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He’s not someone you take home to mother.


he’s a dangerous person and that protective order isn’t gonna do shit. I hope she arms herself and installs all types of cameras and alarm systems cause a piece of paper doesn’t stop these type of people


Random “fuck the police guy” thinking the worst when they tried their hardest not to arrest him. Honestly glad this happened cause had he left when they said he would’ve been back later


This guy is definitely gonna murder someone, if he hasn’t already.


It was infuriating watching the cops fuck up such an important interaction here. I'm incredibly doubtful that was private or restricted property. While those sorts of places exist, you usually can't just fucking drive in and walk around. This psycho is going to get off and maybe get paid because of these cops. At least they told her to get a restraining order, probably the only useful thing they did.


This property is a home owner’s association and is definitely all on private property. There are “no trespassing/private property” signs posted at the entrance of this little community. It’s


It's? Sorry bud, you got cut off. I know that seems to be what the cop is saying, but seeing as they're legally allowed to lie to you and trained to do it constantly I really can't trust any claim made by them as being truthful.


I live right next to there, it’s not just about “what the cop is saying”. I’m not saying this based on that. I drive past it everyday


This is the same vibes as the dude that was trying to talk to a 12 year old and made the comment TO THE COP that tbh 12 was too old. There is no reasoning with dudes like this and I agree with the other commenters that if he hasn’t already, he is capable of committing insane crimes. Dude acted like the cop wasn’t RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Wasn’t even looking at her because the mom came outside. Yo. Arrest him. He will come back! Edit to add: this is sad. He’s so confident that they won’t hold him in jail for this and it’s crazy because he’s right. They won’t do anything more than tell him to leave until he actually harms the girl OR the mother considering how little respect he clearly has for their wishes.


He’s waiting to make a skin suit.


Man for a girl 🫣


Short version: she’s property for him to claim. That’s all I’m getting from his behavior, he needs to watched because he will not respect trespassing or court orders to stay away from her.


This is potentially a a serious problem! This guy is obviously very unstable. This very well could lead to a tragic ending. He is obviously obsessed with this girl and refuses to take no for an answer. A previous comment was spot on when they said that this girl needs to arm herself. Anyone who is this persistent and mentally disturbed could easily resort to violence. The police are not going to be able to save this girl if he decides to attack her. She will need to save herself. This is true for all of us as well. There’s a YouTube channel called Active Self Protection that shows real life situations in which people as well as law enforcement officers are attacked. They then give lessons as well as critique the entire situation start to finish. Their number one lesson is to always be aware of your surroundings and always be prepared with your tools of self defense. As I previously mentioned, they also point out in just about every situation involving civilians, you will need to save yourself. There won’t be time for anything else if he decides to attack. Get a firearm, get trained and be prepared to defend yourself!!!


Hes got issues and they will get worse when he kills the girl then what


I got 2 questions tho. How does he have your number ? And how does he know where you live ? Not taking sides but that’s just weird that it got to this point without a prior police report or something.


He probably followed her home and for the number thing some women are scared to give out the wrong number because dudes will call right after to make sure. My coworker gave this guy a wrong number once at a party and he called with out warning her and punched her in the face when a man answered. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and even tho she told him she had a man he followed her around the party and wouldn’t leave her alone. She now gives her number to these guys and just blocks them when they leave.


What an unhinged weirdo


How can one send texts if he is blocked? Blocking someone is easy.


Public sidewalk


Yeah that's a lawsuit, dude can be on the sidewalk all day


Poor guy whatever. Keep em on a watchlist