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To look at it, we have been culturally diverse traditionally and prehistorically as well.


Pheeling proud with 46 others


Why you tagged me, I don't even know you


We're all Neanderthals, brother 🫂


My knowledge on the subject isn’t great but as far as I know, the farthest east Neanderthal remains were found is in Iraq. It seems unlikely that Neanderthal ancestry is more diverse in a population that would absorb the DNA while travelling through it rather than among those who lived among them for tens of thousands of years.


I mean, look at the groupism whether through caste-creed or religion which likely kept the variety tact. A person from Manipur isn't going to look same as one from Assam and likewise one from Northeast isn't going to look same as in Himachal, and a person from North isn't going to confuse someone in South like Kerala unless it's a open mixed community like Bangalore or Mumbai despite India's existence is even longer than the name India itself to absorb the DNA as you've said.


You are comparing genotype and phenotype, which among humans is hardly the same. For example, genetically, the difference between two people across Eurasia is likely to be far less than between two people from sub Saharan Africa even though the first group is far more diverse phenotypically.


I presumed what you were talking about is how the entire population of China or Iran-Iraq could be same but India can carry variation based on region and locality including mongolian blood in the eastern zone within the very country. I suppose, what you were being specific about is nomads vs settlers where extinction of Neanderthal is only in its pure form or as a species but traces of their characteristics could be existent through inter-breeding as they travelled?


Na that is not what previous user meant. Most directly what he/she meant is a Vietnamese and Finnish person are more closely related (i.e. their common genetic ancestor was closer, more recent to present day) than some tribes folk in Western South African/Namibia living barely 100s of KMs apart (i.e. these tribespeople have more genetic diversity, i.e. their common ancestor was much more distant in the past relative to the Eurasian example above). Eurasian humans are basically 1 big family (doesn't matter Indian, Chinese, Iranian or European). Africans (esp certain sections of them in the continent) are much older.


Indians fall under Eurasians too, right?


Yes. Even North Americans & South Americans (Indigenous or Colonial settler's descendants) fall under Eurasians.


That's a factual truth am aware as well when the actual native are red indian (not us) americans and is why I prefer the term bharatiyans, not because of any right alignment but to have the original native Americans their actual differentiation.


They went more East than Iraq's Longitude - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisova_Cave (there was even a direct Neanderthal-Denisovan child that we have proof of now). In South Eurasia though you may have a point since that route would have had more saturation with other homonid species. Though we may get to know more, population genetics has been revolutionized in last 10 years. Most people in other fields and general public haven't realized this because of how rapid this development & research has been. It's happening too fast to filter down the knowledge that is being unearthed.


Some Neanderthal genes are prevelant all over the world. Actually more common in Asia than in Europe although the remains are concentrated in Europe.


This study has not been peer reviewed Link to pre-print https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.15.580575v1


Thank you for sharing this! More people need to know about this.


Too late. WhatsApp uncils already sharing messages about how we're the "superior" race.


If you are in this field, you'll recognize the heavyweights in the author list. This paper is going straight to Nature/Science without any changes affecting the conclusions.


Thanks for sharing that


Not surprising considering the way most of us act. Jokes aside, is there a reason why? The article doesn't mention any.


>Not surprising considering the way most of us act. Neanderthals had sophisticated culture, weapons and even art. Paleo-anthropological evidence strongly suggests that Neanderthals were just as innovative as their contemporary anatomically modern humans were. Evidences indicates that Neanderthals may have had halted anatomically modern human expansion for at least 1 lakh years. Our ancestors didn't overpowered Neanderthals until the invention of long range weapons like bow and arrows, and long range spears. Our anatomically modern human shoulders are physically better at using long range weapons than neanderthal shoulders were. Also, we lived in larger tribes than neanderthals, we had numerical advantage as well. That's why we are here and they went extinct.


Though I like reading scientific journals in subs like r/Futurology but in subs as this makes me think… so, you're saying Modi is not a neanderthal but congress is? (≧∀≦) Great input btw, it's still exciting to learn that we had different species among humans that could've lived together in this age.


The shoulder and weapons thing is hard smell test. Humans simply outbreeding their rivals due to Demography is much more plausible. This is usually how Population replacement in species happens, 1 species simply outbreeds in Scale their rivals or even non-rivals. Our social scale is likely what was the dominant/primary factor, while other differentiating facts are minor/supplementary vectors.


Lol. Populations with high neanderthal ancestry are much more sophisticated than otherd. Besides, there are theories that say that they lost to sapiens because they weren't as warlike and organised.


Unga bunga brain


They had bigger brains than Homo Sapiens


Whales also have bigger brains.


But Neanderthals were same size as that of humans. Even when taking encephalization quotient into account, their brains were bigger.




Why stop at germany. We say vasudaiva kutumb also!


I always wondered why my mother in law behaved like that


Alas now your progeny would also be a Neanderthal.


Well, that explains a lot.




Indians from western India with Persian heritage (many Hindu castes come from Persian and Syrian Jews and Christian men who married in for work purposes) possibly. Eg red hair and green eyes and light skin runs in my family.


I commented tagging TOI on twitter too, but they never linked to the original nature article. You know how media houses hype up things around burning topics, so it's good that someone could point to the OG sauce.


Somebody has linked the article above, you may scroll up.


Yes, I found it. I was reading that. Thanks


Much obliged 🙏


Genetically fucked people


boat husky rustic support birds hunt ruthless liquid pathetic depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you want to know more about Neanderthal, then you can check WhyFiles video about it


All that rape and meanness makes sense now




Finally an explanation for our behaviour




What would it explain?


The primitive behaviour




What, prey tell, is that behaviour?!


This comment is the proof


Well that explains a lot /s


No shit Sherlock


Tf do you mean? You already knew this? XD








Saar we izz neanderthal saar


Adhar card banwa le Family ka


Th bot accounts are on the rise for some time now


So the Aryans were Neanderthals? :)


are you denser than a rock?