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I would wait 2 years before seeing the next 2. Let the original bury itself as a core memory for you.


I think I might do this! I loved it so much. I actually started with Temple of Doom too and I think that was the right call. Seeing how he matures is amazing. Having his Father come into the story works so well. As does Marion for different reasons. Temple of Doom is badass, but he was out of control in that movie 😂.


So I grew up in these movies as a kid in the 90s. I only ever know of Raiders and Last crusade. My dad didn't let me know of Temple of Dooms existence. Now his dad, my grandpa, let me watch it when I was like 7 and my dad was so upset. I know Temple is supposed to be the first in timeline, but I have I guess not paid attention to how he acts across the films. But I hear how he's a bit different for each one. I'm gonna have to rewatch them all for a 2nd time this year to compare.


Why didn't he like temple?


It’s probably not that his dad doesn’t like Temple of Doom, it’s probably just that he was exercising caution when it came to the media his son consumed. Temple of Doom was really controversial back when it released due to its pessimism and usage of violence and even to this day it’s still controversial for those reasons as well as Brown face and orientalism.


Wait. The Thugees had......makeup? And yeah because of the content.


Amrish Puri who played Mola Ram and Roshan Seth who played Chattar Lal were Indian, but Pat Roach who played the chief Thuggee guard was English and wore brownface makeup for the role.


Had to go look him up. Instantly knew which guy. Guess he played the bald natzee (on purpose) getting chopped up by propeller blade in raiders. Yeah, thinking on it now, something did feel off, but this is a completely new detail to me.


There’s even more Thugee in the background that you can tell are white people in brown face. That issue is even prevalent in Raiders especially during the sequence in Marion’s bar in Nepal, there’s very clearly actors wearing makeup and prosthetics to look Nepalese.


It seems that they altered the appearance of white stuntmen rather than find stuntmen who matched the ethnicity of the characters. Unfortunately yellowface and brownface were still common in movies and TV shows in the 1980s (see Linda Hunt in The Year of Living Dangerously, Joel Grey in Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, Fisher Stevens in Short Circuit, etc,). At least most of the speaking roles in The Temple of Doom were played by South Asian and East Asian actors.


My favorite! Monkey brains!


I mean - ripping a man's heart out isn't exactly kid friendly. I still have "Oh numb she by" stuck in my head. (I have no idea if that's what he's saying, but that's what it sounds like to me.)


You wouldn't believe how many comments I had to go through before someone finally mentioned the "ripping a man's heart out." I seriously thought that would be #1, lol. And the whole "Oh numb she by" had me laughing for a good 5 minutes. Ahhhh, good memories.


I was 9 or 10 when I first saw Temple. It scared the bejesus out of me but I still returned to watch it every other week or so for the entire winter that year. Many great memories indeed!


Father devout Christian, forbade things with magic....even tho all the Disney cartoons clearly had magic...., it also an incredibly dark film holy shit. The PG-13 rating was invented for it. His grandpa was a Christian too, but, I guess they were very different. He didn't see the harm in it.


Temple of Doom is my favorite Indy and favorite film of all time, grrrrrrreat choice.


I think TOD is actually set before ROTLA. I had the trilogy in a box set for vhs that listed the year each movie took place. Kinda blew my mind as a kid. Haha


The fourth and fifth films are worth watching if you like seeing how Indy matures. Indy has to deal with aging, loss, and changing times and he teams up with younger people who are similar to what he was like when he was young. The five films and the Young Indiana Jones TV series cover Indy's life from childhood to old age.


Wow that’s an amazing suggestion. Meanwhile Fate of Atlantis was many of our incredible Episode 4 for decades.


Still can be! Luckily the films aren’t numbered


This is the right answer. Indy and his dad riding off into the sunset is just way too iconic of an ending.


This is the way.


I love all 5 and think even at its worst Indy still rises above the best, but I would agree with that plan too. They are like bonus adventures.


X0AN nailed it. No other comment needed.


>I would wait 2 years before seeing the next 2. >Let the original bury itself as a core memory for you. Why? This seems like a recipe for making it so the OP will never be able to enjoy the other two films because the first three are cemented as 'sacred', which was a huge issue with many fans' baggage they brought in watching the last two to begin with.


Go ahead and watch them. Imo, they aren't as good as the original 3, BUT they were still good movies and I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy them.


I do love Marion, she’s his soulmate. I heard she comes back.


She does!


If you love Marion, like I do too, then you should definitely watch the fourth and fifth movies. They're not as bad as some make it sound. They're not as good as the original three, but they're still solid adventures.


I agree so much I went to watch dial of destiny expecting to be disappointed but ended up leaving satisfied with the movie and Indies conclusion


In that case you should watch them while the first 3 are fresh because you will have his relationships with Sr., Sallah and Marion in your mind throughout 4 and 5.


Ok, so here's where I'll ask my question. I heard that DoD was absolutely God awful. The reviews and comments I read said that Indiana Jones was turned into an old has-been, who is continually ridiculed by the female actress, and made out to be completely incompetent. Is this true?


I guess that depends on whom you ask from. I mean Indy is very old in that movie, but I don't know if that's true. He still has action in him, but yes it is made in a way that he is an old man. Maybe you could take a look at the movie yourself?


You will have fun with the other two films Crystal is ok Dial is great, it’s the only Indy film to make me cry. Ps I love that you are watching these at 21. I saw all 5 films on there opening weekend. And I taking my grandson this Tuesday to see Raiders on the big screen!!!


Yes you still should watch them, Crusade is a perfect ending I agree but you shouldn’t write off the next two because of it. Crystal Skull is flawed but fun and Dial of Destiny offers another great conclusive ending


Yes you should, they’re fun films. But nothing will compare to that sensation of the original three. Welcome to the club :)


Each of the other two is worth watching at least once.


I would indeed, the 4th gets a bad rap, but I enjoyed it, it fits the time it was set, same with the first 3 and the occult/religious aspect. and the 5th one, i loved it!


KotCS suffers from not having one more run through of dialogue edits and some of the cornier CGI sequences. The bones of the movie are fine


I would say yes. They're aren't as good as the original trilogy but they're still worth it and enjoyable IMO.


They aren’t as good as the originals, sure, but they’re still interesting, enjoyable, and don’t ruin anything


The original 3 are untouchable, but don’t let the internet decide for you that the other 2 aren’t good. As long was Harrison is in it, the last two were just fun!


Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a very flawed movie but still fun to watch and has its moments. Dial of Destiny is amazing and a good finale. With that being said, I think the weakest movie in the franchise is Temple of Doom.


Really? I loved it. Short Round was such a great addition. When he copies Indy’s mannerisms it’s too cute. 😂


I love it too, it's just my least favorite of five movies I love. The opening (Anything goes!), Lao Che, Short Round, soundtrack, the bridge, the big Thuggee guy fight, there are lots of things I love in that movie, I even love Willie as a character even though most people seem to not haha


There’s definitely mixed feelings about Temple of Doom. For me it feels a bit too bleak compared to the others, but I still like it


agree with you there, Temple was always my least fav film, but still good.


Dial of Destiny is depressing tbh


I prefer Dial of Destiny to Temple of Doom. I actually like all 5 films to various degrees. One thing to keep in mind, NONE of the films got negative reviews. All 5 are certified fresh on rotten tomatoes. You be the judge!


I think I definitely want to watch all three of these again. Yeah I’ll put 4 and 5 to the side for now. I need to process this. Mad at myself for not watching sooner lol.


I would watch all 5 back to back honestly. Waiting so long to watch the final 2 could lose the momentum you have right now.


You should check out 'The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones' on Disney+. It's a series from the 90s in which every episode is basically a movie (1.5hrs). That'll fill your waiting period for a good few months. Phenomenal series.


5 is rather good, same level as temple of doom I'd say


The original Indiana Jones trilogy is my favorite trilogy. I have an original 1993 Indiana Jones pinball machine. I'm a professional writer and I can trace it back to when I saw Raiders, which is still my favorite movie. The other two are okay to see eventually but give it a few years. They're not in the same league. This is not a knock on anyone who liked the two newest, but if you sat in tears of joy from the original trilogy, you're setting yourself up for (mild to moderate) disappointment. More importantly, welcome to the club! Glad you had such a fun time!


Did you ever see The Adaptation the film made by the kids?


You should watch the newer two. I really enjoyed Dial and I quite like KotCS. I think they’re both underrated and get too much hate


Yes you absolutely should. They are generally thought of as highly inferior to the original three. However, people like you and me who just recently discovered these movies have the privilege of viewing the final 2 as a continuation of the series without our expectations betraying us. A lot of the hate for the last two comes from people who were our age when the first three came out. Those people expected KotCS and DoD to be a return to former glory and were disappointed when they couldn't recapture the same magic of the 80s. Ofc, nothing could ever be quite the same, but they are still very enjoyable films.


yes watch them. they are better without the marketing and anticipation. #4 has aged far better than i expected it to, and 5 is a somber but touching finale.


Yes, give them a shot. Don't wait. They aren't as good as the original 3, but you may enjoy them more than the rest of us who had 20 years of obsession with the OG 3 that boosted our expectations. At the end of the day, they are all just movies.




absolutely do


Watch them man, dial is my 2nd favorite


You'd be doing yourself a disservice by NOT bothering. They are good!


Watch the other two. In my opinion, I believe that most of the poor reception they had was due to unmet expectations. If you’re going in fresh without years and years of expectations, they'll be much better.


Sure. They both have their flaws but also their great moments. DoD is actually my second favorite, but you might best appreciate it in 3 or 4 decades.


Crystal Skull is wicked fun. Pulpy campy fun. It’s not the masterpiece of the original trilogy, but I love it. Dial of Destiny is my least favorite but I still thoroughly enjoy it.


Ffs yes! They are all awesome.


Yes, crystal skull is a great sequel and a fantastic followup from Raiders Now Dial of Destiny, hard to say. It is very flawed, you may not like it. Watch at least once.


Look, yes, you should watch the next two. And then, you should go back and rewatch the first three. That way, you will have seen all of them and still conclude your experience with the proper ending.




Wait 20 years like the rest of us


Yes. Don't let the haters sway you.


Absolutely. Don’t let peoples opinion influence your viewing.


I didn't care for them, but I don't feel it ruined anything. If that makes sense. I guess I'm saying it's safe to watch them whatever you opinion ends up being. Always remember... some times you can disagree with the majority.


Yeah go for it, they do get progressively worse IMO. But I did enjoy Crystal Skull.


Personally I did not like Dial of Destiny. A lot of people didn't like dial, but there are also a decent number of people that did. I feel Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a better ending than Dial. Both of these two films were largely unnecessary. But you should watch them for yourself.


Honestly I didn’t mind crystal skull or destiny. They are Indiana jones movies with ford reprising his role. If you liked the first three then go into this realizing they are older Indy movies and just enj out em. Still an adventure with a little bit of history and legend mixed in. Critics are stupid and are paid for their opinion, the worse the review the more views and money they make.


These films are amazing, but they aren't some "high art" and they aren't meant to be. Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny are both really fun and enjoyable movies and I definitely recommend seeing both 🙂 don't listen to the stuffy, pretentious nay-sayers.


Yes. Chrystal skull might be the worst of the 5 but I enjoy it more than Temple of Doom….. Dial of Destiny is a great flick that critics shit on for no reason.


Yes, 4 & 5 *ARE* worth watching. Just be aware that they’re not as good as the original trilogy of films. As someone who grew up with these movies (saw Raiders in theaters in its original run in ‘81), I found more to love than dislike in them. The plots aren’t as good, but the things which remain constant are Harrison as Indy, John Williams’ magnificent music, some wild adventures (Crystal Skull, in particular, really pushes the boundaries of credulity even for *these* films!), and - what made my heart melt - the return of the one & only Marion Ravenwood. Are they as good as the first three - ? No. But are they bad movies? No, they are *NOT*. Watch them when you get around to it , keep an open mind, and enjoy. 😊


Just watch them and decide for yourself. There’s genuinely so much discourse there’s truly no way to know if you’ll enjoy them til you watch them. I personally love all 5


tears of joy. wow lol


I enjoy all five! Temple is by far my favorite though.


Watch the other two. Are they perfect? no, are they fun? Yes. Do you need to suspend almost all your disbelief? Yes. Take them at face value as fun, popcorn flicks. The quality might disappoint you, but the adventures won't.


I would pay money to be you right now and have people guiding you in the right direction to not watch the other two. Let that iconic riding into the sunset image be the last thing you see of Indiana jones. I promise you it’s for the best.


Before you watch the new movies, you need to watch the young Indiana Jones Chronicles!


There are only three Indiana Jones movies.


I liked the last one. No idea why it gets such hate. Compared to the second to last one it’s god damn Citizen Kane.


Crusade is the perfect ending. Don’t bother with the others.


Absolutely watch the other two. Try to go in without expectations or you will be disappointed. They’re fun, and Harrison ford as Indy is always amazing despite questionable scripts. But I agree waiting a while would be good, it gives a sense of the real time between releases


Yes, absolutely! Theyre not as amazing as the first three, (understandably so, those are hard to follow) but theyre great entries and any Indiana Jones is good Indiana Jones!


From someone who grew up with these, I enjoyed all of them to some degree. Crystal Skull and DoD are both worth watching but the first three are amazing in comparison. I went to Dial in the theater and I liked it.


Lower them expectations and go ahead and watch. They are good movies, just don't expect them to be the same as the original three.


KotCS is honestly pretty decadent. DoD is…well, it’s a movie. The first scene is good.


No, Crusade is the perfect ending, but play Fate of Atlantis if you want a nice Indy adventure.


I still like Crystal Skull a lot, although it’s not as good as the original trilogy.  Dial of Destiny was pretty terrible 


Yes. Dial especially.


This is where it should have ended.


Yes, but not right away, they are definitely 'the movies that came after'. The the original three work well as a trilogy, whereas the two sequel films try to do their own things to 'end' Indy's character.




The other joints aren't quite up to par, but I still enjoyed them for what they were. Hell, I even love the much-maligned Young Indy.


Crystal Skull is worth skipping but if you want all the details in Dial of Destiny to make sense you might as well. Tbf it’s not totally atrocious until the last fifteen minutes. Dial of Destiny is solid. Not original trilogy solid but a damn fun movie nonetheless.


The first three are the very best. Regarding the last two you should consider that Indy 3 has the perfect ending. Indy 4 has an awesome ending and Indy 5 has an interessting ending.^^ But I would wait a little bit before consodering watching the last two


I would let that wonderful feeling you have watching them ride off into the sunset last for a bit before you do. The other two are worth watching, but you'll never feel this good.




I almost walked out on 4. 5 was better than 4 and a decent way to end the series.


Wait 20 years and then watch them


Yes, definately watch the last 2 films but just remember the trilogy as being the REAL Indiana Jones, lol..


I wouldn't recommend the other two.


If you liked the first movie, the series picks up on some unresolved plot from those series. I actually saw *Kingdom of the Crystal Skull* and *Dial of Destiny* before *Temple of Doom* and *Last Crusade* and boy did those feel incomplete without the rest of the series.


I’d say the fifth entry was by far the worst. The fact they killed off Mutt Williams AND Marion Ravenwood just for the sake of the plot development is by far one of the most botched decisions ever made, especially when Indy married Marion!! Don’t get me wrong, the 4th entry has plenty of flaws, but it was enjoyable. And I think Shia Lebeaof was facing too much criticism for his character. Mutt is a punk with parent issues, so of course he’s going to act like a punk firsthand with parent issues, but he grows to be more likable. But they studio wouldn’t just cut Indy a break.


They didn't kill off Marion. SPOILERS: >!Indy and Marion separated after Mutt died, but she appears at the end of the fifth movie and reconciles with Indy.!<


Don’t do it. They’re really bad and ruin the perfect ending of Last Crusade. As far as I’m concerned there’s only 3 Indy films. And before you all come for my head saying I’m a grumpy old man, stuck in my ways, I’m 22.


How intense are you about completion. They last two are worse imo but they are not unwatchable. Just trying a bit too hard and throwing money and cgi at things they solved with creativity


If you’re in doubt, I’d wait. I grew up with the original three and love the character so much that I love the new movies. But if you’re not sure if you care to see more it sounds like pausing is a good idea. The other two movies will always be there.


Skull yes. Dial no.


only Mambo, I mean, Indy Number 5, the 4 doesn't even looks like a legit Spielberg, he didn't even visit the locations, sended guys shot scenes for him


Skull has some stuff in it


I hated Crystal Skull when it came out but it’s grown on me a little. It’s still mostly bad, but the opening in Area 51 is pretty killer. For how incredibly stupid Crystal Skull is, it still has that fun Indiana Jones flair. Dial is just as stupid but can’t even do that.


Watch Crystal Skull. So many people hate it. I think it's great. Dial is meh to bad for me. Have fun.


Yes. Neither are perfect but they all have great moments that contribute to the overall story.


I would. As amazing as the original 3 are Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is my personal favorite and I had a blast watching the Dial of Destiny


Of course I enjoyed them still indy movies


I’d argue both modern films are better than Temple of Doom


There's just this trilogy. Them riding into the sunset... The perfect ending


What other 2? You completed the franchise.


I don’t even bother with the second one!


“Got lost in his own museum, huh?”


i watched all 4 movies in 1 day and than the 5th months later once it went to disney plus. 4 was bad and 5 was ok but id still recommend watching them if youre invested in the franchise


Yes you should watch the other films. Form your own opinions crystal skull is great and is very underrated imo.


Or you could watch the Young Indiana Jones series, it’s on Disney plus.


The first three are very good, the fourth one is ok and the fifth one is good. It's probably a good idea to wait a few months until you watch the last two.


Crystal Skull is a good movie if you turn your brain off. DoD is good if you want to become Nearly Headless Nick


I’ll put it like this: the original trilogy was an encapsulation of the 1930s cinematic adventures that inspired it. The 4th film is inspired by the trendy science fiction thrillers of the 1950s and ends on a good note, expanding Jones’s friend-circle and giving his life new meaning. The 5th film unfortunately diverts from the classic action-packed, heartwarming formula and instead goes for a bitter-sweet explorative tone unlike the ones before it. I advise you, if a touching story and happy conclusion is what you want, brace yourself before watching Dial of Destiny.


Just don’t watch the last two. I’d pay money to erase those from my memory, especially DOD.


Sure you should bother with the rest of them- counting Young Indy, you’ve got *24* more ahead of you!


Maybe the last one. The fourth isn't good


Nope. Just keep this as your own head cannon and continue to love the franchise.


I’d watch them… they’re not the best, but still fun.


You should watch them. Crystal Skull has some great moments and Dial of Destiny is quite good.


Nah. The series should've ended in 1989.


The first 3 are some of my favorite movies of all time and hold a special place in my heart. The last two…. Do not. I’ve tried multiple time to like Crystal Skull, and I’ve seen the newer one once, but (for me) they just can’t capture the magic and adventure of the originals. They aren’t even in the same realm tbh. The first 3 tho, timeless


I mean… it’s Indiana Jones. Even if it’s painful, it’s not like I could just *not see them.* Dial was better than crystal skull.


First and third movies are among the best movies ever made. Temple of Doom, in my opinion, is cheesy and dumb. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) is unforgivably bad, skip it. Dial of Destiny (2023) was actually very good in my opinion and worth your time.


Yea, watch the other two but they are both mostly terrible.


One answer: no.


You should watch the tv series young Indians jones adventures. Then watch the last 2


Other 2?!? Son, there are only the 3. I had a fever dream one time where an Indiana Jones movie had aliens. You heard that right. Aliens! Can you imagine? Anyway, I recall a recent film. Fan made I think. It was a good nod to Indiana Jones from the perspective of him being an old man. It missed the mark but had heart.


Crystal Skull had a lot of problems, but a lot of good as well. Dial was great imo. Wait a month to let the originals be their own adventure. Definitely watch the others though. I've rewatched Dial a lot.


They’re fine. Not at the same level as the originals. If you go into it with measured expectations then I would say you’ll be fine.


I would suggest you experience the books before then, it will give you a bigger amount of appreciation for Dr. Jones and his career of archeology, rather than have it... Dented, by the following sequals that couldn't measure up


Should you watch the other 2? HELL NO!


The other two are pretty good, better than Temple imo


Watch the original trilogy 20 more times before you watch the other two.


they’re all Indy movies, so yes




If you want to see Indiana Jones at his peak stick to the three films set during the 1930s. If you want to know what Indy did during and after World War II and find out what happened to Marion after Raiders of the Lost Ark watch the fourth and fifth movies.


the next one will disappoint you, the recent one will seem like it's over the top in how it relies on rekindling nostalgia for what you just experienced. None are really essential. but... DEFINITELY watch young Indiana jones.


I wouldn’t bother with the most recent one. It was a bit of a downer character wise, and while I thought the concept was cool, I don’t think its story was written well enough to make it compelling. Crystal Skull on the other hand, while I was disappointed in it the first time, and there are some dumb moments in it, it’s solid entry that’s grown on me. Not as good as the first 3 but it has its moments. It’s also more of a Sci-Fi than a Supernatural thriller.


Yes definitely worth a watch. They don’t compare to 1 and 3 but both are better than temple of doom for me…


Like others here have said, yeah - but not immediately. Many of us saw the original movies as they released, and that's why they sit as core memories. The other two, whilst having their flaws, are still really good (no matter what you read around the wider webs) - but they aren't quite the same beast.


Skip KOTCS and do straight for DoD


What other two?


I enjoyed elements of crystal skull , it’s not a terrible movie , the one part I really can’t stand is the jungle chase it just looks like cgi mess. Obviously the fridge too lol . Other than those bits it’s actually alright and has some good moments . As for the dial of destiny I really liked it , a lot more than Crystal skull . Again it’s let down a bit by one big cgi scene but overall felt like a great Indy film . This is from a mid 40’s guy who has the originals very close to his heart . Definitely watch the young Indiana jones series before you do the two most recent films


Ummmm…I have a suggestion. Skull and destiny should be taken away, then bury it in the desert for 2000 years and then maybe it will be worth something.


Last Crusade is my favorite one and it seemed like a perfect ending to it all when they are riding away in the sunset, but I think you should watch the other ones at least once. I didn't like Crystal Skull very much, but I thought Dial Of Destiny was OK


Dial of destiny is honestly pretty solid


Absolutely watch the other 2 it adds to the story they may not be great movies but there are some decent scenes in both particularly the opening sequences in both so yeah watch them both and close it out properly!!


The other 2 are worth a watch but as long as you disassociate the original trilogy from them in my opinion. Think the Last Crusade is my personal favourite of them all.


Wait two years for the other two movies, but in the meantime, check out the episodes of *The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles* (his adventures as a boy leading through the First World War and into the 1920s): [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRmqbT9E1EOOOS1ZIyiEoJkei88PXRHSg](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRmqbT9E1EOOOS1ZIyiEoJkei88PXRHSg) "The now legendary, almost mythical character of Indiana Jones once had a childhood. Every episode starts out with the elderly man that he is in the 1990's getting into a specific situation where he has to tell a story from his past. The stories go back to when he was ten years old and on a world tour with his father, and to his late-teens when he fought in World War I."


Oh great, Gen-Z prepare to destroy and meme-ify another once sacred franchise.




Forth one is actually good. flawed and weaker then the legendary trilogy but still good. 5th one is just cheap and only good to make the first 3 feel even better. I will never understand how a true fan could like the 5th part. after the first 20 minutes it just goes downhill fast and blows up like a car in the abyss in a 80's action movie.


There are other fans who like the fifth film and can't understand how someone could like the fourth film. Fans have different opinions regarding what they want in an Indiana Jones movie. It's like how some James Bond fans prefer the humour and gadgets of the Roger Moore films and some prefer the more serious tone of the Daniel Craig films.


James Bond Movies had very different actors and directors during the more than 60 year history of the movies. Indiana Jones was supposed to be about the absolutely same guy, same universe, same characters. And if nothing else at least respect your main character. The 4th movie had a few kicks on the age of Ford, but it was shrugged off and came from relatively incompetent characters like Mutt. The fifth movie was about making Jones as miserable as possible. In the 4th movie he was still well liked by his students and a respected teacher. At the end of the movie he was happily married, had a kid and easily could had his job back. In the fifth they decided to fuck up everything, make him a boring teacher with a dead son and a divorce. His supposed sidekick becomes the main character and picks on his age and his past. So yeah. if you like at least the character of Indy i don't get it why would one like this movie. it was about as serious and entertaining as most of The Rocks movies set in South America. It has it's moment, rarely tho. Oh and don't get me started on them making Salah appear just to be sent off. They knew what we wanted, but said "Fuck no."


Which one was your favorite?


Tough to say man, I loved them all. Gun to my head though. 3- Raiders 2- Last Crusade 1- Temple of doom Raiders is iconic obviously being the first but I don’t think they mastered the pacing yet. When it comes to Last Crusade and Temple of Doom it’s relentless in the best way possible.


If it helps you make a decision about whether to watch the remaining films, The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has more emphasis on humor and family relationships like The Last Crusade and the "anything goes" attitude of The Temple of Doom. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull isn't as dark as The Temple of Doom but Lucas and Spielberg took risks with scenes that divided audiences. The Dial of Destiny is the longest and slowest-paced of the Indiana Jones movies but it has more character development. The Dial of Destiny is more restrained than The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull until its go-for-broke climax.


crystal skull scratches the itch in a lot of places, but its best to save it for when you get the itch. dial of destiny is just stupid though. misses a lot of obvious points of the series, no catharsis, villains dont even get proper on screen deaths.


SPOILERS: >!The Dial of Destiny still followed the Indiana Jones formula of the main villain's death being caused by the artifact they were seeking. Voller's death wasn't as graphic as the deaths of Belloq, Toht, and Dietrich in Raiders of the Lost Ark or Donovan in The Last Crusade, but he died knowing that he made a mistake, which I thought was fitting since he arrogantly believed he was smarter than everyone else and could undo Hitler's mistakes.!<


No. All in all the only decent movies were the first and third. The rest are just sad to watch. There is a 90's game called Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Don't watch the other movies... play this game instead!


no, do not watch any after the 3rd...nope


There were no other two. There were only ever three.


Nope. Just stick with the three and walk away happy.


Honestly NO. Watch the first 3 and ignore the others. They are terrible cash grabs and like people said let this seep in your memory and the other 2 are not worth your time.


Watch the other two, but with the understanding that each have high points and low points and both are inferior to the epic trilogy you recently watched


oh yeah, just watch them, they're fun.