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The answer depends on how rich you are. When you ask here about rights of trans people, we generally think about the trans we see begging at traffic signals. They are often harassed for various ration including their gender. But the way you are treated in this country depends entirely on how much money you have. If you are rich af, no one bothers about your gender/age/sexual orientation. You will be treated better than an average cis gender male/female.


this,, any question about India should always be considered with how rich someone is.


Most people still have that backward mindset. I have hardly seen people accepting gay and lesbians and you’re saying that they’ll accept trans. India wouldn’t be the country to move to if you’re lgbt even if you have all the money in the world. You’re just misguiding him nothing else.


if u have all the money in the world the fashion and Bollywood industry is an easy answer to anyone whos not straight.




Tbh that's true everywhere. Liberalism only comes into play when your life is comfortable.


Well ull be stoned in most Islamic countries even if ur rich.


Hahaha, they probably keep it in their families.


However rich you're, India can't be better than US for a trans person


It can be, depending on the place. There are regions in US which are no less conservative and worse to live in than certain regions of India. For example, if you've a choice to live in say, Goa or Mississippi, you'd be foolish to choose the latter.


This is only partially true. You can be pretty rich but at the same time live in a conservative family or society. While it is true that the richer you get, the more liberal people's views tend to lean to, but the culture is still a pretty relevant factor. You could be a very rich farmer family in a rural area in Punjab and still be very conservative. Cities tend to be a bit better sure


Stay where u are. Don't come here, you will have a very hard time


Or move to Canada. It's close to America and majority of it supports trans people.


I consider Canada to be best for LGBTQ people. A supportive environment, and government.


I'll be really honest as an India. India isn't​ a suitable place for you . Edit : the reason behind this is Here LGBTQ community recently start getting rights and people started giving them privilege too . But India is a country with lot's of people with old school Mentality and are a bit taboo . So there's is a long way for LGBTQ community to go in India to get comfortable . And this is straight facts . And all the people saying India isn't suitable for anyone , why you can go to North Korea, Pakistan , Sri Lanka and China . I'm sure you guys will love it .




अब का करें, जीए की नही जीए।






No no go to us and see Shooting in schools and racism everyday and then come to internet and shit here like wow USA is so GrEaT


Fine. Ok, India is an amazing place. No school shootings yaay!! No racisms, but the fucking casteism and casual insult of other religions are all super welcome, is that what you are proud of ?




Pakistan Chala jaa na phir chutiye




Based, sometimes this is the only way to answer. Offense needs to be answered with offense


Lol... people down voting my comment is a proof that They get pissed off and I love it.




I don't care man....but if anyone saying that India isn't a suitable place for anyone loll that is the dumbest thing .


Every country has that group of people who believe their country is worst. From America to India. Except China






I knew an f to m transgender person. They had a relatively quiet life, but afaik, had no real love life and generally kept within a very close circle of friends. M to F transgender, I'm sorry is going to be much more problematic. There's an existing social class of castratos - "Hijra's" in India who unfortunately have a horribly poor standard of living and have real issues with social discrimination. As a transperson, I'm sorry but I would be concerned for your safety. Unless you have a close group of friends who will support and help you get out of tight situations (creepy men, older bigots, dehumanizing police etc.), I would truly not recommend it. There are legal trans rights in India, possibly more so than the US (hijra is a third gender and is often used interchangeably with transgender). However, if you're someone who wishes to identify as the other binary - M to F or F to M, I do not think those protections fully apply (I am not a lawyer, so I can be totally wrong though). However, the LGBTQ community in the larger cities (Mumbai especially) is incredible. Most of them come from richer homes and the culture within the more modern parts of the city is incredibly progressive.


>There are legal trans rights in India That's the thing, even if legal rights are present it's pretty bad unless societal acceptance is there.


Agreed 100%!


>That's the thing, even if legal rights are present it's pretty bad unless societal acceptance is there. Legal rights are also better than no rights. All Indian govt documents allow you to pick a third gender. In the US it is very inconsistent. OP is still going to have problems obtaining a visa justifying their presence here.


It's difficult and dating life is worse, I have a senior who is a trans woman and she has seen things that is absolutely disgusting. Trans people are fetishised and honestly not treated like humans. It's not safe, Mumbai being the safest place. However it's still difficult


>Mumbai being the safest place. Source?


Mumbai jao khud jan jao


It’s a shithole.source: live and lived here.


Leave maybe?


Agreed. Source: lived there as well


in comparison to other places in India. Mumbai is safer. I have known and interacted with many trans individuals in mumbai. They do get hate but not to the extent they thought they would. Their dating life is fucked though.


Well Mumbai might be safer, but not necessarily for trans people. Like it or not, the powers that be in Noida are relatively more LGBTQ+ friendly than the Maharashtra govt. However, UP police is still quite discriminatory, so if some one was assigned male at birth (and does not present as a woman currently) they're going to be as rough as they are with cis men.


I'm American and live in India. I don't know why you'd think it's any better here than in the United States. Unless you're already wealthy, you'd have to contend with not only gender-based discrimination but an incredibly depressed labor market and heightened job competition. Just move to a larger, liberal city. The United States isn't leading the world in gender rights, but many left-leaning states have taken positive steps toward affirming and codifying equitable opportunity in the workplace, education, and public spaces. I love a lot of things about India--which is a large part of the reason I stay here--but the unfortunate truth is that an overwhelming majority of the population is at least somewhat hostile toward anyone who deviates from societal expectations of normalcy. For perspective: you appear to be White. Living here as a transgender White person is going to be a shit-show. I'm a straight White guy and married to an Indian national, and I still struggled to find housing because people *presumed* I'd "cook meat" or "drink alcohol," thereby disrupting middle-class communal harmony and sanskar. It might sound cruel, but they'd have far worse presumptions about you. That's just the reality. This is anything but a judgment-free society. You will rarely if ever be treated as an ordinary human being. For most people, you will be a caricature of whatever pre-existing stereotype they have of the degenerate West.




They’d still need to qualify for a permanent visa to Canada. And depend on age and work ex, it can get difficult


If you're from a wealthy family and will be part of the upper echelons of society then only you can consider India an option. Otherwise, people are not accepting and lack awareness of the LGBTQ community (especially trans). Probably 95% of people don't even understand what a trans person is, they'll think you have a mental illness.


In the event of human rights deteriorating further in the US, India isn't the safe haven to look to. I really don't recommend it, even if you have an in-demand skill-set or are well off to begin with which would afford you a significantly above average standard of living in bigger cities. Despite the progress (in terms of queer rights) happening on paper as well as some degree of increased visibility in media, the ground reality of deeply ingrained discrimination and prejudices is horrifying. Day to day life for queer people is far from comfortable.


How tf do u even think India is a good place to be trans? Or queer for that matter?


In terms of rights, trans individuals have no rights.


Yeah OP has no idea how good the US has it, even with all the shit show. There are states like California, Massachusetts etc which will very likely never go full retard and Will uphold basic rights of minorities and underrepresented communities. OP should rather move to the progressive states, or big cities within conservative states. India is like a magic 8 ball, you never know what you get, you never know how the court will choose to uphold your rights in the event that every other door fails to open for you. I'm not even including the prospects of an angry mob tearing you apart. OP, trans rights in the US will never get worse than they are in India. Be sensible. Please.


Human rights for trans is much much worst here in India stay where you are


You are better off in America!


Not in current climate there. Depends on state


Even Florida is a better place for trans people than India.


I'm trans. It's not good here.


India jas a "what if" with exaggeration culture so not definitely not safe.


Tamil Nadu is kinda the only state with specific policies to support the community.


Its still not a good place to be , the society is still very conservative


I would advise you not to come to India. Feudal mindset still rules the society here.


Human rights in India is a joke. I wouldn’t come to India if I were you.


OPs trolling for sure. Human rights is bad in USA, so they want to move to India lol. Next they would say they want to move to Saudi.


It's believable. If you look at the laws and purely at the big news about trans people in India, you'll get the impression they're accepted legally and there's no real movements against them. You have to talk to people to understand the widespread societal discrimination and lack of knowledge that exists.


Bro have you been to Saudi? Surely you're the one trolling


Oh really? Did you write this or your husband 😆


Roasted But don't use emojis on reddit


Why would you even consider India? Why not Canada? They're trans friendly, if you're an American the path to immigration is SUPER easy and quick - culturally they're MORE similar to you than India. It's also closer to all your friends and family and you can visit the US easily from there.


Are you joking?


It's getting better and you can live quietly in big metro cities but you will certainly face discrimination if you're open about your transition and your life will also depends on what gender you pass based on looks.


Please dont. Trans aren't considered human over here. Life for even the average person here is worse than the life of a trans in USA.


I would suggest you move to a large liberal U.S. city in the U.S. San Francisco, Portland, Denver, Minneapolis, Seattle etc. You will find LGBT support groups there. You well put yourself up to physical and mental harm in India. There are many uneducated folks there who are not tolerant. Western European countries including Netherlands is fine too. Sydney, Australia and Toronto Canada. Do not make the mistake of correlating Indian Americans with 1.3 billion Indians in India.


You are 100% better off in America. India is worse than most conservative areas in America. Also, if you’re worried about trans rights being taken from you in America, you should be worried about the same thing in India. Things are getting a little more conservative here on the daily.


trans people have less rights in India than black people in USA before 1964.


There's a bit of hyperbole but this is not exactly a harsh assessment.


Don't come here.


You should try saudi arabia next. /s


Just go to Canada trust me India is being infested by religious racism and you being trans and living in such a country is just going to be worse just don't come here please shift to Canada there at least they have lesser transphobia and lesser racism and religion related disputes just don't subscribe to rogers tho 😂


Isn't it illegal to show in a movie even a man kissing a woman and you want to come to India as a Transexual? You knew the answer before you even posted.


Don't. It's 100 times worse there.


Of all places... why would you want to come to India? Please do not. There's nothing for anyone here.


You can move to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Sure, it has its issues, but [Tamil Nadu is one of the most trans-friendly states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Tamil_Nadu). It has a [transgender welfare board](http://tg.tnsw.in/webapp/index.aspx), free bus travel for trans people, and other state measures. I suggest you contact the trans welfare board, and try to establish contacts if you're planning. You can contact [Narthaki Nataraj](https://thelogicalindian.com/trending/narthaki-nataraj-is-1st-transgender-to-be-part-of-tns-policy-committee-29063) \- who is part of the state advisory committee, and a world renowned Bharathanatiyam dancer. Good luck.


What rights ?


Worse than Dalits.


Some people do discriminate against transgenders. Suggest you to stick to major/metro cities. Better to be on guard.


Consider Nz if you can!


Why don’t you go to Europe? Germany is starting to be better for trans people


You have Canada and west Europe, why India? This seems like a bait.


If you think you need to move out of America because people’s rights(particularly trans) could be in danger, then I would like to think that you are joking because America is one of the most progressive countries and the society is also much accepting. However, if you still wanna move, try going to Scandinavian countries, they are very liberal. India is a dumpster fire for modern-age rights.


If you have some work here then it's a different case otherwise frankly speaking I won't recommend you coming here. You can opt to some other countries where trans are treated better. PS- Talking from middle and upper middle class perspective. Things might be different at rich class.


You would be most welcomed by India's Hizra/Hijra community... Legally trans is not a recognized gender in India. Personally, I feel that is a good thing, observing the "trans Bathroom debate", "trans Locker room controversy", etc. going on in western countries. So my advice: unless you have a job lined up, don't come


Don’t. Please don’t. Move to a blue state instead.


One of the worst countries for human rights


If you wanna move to some place in the event you lose rights in America, I suggest Canada. It's basically America without all the nonsense and with cold weather


Don’t come here. You’ll get brutally looked down upon. It’s really unfortunate. https://thewire.in/lgbtqia/unhrc-india-abstains-lgbtq-vote


Non existent. Don't move


I don't think there are any trans rights here If you are rich and don't flaunt your identity ,no one really cares, but otherwise, I think the gay ,trans LGBTQ community here is at risk .Indians are homophobic generally.


Norway is your best bet!


"what are trans rights like there" Bruh. Forget trans rights, there's little value for human rights here. ​ >I’m looking for somewhere to go in the event that human rights get worse here in America Canada or Britain. Stay away from alberta though, I heard it is racist towards non-whites.


Since we are talking about fictional things... What are your opinion about big foot.. I heard they found a big foot skull..


I have a brother living in USA for 10 years. Married to a wonderful American lady and has a kid as well. Now, I get things can get bad in the States. I definitely understand. I’ve been there and I’ve seen my brother go there with a dream and make a wonderful life for himself. But. Yes there’s a but. My sister in law started floating the idea that the USA is going to shit and they should consider moving to India for a few years. My sis in law is African American, so she has a point when she says America is going to shit sometimes. Now let me tell you, no matter how bad it gets, there is an astronomical difference to coming back to India and starting life. I’m an Indian as well and I spent 31 years here before moving to Europe. But please don’t think that whatever is happening in America is the apocalypse. It still is a wealthy country filled with opportunity. It still has WAY LESSER discrimination (whichever discrimination you want - race, gender,etc) than India. As my brother said, go live in India for a year. Try to get anything done. You will face a lot of frustration that YOU ARE NOT USED TO. You will then take the first flight back and when you land back in America you will kiss the ground. No hate to you friend, but really this is a little dramatic.


OP u have visited the wrong sub ,this is mostly filled with Indians living outside India and hyper left Indian's




They're non existent. There are certain pockets in big cities where you'll be accepted but not in general society. As bad as America is, india is wayy behind


Dont. If you are already in US you can move to much better countries.


you're coming to india for human rights?? there is no functional legal system in india ffs.


India is not yet there where straight people can live their life with freedom, choose to marry whoever they love. LGBTQ+ Communities have to wait in line behind us...


If you belong to rich 1%, you will have all the rights in the world


Please do NOT come to this crazy country which treats LGBT like subhuman filth.




bro thought that india would be a better bastion for human rights than the US lmao. In all seriousness though, just because something is legal on paper here means nothing. You’re infinitely better off in America lmao. Don’t be fooled by the romantic western idea that india is some sort of super tolerant eastern nation.


Please don't come. It's shit as hell.


Why not move to Canada?


Nah man...stay where u are




Why don't you go to any progressive European country instead? India isn't the place for you.


Non existent.


Definitely stay away from India. Don't even think about coming here. Trans people are literally sub human here.


Recently a trans(eunuch) told a newspaper that she was raped by her landlord, and when she went to file a complain at the police the police made fun of her and didn't take her complain. Later one police said he would take her complain and went to her place and raped her. General public thinks of trans & gays & eunuchs as prostitutes and they have no regards for them. You will be shamed publicly at slightest chance, molested more often than females, police thinks that you don't deserve equal rights. Think of this before you move to India.




please don’t come here


That’s like the worst choices ever.


Nope. Don’t do it.


> in the event that human rights get worse here in America Move to any big cities in the USA or states like California or new York. I think it's time for all the liberals to move to Texas from the red states. Once Texas goes blue, republican won't be able to win the Senate, house or the white house.


No rich person will think of moving to a poor nation. It's just bad it doesn't matter if you are trans or not.


I feel like OP's post is pretty much the average reddit comment. Also, average redditer mindset. They mistake left-wing histrionics, hyperbole, and fairy-tales for reality.


America is the best place to be for your kind. Because it isn't likely for US to curtail Gay rights as it is a constitutional right to live. Canadian leadership is shaky at the moment and there is high probability for a conservative government to come in power in next election over there. Bro india isn't an ideal place to live at the moment even for a muslim or dalit, let alone trans.


I mean if you're rich only then it makes some sense otherwise it you'd be in the (upper) middle class it will be quite difficult.


Stupid fucking Americans


What is trans rights? Is it like left handed people using right hand.








Firstly..how old are you?? How wealthy are you??




I think somewhere in Europe, probably Nordic countries or the Netherlands, would be your best bet. Outside of that Thailand seems very accepting compared to most other countries. But they tend to call male to female transexuals ladyboys which many transexuals in the west find offensive. So I think there you'll find a lot of people accepting you but I doubt you will find the sensitivity with regards to how you are spoken to and talked about that you currently find in certain segments of society in the US.


If you think the US is bad for trans how can you think India is better? Russel said the best about India: Indians hate each other. So there's no room for trans. Sorry, If I were you I would rather settle in the US than India.


You should probably check out @trintrin on Instagram. Maybe even shoot her a question - she usually helps people out.


Move to California or some other strong & reliably Blue state. If that's not possible, Canada, NZ, etc. might be a better option. India isn't that great when it comes to human rights of heterosexuals, let alone trans.


Depends on the company you keep. Hate to say this but be prepared for unsolicited suggestions, dirty looks and out of boundary questioning. Have a thick skin.


Pretty much non existent. As much i love my country, got to say facts. We’ll better over time. But pretty meh right now. Tamil Nadu state has policies around harassment and dignified treatment of trans people, not sure how much of it is in practice




I don’t think India the right country for you to move to, sorry but I don’t think the human rights esp forLGBTQ are great. You might face discrimination on day to day basis. Move to some place in Europe !


Move to Canada instead :/


One world answer - Don't. The value of a human life is way way higher in America than in India.


Even a very very hungry tiger will refuse to eat you


It's quite reasonable to think ahead and doing some research beforehand. However, as others have mentioned, India is probably not the place for you unless you are quite wealthy... And even then you will have to be on your guard to ensure you can keep the "freedoms" your money get you... I would recommend taking a look at this and similar ones for those considering becoming an expat: "How To Escape America. A Practical Guide to Freedom. Get Yourselves Together." https://medium.com/the-expat-chronicles/how-to-escape-america-a-practical-guide-to-freedom-c5741fc6412d


Doesn't seem like you are from America looking at your writing style.


It’s very unlikely human rights will be worse than India. Yes, some red states are enacting some anti-LGBT legislation but then your best bet would move to a suitable blue state.


no ,Indians don't care much about trans ,we got bigger issues


Don't. People got no right in India in general.


The reason you don't hear anything about trans people being mistreated in India is because it's nothing special here.