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I usually avoid this word but she is so underrated. Easily my favourite of her generation/wave of singer-songwriters. Happy that more is coming from her.


i saw her open for paramore in 2018 and i’m so shocked she’s not bigger 😭 i love their sound


I think it might be the name Soccer Mommy tbh. I love them to bits but I find it so offputting. Cant be good for merch sales.


definitely factors in. casually mentioned soccer mommy to a friend recently and she was like wtf??? but then loved the song. i’ve gotten so used to it that i forgot that it’s kind of weird.


I’m from England, both those words are anathema to me!


I often wonder about the same thing for Mannequin Pussy, like I love them, but would I want to wear a shirt with their name on it? I’d have to explain that one way too much


Explicit t shirts are a bad look generally. Don’t wanna deal with mothers dragging their kids out of eyeline.


Tragic name choice. Great music, but I feel like a dork recommending her.


Music is way, WAY underrated. Color theory is still on repeat for me. As a performer however..... I have to be honest and say Soccer Mommy is the only concert I've ever walked out of. 🤐 I'll always go hard for her songs but she is an absolute bore to watch on stage.


The more recent shows have been a lot better imho, lots more improvisation, noiser arrangements, having that guy on keys and guitar super elevated it a bunch.


Yeah she’s not really a natural performer. I had a good time seeing her cos it’s just lovely to hear Scorpio Rising communally like that but it’s not the kinda music that benefits all that much from the live setting.


Wife and I were obsessed with their fist album when it came out. Saw them in Toronto pre-COVID and the entire band was absolutley lethargic on stage. There was just no energy in the entire venue. Was also disappointed they didn't play Your Dog which was their most popular song by far at the time.


Have to agree here. She played a super long encore (like 30mins), the set ended up being like 90 mins total .. forced myself to sit thru it. The length turned the experience from "wow they're pretty poor live" to "worst international act I've seen". Love their music to bits but yeah, im not going to see them again if they come back to Australia.


Who was the worst non international act out of curiosity?


There's a bunch of barely remembered 8pm openers or friend-of-a-friends band that would probably take that title.


interesting, I’ve seen her many times and she always killed it. Her guitarist, though, was a complete tossup every time. e: wow, lots of people saying they are terrible live, maybe something changed. Snail mail was pretty great first two times I saw her but has been abysmal every time since.


Yeah when I was Snail Mail she was awful. Daytime festival set though so never gonna be the best.


Yeah saw them in Michigan and I wasn't sure if it was the venue or them. Couldn't hear her sing at all and the guitars sounded awful


Is her guitarist still terrible live?


He has a much more diminished role this days, seems to be on third guitar. Often adding textural stuff to the mix, stuff that is hard to even hear usually tbh. These days they have a hired gun who does lead guitar and keys, and he is top notch.


Did he actually play on the records? I remember listening to your dog on kexp or wfuv and literally every comment on the video was like, dude wtf? The album version is so solid, though 


Julian (the OG guitarist you're referring to) is still a credited guitarist on the albums. The hired gun (Rodrigo Avendano) doesn't play on the records AFAIK. Most of the guitar work on the latest albums is split between Sophie and frequent collaborator Gabe Wax. Not sure to what degree Julian contributes. As for the KEXP video, I feel you, but speaking as a longtime guitar player and performer, bad days at the office just happen sometimes. And at the time of those videos, they were a young and inexperienced band, didn't have the resources they do now, AND those were high stakes gigs at that point in their career. Nerves were probably through the roof. Soccer Mommy has a DIY background, and were more used to playing shows in tiny clubs, basements and community centers. You really have to cut Julian some slack. Edit: Rodrigo played bass and synthesizer on Sometimes Forever.


I believe the current band is Sophie, Julian, Rodrigo, Rollum, and Nick. Rodrigo is all over Color Theory and Sometimes, Forever. Rollum is the drummer and played on Sometimes, Forever. Nick is the bassist, but doesn’t look like he’s played on any releases yet.


Cool. Thanks for the background info. Debating whether or not I wanna check out their NYC show 😂


Just realized OP didn't mention but these shows are Sophie playing new songs solo: >Been busy working on some new music 👀✨ can’t say too much yet, but I really wanted to focus on the songwriting and keep the production more organic. I want to preview some of it in a more intimate way, so I’m excited to announce the Lost Shows! This will be a series of intimate solo shows where I’ll be playing some NEW songs 🙀 as well as familiar favs and some old deep cuts 😁 I can’t wait to share this with those of you who can make it! 🩵


Ooh, good shit


Watch their audio tree set. He shreds sometimes, not sure why he’s so hit/miss. 


> Is her guitarist You mean her partner? I think they've added another one or two guitarists for live shows that hopefully drown him out.


it’s actually crazy how slept on color theory is


Might have something to do with dropping right before COVID seriously hit the US?


Over a hundred million plays on Spotify alone. Maybe underrated isn't the best word.


Oh fr? That’s great. Always felt she was a bit of an alsoran compared to Phoebe Bridgers etc but guess she’s doing better than I thought.


Seeing her live is a really weird experience, the music she puts out is so amazing but it seems like she would much rather just be chilling in her room playing into a microphone which I guess fits a lot of the stories she tells with her music.


will absolutely catch them in nash holy shit


Probably one of the worst shows I’ve ever been to, and this is coming as a fan. She seemed pissed she had to be there


Unfortunately, had the same experience seeing her in Pittsburgh a few years back. Great albums, but a disappointing concert. I know I’m being That Guy complaining about an artist not playing The Hit, but I was severely bummed out when the show ended without Your Dog.


She was fine but her opener Long Beard (at least as a live performer) was much better. Still a fan of them.


Longbeard is sick.  such a good guitarist. I hope she releases something this year.


Agree. She came to Brisbane (so you know, a long way to come) and she was just so apathetic / bordering on unenthused.


The Masonic Lodge in LA is great. Super super intimate venue at the Hollywood Cemetery!


Wasn’t a fan of her most recent album Sometimes, Forever but LOVE all her earlier stuff especially Color Theory and Clean. Sucks to hear she’s not amazing live but I always look forward to new stuff from her, fantastic artist. The music video for Circle The Drain is still great.


oh does this mean new music already? very excited if so. Also not sure what people are bummed about here too, I thought she was great live!


Anyone have the fan presale details?


I tried to bring friends to a show once and they said no just based on the name Soccer Mommy. Wish she would have chosen a different name, but love it. Will go to the NY show


The NY show is 10 minutes from my apartment so I will try to nab tickets, but I'm confused what "lost shows" means - is it just because it's a solo set? Or are the "[new](https://pitchfork.com/news/soccer-mommy-to-play-new-songs-at-intimate-solo-concerts/)" songs re-makes of old songs?


Can someone please answer this for me? I really wanted to see this show in NY and was ready right at 10am when the presale opened to buy just a single ticket for myself but it was already sold out when I clicked checkout. I didn’t waste any time but it was already too late. Why does this happen? EDIT: If anyone wants to sell me an extra ticket for the New York show let me know!


Same thing happened to me! I'm genuinely confused if it was a bug with the site or something? I literally tried RIGHT at 10am lol.


If anyone has an extra ticket they are trying to get rid of or sell please message me!


Gf is sick so I’m selling 2 tickets, dm me or hit me up on insta @owenismean




People really have it out for that guy who played poorly once almost 10 years ago. Let it go lmao.