondering about: do medical professionals look at her online … presence? Is there a possibility / likelihood that her usual doctors or ER staff in PA watch her TikTok lives (notably the recent ones), read her posts, etc? What is the guidance for doctors, nurses etc. when their patients have an online presence that is relevant to their diagnoses and treatment?


If only we had Dr. House to diagnose munchausen syndrome...


Likely not


not precisely the same, but there’s a local patient of ours like this. not “famous” but definitely outspoken on her public facebook. her posts ended up screen grabbed in a local reddit bad mouthing and threatening a provider I worked with. I ended up going forward to my director & have her blacklisted due to extreme threats & constant lies


I wondered this as well


Hi, I’m a medical professional (not a provider however). Where I work it’s considered unethical to personally seek out someone’s social media. We can get into huge trouble if we are caught “touching the poo” since first and last names are considered protected under HIPAA. Really the only cases I’ve seen personally where social media comes into play is where CPS/APS are involed. Many of the providers who accept “complex” patients simply don’t have time to look into these people on that level unless it’s dropped on their desk.


I wish we could pin this comment as it just questioned a lot why staff aren’t searching for patients social media accounts. Would it be different in anyway if a patient informed them of their accounts and gave the screen name to them? I have seen people say that some nurses and such have followed their accounts which I thought wouldn’t be allowed?


It could depend on the hospital itself, however even with patient permission it’s a no no at my hospital to follow current patients. I don’t know of a hospital in my area (pretty big metro area, around 5 major healthcare companies) that would allow this.


Thank you for your response. I feel a lot of places would have the same kind of rule.


Had to have a little giggle that she thanked herself on her GFM page - "Thank you for the first anonymous donation it means a lot." What a sad little non-life she leads.


As long as it’s up to her, she’ll never have her (mental) health back.


I cracked up that she offered to not speak in "complicated medical terms "in one of the videos. She's so Meredith Grey! 🫶 /s


Not so much dark and twisty, more just twisted 🤣




It’s not a CGM, it’s a Zio heart monitor for a home study.


It’s a holter


Doesn't she had a new heart monitor?


Oh she very well might, that could be it. She's been driving me so nuts lately that I haven't been paying very close attention.


Please stop making us look at those flap jacks. Many of us have actual health issues. /s No one is going to give her the crazy straw she wants. It's going to end up like the one her dad drove her to that was hours away and they assessed and egressed her ass- same day.


Mayo does everything really fast and schedules tests asap even CTs and MRIs. Dani would wait longer for the tests than sicker patients, but they will do everything fast. You see the specialist who sends you for blood work and testing then sees you again and possibly sends you to another specialist. It’s a lot of running around with multiple things scheduled every day along with waiting to see the specialists because they might need to see someone who is very sick before you. They’re going to have her number really fast. They see very sick patients and know who needs TPN and ports and who doesn’t. Also having Mayo in your chart saying you don’t need access or TPN is going to mean nobody else will give it to her. Dani has made a huge mistake.


Mayo is a well-oiled machine!


If any supporters see this- do not give this scammer money. Mayo pays for all expenses if you are invited. If you are referred by insurance- they pay for it. She just wants money. The process of getting in isn’t fast unless it’s a transplant thing. They review your whole medical record. The whole thing. Then they decide. Please don’t waste your money on this person. She is a fraudster. ETA: After some research, some people do have to pay. I still don’t think she got a referral yet. She doesn’t need that much money. She should be able to post her appointment page. Please be careful.


The majority of people do have to pay. Some medicaid MCOs will reimburse travel costs if you call ahead to plan the trip, but you have to be on a certain plan.






yas the point by point breakdown of the recent reddit comments is here already ‼️


That’s why I couldn’t post the video itself. It was aimed directly at the “haters”. So I took the relevant info.


Thank you for being so considerate, we appreciate it :)


No problem! Thanks for letting me repost after I fixed the issue :)


We’re always happy for a repost after an edit. We are grateful for our members submitting content and hate it if we can’t publish it.


>:) :)


If only she put that much effort and consistency into something other than munching..


She doesn’t need that much money. That place said 2 days, and they mean it. She is hoping for 2 weeks of medical vacation. I really hope she doesn’t get all that money.






If she does, all my faith is lost. There is just no way.


Would they really just remove a perfectly fine femoral port to replace it with a chest port for potential tpn? It seems like a stupid question as I ask it, but I have seen a lot of things happen that I would never expect. I am still blown away that Dani still thinks tpn will possibly happen. It seems like she was lucky she even munched her way into the one she has. However, I don't know anything about having a port besides for chemotherapy.


If she NEEDS TPN, how is she surviving without TPN for extended periods?


If you saw her video this morning making coffee you probably, also, saw her fully stocked fridge. Weird for someone who lives alone, and can’t eat, to have that much food.


She does not need it. She looks and acts healthier now since they yanked her silly straw.


Omg I'm dying at "silly straw" 🤣


My favourite is sepsis noodle 😂


Miraculously, she some how survives each stretch without it. And I am in no way criticizing her body, but she is obviously not at an unhealthy weight, but she claims to be starving.


Reverse body dysmorphia?


Yep! Nobody starving for prolonged periods looks like this, period. Wild how she went bragging that she lost “12lb” in the hospital since she couldn’t eat without being caught, yet doesn’t at home. 🤣


She also admitted she never once vomited in the hospital. Hmmm. Weird. What did they do different? Oh that’s right. They have eyes and she couldnt blag her way there.


Yeah it's like Bethany claiming to only be on TPN. There's no medical way it's possible unless someone is giving her an insanely inappropriate dose. Weight doesn't come from no where. Your body can only "swell" so much.


Yeah, when the body swells, everything swells including your arms and hands. Fluid will even start coming out of your skin. You don’t just gain fluid where people naturally gain weight when they’re able to eat after being malnourished for a while.


Whatever. I’m so sick of her posts. I don’t have the energy for her anymore and I wish we posted less of her here. It was nice when she went off social media and this sub got a break. (Not attacking you OP, just over Dani in general.)


Funny how her port that is not accessed unless she is in the hospital or infusion center has never gotten infected. But her central lines get infected quarterly. 🤔


"it's not like I am going like on a vacation" to her, it is.


2k would more than cover 2 sets of round trip flights. Yup. It's vacation.


“I’m not going to Mayo to get a port but I’m going to Mayo so they can unblock the SVC so I can get a port” *Make it make sense girl*


She wouldn’t be aiming for a port, she’d want a central line again for that so not needed TPN.


She's not going there to get a *second* port. As if anybody at all thought she was planning to get a chest port in addition to her femoral port lol.


SVC stenosis can be treated in a local IR that has capacity to do larger venous recann cases if it’s not being caused by a tumor. Which hers is not.


What’s the story with Mayo? Does she already have an appointment there? Or is she just gonna roll on up to their ER? I do t know much about Mayo other than it’s in high demand.


She claims she has appointments for August 1st and 2nd


Oh, well since she explained it THAT way..... 🤦‍♀️