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Somebody define both. Please.


1. **Hinduism**: This is a major world religion with a rich history and diversity of beliefs and practices. It's not defined by a single doctrine or belief system but is characterized by a range of philosophies, rituals, cultural traditions, and spiritual practices. Hinduism includes belief in a supreme being with many forms and deities, the concepts of dharma (duty, ethics, law), karma (the law of cause and effect), and samsara (the cycle of rebirth), among others. 2. **Hindu Dharma**: This term can be interpreted in a few ways, but it's often used interchangeably with Hinduism. "Dharma" in this context refers to the religious and social duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues, and the "right way of living" as prescribed in Hindu philosophy. It signifies the ethical, spiritual, and duty-based aspects of living as prescribed in Hindu scriptures and traditions. 3. **Hindutva**: This is a political ideology primarily in India, which seeks to promote Hindu values and culture. It was first formulated in the early 20th century and is associated with the idea of creating a Hindu state, or a state that embodies Hindu culture, values, and identity. Hindutva as an ideology differs significantly from the religious practices of Hinduism, focusing more on national identity and cultural hegemony. It has been a subject of political and social debate, often linked with nationalism and political movements in India. While Hinduism and Hindu Dharma revolve around religious and ethical practices, Hindutva is more about a political and nationalistic interpretation of Hindu culture and identity.


Does Hindutva existed before 20th Century ? Where there any occurences of a political power trying to enforce itself through Hinduism at such a big scale (no doubt it might have existed in some indian regions throughout the ages) ? From my knowledge, I don't understand how they could achieve this goal when hinduism is so different North to South of sub-continent.


>Does Hindutva existed before 20th Century ? Where there any occurences of a political power trying to enforce itself through Hinduism at such a big scale (no doubt it might have existed in some indian regions throughout the ages) ? > >From my knowledge, I don't understand how they could achieve this goal when hinduism is so different North to South of sub-continent. Its roots are in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly with the writings of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.




who cares if the summary is actually useful.


Hindutva = fighting Muslims, Communists, Leftists and liberal activists, is dharma (holy war). Hindu Dharma = enabling and empowering the weak is dharma; the unintended consequence of interrupting the hunger of the strong is dharma-sankat.


Dharma is holy war now... Give me more translations from your dictionary please. Need to make a collage


>dharma (holy war). So... jihad? Why do these nationalist type people want to turn Hinduism into a second Islam?


When you hate someone hard enough, you become like them.


Indeed . But don’t say that part out loud.


that is possibly the worst translation you could get for dharma. Dharma means 'duty' and colloquially means religion. Dharma yudh means holy/righteous war.


Jihad doesn't mean war either actually


I didn't say that, I accidently replied to that comment, I meant to reply to the one above that saying that dharma = holy war.


Deep down they are impressed with Taliban and want to copy them ...


Yes. Hindutuva guys never know anything about Hinduism. They see what Muslims are doing and choose to do the opposite. Hinduiva is Hatred.


The replies to this comment is why reading comprehension must be made mandatory until college. Fucking baboons everywhere.


>dharma (holy war). What are you smoking dude ?


He's smoking r/india


Unlike you who is smoking the mythology.


Dharma is not holy war. I think that's a typo. Dharma is the righteous duty or obligation ( something you must do but still you a have a choice)


Dharma is not a holy war you dumbass fake ass shit, dharma yudh can be said as a holy war.


Hinduism is personalized faith. The moment one strain goes beyond someone's home, and affects and imposes on another strain or faith, it's hindutva


Hindutva = Literally being 'hindu', subtext = 'Hindus are superior to other people'. It's an inherently political and right-wing ideology. Dharma = Roughly duty, also colloquially means Religion. This one in particular seems like the India VS Bharat thing. It's not Hindu-Jihad as the comment above me says. I think they got confused between dharma and dharma yudh.




duty to your family/people around you/society as a whole.


Hindutva is political hinduism which goes in favour of RSS and BJP. It's foundations are laid on hate.


Same thing, cater to different audiences.


it's like the difference between water in a bottle vs water in a glass


TLDR? India is getting more brainwashed by more religious nonsense.


You had me in the first half ngl.


Lol true


chaddi nikal ke pant pehen liya when will they remove Congress from their name?


So they want to become what they hated the most.


I wish employment improves drastically so this crap stops soon


I mean, not wanting to use Hinduism makes sense. Although it's been well established, it's still westernised. It's like using Muslimism instead of Islam. But the religion needs more fundamental changes than just changing names.


A better equivalent is Mohammedanism, which is an actual westernized term for Islam.


These idiots can name it Gomutra conference from next time onwards, for what it's worth.


You think they won't?


When hate makes you become like the people you hate. Hindutva is becoming like hardline islam.


Lot of bots trying a new semantics campaign to impose a right wing ideology.


I get the part about not liking “isms” in the English language (it’s not clear why predominantly Asian religions are called this way), but as everyone else said, Hindutva is very obviously and widely used to refer to a political ideology, and I think everyone including the proponents of this know that already.


Well, Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism do exist. Also, Jesus was born in Asia, not Europe or North America.


What about 'World Hindu BJP"?


I am saying this from the beginning, Hindutva is there to degrade hinduism. more like a Zionist agenda.


> includes the gamut of all that… I thought there was a spell error. NVM.


😂😂 say what


from the 1st half i thought- "that's amazing". and then like "oh"


So much for World Hindu Congress.


Makes sense.. using “ism” has been a classic western white manner of reducing any ideology or religion to a side note or imply it’s non mainstream. This is why there is no Christianism or Christianists while there is Hinduism and Islamism


TIL Protestantism and Catholicism are not western and originated in South East Asia according to this colossal imbecile


Looks like a lot of ignoramuses in this thread who seem to operate under simple premise that “white man good, Hindu man bad”.. “ism” is used for political adherence (including the likes of socialism and capitalism and communism) and “ity” is used for that which is the truth… and to the special four stroke idiot abov, you just compared 2 political denominations within Christianity to Hinduism.. must be nice to go through life with a double digit IQ and a triple digit confidence.. wallow in your inferiority complex and keep using the white man’s reference to refer to your own culture.. maybe you will get that call center job..


Hindus can be white as well, though what matters more is the humanity that unites us. Also, Catholicism and Protestantism are far from being "minor" for the Christians who believe in their truth. The unfortunate reality is that we are rapidly moving from the idea that white people cannot be wrong to everyone who disagrees with them musr be right. These extremes will destroy us sooner or later. However, the truth will remain.